The Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages Made by: Ivanchenko Victoriya, 207 group. Checked by: Zhakiyanova Aigerim. Almaty 2011 Saudabaev Kanat Bekmurzaevich The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Republic Kazakhstan since September, 4th, 2009. Was born on July, 18th 1946 in settlement Zhetygen of Ilijsky area of Almaty area. Has ended the Leningrad state institute of culture (1968) on a speciality "director", then - Academy of social studies at the Central Committee of the CPSU (1988). The candidate of philosophical sciences (1981, a dissertation theme - "Ways of rapprochement of a way of life city and agricultural population", the doctor of political sciences (2000, a dissertation theme - "Kazakhstan-Turkey: formation and development of relations"). A diplomatic rank - the Plenipotentiary ambassador (1993). A military rank - the captain of a stock. Kanat Saudabaev has handed over Hillari Clinton Orden "Dostyk" of I degree In Washington have passed negotiations of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Kanata Saudabaeva and US state secretary Hilari Clinton, the republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs is informed on a site. In solemn conditions Saudabaev according to the decree of the President of Kazakhstan has handed over Clinton Orden "Dostyk" of the first degree "for the big contribution to strengthening of bilateral cooperation and friendship between two states". Also Saudabaev has confirmed Noursultan Nazarbayev's addressed to US president Barack Obama the invitation, to visit Kazakhstan with official visit. On meetings were discussed questions of bilateral cooperation. Heads of foreign policy departments of two countries have underlined importance of timely realization of arrangements of Nazarbayev and Obama reached during negotiations within the limits of the Global Summit on nuclear safety in Washington in April, 2010. Saudabaev and Clinton have confirmed "firm interest of both states in the further strengthening and deepening of strategic partnership". The US State Secretary, in turn, has expressed gratitude for leadership of Kazakhstan in sphere of strengthening of a global mode of non-distribution and maintenance of regional safety. Besides, Clinton has highly appreciated efforts РК on struggle against human trafic and has expressed readiness of administration of the USA to make active bilateral cooperation in this sphere. In sphere of economic cooperation Saudabaev and Clinton haven'ted essential progress on advancement of bilateral negotiating process under the introduction of Kazakhstan into the WTO. Taking into account opening in Astana "Nazarbayev Universitet" one of the most perspective directions of the party named cooperation in the field of a science and technologies. Idrisov Erlan Abilfaizovich By the new ambassador of Kazakhstan in the USA Erlan Idrisov is appointed. On July, 4th, 2007 The head of Kazakhstan Noursultan Nazarbayev has signed the decree about appointment as the ambassador of Kazakhstan in the USA Erlana Idrisova, have informed on Wednesday in the press-service of the president. The same decree the head of the state has dismissed E.Idrisova the ambassador of Kazakhstan in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and also the ambassador of republic in Sweden, Norway, Ireland on sovmestitelstvu.48-year-old E.Idrisov has replaced in Kanata Saudabaeva new post which in May is appointed by the state secretary of Kazakhstan. E.Idrisov headed a diplomatic mission in Great Britain since June, 2002. Even earlier he headed foreign policy department of Kazakhstan. Erlan Idrisov has acted at the Colombian university. The Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in the United States of America of Erlan Idrisov has acted with lecture at institute Garrimana of the Colombian university concerning social and economic and political development of the country, correspondent Kazinforma transfers. In atmosphere of open dialogue the meeting with teachers, researchers and students of high school has taken place. The ambassador has told about the present stage of development of Kazakhstan, has resulted certificates of the progress reached for the short period in various areas of public life. Present were interested in a wide range of questions, including, formation, prospect of development of pipeline system, relations with China and Russia. To Erlan Idrisov Nepomnyaschy has transferred to the director of institute Garrimana Keterin books about history, culture, to economic and political life of modern Kazakhstan and has expressed hope that their studying will promote the best understanding of a current situation in the country. Representatives of institute have thanked the Ambassador for an interesting meeting and the useful literature. After action at institute Garrimana viewing of a blockbuster "Nomads" has been organized. Nurgaliev Bolat Kabdylhamitovich The Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in the USA. Sort. In village Fertile Ermentausky area of Akmolinsky area of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. The Kazakh. In 1972 has ended faculty of foreign languages of the Tselinograd state teacher training college of S.Sejfullina, Kraznoznamennyj institute of KGB of the USSR of Ju. V.Antropov 1972-1973 - worked as the teacher of the Tselinograd teacher training college. 1973-1974 - service in ranks of the army of the USSR. Since 1973 - was on work in system of the Ministry of Defence. Since 1980 - the attache of department of Southern Asia the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. 1981-1985 - the embassy secretary of the USSR in Islamic Republic Pakistan. 1990-1992 - the attache, the third secretary, the first secretary of embassy of the USSR in India. 1992-1994 - the head of department of the international safety and control over arms the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan 1994-1996 - the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Kazakhstan. 1996-2000 - the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in the USA, Canada and Mexico. 2001-2003 - the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in South Korea. 2003-2006 - the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in Japan. From January, 1st, till December, 31st, 2009 - the secretary general of the Shanghai organization of cooperation. Efficiency of OSCE is defined by political will of the countries-participants of the Organization – Bolat Nurgaliev. The Political will of the countries-participants of OSCE is the key factor of success of the Organization, including efficiency of the international efforts on settlement of conflicts. The special representative of the operating chairman of the Organization has declared it on October, 20th of this year in Vienna on safety and cooperation in Europe under long conflicts of Bolat Nurgaliev, addressed to sessions of the second part of the Survey conference which is passing on the eve of the Summit of heads of the countries-participants of OSCE in Astana on December, 1-2st of this year «Not a secret that in separate parts of region of OSCE safety issues are today especially actual. For this reason for the Organization future successful carrying out of the Summit of OSCE in Astana which can bring the powerful contribution to business of maintenance of complex international safety on the Euroatlantic and Euroasian spaces» is vital, - has underlined B.Nurgaliev. In a context of prospects of settlement of long conflicts special representative ДП OSCE has noticed that in the given sphere of significant positive results it is possible to achieve only at aiming of all conflicting parties and the international intermediaries at search of a mutually acceptable and universal solution of a problem. Sulejmenov Tuleutaj Skakovich Since 1994 on 1996 – the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in the USA. The director of Institute of diplomacy – the vice-rector of Academy of the government at the President of Republic Kazakhstan. Sulejmenov Tuleutaj Skakovich was born on October, 1st, 1941 in the city of Semipalatinsk. Has ended the Karaganda polytechnical institute (1967), Diplomatic Academy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (1980). Has a diplomatic rank of the Plenipotentiary Ambassador. Since 1969 on 1971 – the master of shop, the secretary of committee of Komsomol of the Karaganda metal works. Since 1971 on 1977 – the first secretary of Temirtausky city town committee ЛКСМ of Kazakhstan, the chairman of city Committee of the national control, the second secretary of the Temirtausky city town committee of Communist Party. Since 1977 on 1980 – the listener of Diplomatic academy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Since 1980 on 1981 - the first secretary of department of the countries of Middle East the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Since 1981 on 1985 – the consul of Consulate general of the USSR to Mazar-i-Sharif (Afghanistan). Since 1985 on 1988 - the adviser of department of the countries of Middle East the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Since 1988 on 1991 – the adviser of Embassy of the USSR in Islamic Republic Iran. Since 1991 on 1994 - the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Republic Kazakhstan. Since 1994 on 1996 – the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in the USA. Since 1996 on 2001 – the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in the Hungarian Republic, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador РК in Poland, Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovakia and Romania in combination. Since 2001 on 2003 – the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in Kingdom Belgium, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador РК in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the head of representation at the European Union in the NATO in combination. Since 2003 on 2005 - the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Kazakhstan in Poland. Since September, 2005 – the director of Institute of diplomacy – the vice-rector of Academy of the government at the President of Republic Kazakhstan. Head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Tuleutaj Sulejmenov Has denied yesterday appeared on the last week in the Iranian press the information that the republic itself "bears responsibility" for the nuclear weapon placed in its territory. As the statement of the Kazakh diplomat affirms that president Noursultan Nazarbayev, planning to visit this month the USA, doesn't intend to put forward at all to Bill Clinton any settlement terms of the nuclear weapon. The message on unwillingness of Almaty to leave a nuclear arsenal has appeared referring to the ambassador of Kazakhstan in Teheran Myrzataja Dzholdasbekova. He as if has declared that during the visit planned for February to the USA Noursultan Nazarbayev will demand non-use guarantees in the future "third party" of the Kazakh nuclear weapon as a condition of its conclusion from republic. However according to head Kazakh the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, authors of the publication or gave out wished for valid, or "have incorrectly interpreted" words of the ambassador. With mistrust have concerned the message of the Iranian press and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia: even before official reaction of Almaty the first deputy minister Anatoly Adamishin has noticed that bilaterial problems should dare without intermediary of ambassadors in the third countries. Probably, it is necessary to wait for situation clearing not earlier than the termination of the amerikansko-Kazakh summit in Washington. Thus it is not excluded that the example of Ukraine will push also Kazakhstan to use of the nuclear weapon available for it as one of the most powerful arguments in dialogue with Russia. |