
Особливості функціонування серцево-судинної системи у студентів в умовах різних навантажень (стр. 5 из 5)

Установлено, что центральная гемодинамика и вариабельность сердечного ритма - достаточно устойчивые характеристики организма человека, поскольку значения их параметров способны воспроизводиться через длительный промежуток времени. Исследования, проведённые на одних и тех же лицах, доказывают, что изменения показателей вариабельности сердечного ритма во времени происходят в диапазоне отклонений индивидуальных значений.

Ключевые слова: центральная гемодинамика, вариабельность сердечного ритма, дыхательная синусовая аритмия, физические нагрузки.


Kalenichenko O.V. The Peculiarities of the Functioning the Students’ Cardio-Vascular System in the Conditions of Different Loadings. – Manuscript.

Thesis on Acquiring the Candidate of Biological Sciences Degree in Speciality 03.00.13. – Physiology of a Man and an Animal. – Kyiv T.Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, 2008.

The thesis is dedicated to the investigation of the peculiarities of the cardio-vascular system functioning and its reactivity on various loadings among the healthy young students who combine their study with regular training of aerobic and power trends.

Higher level of the average blood pressure was found among the sportsmen of both groups if compared with the control one. Its increase is stipulated by the increase of the general peripheral vascular pressure among the sportsmen with aerobic trend of training loadings, and by the highest stroke volume among the students with tghe power trend of training loadings. Higher variability of the R-R interval duration and the level of the respiration sinus arythmia at rest and with loadings among the sportsmen students of the different groups is achieved due to various mechanisms.

The peculiarities of central haemodinamics and heart rhythm variability were discovered to be quite steady individual characteristics of a human organism as their parameters indexes were relatively steady during a long period of time.

Key words: central haemodinamics, heart rhythm variability, respiration sinus arythmia, physical loadings.