
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 10 из 15)

II. Using the word given complete the sentence so that the second sentence has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. Smoking on trains is not allowed.

mustn’t You ____ on trains.

2. Shall we go to the party tonight?

about What ____ the party tonight?

3. She regrets leaving her job.

wishes She ____ her job.

4. You ought to go to bed.

time It ____ to bed.

5. I advise you to take more exercise.

should You ____ exercise.

6. Uncle Bert gave Jane a dog for her birthday.

given Jane ____ for her birthday.

7. Fruit isn’t as fattening as cheese.

more Cheese ____ fruit.

8. I didn’t lose weight, so my new swimsuit still doesn’t fit.

wish I ____ so that my new swimsuit would fit.

9. I met a man; he’s the owner of Pueblo Restaurant.

who The man ____ is the owner of Pueblo Restaurant.

10. Jim is a better storyteller than Alan.

well Alan doesn’t ____ as Jim.

III. Fill in the correct prepositions or particles.

1. A snob always looks ____ people who have little money.

2. Please keep ____ the grass.

3. John gets ____ well with his colleagues. Everybody likes him.

4. I’ve run ____ sugar. Please get me some.

5. Actors have to learn their lines ____ heart.

6. Is Nurse Smith ____ duty tonight?

7. After his jog, he was ____ breath.

8. ____ astonishment, I won $1,000 .

9. She takes ____ her mother; she’s got her eyes.

10. Jo always stands ____ me when I need her.

IV. Find the word which should not be in the sentence.

  1. Emma is one of the nicest people I know.
  2. I got a huge electric bill which I couldn’t pay it.
  3. The robber told everyone person to lie on the floor.
  4. Both of Sue and Jenny love swimming.
  5. They couldn’t afford themselves a holiday.
  6. Many of people believe he is a liar.
  7. Flying is much more safer than driving.
  8. Passengers who are delayed will be offered free of meals.
  9. It’s a fine day today so that we’ll go swimming.
  10. Exercise makes you to feel good but it can also harm you.
  11. I enjoy going to shopping.
  12. His latest novel, which is 500 pages long, it is the best-seller.
  13. John is at the work.
  14. He works hard so that as to be promoted.
  15. Despite of her severe disability, she fulfilled her goals in life.

V. Fill in the spaces with the form of the words in brackets.

  1. Spain is ____ for its beaches. ( fame )
  2. A teacher should be ____ with his students ( patience )
  3. He’s in Africa now. He ‘s always had an ____ spirit. (adventure )
  4. You are never too old to go to college and gain some ____ ( qualify )
  5. My history teacher has a vast ____ of past events. ( know )
  6. My greatest ____ was graduating from university. ( achieve )
  7. It is ____ , when going on a long trip, to plan well in advance. (necessity )
  8. That shop has a ____ of sweets to choose from. ( various )
  9. Reading a newspaper is an ____ way of keeping informed. ( effect )
  10. The weatherman said there is a strong ____ of rain today.( possible )

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

A. Gordon Jones lives and works in Greenland. He wishes he 1) ____ ( live ) somewhere warmer though. If he 2) ____ ( work ) in Portugal, for example, he wouldn’t have to wear such warm clothes all the time. “I wish I 3) ____ (take ) that job in Portugal ,”he says.” It didn’t pay so well, but at least I could have enjoyed the sunshine. I 4) ____ ( never / get ) a suntan in this country. I wish I 5) ____ ( think ) about it more carefully at the time”.

B. Mr. McDermott 1) ____ ( work ) as a doctor. When he first 2) ____ ( begin ) his career in 1990, he 3) --------- ( just / leave ) medical school. He 4) ____ ( open ) his own doctor’s surgery in 1992 and since then he 5) ____ ( work ) as a doctor. He 6) ____ ( enjoy ) his job and , at the moment, he 7) ____ ( teach ) young medical students in his spare time. He hopes that in the future he 8) ____ ( continue ) to help sick people and his fellow physicians.


Test 31.

I. Choose the best word a, b, or c to complete the sentences.

1) Newcastle is a big city with very good ___________.

a) nighttime b) nightlife c) nightclub

2) There’s quite a big French-speaking __________ in London.

a) community b) outdoor c) tourist

3) The public _________ system in Liverpool is very good.

a) traffic b) metro c) transport

4) Oxford has some beautiful __________.

a) cathedral b) pollution c) countryside

5) Do you know where I can _________ rollerblading in the city?

a) make b) have c) go

6) What’s the __________ city of Australia?

a) major b) capital c) flag

7) Could you ________ me directions to the nearest bank, please?

a) tell b) say c) give

8) I have several friends who live __________.

a) abroad b) outside c) foreign

9) Frank lived a life of crime when he was young, but now he is a _________ man.

a) changed b) criminal c) clean

II. Choose the correct phrase to complete 1-10.

1. How many children ____________?

a) you have b) do you have c) have you

2. What kind of music ____________?

a) is she like b) likes she c) does she like

3. What ____________ to do this afternoon?

a) does she want b) do she wants c) is she want

4. Lynn ____________ a very unusual personality.

a) is b) has c) does

5. Have you read your horoscope ________, Jackie?

a) yet b) already c) still

6. Kate is busy. She ____________for a test.

a) is study b) is studying c) is studies

7. What________? Is it an orange?

a) you are eating b) are you eating c) do you eat

8. I ________John since 2001.

a) know b) have known c) am knowing

9. What time________to bed?

a) usually do you go b) do usually you go c) do you usually go

10. Sarah________for three hours.

a) already reads b) has already read c) has already been reading

III. Read the texts and match the rubrics A–H to the texts 1–7. There is one extra rubric.
A. Book review B. Domestic news C. Horoscope D. Local news E. Culture F. Health G. Traditions H. Travelling 1. If you are tired as a dog and yet can’t manage all the things you have to do, just forget about them. The stars advice you to relax and feel happy. Work on the positive attitude toward people and events. Meet the coming week fresh and joyous, and you’ll be surprised at the ease with which you’ll be able to solve all your problems. 2. This year’s Theatre in the Park at Whitby Park was another spectacular success. All three performances were crowded with theatre-goers of all ages. The audience, seated outdoors on blankets and chairs, enjoyed every moment of the performances. 3. Today the President of the Russian Federation signed a new law, banning smoking in public places such as schools, universities, hospitals and streets. He says he is not afraid of losing the support of smokers and their voices. “Our aim is to protect the health of the young, the health of the nation, and we shall do whatever is needed,” – he says in his address to the State Duma. 4. A new medicine was presented today in the New York Dental Care Centre. It is good news for everyone who at least once had to go to the dentist. The new CareDent is a great step forward in dental care. It protects teeth and gums, and helps restore the ruined teeth ! It is reported that the medicine is created on the basis of space technologies and will cost less than a visit to the dentist. 5. Mrs Amanda Dubois, a famous benefactress, gave our town a sum of money enough to build a municipal kindergarten. It will be erected in the poorer part of the town and named after Mother Theresa, according to the wish of the donatress. 6. In the coming summer enjoy yourself in Venice, wonderful and charming city. The city offers gondola tours around the historical heart, traditional cuisine and souvenirs. It is hot in Italy at this time of the year, and it is hot to discover new things! 7. This new book by the science fiction star is very much like – and at the same time totally unlike – his previous works. You are sure to enjoy his clear, distinct language, which is characteristic of no one else. But the thing is – for the first time he describes the future without wars, lasers mobile infantry. The future looks so peaceful...But only at first glance.

IV. Fill the gaps with a, an or the.

1. Excuse me. Have you got ______ time?

2. I want ______ new printer for Christmas.

3. I was four the first time I saw ______ elephant.

4. I spoke to ______ boss this morning about having next Friday off.

5. It was ______ exciting movie.

6. She had ______ boiled egg for breakfast.

7. Have ______ nice day.

8. Where did you buy ______ oranges?

9. ______ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

10. ______ avalanche killed four skiers in Austria today.

11. ______ huge ape ran out of the forest and stole my picnic hamper.

12. Can you tell me ______ way to the post office, please?

13. My students like to do their activity books lying on ______ floor.

14. Samantha's bought a new car. It's ______ red one, parked next to that motorbike.

15. I like this jumper but it's brown. Have you got it in ______ different colour?

16. It's such ______ nice day that I think I'll go and read my book in the park.

17. ______ River Thames flows right through the middle of London.

18. I saw ______ eagle hovering high above the valley.

V. Choose the right variant.

1. ___ yesterday?
a. Whose called
b. Who called

2. ___ talk to?
a. Who did you
b. Who you did
c. Who you

3. ___ you born?
a. Where was
b. Where are
c. Where were

4. ___ to the train station?
a. How do I get
b. How I get

5. ___ the flight delayed?
a. Why did
b. Why is
c. Why

6. ___ you have?
a. How much hand-luggage do
b. How many hand-luggage do
c. How much hand-luggage

7. ___ the river?
a. How deep has
b. How deep can be
c. How deep is

8. When ___ leave?
a. should we
b. we should
c. should we to

9. ___ the answer?
a. Who knows
b. Who know

10. ___ to the airport?
a. How far is
b. How far is it
c. How distance is it

11. How much ___ ?
a. do you weight
b. does your weight
c. do you weigh

12. How long ___ waiting for me?
a. have you been
b. you have been
c. have you

VI. Translate into english.

  1. Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомнила ,что оставила книгу дома.
  2. Мой друг был болен уже неделю, когда я узнал об этом.
  3. К полуночи мы закончили работу.
  4. Он был счастлив: он написал отличное сочинение.
  5. Они шли по дороге уже 3 часа, когда начался дождь.
  6. Ну, уложила ты свои вещи, наконец? Такси уже десять минут ожидает у дверей.

VII. Choose the right variant.

1. It was cold ___ I shut the window.
a. so
b. because

2. The door was open ___ I closed it.
a. so
b. because

3. She doesn't like him ___ he isn't honest.
a. so
b. because

4. It was raining ___ I took a taxi.
a. so
b. because

5. The water wasn't clean ___ we didn't swim.
a. so
b. because

6. We didn't swim ___ the water wasn't clean.
a. so
b. because

7. I'll be home late tonight ___ I have to work late.
a. so
b. because

8. I'm tired today ___ I couldn't sleep last night.
a. so
b. because

9. She quit her job ___ she is looking for a new one now.
a. so
b. because

10. We walked home ___ there were no more buses.
a. so
b. because

11. I closed the window ___ it was cold.
a. so
b. because


Test 32.

I. Complete the text. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple, Present Simple Passive, Past Simple or Past Simple Passive.

I’ll never forget the time I (1) _________________ (invite) to be part of a TV audience. It was a show called Win A Million which is a game show. In the show, contestants (2) _________________ (ask) questions which are worth different amounts of money. The top prize is £1 million, but it

(3) _________________ (not / win) very often. The show isn’t live, it (4) _________________ (film) about a week before it (5) _________________ (show) on the TV. I always make sure that I

(6) _________________ (watch) the programme on TV, and I was very excited to be part of the audience.

When I (7) _________________ (arrive) at the TV station the director (8) _________________ (tell) us to be very quiet when the questions (9) _________________ (ask). But I

(10) _________________ (have) a really bad cough that day so they (11) _________________ (ask) me to leave!

II. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1) I sometimes eat meat, but I am preferring vegetarian food.


2) What are you doing on Sundays?


3) I’m meeting Jason at three o’clock around.


4) It’s a wonderful wedding, and the bride is seeming to be very happy.


5) “What do you do, Harry?” “I’m ringing my friend, Joe.”


6) The priest is chating to the bride and groom in the church.


7) Every Saturday she studys at the library with her friends.


8) What are you doing in dinner time tonight?


III. Complete the blanks 1–6 with the parts of sentences A–G. There is one extra part.

The monster fish announced itself with four huge blows of its tail, thrashing against the net that had trapped it in the Mekong River.

It was a rare giant catfish, 1__________________.

At 2.7 meters in length and weighing 293 kilogram, it may be the biggest freshwater fish ever recorded.

But in one of the world’s more surprising mysteries, nobody really knows which is the biggest species of fish lurking under the waters of the Mekong or the Amazon or the Yangtze or the Congo or the Colorado or Lake Baikal.

When the giant catfish was caught in May, a biologist named Zeb S. Hogan rushed here to take a look. It was his first trophy 2__________________.

Sponsored by the National Geographic Society and the World Wildlife Fund, 3__________________.

He has started with the Mekong, which he said has seven species of giant fish, more than any other river, along with at least 750 other species. All of them are threatened – 4 __________________ – by overfishing, pollution and development, including major dam projects.

The Mekong giant catfish may be 5__________________. The few that remain can be spotted now only in central Cambodia and here, just below the Golden Triangle, where northern Thailand, Laos and Myanmar meet.

No one has made a credible claim to top this year’s trophy, Mr. Hogan said. “I keep expecting people to send me photos or records of larger fish, 6__________________,” Mr. Hogan said. “But that’s kind of the point of the project. Let’s gather all the information that’s out there and decide which is the largest freshwater fish.”