
Создание базы данных (стр. 8 из 13)

1355Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

1356 Call MDown(x, y)

1357End Sub


1359Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

1360 Call MMove(hwnd, x, y)

1361End Sub


1363Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

1364 Call MUp

1365End Sub


1367Private Sub Image2_Click()

1368 Call ShellExecute(0, "", "mailto: xerx@nightmail. ru", "", "", 1)

1369End Sub


1371Private Sub NoViewLabel_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

1372 Call MDown(x, y)

1373End Sub


1375Private Sub NoViewLabel_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

1376 Call MMove(hwnd, x, y)

1377End Sub


1379Private Sub NoViewLabel_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

1380 Call MUp

1381End Sub


1383Private Sub OkBut_Click()

1384 Unload Me

1385End Sub

Форма: DiagResForm. frm

1386Dim dW%, dH%, dX%, dH2%

1387Dim DiagData() As TDiagElem

1388Dim DrawingMode As Byte, Use3D As Boolean


1390' константы для вывода куска более 270 градусов (выводимая часть)

1391Const mode270begin As Byte = 1

1392Const mode270end As Byte = 2


1394' данные для процедур рисования

1395 Const Pi_180 As Double = 1.74532925199433E-02

1396 ConstPi_2 AsDouble = 1.5707963267949

1397 ConstNearZeroAsDouble = 1E-45


1399 Dim Xc%, Yc% ' центр диаграммы

1400 Dim Radius# ' радиус кусков

1401 Dim InRad# ' радиус разноса кусков

1402 Dim OneGradus# ' единиц в одном градусе

1403 Dim ChartHeight% ' высота графика

1404 Dim ChartWidth% ' ширина графика

1405 Dim ChartTop% ' верх графика

1406 Dim ChartDown% ' низ графика

1407 Dim ItemCount% ' кол-во элементов

1408 Dim Max%, Sum% ' максимальное значение и сумма всех значений

1409 Dim OldGrad# ' предыдущий угол

1410 Dim LineCount As Long ' количество полос заливки

1411 Dim d3D% ' смещение в 3D, в пикселях

1412 Dim dWidth As Single ' ширина одного столбца

1413 Dim dHeight As Single ' высота 'единицывысоты'

1414 Dim StartFillColor As Long

1415 Dim EndFillColor As Long

1416 Dim LineColor As Long

1417 Dim LineWidth As Byte

1418 Dim PointRadius%

1419 Dim Ellipce#

1420 Dim UseColorFill As Boolean

1421 Dim UseCircleLegend As Boolean

1422 Dim UseLineLeftValues As Boolean


1424Public Sub InitDiagData(Data(), ByVal Mode As Byte, ByVal May3D As Boolean)

1425 ReDim DiagData(UBound(Data) \ 2 - 1)

1426 d# = 255 / (UBound(Data) \ 2 - 1)

1427 For i% = 0 To (UBound(Data) \ 2 - 1)

1428 DiagData(i). Val = Abs(Data(2 * i))

1429 DiagData(i). Text = Data(2 * i + 1)

1430 DiagData(i). Color = RGB(i * d, i * d, i * d)

1431 Next i

1432 DrawingMode = Mode

1433 Use3D = May3D


1435 Label2. Visible = (DrawingMode <> 3)

1436 Label3. Visible = Label2. Visible

1437 VScroll. Enabled = Not Label2. Visible

1438End Sub


1440Public Sub ColorFill(PB As PictureBox, ByVal StColor As Long, ByVal EnColor As Long)

1441 Dim dR#, dG#, DB#, dC1 As Long, dC2 As Long

1442 Dim R#, G#, B#

1443 Dim intLoop As Long


1445 PB. Line (0, 0) - (PB. Width, PB. Height), EnColor, BF


1447 ' get Red

1448 dC1 = StColor - (StColor &bsol; &H100) * &H100

1449 R = dC1

1450 dC2 = EnColor - (EnColor &bsol; &H100) * &H100

1451 dR = (dC1 - dC2) / LineCount


1453 ' get Green

1454 dC1 = (StColor - (StColor &bsol; &H10000) * &H10000 - dC1) &bsol; &H100

1455 G = dC1

1456 dC2 = (EnColor - (EnColor &bsol; &H10000) * &H10000 - dC2) &bsol; &H100

1457 dG = (dC1 - dC2) / LineCount


1459 ' get Blue

1460 dC1 = StColor &bsol; &H10000

1461 B = dC1

1462 dC2 = EnColor &bsol; &H10000

1463 DB = (dC1 - dC2) / LineCount


1465 With PB

1466. DrawStyle = 1

1467. DrawMode = vbCopyPen

1468. ScaleMode = vbPixels

1469. DrawWidth = 2

1470. ScaleHeight = LineCount

1471 For intLoop = 0 To LineCount - 1

1472 PB. Line (0, intLoop) - (PB. Width, intLoop - 1), RGB(R, G, B), BF

1473 R = R - dR: If (R < 0) Then R = 255: If (R > 255) Then R = 0

1474 G = G - dG: If (G < 0) Then G = 255: If (G > 255) Then G = 0

1475 B = B - DB: If (B < 0) Then B = 255: If (B > 255) Then B = 0

1476 Next intLoop

1477. ScaleMode = vbTwips

1478. DrawWidth = 1

1479 End With

1480End Sub


1482Sub OutOneElem(ElemIndex As Integer, StAn#, EnAn#, Optional Mode270Mode As Byte = 0)

1483 ' центральныйугол

1484 angle# = (StAn + (EnAn - StAn) / 2) * Pi_180


1486 ' динамическаяглубина

1487 d3D_% = Round(d3D / 100 * (100 - Round(100 * Ellipce)))

1488 If (d3D_ = 0) Then d3D_ = 1

1489 ' динамическое смещение центров кусков

1490 r_# = Ellipce * d3D / 100


1492 X1# = Xc + Radius * Cos(angle)

1493 Y1# = Yc - Radius * Sin(angle)


1495 x# = Xc + InRad / Radius * (X1 - Xc)

1496 y# = Yc + InRad / Radius * (Y1 - Yc) * r_


1498 If (Not Use3D) Then

1499 Chart. FillStyle = 0

1500 Chart. FillColor = DiagData(ElemIndex). Color

1501 If (StAn <> 0) Then

1502 Chart. Circle (x, y), Radius, LineColor, - StAn * Pi_180, - EnAn * Pi_180, Ellipce

1503 Else

1504 Chart. Circle (x, y), Radius, LineColor, - 1E-45, - EnAn * Pi_180, Ellipce

1505 End If

1506 Chart. FillStyle = 1


1508 ' выводзначений

1509 R# = 1.3. * Radius

1510 X2# = x + R * Cos(angle)

1511 Y2# = y - Ellipce * R * Sin(angle)


1513 x0# = x + Radius * Cos(angle)

1514 y0# = y - Ellipce * Radius * Sin(angle)


1516 str_1$ = CStr(DiagData(ElemIndex). Text)

1517 d1# = Chart. TextWidth(str_1)

1518 str_2$ = CStr(DiagData(ElemIndex). Val)

1519 d2# = Chart. TextWidth(str_2)


1521 If UseCircleLegend Then

1522 Chart. DrawStyle = 4

1523 Chart. Line (x0, y0) - (X2, Y2), LineColor

1524 Chart. DrawStyle = 0


1526 If Not ((angle > Pi_2) And (angle <= 3 * Pi_2)) Then

1527 Chart. Line (X2, Y2) - (X2 + d1, Y2), LineColor

1528 Chart. CurrentX = X2

1529 Chart. CurrentY = Y2

1530 Chart. Print CStr(str_1)


1532 Chart. CurrentX = X2

1533 Chart. CurrentY = Y2 - Chart. TextHeight(str_2)

1534 Chart. Print CStr(str_2)

1535 Else

1536 Chart. Line (X2, Y2) - (X2 - d1, Y2), LineColor

1537 Chart. CurrentX = X2 - d1

1538 Chart. CurrentY = Y2

1539 Chart. Print CStr(str_1)


1541 Chart. CurrentX = X2 - d1

1542 Chart. CurrentY = Y2 - Chart. TextHeight(str_2)

1543 Chart. Print CStr(str_2)

1544 End If

1545 End If


1547 Else

1548 Chart. FillStyle = 0

1549 Chart. FillColor = DiagData(ElemIndex). Color


1551 Select Case Mode270Mode

1552 Case 0

1553 sa# = StAn

1554 If (sa = 0) Then sa = 1E-45 Else sa = sa * Pi_180

1555 For i% = d3D_ To 1 Step - 1

1556 If (i = d3D_) Then

1557 Chart. DrawStyle = vbSolid

1558 Chart. Circle (x, Screen. TwipsPerPixelY * (i - 1) + y), Radius, LineColor, - sa, - EnAn * Pi_180, Ellipce

1559 Chart. DrawStyle = vbInvisible

1560 ElseIf (i = 1) Then

1561 Chart. DrawStyle = vbSolid

1562 Chart. Circle (x, y), Radius, LineColor, - sa, - EnAn * Pi_180, Ellipce

1563 Chart. DrawStyle = vbInvisible

1564 Else

1565 Chart. Circle (x, Screen. TwipsPerPixelY * (i - 1) + y), Radius, LineColor, - sa, - EnAn * Pi_180, Ellipce

1566 End If

1567 Next i


1569 Case mode270begin

1570 For i% = d3D_ To 1 Step - 1

1571 If (i = d3D_) Then

1572 Chart. DrawStyle = vbSolid

1573 Chart. Circle (x, Screen. TwipsPerPixelY * (i - 1) + y), Radius, LineColor, - StAn * Pi_180, - EnAn * Pi_180, Ellipce

1574 Chart. DrawStyle = vbInvisible

1575 Else

1576 Chart. Circle (x, Screen. TwipsPerPixelY * (i - 1) + y), Radius, LineColor, - StAn * Pi_180, - angle, Ellipce

1577 End If

1578 Next i


1580 Case mode270end

1581 For i% = d3D_ To 1 Step - 1

1582 If (i = 1) Then

1583 Chart. DrawStyle = vbSolid

1584 Chart. Circle (x, y), Radius, LineColor, - StAn * Pi_180, - EnAn * Pi_180, Ellipce

1585 Else

1586 Chart. DrawStyle = vbInvisible

1587 Chart. Circle (x, Screen. TwipsPerPixelY * (i - 1) + y), Radius, LineColor, - angle, - EnAn * Pi_180, Ellipce

1588 End If

1589 Next i

1590 End Select


1592 Chart. FillStyle = 1

1593 Chart. DrawStyle = vbSolid


1595 ' выводзначений

1596 R# = 1.3. * Radius

1597 X2# = x + R * Cos(angle)

1598 Y2# = y - Ellipce * R * Sin(angle)


1600 x0# = x + Radius * Cos(angle)

1601 y0# = y - Ellipce * Radius * Sin(angle)


1603 str_1$ = CStr(DiagData(ElemIndex). Text)

1604 d1# = Chart. TextWidth(str_1)

1605 str_2$ = CStr(DiagData(ElemIndex). Val)

1606 d2# = Chart. TextWidth(str_2)


1608 If UseCircleLegend Then

1609 Chart. DrawStyle = 4

1610 Chart. Line (x0, y0) - (X2, Y2), LineColor

1611 Chart. DrawStyle = 0


1613 If Not ((angle > Pi_2) And (angle <= 3 * Pi_2)) Then

1614 Chart. Line (X2, Y2) - (X2 + d1, Y2), LineColor

1615 Chart. CurrentX = X2

1616 Chart. CurrentY = Y2

1617 Chart. Print CStr(str_1)


1619 Chart. CurrentX = X2

1620 Chart. CurrentY = Y2 - Chart. TextHeight(str_2)

1621 Chart. Print CStr(str_2)

1622 Else

1623 Chart. Line (X2, Y2) - (X2 - d1, Y2), LineColor

1624 Chart. CurrentX = X2 - d1

1625 Chart. CurrentY = Y2

1626 Chart. Print CStr(str_1)


1628 Chart. CurrentX = X2 - d1

1629 Chart. CurrentY = Y2 - Chart. TextHeight(str_2)

1630 Chart. Print CStr(str_2)

1631 End If

1632 End If


1634 ' а теперь вывод боковых линий

1635 Chart. DrawStyle = 0


1637 ' начальныйугол

1638 If Not ((StAn > 90) And (StAn < 180)) Then

1639 sa# = StAn * Pi_180

1640 x0 = x + Radius * Cos(sa)

1641 y0 = y - Radius * Ellipce * Sin(sa)


1643 If (Mode270Mode <> mode270end) Then

1644 Chart. Line (x0, y0) - (x0, y0 + d3D_ * Screen. TwipsPerPixelY), LineColor

1645 End If

1646 End If


1648 ' конечныйугол

1649 If Not ((EnAn > 0) And (EnAn < 90)) Then

1650 x0 = x + Radius * Cos(EnAn * Pi_180)

1651 y0 = y - Radius * Ellipce * Sin(EnAn * Pi_180)


1653 Chart. Line (x0, y0) - (x0, y0 + d3D_ * Screen. TwipsPerPixelY), LineColor

1654 End If


1656 ' центр

1657 If Not ((EnAn >= 270) And (StAn <= 270)) Then

1658 Chart. Line (x, y) - (x, y + d3D_ * Screen. TwipsPerPixelY), LineColor

1659 End If


1661 ' левыйкрай

1662 If ((StAn <= 180) And (EnAn >= 180)) Then

1663 Chart. Line (x - Radius, y) - (x - Radius, y + d3D_ * Screen. TwipsPerPixelY), LineColor

1664 End If


1666 End If


1668 OldGrad = Grad

1669End Sub



1672' рисование круговой диаграммы


1674 Dim Mode270 As Boolean

1675 Dim Item270%


1677 ItemCount = UBound(DiagData) + 1


1679 With Chart

1680 Max = - 1

1681 Sum = 0

1682 For i% = 1 To ItemCount

1683 If (DiagData(i - 1). Val > Max) Then Max = DiagData(i - 1). Val

1684 Sum = Sum + DiagData(i - 1). Val

1685 Next i


1687 Mode270 = (Max > 3 / 4 * Sum)


1689 OneGradus = 360 / Sum

1690 OldGrad = 0.00001


1692 Xc = Chart. Width &bsol; 2

1693 Yc = Chart. Height &bsol; 2


1695 Dim pos90%, pos270% ' индексыключевыхэлементов

1696 pos90 = - 1

1697 pos270 = - 1

1698 OldGrad = 0


1700 Dim Angles() As Double

1701 ReDim Angles(ItemCount - 1, 1)


1703 For i% = 1 To ItemCount

1704 If Mode270 Then If (DiagData(i - 1). Val = Max) Then Item270 = i - 1

1705 Grad# = DiagData(i - 1). Val * OneGradus + OldGrad

1706 If (OldGrad <= 90) And (Grad >= 90) Then pos90 = i - 1

1707 If (OldGrad <= 270) And (Grad >= 270) Then pos270 = i - 1

1708 Angles(i - 1, 0) = OldGrad

1709 Angles(i - 1, 1) = Grad

1710 OldGrad = Grad

1711 Next i


1713 Chart. DrawStyle = 0


1715 If Not Mode270 Then


1717 For i% = pos90 To 0 Step - 1

1718 Call OutOneElem(i, Angles(i, 0), Angles(i, 1))

1719 Next i


1721 For i% = pos90 + 1 To pos270 - 1

1722 Call OutOneElem(i, Angles(i, 0), Angles(i, 1))

1723 Next i


1725 For i% = ItemCount - 1 To pos270 Step - 1

1726 Call OutOneElem(i, Angles(i, 0), Angles(i, 1))

1727 Next i

1728 Else


1730 i% = pos90 - 1

1731 If (i < 0) Then i = ItemCount - 1


1733 Call OutOneElem(Item270, Angles(Item270, 0), Angles(Item270, 1), mode270begin)


1735 Do While (i <> Item270)

1736 Call OutOneElem(i, Angles(i, 0), Angles(i, 1))


1738 i = i - 1

1739 If (i < 0) Then i = ItemCount - 1

1740 Loop


1742 Call OutOneElem(Item270, Angles(Item270, 0), Angles(Item270, 1), mode270end)


1744 End If

1745 End With

1746End Sub


1748' рисование линейной, точечной и столбчатой диаграмм


1750 Dimd3DX%

1751 Dimd3DY%

1752 Dim OldX%, OldY% ' координаты предыдущей точки


1754 ItemCount = UBound(DiagData) + 1

1755 ChartHeight = Chart. Height * 0.8

1756 ChartTop = Chart. Height * 0.1

1757 ChartDown = Chart. Height * 0.9


1759 With Chart

1760 dWidth = Chart. Width / (2 * ItemCount + 1)


1762 Max = - 1

1763 Sum = 0

1764 For i% = 1 To ItemCount

1765 If (DiagData(i - 1). Val > Max) Then Max = DiagData(i - 1). Val

1766 Sum = Sum + DiagData(i - 1). Val

1767 Next i


1769 dHeight = ChartHeight / Max


1771 d3DX = Screen. TwipsPerPixelX

1772 d3DY = Screen. TwipsPerPixelY


1774 With Chart

1775. DrawWidth = 1

1776. DrawStyle = 3

1777 Chart. Line (dWidth * 0.9, ChartTop &bsol; 2) - (dWidth * 0.9, ChartDown), LineColor

1778 Chart. Line (dWidth * 0.9, ChartDown) - ((2 * ItemCount + 0.5) * dWidth, ChartDown), LineColor

1779. DrawStyle = 0


1781. FontSize =. FontSize + 3

1782. FontUnderline = True


1784. CurrentX = 2 * d3DX

1785. CurrentY = 2 * d3DY

1786 Chart. Print "Значения"


1788 str_$ = "Подписи"

1789. CurrentX =. Width - . TextWidth(str_) - 10 * d3DX

1790. CurrentY = ChartDown +. TextHeight(str_)

1791 Chart. Print str_


1793. FontSize =. FontSize - 3

1794. FontUnderline = False

1795 End With



1798 For i% = 1 To ItemCount

1799 j% = 2 * i - 1

1800 Dim y#, x#

1801 y = ChartTop + dHeight * (Max - DiagData(i - 1). Val)


1803 Select Case DrawingMode

1804 Case 0 ' // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // / ЛИНИИ // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /

1805 x# = (j + 0.5) * dWidth


1807 If (i > 1) Then

1808 Chart. DrawWidth = LineWidth

1809 Chart. Line (OldX, OldY) - (x, y), DiagData(i - 1). Color

1810 Chart. DrawWidth = 1

1811 End If

1812 Chart. DrawStyle = 1

1813 Chart. Line (x, y) - (x, ChartDown), DiagData(i - 1). Color

1814 Chart. DrawStyle = 0