
Разработка мероприятий по повышению конкурентоспособности продукции предприятия (стр. 11 из 12)

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25 Лукаш, Ю.А. Как выживать в условиях конкуренции/ Лукаш, Ю.А. - М.: ГроссМедиа, 2007 – 80 с.

26 Макконнелл, К. Экономикс / Макконнелл, К. Брю, С. - М.: Республика, 2007. – 203 с.

27 Маркетинг. Сборник. Под ред. Костюхина Д.И./ пер. с англ. - М.: «Прогресс», 2005. – 366 с.

28 Маслова, В.М. Управление персоналом предприятия/ Маслова, В.М. - М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2007 – 159 с.

29 Маслова, Т.Д. Маркетинг / Маслова, Т.Д., Божук, С.Г. – СПб.: Питер, 2006. – 254 с.

30 Мате, Э. Материально-техническое обеспечение менеджмента на предприятии / Мате, Э., Тиксье, Д. - М.: Прогресс, 2006. – 188 с.

31 Мильнер, Б.З. Системный подход в организации управления / Мильнер, Б.З., Евенко, Л.И., Рапопорт, В.С. - М.: Экономика, 2005. – 432 с.

32 Миронов, М.Г. Управление качеством/ Миронов, М.Г. - М.: Проспект, 2007 – 288 с.

33 Морган, Р.Л. Искусство продавать: как стать профессионалом / Морган, Р.Л. - М.: КОНСЭКО, 2007. – 387 с.

34 Моррис, Р. Маркетинг: ситуация и примеры / Моррис, Р. — М., ЮНИТИ 2007. – 102 с.

35 Наум, В.М. Маркетинг сбыта / Наум, В.М.// www.marketing.spb.ru/

36 Осипов, Ю.М. Основы предпринимательского дела / Осипов, Ю.М. - М.: Тригон, 2007. – 287 с.

37 Основы предпринимательской деятельности. (Экономическая теория. Маркетинг. Финансовый менеджмент) / под ред. Власовой В.М. - М.: Финансы и статистика, 2007. – 359 с.

38 Пилдич, Дж. Путь к покупателю / Пилдич, Дж. Пер. с англ. — М.: Прогресс, 2006. – 109 с.

39 Райхман, Э. П. Экспертные методы в оценке качества товаров / Райхман, Э. П., Азгальжев, Г. Г. - М.: Экономика, 2006. – 269 с.

40 Россер, Р. Реальность в рекламе / Россер, Р. Пер. с англ. — М.: Внешторгреклама, 2007. – 158 с..

41 Савруков, Н.Т. Рынок потребительских товаров и услуг / Савруков, Н.Т., Крапчан С.Г — М.: Наука, 2007. – 214 с.

42 Севрук, В.Т. Маркетинг в совместных предприятиях/ Севрук, В.Т. – М.: Экономические науки, 2006. – 228 с.

43 Севрук, В.Т. Рынок в системе маркетинга / Севрук, В.Т. – М.: Бухгалтерский учет, 2007. – 231 с.

44 Сэндидж, Ч. Реклама. Теория и практика / Сэндидж, Ч., Фрайбургер, В., Ротцол К. Пер. с англ. — М.: Прогресс, 2006. - 354

45 Уотермен, Ф. Фактор обновления. Как сохраняют конкурентоспособность лучшие компании / Уотермен, Ф. Пер. с англ. — М.: Прогресс, 2007. – 110 с.

46 Уткин, Э.А. Маркетинг / Уткин, Э.А. — М.: Эксмо, 2005. – 401 с.

47 Фегеле, З. Директ-маркетинг. 99 практических советов, как найти потребителя / Фегеле, З. - М.: Интерэксперт, 2005. – 68 с.

48 Хан, Д. Планирование и контроль./ Хан, Д. - М.: Финансы и статистика, 2006. – 189 с.

49 Чевертон, П. Теория и практика современного маркетинга / Чевертон, П. пер. с англ. Егорова, В.Н. – М.:ФАИР – ПРЕСС, 2007. – 235 с.

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Приложение 1

Quality Management and ISO 9000 standards: soap bubble or a new paradigm for business[1]

Already worn stuffed talk about that in a modern market economy, the main competitive advantage of any enterprise becomes quality. That word - "quality" - has become a sort of commonplace in policy speeches leaders of all ranks. Perhaps that is why we seldom reflect on the fact that this, indeed, the quality of his and how to convince consumers of the quality of their products. So, what is the quality? In Soviet times, quality product can be considered as the product that conforms to established standards. However, standards are imperfect, quickly become obsolete and are compiled by people, each of which has its own point of view. This understanding is not good quality in the marketplace. In the modern economy are a common measure of the needs and demands of consumers. If the product meets them - it is quality. Thus quality - is the ability of a product or service best meet the needs of the people. The importance of this definition can be explained using a simple example. Can considered a quality chair with legs different lengths? In terms of standards on the production of furniture - obviously not. However, these chairs can be put on stage - for example, in the theatre hall. And in this case, they may well be considered quality and the need to redo them not to use (shorter stalk). Addressing that such quality, and how it can be identified, we find ourselves in front of the main question - how can we ensure stable high quality of the goods or services (ie high degree of correspondence between expectations and demands of their customers)? To ensure consistent quality of any company requires a strategy of quality. Such a strategy primarily involves the introduction of a certain philosophy. At the heart of the strategy of quality - of course, focus on clients and their needs, which is the criterion of quality. The concentration in this case means that taking any decision in the management of the firm, we must take into account the manner in which it will affect the satisfaction of our customers. The effective quality management is of fundamental importance to the processes of concentration. As the process can be seen almost any organizational activities. During the process of a "entrance" (raw material, semi-finished goods, information, etc.) is converted into a kind of "exit" (product), with the ultimate goal to meet the needs of the client. The quality of the final product or service

depends on the quality of each individual and their integration process. Focusing on processes allow for transparency and manageability of the business and production to maintenance customers. In providing quality products and services, all units involved and all our staff. Every worker should know clearly what contribution to the process of quality assurance, it makes performing his duties. Another important element of a dynamic strategy (or systems) quality - continuous improvement. Activities to improve the quality aims to ensure maximum consistency produced goods and services the needs of customers, as well as addressing the deficiencies in the existing processes. The quality of goods and services depends on the quality of management decision-making. Decisions affecting the quality should be taken on the basis of facts and evidence. The described approach to quality assurance is universal and can be used by virtually every business in any industry to ensure a stable high-quality products and services. This universal approach has been enshrined in law a series of international standards ISO 9000. Why do we need standards of quality systems? Every leader and every buyer (customer) products are two alternatives conduct the verification work in the supplier (artist): Monitor progress of the work to prevent low-quality results, while spending significant resources to monitoring activities. Fully trusted performance artist, saving money spent on monitoring, but the risk of incurring losses associated with obtaining a low-quality outcome. One of the main ideologists Quality Management Edward Deming describes a number of patterns to illustrate the importance of standardization of quality systems: "Rule of mistrust": rational buyer (customer) will choose alternative 1, with R> C / L "Rule of trust": rational buyer (customer) will select alternative 2, with R <C / L Where: R - likely the result of low-quality C - The cost of controls to prevent low-quality result L - Damage resulting from the emergence of low-quality Naturally, the more economically beneficial is the second alternative of conduct

involving the trust between the partners. For its use should be obvious that the probability of obtaining low-quality result from the supplier was the best possible

low. The problem only to objectively assess the importance of R, that is, to determine the extent of trusted partner, supplier or employee and did not supervise his work. Brief history of the ISO 9000 standards ISO 9000 family of standards is its history since 1987, when the International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standardization, or ISO) has approved the first version of the universal standards of certification of quality systems: ISO 9000 / 87. Basis for Standardization ISO 9000 standards were adopted, the Ministry of Defense used to assess quality assurance systems suppliers defense products. The methodological approach was the base standards Office Integrated Quality (Total Quality Management). Kostyak family of standards was three alternative models of certification: ISO 9001 - Model for quality assurance in design, manufacture, installation and servicing ISO 9002 - Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing ISO 9003 - Model for quality assurance and control at the time of testing In 1994, the updated version was released standards, in general povtoryavshaya structure versions 1987 (ISO 9000 / 94). Finally on 1 January 2001 version of the ISO enters 9000 / 2000. The new version no longer includes alternative models of quality assurance for certification. Since 2001, ISO 9000 certified for can be only a full-fledged system of quality. Philosophy ISO 9000 family of standards The philosophy of ISO 9000 based on cost-effective application of the "rules of confidence" that allows better use of resources as each company individually and the economy as a whole. You can believe that the standards ISO 9000 quality systems were introduced precisely to give businesses greater confidence to suppliers, enabling them to more accurately assess the value and increase the R value is. It is important to clearly separate the two concepts - quality management and certification of quality systems. Quality management - one of the functions of management, which allows you to really provide a high level of quality products and services at the expense of careful and prudent management of the production and maintenance. The quality control system is organized in accordance with the specifics and the specific objectives of the enterprise. ISO 9000 standards offer a methodology of building such a system, which can be officially certified. Quality System Certification alone could not ensure quality improvement. It only shows others the market, that the quality system of the enterprise is organized according to the specific requirements and operating effectively, ensuring a stable and high quality products and services businesses. The certification conduct specialized certification offices (or registers). These registers are accredited by the relevant national and international standardization bodies, thus allowing for the credibility of the certificates issued by them. ISO 9000 standards are recognized in many countries. There are translated into local languages and adapted versions of standards such as ISO9000 SSS. At the same time, on the ISO 9000 certification is not a requirement to producers. Even in the industrialized countries of ISO 9000 certification is required (by law) only to suppliers in the military and aerospace industries, as well as in some industries that produce products, which depend on the quality of people's lives. However, the availability of the ISO 9000 certificate, however, is often a key factor for success in many markets, or even reach them. It shows the company in the business civilized world. Moreover, the quality system of many companies require a certified quality systems from their suppliers. The universality of the family of ISO standards is that they do not offer absolute measurable quality criteria for each type of goods and services (for example, the required technical features of products). That would be impossible - since the quality - is the ability of products and services to meet the needs of people and needs - infinitely varied. The standards ISO 9000 family ask only the methodology of the system of quality, which in turn should provide high quality products and services to the enterprise, in other words - to provide a high degree of customer satisfaction. Do I have certified for ISO 9000? Clearly, the need to manage the quality of all who want to remain competitive in the market. Hardly anyone would deny the importance of improving the quality for success in the market. The other case - an expensive procedure for certification. Certification to the ISO 9000 quality system involves matching companies as a number of informative, and formal requirements. The process of adapting the system to meet the quality requirements can be very laborious and usually takes a long time. Therefore, before deciding on the preparation of a quality system to ISO 9000 certification, the management company should carefully weigh the pros and cons, as well as clearly define what the company needs a certificate for the quality system. Even abroad availability ISO 9000 certificate (or equivalent certificates) is mandatory in only a few industries, mainly connected with the products, which depends on the quality of life and health of individuals (military and aerospace industry, automotive, etc.). Sometimes certification is the availability of quality system requirements of most customers. In other cases, the ISO 9000 certificate is not mandatory, but can provide an advantage in the choice of supplier. When it comes to Russian enterprises, it is the certification of ISO 9000 should be carried out in case the company is operating in foreign markets, or intends to go to them, or if customers require the company has certified quality system. For light industry and the problem of quality, including certification of quality systems is no less valid than any other business sector. An increasing number of domestic garment and textile industries go to foreign markets. The most common scheme exit light industries for export markets - participation in the cooperation with foreign partners. European clothing manufacturers are ready to cooperate with suppliers and subcontractors from Russia, but they require a high-quality and stable production of requested services. Certainly, the presence of documented and certified quality system can provide greater confidence on the part of foreign partners. In future publications, we look more philosophy and content requirements of the ISO 9000 standards, as well as individual applications management issues

Управление качеством и стандарты ISO 9000: мыльный пузырь или новая парадигма бизнеса[2]

Уже нет смысла говорить о том, что в современной рыночной экономике, основным конкурентным преимуществом любого предприятия становится качество. Это слово - "качество" - стало своего рода явлением в политических выступлениях руководителей всех рангов. Возможно, именно поэтому мы редко думаем о том, что это, действительно, качество и как убедить потребителей в качестве своей продукции. Итак, что такое качество? В советское время, качество продукта можно было рассматривать как продукт, который соответствует установленным стандартам. Однако стандарты несовершенны, быстро устаревают и составляются людьми, каждый из которых имеет свою собственную точку зрения. Такое понимание не хорошего качества на рынке. В современной экономике общим мерилом являются потребности и запросы потребителей. Если продукт отвечает их требованиям - это качество. Таким образом, качество - это способность продукта или услуги, наиболее полно удовлетворить потребности людей. Важность этого определения можно объяснить с помощью простого примера. Можно рассматривать качество кресла с ножками различной длины? С точки зрения стандартов на производство мебели - очевидно, нет. Однако эти кресла можно поставить на сцене, - например, в зале театра. И в этом случае они вполне могут быть рассмотрены как качество, но необходимости в их использовании в других местах нет. Решение о том, что такое качество и каким образом оно может быть определено, но мы оказываемся перед главным вопросом - каким образом мы можем обеспечить стабильное высокое качество товаров или услуг, (то есть высокую степень соответствия ожиданиям и требованиям клиентов)? Для обеспечения стабильного качества любой компании необходима стратегия качества. Такая стратегия в первую очередь связана с введением определенных философии. В центре стратегии качества - конечно, сосредоточение внимания на клиентов и их потребности, которые являются критерием качества. Концентрация в данном случае означает, что, принимая какие-либо решения