
Участие Греции в международных организациях (стр. 9 из 9)

2 www.greekgazeta.ru « Четвертое председательство Греции в Европейском Союзе» №6, 2002

1 www.greekgazeta.ru «Греческое председательство», №7, февраль-март 2003

1 www.greekgazeta.ru «Заявления греческого председательства» №7, 2003

1 1www.greekgazeta.ru « Клиридис Пападопулос: передача эстафеты» №7, 2003

1 www.greekgazeta.ru «Заявления греческого председательства» №7, 2003

1 www.mfa.gr “Greece and the External Relations of the European Union”

1 www.mfa.gr “Greece and the External Relations of the European Union”

1 www.osce.org Интернет сайт ОБСЕ

1 ‘“Greece and the OSCE” Yannis Kranidiotis, Thesis (a journal of foreign policy issues), volume III, issue

#2-3, summer-autumn 1999, Athens, р. 10-16

1 www.mfa.gr “Greece in International organizations”

2 “Greek security doctrine in the post-cold war era” Tanos Dokos, Thesis (a journal of foreign policy issues), volume II, issue #2,summer 1998, Athens, р.26-38

1 www.greece-report.ru

1 “The Hellenic Presidency of the Council of Europe” Stelios Perrakis, Thesis (a journal of foreign policy issues), volume II, issue #1,spring 1998, Athens, р.2-5

1 “The 50 Anniversary of the Council of Europe” Yannis Kranidiotis, Thesis (a journal of foreign policy issues), volume III, issue #2-3, summer-autumn 1999, Athens, р.18-20

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1 www.kommersant.ru

1 www.mfa.gr “Greece and the organized crime”

1 www.un.org Сайт ООН

1 “Basic principles of greek forein policy” Theodoros Pangalos, Thesis (a journal of foreign policy issues), volume I, issue #1,spring 1997, Athens, р.2-7

1 “Greek security doctrine in the post-cold war era” Tanos Dokos, Thesis (a journal of foreign policy issues), volume II, issue #2,summer 1998, Athens, р.26-38

2 www.mfa.gr “Greece against terrorizm”

1www. mfa.gr Greece in international organizationa

1 www.mfa.gr “Arms Control – Disarmament”

1 www.mfa.gr “Greece in international organizations”