Frozen blocks trimmed beef and pork before processing is warmed to -3 ... -2 ˚ C. It is recommended to pre-crush on machines for grinding meat blocks into pieces of thickness 20 ... 50 mm.
Preparation of meat. Carried out on the cutter, designed for crushing frozen meat. After crushing large chunks of beef or lean pork in about 0.5 ... 1.0 min, table salt, spices and brandy or Madeira, 10g of sodium nitrite as a 5% solution, bold or fatty pork and continue to cutter 0.5 ... 1.0 min. Then add the lard or bacon and ground still 0.5 ... 1.5 min. The total duration of grinding 1.5 ... 3.5min.
End of cuttering determined by drawing mince; it is relatively uniform in size slices of bacon, bacon or pork fat should be evenly distributed. Temperature of meat after cuttering -2 ± 1 ˚ C. The load factor Cutter 0.4 ... 0.5.
Allowed for cooking meat use a mixture comprising not less than 50% of the frostbitten flesh and no more than 50% of salted meat. In this case, the cutter initially charged with first frostbitten shredded beef and pork, then seasoned in salting meat pieces.
The process is then performed as described above (Fig. 1).
Filling shells with minced meat. Ground cutter with handling the device or the cart is fed into a vacuum press. After the appropriate seals and vacuum is filled with minced meat sliding hollow cylinder capacity of 60 dm3. Cylinders with minced special mechanism established by a syringe device that produces a filling shells with minced meat. The process of dressing sticks similar to a method.
Heat treatment. Includes sediment, smoking and drying. These processes are similar to the first method.
Packaging, labeling and storage. Summer sausage packed in wood, plastics and aluminum multi-boxes, crates or containers made of other materials, as well as special container or packaging-equipment.
Containers for sausages must be clean, dry and free of mold and unwanted odors. Reusable packaging should have the cover.
Smoked sausage produced by weight or packaged in colorfully decorated cardboard box, net weight not exceeding 2 kg. Travel sausages produced weight or packed in cartons, net weight of 250 ... 500. Bags packed with smoked sausages the same name, grade and date of manufacture is placed in corrugated containers, multi-containers, specialized containers or packaging equipment. Net Weight of packaged meat products in the boxes should not exceed 20 kg.
Allowed the implementation of packaged smoked sausages in plastic multi-boxes with a gross mass not exceeding 30 kg, and in special containers and packaging - equipment, net weight not exceeding 250 kg.
Crude smoked sausage produced with temperatures in the interior of the stick 0 ... 12 ˚ C. Implementing weighted sausage at retail level should be carried out in the presence of information data on food and energy values. Sausage stored at 12 ... 15 ˚ C and relative humidity 75 ... 78% less than 4 months, with -2 ... -4 ˚ C for up to 6 months, with 7 ... -9 ˚ C ≤ 9 months.
3 The Production technology of the dry fermented sausage
The Dry fermented sausage is meat product, consisting from has overtaken meat with visible particles of fat which as a result combined a fermentation and drying gets such typical properties, as ability to threading on slices, color, taste and safety.
Process of acidification is essential to maintenance of firmness of a product in storage, for maintenance of color and flavor formation, but, besides, he is equally important for gelatinization salt soluble meat proteins. Acidification is caused by transformation of carbohydrates under the influence of the microbes naturally present at meat or entered into a compounding to dairy acid.
Manufacture of the dry fermented sausages is the ancient art which has arisen, basically, as a way of conservation. There is a set of regional distinctions both in used components, and in technology, the form and flavoring qualities of sausages. On this slide the assortment of this production is presented: salyami the big diameter, mini-sapami, the hunting sausage, sticks to beer, Milan sausage; Pepperoni; Spanish; Choriza; Salshishon, and also rural ring sausage.
Components: In manufacture of the dry fermented sausages following components are used: low-fat meat, fat or fat meat, sugar, salt, nitrate and nitrite, squirrels «Purin500Е», ascorbic acid, seasonings and ferments. It is possible to enter also the chemical compounds promoting process of a fermentation, for example, gluconodeltalicton.
A component used in manufacture of dry sausages, protein «Purin 500Е». Using correct technology it is possible to improve profitability of manufacture, raising exits at simultaneous decrease in expenses, and also to achieve favorable influence on a structure of a ready product, improving linkage between fat and meat particles at protein application «Purin500Е» [12]. Drying time Besides, decreases.
By tradition fermentation process in manufacture of dry sausages developed naturally under the influence of the bacteria which are present at used meat and fatty raw materials. However this process slow. He isn't free from certain degree of risk as he is difficult for supervising.
At introduction of the accelerated technologies began to use ferments. These bacterial ferments of industrial production are issued in the form of a broth, or contain sublimation bacterial cages which become again active after hydration by water and at the subsequent introduction in meat (Table 1).
Influencecomponents ofmeatonthe qualityof rawsausages.
Salts- Dissolvessalt-solublemeatproteins.- Helpsmaintain quality.- Promotes taste formation | Nitrit-Nitrate- nitrateshould bereduced to anitrite- Nitriteisa source ofNO.- Nitrozomioglobinisstable- color. |
Ascorbic acid- Acceleratorsalting.- Antioxidant. | SeasoningsVariouspossibilitiesExample: largegrindingpepperSweetpaprika |
Sugar- Impact ontaste.- Provideprotectionforfermentingbacteria.- Glucose, lactose, oligosaccharides. | Sourdough- Broth - Dehydrated |
Inthe fermentation processinvolvedthe followingtypes ofbacteria: lactobacilli, micrococcus, pediokokki.Прослушать
3.1 Technological chart of dry fermented sausage
Every type of sausages is differs by speciphic operations of preparation raw materials. Manufacture of dry enzymatic sausages consists from follow stages:
| ||||
| ||||
| ||||
| ||||
Recipe: | kg |
Leanpork | 27 |
Leanbeef | 27 |
Fatback | 34 |
Gelprotein"PP 500E" inwater | 12 |
Total | 100 |
Salts | 2,5 |
Nitrite | 0,014 |
Ascorbic acid | 0,10 |
Sugars | 1,5 |
Seasonings | arbitrarily |
The protein content of"PP 500E" in the finalproductis 2%.
Preparation recipe of gel is shown in the table 3.
Table 3.
Recipeof gel
Recipegel: | kg |
«PP 500Е» | 2 |
Water | 7,8 |
Pigheart | 2 |
A mixture of95% saltand 5% nitrite | 0,2 |
Nitrite | 0,001 |
Total | 12,0 |
3.4 Grocery calculation dry enzymatic sausages
Schedule ofworkshopsbasedonthe chartentryof raw materials, by laborlaw ofRK, it takes into accountthe valuationof the workingdayworkers. Number ofshiftsper day-2, the shop is workingall the time,as the raw materialarriveseveryshift.
Table 4
Table 5
Recipe ofdry enzymaticsausage
Recipe: | kg |
Not fat of beef | 27 |
Not fat of pork | 27 |
Fat of pork | 34 |
Gel of protein «PP 500Е» in water | 12 |
Total | 100 |
At performance of calculations of sausage manufacture choose group assortment, and then a compounding under each name of a product. And it is necessary to consider that the compounding is resulted in kg on 100 kg of the unsalted raw materials, each name has the standard exit. At development of sausages with various additives of norm of the expense and an exit of the beef product will differ from traditional technology. The assortment of sausages is necessary for selecting so that to keep an optimum parity of indicators of a rating trimming meat in reserve salting branch and its expense on manufacture of sausages.
The requirement for the basic raw materials for manufacturing of sausages is defined by each kind of sausages according to a compounding and norm of an exit of finished goods.
The totalmass ofthe mainraw material, kg:
The output values of finished products B for every type of product are presented in standard documentation for certification, collections of normative parameters, the output of production and consumption of raw materials, operating in the meat industry and duly approved.
Necessary quantity of the basic raw materials by kinds in shift: