
Клініко-психопатологічні особливості хворих на посттравматичні стресові розлади і розлади адаптації та їх комплексне лікування (стр. 6 из 6)

Разработанный нами комплексный метод терапии оказался эффективным при лечении как пациентов с ПТСР, так и больных с РА. У пациентов с ПТСР в результате комплексного лечения на основе ППК полное выздоровление наблюдалось в 34,48 % случаев, а существенное улучшение состояния здоровья – у 41,38 % обследуемых. В группе больных с РА полное выздоровление было отмечено у 53,85 % пациентов. В 25,64 % случаев имела место стойкая тенденция к снижению признаков данного расстройства.

Ключевые слова: посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство, расстройство адаптации, экстремальные события, психотерапия, психокоррекционно-психотерапевтический комплекс, фармакологическое лечение.


Bolotov D.M. Clinical-psychopathological peculiarities of patients with posttraumatic stress disorders and adjustment disorders and complex treatment of them. – A manuscript.

Dissertation for the candidate of medical science degree in specialty 14.01.16 – psychiatry. Public Institution “Institute of neurology, psychiatry and narcology AMS of Ukraine”. – Kharkiv, 2008.

On basis of analysis of clinical peculiarities of 59 patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and 78 patients with adjustment disorders (AD), considering the clinical variants of these psychic disorders (anxious, astheniac, dysphoriac, hypochondriac, somatoform and mixed at PTSD; affective (depressive, anxious and mixed) and behavioral at AD) as well as their types of course (progredient, stable and regredient at PTSD; progressive with transformation into another nosology, regredient and recidivate at AD), there was created new effective complex method of treatment of such patients. Method was produced on basis of compound of psychotherapeutic methodic and techniques (Beck’s cognitive therapy, behavior modeling and progressive muscle’s relaxation) with pharmacological remedies. It was also created and investigated the algorithm of psychotherapy for these subjects, which consists in thesis that those methods and techniques are mutually additional but the base is Beck’s cognitive therapy. Also according to clinical variants of PTSD and AD there were offered schemas of their pharmacological treatment with using of antidepressant, tranquiller, thymostabiles, soporific and nootropes, в-adrenoblockers. Treatment was more effective with complex method then ordinary pharmacological management as at patients with PTSD so at patients with AD. The recovering was admitted at 34,48 % patients with PTSD and 53,85 % patients with AD.

Key words: posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, extreme events, psychotherapy, psychocorrective-psychotherapeutic complex, pharmacological treatment.