
Педагогическое значение памяти для процесса совершенствования лексических навыков диалогической речи 3 (стр. 25 из 27)

Let me start with


In fact,...

To cut a long story short, All in all.... finally,...

.. for instance...

In spite of this,...

What's more. .../Moreover,

Last but not least,...

What I wanted to talk about is

On the one hand ...but on the other hand.

 не заучивайте вашу речь наизусть:

 помните, что после презентации вам будут задавать вопросы, и придется импровизировать;

 избегайте длинных и сложных предложений: в устной речи короткие предложения воспринимаются лучше,

 не говорите слишком долго:

 старайтесь побыстрее затронуть все предложенные аспекты задания, если останется время, развивайте высказывание, добавляя новые аргументы.

Направляемый диалог

Получение и сообщение информации

1. Как поздороваться и попрощаться

Как поздороваться

Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening.


How are you? – I’m fine, thank you, and you? – I’m fine, thanks.

Как попрощаться


See you./See you soon./See you on Monday.

Have a nice time./Have a good weekend.

Don’t forget to drop me a line!

I’ll call you.

Give me a ring some time!

Как представиться

My name’s Peter Jones./I’m Peter Jones.

Nice to meet you./Pleased to meet you.

How do you do?

Как представить других

John, this is Peter./John, meet Peter.

John, I’d like you to meet Peter.

I’d like to introduce Peter Black.

May I introduce Peter Black?

Let me introduce Peter Black.

Как начать разговор

Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?/ Is this seat taken?

Excuse me, am I not interrupting?

Excuse me, could you tell me the time?

Have you been here before? I'm new here.

Excuse me, haven't we met before7

Peter, is that you? We haven't seen each other for...

Lovely day, isn't it? - Yes, it is

Dreadful weather, isn 't it?- Isn 't it awful?

Как закончить разговор

Well, it’s been nice talking to you.

OK, see you on Sunday.

I’m sorry, I must be going.

Bye- bye, take care.

2. Как поддержать разговор

Как выразить неуверенность

Wе//,... (I'm not quite sure...)

You see,...

Actually, .../In fact,...

What I mean is ...

The point is...

Let me think,...

How shall I put it?

Frankly speaking,...

Как попросить объяснить или повторить что-л.

Could you repeat that, please?

Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Could you say it again, please?

I’m not sure if understand. Could you explain that, please?

I don’t quite see what you mean/

What do you mean by that ‘funny’?

Could you spell your name, please?

Could you give an example?

Как вежливо вступить в разговор

By the way, ...

That reminds me ...

Excuse me, I’d just like to say that ...

May I come in here?

May I say something?

That’s right, but don’t you think that ...

3. Как запросить и получить информацию

Как запросить информацию

Could you tell me where I can find a phone box?

Excuse me, do you know what this machine is for?

I wonder if you could help me. When does the evening performance end?

Excuse me, what size is this jacket?

Does this bus go to Victoria Station?

Do you know where I can cash some traveller's cheques?

Where could I try this jacket on?

Как сообщить информацию

Yes, of course. It’ just round the corner.

I’m afraid I don’t know. Try the Information Centre.

Ask the man over there – he’ll help you.

I think there’s a bank down this road.

Well, let me think...

Как дать отказ предоставить информацию

I have no idea, I’m afraid. I’ve never used it myself.

I’m sorry, I really don’t know. I don’t live in this area.

I can’t tell you, I’m afraid. I’m a tourist myself.

I’m afraid I can’t help you. I don’t work here.

4. Как дать указания

Как попросить дать указания

What should I do to borrow a book from this library?

Could you tell me how to operate this cash machine?

Excuse me, how does this payphone work?

Excuse me, how do you prepare this dessert?

How do you make this thing work?

Do you know how to fill in this form?

Как сформулировать инструкцию

You press this button and then a red light appears.

Don’t forget to put a coin in the slot.

First, lift the receiver, and then dial the number.

You fill in this form, then you go to the counter.

Be careful – don’t touch the handle.

When you see the number displayed, approach the counter.

5. Как дать совет

Как просить совет

I’d like to spend the night here. Can you recommend a cheap hotel?

I have to buy a gift for an elderly lady. Could you give me some advice?

What would you do if you were in my position?

Excuse me, which bus should I take to the city centre?

I’ve run out of petrol. What shall I do now?

Do you have any idea what I could do?

Как давать советы

You’d better (not) ...

Why don’t ...?

If I were you, I’d ....

I think you could ...

I don’t think you should ...

6. Как показать дорогу

Как спросить дорогу

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station, please?

How can I get to the centre?

Excuse me, could you tell me where the post office is?

I am wondering how to get to ...

Excuse me, I’m trying to find ...

Как показать дорогу

Walk/Drive/Go straight on until you see/reach the church.

Turn left on the traffic lights.

Cross the street at the zebra crossing.

Take/It’s the second turning on your left.

Turn left at the roundabout and it’s the second road on your right.

Take a number 23 bus and get off the seventh bus stop.

Change at the Hilton Hotel and take a number 15 bus.

It’s five minutes from (here) on foot/by bus/by car.

It’s right in front of you.

It’s on your left.

It’s on the corner.

It’s opposite the school.

It’s next to the church.

It’s between the cinema and the bank.

It’s to the left/right of the shoe shop.

It’s in front of/behind cathedral.

Направляемый диалог

Сообщение о случившемся

1. Как сообщить о случившемся

Как начать рассказывать

It happened a few years ago.

It was a horrible accident.

I knew from the very beginning that something was going to happen.

It was all very funny.

One day ...

Как выстроить последовательность событий

At first ..., but then...

While I was talking on the phone I heard ...

At the same time ...

As soon as ...

First ..., then ...

After that ...

Before that ...

The next thing I did was to ...

Finally, ...

In the end, ...

Eventually, ...

Как закончить рассказ

I’ll never forget that day.

I’ll never .... again.

It was the most unusual/unpleasant/pleasant thing that has ever happened to me.

2. Как выразить предположение

Как выразить уверенность

Of course he’ll manage.

He’ll certainly win.

I’m absolutely sure she won’t do it.

He can’t be that stupid.

It’s going to rain.

He must have offended her.

Как выразить возможность/вероятность

I suppose ...

She’s likely to ...

They may ...

I don’t think ...

I wouldn’t be surprised if ...

Perhaps ...

It’s possible that ...

3. Как выразить различные чувства

Как выразить удивление и сомнение

What a surprise!

It can’t be true.

You must be joking./ You must be kidding.

You can’t be serious.

Well, I’ll be blown!

I am/was surprised to hear that.

I can’t/couldn’t believe it!

Would you believe it?

I am/was totally confused!

Как выразить страх

I’m afraid of ...

I’m really worried about ...

I was so scared, I’ve always been afraid of ...

I was terrified that ...

I was scared stiff./ I was scared to death.

It was the most frightening experience I’ve ever had.

Как успокоить

Don’t worry! It’s be all right.

There is nothing to worry about.

There is no need to worry.

Как выразить ощущения

I could smell ...

It smells ...

It tastes ...

It tastes like ...

She looks terrific.

We could hear the music everywhere.

I felt something cold and wet touching my neck.

It feels ...

Направляемый диалог


1. Выражение просьбы

Как выразить просьбу

Will you help me with this bag, please?

Do you think you could ...?

Can/Could you ...?

Do you mind speaking more slowly?

Would you mind waiting little?

I wonder if you could possibly ...

I was wondering if you could ... once more.

Как дать отказ

(Do/Would you mind ...?) Well, I do/would as a matter of fact.

(Can/Could you ...?) Sorry, I can’t/couldn’t.

I can’t help you, I’m afraid.

I’m awfully sorry, but I have to ...

I’d love t, but ...

I’d really like to help but ...

I doubt that it would ...

Как выразить согласие


Yes, of course./Certainly.

(Do/Would you mind ...?) Not at all.

I’d/I’ll be glad to.

By all means.

2. Как что-то предложить

Как предложить

Shall I ...?

May I help you?

Let me do that for you.

Would you like me to ...?

Do you think I could help you with this?

Как отклонить предложение

It’s/That’s OK, thanks.

No tanks, it’s all right.

Thank you very much, but I’ll manage.

That’s very kind of you, but I can do it myself.

Thanks for offering but I’ll be all right.

Как принять предложение

Thank you very much.

Thanks a lot.

That’s very kind of you, thanks.

Well, if you insist. It’s very kind of you.

How kind, but you don’t have to.

3. Как подать жалобу

Как подать жалобу

I’d like to complain about ...

I’ve got a problem, you see.

I’m sorry to trouble you but could you ...?

I’m sorry to say this but ...

Как принести извинения

I’m terribly sorry.

Please forgive me.

It won’t happen again.

I didn’t mean to do it.

It was so silly of me.

I’m afraid I’ve got something to tell you.

I don’t know how to put this, but (the dictionary you lend me got damaged).

Как отказаться принять извинения

I don’t believe it. How could you (do that)?

Why didn’t you look after it?

I’ll never (lend you anything) again.

What are you going to do about this?

Как принять извинения

Oh, that’s all right.

Don’t worry about it.

Oh, never mind, it doesn’t really matter.

It’ nothing, forget it.

It’s OK.

It’s not your fault.

I’m sure you didn’t mean to (do it).

3. Как внести предложение и как планировать на будущее

Как внести предложение

Are you doing anything on Saturday night?

How about going somewhere tonight?

Would you like to ...?

Why don’t we (go somewhere)?

Let’s ...

Как согласиться с чьим-л. предложением

Good idea.

Thanks, I’d love to.

That’s a great idea.

That would be lovely.

Why not?

Как не согласиться с чьим-л. предложением

(Are you doing anything on Saturday night?) Yes, I am. I’m going to the theatre.

Thanks for asking but I can’t.

It’s nice of you to ask but I’ve already promised to help mom.

I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.

I’m sorry, I’m expecting some guests on Saturday.

This weekend is a bit difficult. What about next weekend?

Как назначить встречу

I’d like to make an appointment with ...

Do you think we could meet soon to discuss it?

Could we meet to talk about it?

What time shall we meet?

Does Monday morning suit to you?

Monday’s fine with me.

Can you make it on Friday afternoon?

I’m afraid I can’t make it then, but I could make Tuesday.

Как планировать на будущее

Shall we ...?

What shall we ...?

Who’s going to ...?

I’ll ...

5. Как давать или получать разрешение

Как попросить разрешение

Can I ...?

Could I ...?

May I ...?

Do you mind if I ...?

Is it all right if I ...?

Would you mind if I ...?

I wonder if it would be possible ...

Как не дать разрешение

I’m afraid not.

That’s not a very good idea.

I don’t think that’s a good idea.

No, please don’t.

I’d rather you didn’t.

I’m sorry but that’s not possible.

(Do you mind ...?) Well, I do as a matter of fact.

(Would you mind ...?) Actually, I would.

Как дать разрешение

Ok./Yes./Yes, of course.

(Do/Would you mind ...?) Not at all. Please do.

(Do you mind ...?) No, I don’t mind at all.

I suppose so.

Как запретить или не позволить что-л. сделать

You can’t smoke here, I’m afraid.

I’m sorry, but you’re not allowed to ...

You mustn’t ...

Dogs are not allowed here.

6. Как высказать мнение

Как высказать мнение

I sometimes think that ...

It seems to me that ...

I believe that ...

In my opinion ..

In my personal opinion....

In my point of view ...

I think ...

Как не согласиться с чужим мнением

That may be true, but ...

I’m not sure I agree with you.

Perhaps, but don’t you think that ...

I can’t agree with you there.

Как согласиться с чужим мнение

That’s exactly what I think/ what I wanted to say.

I couldn’t agree more.

I agree entirely.

So do I.

7. Как говорить об интересах, предпочтениях, желаниях и намерениях

Как рассказать о своих интересах

I find ... interesting.

I’m quite interested in ...

I’m keen on ..

I’m bored by ...

I’m very fond of ...

Как выразить желание и намерение

I’d like to ...

I want to ...

I wish I had ...

I’m going to ...

Как выразить предпочтение

I enjoy going to large parties.

I like ...

I don’t like ...

I love ...

I prefer tea to coffee.

I hate ...

I’d rather watch TV than go out.

I’d rather not stay here alone.

Краткий словарь психологических терминов

АКТУАЛИЗАЦИЯ. Применение человеком индивидуального опыта: своих знаний, умений, навыков, различных форм поведения и эмоционального состояния, а также отдельных психических процессов (представлений, мыслей, движений, чувств и т. д.) — его перевод из состояния в действие. Актуализация основывается на возбуждении ранее образованных систем временных связей (ассоциаций), их «следов» в центральной нервной системе, оживляемых действием наличных предметных и словесных раздражителей. А. может быть преднамеренной (произвольной) и непреднамеренной (непроизвольной), полной и неполной, обобщенной и избирательной в зависимости от прочности выработанных нервных связей, общей структуры и состояния функциональной системы, в которую они включаются в данный момент.