
Теоретичні та методичні основи формування інформаційної культури майбутнього вчителя початкових класів (стр. 13 из 13)

Ключевые слова: информационная деятельность учителя, информационная культура, информационное общество, информационные продукты, интеграция, структуризация и презентация информации, профессиональная культура учителя начальных классов.

Theoretical and methodical bases of informational culture of the future teacher of primary education – Manuscript.

Kolomiyets A.M. Dissertations for a doctorate degree in pedagogics, speciality 13.00.04.- theory and methods of professional education. – Institute of pedagogical education and adult education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2008.

In the dissertation it is turned out that the new functions, which the education has to carry out in the information society, are: to make the conditions to the uninterrupted self-education; to provide access to the world informational resource; to develope skills of creative informational activity.

The main conceptual settings of pedagogical professional training at the modern stage of informational development in our society, according to teacher’s preparation to the self-done informational activity, uninterrupted education, computerization of the educational process, inculcation of the innovational pedagogical technologies, are proved scientifically. Peculiarities of professional formation (the necessity of the integrated knowledge, taking into account the psychological and physical pupils’ peculiarities, possession of the computer-gamed culture and increasing the level of the brain-worked culture) of the future teacher of primary education in the educational process of higher educational establishment have been investigated. It is proved that the formation of informational culture must be the main goal of professional training of the future teacher while studying all educational subjects.

On the basis of synergetic approach the essence of informational culture as an opened system and informational activity, as systemic built factor of informational culture has been described. The theoretical model of informational culture of the future teacher of primary education has been worked out. We have described the structure of informational culture which is the subsystem of professional culture and has such components: culture of brain work, communicative culture, computer skillfulness and informational competence.Dynamics of the development of informational culture of an individual has been explained, scientific and methodic system of its formation of the future teacher of primary education has been investigated experimentally. The technology and stages of the formation of informational students’ culture have been offered. Criteria, parameters and levels of the formational culture have been proposed. The efficiency of the investigated technique of the formation of informational culture of the future teacher of primary education has been proved.

Key words: teacher’s informational activity, informational culture, informational society, informational products, integration, structurization and presentation of information, professional culture of the teacher of primary education.