
Особенности обучения письменному переводу текстов газетно-информационного стиля (стр. 6 из 6)

Целью данного исследования было обоснование особенностей обучения письменному переводу текстов газетно-информационного стиля и разработка методического обеспечения по формированию умений и навыков.

При написании данной работы мы уточнили понятие «письменный перевод текстов газетно-информационного стиля»; определили содержание обучения письменного перевода текстов газетно-информационного стиля; отобрали и проанализировали учебные материалы, используя различные источники информации газетно-информационного стиля; а также разработали комплекс упражнений, направленный на обучение письменному переводу текстов газетно-информационного стиля.

Список использованной литературы

1.Алексеева И.С. Профессиональный тренинг переводчика. Учеб. пособие. - М.: Союз, 2001.- 136с.

2.Бархударов Л.С. Язык и перевод.- М.: Высшая школа, 1975.- 235с.

3.Беспалова Н.П., Котлярова К.Н., Лазарева Н.Г. Перевод и реферирование общественно-политических текстов. Учеб. пособие для вузов.- М.: РУДН, 2004.- 126с.

4.Брандес М.П., Провоторов В.И. Предпереводческий анализ текста (для институтов и факультетов иностранных языков): Учеб. пособие. - 3-е изд., стереотип. - М., 2001.- 224с.

5.Дмитриева Л.Ф., Кунцевич С.Е., Мартинкевич Е.А., Смирнова Н.Ф. Английский язык. Курс перевода.- М.: Март, 2005.- 298с.

6.Казакова Т.А. Практические основы перевода.- СПб., 2000.- 317с.

7.Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты): Учеб. для ин-ов и фак. иностр.яз.- М.: Высшая школа, 1990.- 253с.

8.Комиссаров В.Н., Рецкер Я.И., Тархов В.И. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский.- М.: Высшая школа, 1965.- 268с.

9.Костомаров В.Г. Языковой вкус эпохи. Из наблюдения над речевой практикой масс-медиа.- 3-е изд., испр. и доп.- СПб.: Златоуст, 1999.- 319с.

10.Паршин А. Теория и практика перевода.- М.: Русский язык, 2000.- 161с.

11.Слепович В.С. Курс перевода. Учеб. пособие для студ. вузов.- 3-е изд., дополн.- Минск, 2003.- 317с.

12. Солганик Г.Я. О закономерностях развития языка газеты в ХХ веке.- М., 2002.- 39-53с.

13.Суворов С.П. Особенности стиля английских газетных заголовков (по материалам Daily Worker).- В сб.: Язык и стиль.- М., 1965.- 193с.

14.Тюленев С.В. Теория перевода. Учеб. пособие.- М.: Гардарики, 2004.- 336с.

15.Федоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода.- М.: Высшая школа, 1983.- 303с.

16.Швейцер А.Д. Теория перевода. Статус, проблемы, аспекты.- М.: Либроком, 2009.- 216с.

Приложение 1

Упражнение 1.

Найдите соответствия на русском языке английским политическим терминам из левой колонки.

House of Commons холодная война

Trades Union Congress Конгресс тред-юнионов

Security Council срок полномочий

term of office миссия доброй воли

mission of good will Совет безопасности

cold war Палата Общин

Упражнение 2.

Переведите данные политические термины в соответствии с различными идейными направленностями.

radical liberal


government funds

nuclear tension

UN Security Council

talks are underway between

the discussions are still in their early stages

backbench pressure

Приложение 2

Упражнение 1.

Переведите на русский следующие английские имена собственные с учетом правил транскрипции и транслитерации.

James Madison

John Quincy Adams

John Tyler

William Henry Harrison

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

James Buchanan

James Garfield

Grover Cleveland

Woodrow Wilson

William McKinley

William Howard Taft

Chester Arthur

Calvin Coolidge

Упражнение 2.

Передайте на русский язык следующие периодические издания.

Daily Telegraph

Los Angeles Times

U.S. News and World Report

Business Central Europe

The Observer

The Guardian

Finance and Development

The Independent

Readers Digest

Daily Mirror

Journal of Psychology

Political Affairs

Упражнение 3.

Переведите на русский язык следующие английские названия компаний и организаций.

General Motors Corporation

General Electric

The House of Commons


The UN General Assembly

Crysler Corp.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Corp. (KFC)

Waterhouse Corporation

Chase Manhattan Corporation

Columbia Broadcasting System(CBS)

Ford Union

British Petroleum Company

The World Health Organization

Упражнение 4.

Передайте по-русски следующие географические названия.

New Jersey



Gulf of Mexico


Nova Scotia



Hudson Bay

Hampton Court


Mediterranean Sea

New Hampshire

South Carolina



Rode Island

Pacific Grove

Easter Island

North Yorkshire

St. Lawrence River


Упражнение 5.

Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на перевод названий учреждений и географических точек.

Research Triangle Institute is a not-for-profit contract research corporation located on a 180-acre campus in North Carolina’s Triangle Park. RTI is a free-standing corporate entity created in 1958 by joint action of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, and North Carolina State University. RTI’s organisation facilitates the formation of multidisciplinary teams to address complex research issues in many scientific, technical, and social subjects.

Упражнение 6.

Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на перевод сокращений.

А.С. is widely used in everyday life, e.g. for heating and lighting purposes.

Besides the so-called small cal., there is another much greater unit of heat i.e. the kilocalorie or kilogram calorie.

Most substances are known in at least three different states, viz.: a solid, a liquid, and a gaseous form.

We know many forms of energy, e.g. electrical energy, chemical energy, atomic energy, etc.

At the atm. press. of 14.7 lb. per sq. in., the temp. of the b.p. of water is 100°C., but the temp. increases with the press.

In 449 AD the British Isles were invaded and conquered by several German tribes.

H-bomb and A-bomb are the weapons of mass destruction.

U.K. war potential was greatly reduced as a result of the WWII.

We joined the UNESCO and took active part in its work.

The first "baby-moon", i.e. the artificial earth satellite was successfully launched in the USSR in 1957.

Упражнение 7.

Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на перевод сокращений.


It has been reported that HMS Columbia sank yesterday morning off the Scandinavian pen. 300 mi. from the nearest port after a collision with the USS Tiger.

The most part of the crew of the British ship is now aboard the Tiger, which will arrive in London at 14 p. m. tomorrow.

The collision occurred at 04.13 a.m. and the vessel sank at about 6 a.m.

Later it was announced that three sailors of the crew had been picked up by the s/s Tanda proceeding from the US eastern coast to GB, i.e. in easterly direction.

Приложение 3

Упражнение 1.

Переведите на русский язык следующие английские клише.

all things considered

it is all to the good

ample opportunity

to appear on the scene

apple of discord

tied to someone's apron strings

armed to the teeth

to be in the same boat with

to bear the brunt (of the battle)

the beaten track

behind the scenes

cannot believe my eyes

between two fires

wolfish appetite

beyond a shadow of doubt

bitter irony

bone of contention

a burning question

to cut a long story short

to draw a veil over

to eat humble pie

to face the music

to fall on deaf ears

far-reaching effects

happy solution

to have a finger in the pie

the heart of the matter

an irreparable loss

Упражнение 2.

Сравните английские и русские фразеологизмы, подберите среди них парные и определите сходство и различие в их свойствах.

Beat about the bush

Beat someone fair and square

Be a big fish in a little pond

Dog eat dog

In for a penny, in for a pound

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Первый парень на деревне

Вокруг да около

Разбить наголову

Хрен редьки не слаще

Человек человеку волк

Мал золотник да дорог

Упражнение 3.

Подберите эквивалент из правой колонки фразеологическим единицам из левой колонки.

at any rate

in other words

on the one hand

on the other hand

on the part of

suffice it to mention

to be over

to pay attention

to give rise to

to take part

to take place

to take part

to take place

to play the part



во всяком случае, по меньшей мере

вызывать, давать начало

играть роль

положить конец

обращать внимание

принимать участие

с одной стороны

другими словами

нельзя не

происходить, иметь место

достаточно сказать

с другой стороны

Упражнение 4.

Переведите следующие предложения, использую данные фразеологические единицы.

1. The Soviet Union has been persistently working to put an end to strained relations among nations.

2. Taking advantage of the vast natural resources of our country we were able to develop industry at a very rapid rate.

3. The progress accomplished by the socialist camp since World War II is truly impressive; suffice it to mention the vast achievements of socialist construction in the USSR.

4. The use of arms against any movement of national liberation constitutes a factor of international tension and may give rise to a centre from which war will spread.

5. Scientists of different lines took part in the construction of the first atomic power station in the USSR.

6. The object of the treaty proposed by the USSR was to prevent aggression against any state in Europe on the one hand and, on the other hand, to promote international со-operation.

7. In other words, the NATO treaties by resurrecting Kosovo only create the basis for carrying out the revanchist plans of Great Albania.

8. The peoples have come to realize that peace can be won by patient and persistent effort on their part.

9. The realistic trend in German literature is clearly gaining the upper hand.

10. In the construction of this plant India could dispense with the aid offered by some American firms, as it was not the only pebble on the beach.

Приложение 4

Упражнение 1.

Переведите следующие заголовки, обращая внимание на их особенности.

1. Havoc by U.S. Tornado. 2. New Flu Attacks GB Navy. 3. Canadian Cabinet Sworn in. 4. Free Trade Plan Opposed. 5. Jamaica Rail Crash Inquiry. 6. New Glider Record Claimed. 7. Price of Coal Going up. 8. Unions and Court on Prices. 9. Oil Makes Way for Atom. 10. Glasgow Dockers to Resume Work. 11. Attempting to Form Cabinet. 12. Liberals Look to Home Front. 13. Four Explosions Boy Injured. 14. M.P.s Anxiety over Inflation. 15. Electricity Rates up in Scotland. 16. Increased Postal Charges Likely. 17. 200 to 300 Believed Dead in Hurricane. 18. General Norstad Bitterly Attacked. 19. Keeping an Eye on Widening Trade Gap. 20. T.U.C. Seeks Details.

Упражнение 2.

Переведите газетные заметки с заголовками.


The Conference in London on disarmament is at the end of its second month of meetings.

So far no compromise is in view as the distance separating the two sides is still very great with no prospects of bridging the gap in the near future.


The East-West Conference on the highest level took place in Helsinki in 1975.

The "Spirit of Helsinki" has undergone since then a number of serious setbacks.


Greek-Cypriot women and children stoned UN troops who were ordering their men to remove slogans painted on the walls of the village.


For the first time a comprehensive manual on the protection of staff engaged in radiological work is now available to all hospitals in this country.


The British Overseas Airways Corporation has decided to order in the USA 30 jet driven air liners of a new model. The news has created considerable anxiety among the British manufacturers.


The Japanese Socialist Party is planning to send parliamentary goodwill missions to the U.S. and the Russia next month, it was reported today.

The missions hope to discuss with American and Russian officials various problems of current international concern such as prohibition of nuclear tests.


Russia would favour a summit conference on ceasing fire in Kosovo, a Russian Deputy Foreign Minister told a questioner at a New York Press Conference yesterday.

Приложение 5

Упражнение 1.

Переведите, обращая особое внимание на реалии общественной и культурной жизни.

«New universities»; the Ivy League; the Oxbridge colleges; independent I public schools; the Shadow Education Secretary; across-the-board increase; discount outlet; the Cuban missile crisis; graduate recruiters; the Premiership; TV showdown/face-to-face; the hunting Bill; the Upper House; Knightsbridge and Mohammed Al Fayed's Harrods; Cromwellian ruthlessness; the Suffragette movement; in the event of war with the Soviet Bloc during early Cold War tensions; Dr Doolittie's Pushme-Pullyu; a new Hadrian 's Wall has been erected; the «divide-and-rule» policy; «Business of America is business»; «What 's in a name».

Упражнение 2

Переведите, обращая внимание на стилистические средства выражения.

Increasingly porous frontiers; out of the shadows; snail-paced consolidation; Cabinet reshuffle; golden opportunity; fuelling Russia's economy; the masks will eventually slip; Downing Street insisted that...; Number Ten has not interfered...; Frankfurt pushed up too high...while Amsterdam edged forward (on banking policies); Kevin's heaven; crisp and crunchy crackers, etc.