
Обучение учащихся стратегиям идентификации слова в процессе чтения иноязычных текстов электронных периодических изданий (стр. 7 из 7)

Задачи: научить высказываться логично, связно по данной проблеме; развить умение монологической речи;

Оснащение урока: доска, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

№ п/п ЭтапЗадачи этапа. Содержание этапа Время Режим работы Примечания
123.4. Речевая зарядка.Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.Предтекстовый этап.Создать необходимый уровень мотивации.Текстовый этап. Развивать умения ознакомительного чтения. Формировать стратегии идентификации незнакомых слов.Послетекстовый этап.Развивать умение выразить свое мнение по данной проблеме. Good morning, children. Do you know anything about native Americans? Can you tell anything about their lifestyle, traditions and culture? Today we are going to read a story about a part of American culture.But before it, look at the blackboard, please. There are word combinations. Looking at these words try to guess the main idea of our text.Musical approach and styleMade-up soundsFlues and drumsTo take on an outside influenceDraw upon the genresSoothing fusionDistinctive overtonesAn upswing of interestChants and instruments for inspirationNow we are going to read the story. And while reading, find the main sentence or two main sentences in each paragraph.Now let’s see what you have done. What sentence from the first paragraph contains the main idea? What sentence from the second paragraph contains the main idea? What sentence from the third paragraph contains the main idea? What sentence from the fourth paragraph contains the main idea? What sentence from the fifth paragraph contains the main idea?Good! Now let’s reread these sentences and underline the main words or word combinations in them. Word-combinations from the blackboard can help you. You may do it in pairs.Nice! Now let’s try to define the meaning of these words or word combinations using the scheme. What information from the story is familiar for you and what is new? Can you find and name similar and distinctive features of traditional music in America and in our country? 3 мин 4 мин10 мин5 мин5 мин7 мин10 мин T−ClP−ClT−ClP−ClT−ClT−ClP−ClT−ClT−P1T−P2T−ClT−P1T−P2T−ClT−P1T−P2P−Cl Записать словосочетания на доске.Раздать распечаткиРаздать алгоритм определения значения незнакомых слов



Класс: 9’ «В»

Тема: Hip-hop


практические: развитие умений ознакомительного чтения;

образовательные: знакомство с таким направлением в музыке как hip-hop;

воспитательные: воспитание культуры мышления и поведения, обогащение духовного мира учащихся;

развивающие: формирование стратегий идентификации незнакомых слов.


Hip Hop

If hip-hop culture has metastasized from its urban American roots into the global juggernaut it is today, then that's largely thanks to the insistent, irresistible appeal of rap: the most high profile of the three elements that comprise the movement. While "B-boying" and graffiti art have also found worldwide constituencies, rap's easily replicated "two turntables and a microphone" formula has had an enormous impact on our rapidly urbanizing world.

But even this global phenomenon has local roots: rap grew up in the Bronx, the poorest, northernmost borough of New York City, in the 1970s and '80s. Jamaican immigrant Clive Campbell transplanted his country's "soundsystem" tradition to the streets and playgrounds of the Bronx (often plugging directly into lampposts for free electricity). Herc spun R&B, soul, funk and obscure disco favorites, and used a popular Jamaican technique: playing the same record on two turntables and rewinding one to the most exciting part of the song (the "break") for extended play. Subsequent DJs would push this practice even further, introducing such techniques as "quick-mixing," "crossfading" and "scratching" into the hip-hop DJ's repertoire simply as "turntablism."

Internationally, hip-hop has emerged as the world's favorite youth culture. But while just about every country on the planet seems to have developed its own local rap scene, some places still manage to stand out above the rest. France, with its grim suburban housing projects and volatile postcolonial ethnic mix, was one of the first countries outside the US to boast a homegrown rap scene, with early '90s pioneers such as Senegalese immigrant MC Solaar and multiethnic Marseilles crew IAM gaining international exposure. The U.K. also produced some notable artists early on, including Money Love, Stereo MCs and Roots Manuva, but the scene quickly evolved according to its own rhythms, producing a dizzying array of micro-genres, from jungle to grime.

But rap's biggest international impact has been in Africa and the Caribbean, where local acts have adapted hip-hop's strut and swagger to fit their daily realities. Hip-hop is a force all over the continent, adopted as keenly as reggae and rumba once were by previous generations.

Задачи: научить высказываться логично, связно по данной проблеме; развить умение монологической речи;

Оснащение урока: доска, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

№ п/п ЭтапЗадачи этапа. Содержание этапа Время Режим работы Примечания
123.4. Речевая зарядка.Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.Предтекстовый этап.Создать необходимый уровень мотивации.Текстовый этап.Развивать умения ознакомительного чтения. Формировать стратегии идентификации незнакомых слов.Послетекстовый этап.Развивать умение выразить свое мнение по данной проблеме. Good morning, children. What genres of music do you know? What genre is the most popular today? Do you know the representatives of this genre of music? What genre do you prefer? Why?Today we are going to read a story about hip-hop.What do you know about this direction in music? Do you like it? Now we are going to read the story. And while reading, divide the text into parts.Now let’s see what you have done. How many parts does the story consist of? What are they? Now let’s see what sentences in each part contain the main idea? Why do you choose these very sentences?Good! Now let’s reread these sentences and underline the main words or word combinations in them. You may do it in pairs.Nice! Now let’s try to define the meaning of these words or word combinations using the scheme. What information from the text is the most interesting for you? Why? Is hip-hop popular today? Is it popular in our country? 3 мин 3 мин10 мин5 мин5 мин7 мин10 мин T−ClP−ClT−ClT−P1T−P2T−ClT−ClT−P1T−P2T−ClT−P1T−P2T−ClT−P1T−P2 Раздать распечаткиРаздать алгоритм определения значения незнакомых слов


Алгоритм идентификации незнакомых слов в процессе чтения иноязычных текстов


Послеэкспериментальный тест

Testforthe 9thform


3. African pop is a catch-all term for all the many varieties of popular music.

c. generalized c. exclusive

d. all-embracing d. universal

4. Some African pop styles stand out above all others for their impact and enduring popularity.

c.constant c. high

d. temporary d. short-lived

3. I like to listen monotonous music, but it is too stirring.

4. The beginning of this song is quite melodious however the ending is rather tuneless.

3. international

4. re-colonizing

5. It is a wind instrument consisting of an open cylindrical tube of wood or metal having holes in the side stopped either by the fingers or by pads controlled by keys. The breath is directed across a mouth hole cut in the side, causing the air in the tube to vibrate.

6. It is an electrophonic instrument, usually operated by means of a keyboard and pedals, in which sounds are produced by voltage-controlled oscillators, filters, and amplifiers, with an envelope generator module that controls attack, decay, sustain, and release.

7. It is a bowed stringed instrument, consisting of a fingerboard, a hollow wooden body with waisted sides, and a sounding board connected to the back by means of a sound post that also supports the bridge. It has two f-shaped sound holes cut in the belly. The instrument, noted for its fine and flexible tone, is the most important of the stringed instruments. It is held under the chin when played.

8. It is a percussion instrument sounded by striking a membrane stretched across the opening of a hollow cylinder or hemisphere.


Noun Verb Adjective Adverb