Ключевые слова: эмоциональный стресс, недостаточность гонад, протеогликаны, гликопротеины.
M.V.Bylets. Combined effect of emotional stress and gonade deficiency on the state of the bone tissue and its correction. – Manuscript.
Thesis for a degree of candidate of biological sciences by specialiy 03.00.13 - physiology of the human and animals. – V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2008.
In the dissertation work it was found that emotional stress affects the structural organization of the bone tissue, and the combined action of the stress and gonade deficiency increases resorbtion changes in the bone tissue. It is indicated by increased degradation of non-collagen proteins of the organic matrix of the bone tissue in the different parts of the skeleton (lower jaw, femur, vertebrae). The bone tissue of the lower jaw is the most sensitive to these factors. Compared to the mineral phase the organic matrix of the bone tissue is more sensitive to the effects of emotional stress and gonade deficiency. Sex hormones have the leading role in regulation of the metabolism of the bone tissue in emotional stress. Preliminary administration of sex hormones and calcitonin causes normalization of the state of the organic matrix and the mineral phase of the bone tissue. It proves the hypothesis about the marked antiresorptive effect of calcitonin in emotional stress and gonade deficiency.
Key words: emotional stress, gonade deficiency, proteoglycans, glycoproteins.
ЕС – емоційний стрес
КТ – кісткова тканина
НГ – недостатність гонад
ХС-4, ХС-6 – хондроїтин-4- та хондроїтин-6-сульфати
NANA- N-ацетилнейрамінова кислота
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Папір офсетний. Друк офсетний. Ум. друк.арк. 0,9.
Тираж 100 прим. Зам № 92.
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