
Акустичні характеристики звуків дихання та методи їх реєстрації і обробки (стр. 5 из 5)

Осуществлена их объективизация. На основе полученных результатов предложены физические гипотезы генерации дополнительных звуков дыхания у больных пневмокониозом, которые вызваны морфологическими изменениями в легких – ужесточением паренхимы, уменьшением жизненного объема, появлением стенозов, укрупнением альвеол, понижением внутриальвеолярного давления, приводящим к схлопыванию терминальных и региональных бронхиол.

Ключевые слова: звуки дыхания, аускультация электроакустический преобразователь, фоноспирограмма, пневмокониоз, объективизация аускультативных признаков.


Makarenkova A.А. Auscultationdescriptions of sounds of breathing, methods of their registration and treatments - Manuscript.

Thesis for the Candidate’s Degree in Physics and Mathemetics on speciality 01.04.06 - Acoustics. Institute of Hydromechanics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2008.

The dissertation is devoted to the acoustic characteristics of human respiration sounds, their registration and treatment. The physical processes of transition of the sounds generated by the vital activity of an organism at receiving acoustic transformers are studied. The algorithms of construction of effective electro-acoustic transformers designed for auscultation of the respiration sounds are indicated. The new effective electro-acoustic transformers, in which transition of sound is more efficient, are offered. It is established that the offered transformers are more efficient than the foreign analogues. The obstacles of the transformers, electronic stethophonendoscope of sound, vibration and electromagnetic nature are studied, classified and ranged. The recommendations for the reduction of the obstacles are developed. The electronic digital data base of respiration sounds of verified patients healthy and ill with pneumoconiosis, totally 600 sound images, is formed. The computational treatment of the respiration sounds is performed. The sound artifacts of the patients with pneumoconiosis are discovered and objectified. The physical hypotheses for generation additional respiration sounds by patients with pneumoconiosis, caused by the morphological changes in llungs, are offered.

Keywords: respiration sounds, auscultation, electro-acoustic transformer, phonospirogramma, pneumoconiosis, objectification of auscultation signs.