
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 11 из 15)

A. like river fish around the world

B. in a project to identify the world’s largest freshwater fish in the hope of slowing their extinction

C. but nobody has

D. and it took five boatmen an hour to pull it in and 10 men to lift it when they reached the shore in this remote village in northern Thailand

E. but we couldn’t weigh it

F. Mr. Hogan has embarked on an 18-month expedition that will take him to five continents

G. the first to disappear from the river, he said

IV. For questions 1–8, put the phone conversation (a–h) in the correct order.

a) Would you like to see the menu before you order, sir?

b) Yes, you can, sir. Can I take your coat?

c) Good afternoon. I’d like a table for one, please.

d) Very good, sir. That’s one set menu and a beer. I’ll be back in a moment.

e) Thank you. I’d like to order straightaway, please. I don’t have much time.

f) Certainly, sir. Let me show you to your table. Here you are, sir.

g) No. I’d like the set menu, please. And I’ll have a beer as well.

h) I’d prefer a non-smoking table if you have one. Can I sit over here?

(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______

(5) _______ (6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______

V. Choose the right variant.

1. Do you think this is something ___ can be learned?
a. who
b. that
c. -

2. Don't go out ___ you've finished your work.
a. as
b. while
c. until

3. Make sure you close all the windows ___ it starts to rain.
a. after
b. before
c. for

4. I think I know ___ he left the job.
a. why
b. until
c. where

5. ___ I had known how much I would disappoint him, I woudn't have done it.
a. Whether
b. When
c. If

6. ___ you see me, get in the car.
a. As soon as
b. While
c. Whether

7. My friend John, ___ lives in California, has a car with a New York license.
a. whose
b. who
c. that

8. It's usually quite simple to cross the border between the USA and Canada ___ these two countries have friendly relations.
a. yet
b. and
c. because

9. ___ a university professor returns from a sabbatical leave, he should be better qualified.
a. Until
b. When
c. Even though

10. She's ___ a snobbish person ___ nobody likes to be with her.
a. such...that
b. such...as
c. so...that

VI. Fill the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. A: Are you any good _______ chess?

B: No, not really. I nearly always lose .

2. Football and advertisements! I'm really fed _______ with the telly these days.

3. I can't believe it. Carlos is afraid _______ pigeons. It's ridiculous.

4. Pedro has a problem. He's jealous _______ everything, even his own sister!

5. Carla is very worried _______ her exams.

6. I get confused _______ all this new technology.

7. That was very stupid _______ him.

8. Are you aware _______ the situation in Sierra Leone?

9. She's very excited _______ her trip to Egypt.

10. I'm very bad _______ tennis, I'm afraid.

VII. translate into English.

1. Вам не надо сдавать сочинения сегодня. Вы можете сдать их завтра.

2. Завтра нам не придётся рано вставать. Мы не встаём рано по воскресеньям.

3. Может быть он на работе.

4. Мама была очень больна и мне пришлось вести сестру в школу.

5. Нам не разрешают разговаривать на уроках.

6. Не следует говорить с ней грубо.


Test 33.

I. Complete the conversation between Max (M) and Ruth (R) with one word or phrase from the box in each space.

that’s meet shall you have meeting at on

nights how about in why not would you like to

to go I’m afraid I’m about evening going

M: Hello, Max, would you like (1) ___________ out somewhere tonight?

R: I’d love to Ruth, but (2) ___________ busy tonight.

M: What (3) ___________ tomorrow night then?

R: I can’t. I do yoga on Thursday (4) ___________.

M: (5) ___________ having lunch this Saturday, then?

R: Yes, (6) ___________? I don’t think I’m doing anything this weekend.

M: We could go for a walk in the park as well. The park looks lovely (7) ___________ spring.

R: (8) ___________ a really good idea.

M: Where (9) ___________ we meet?

R: Why don’t we (10) ___________ at my house (11) ___________ 11 o’clock

(12) ___________ Saturday morning?

M: OK. See you then.

II. Choose the right variant.

1. The bus stopped ___ the man got off.
a. and
b. but
c. or

2. We stayed at home ___ ate there.
a. and
b. but
c. or

3. I wanted to buy a newspaper ___ didn't have enough money.
a. and
b. but
c. or

4. He's so nice ___ he doesn't have enough money.
a. and
b. but
c. or

5. Do you want tea ___ coffee?
a. and
b. but
c. or

6. Is the Empire State Building in New York ___ London?
a. and
b. but
c. or

7. Is it a new house ___ an old house?
a. and
b. but
c. or

8. I enjoy visiting many different countries ___ I wouldn't want to live overseas.
a. and
b. but
c. or

9. We can go by bus ___ we can walk.
a. and
b. but
c. or

10. I can't remember his face ___ I know his face from somewhere.
a. and
b. but
c. or

III. Use the correct form of the word.

Job opportunities in the US My husband and I are from India. We arrived in the United states in 1994. My husband had a degree from a university in India, but he (A)________________________ to find a job. We decided to come to the United States for the work opportunity in this country. My husband came here first. He began (B) ________________________ in an Indian restaurant where he is now the manager. He saved money and then sent tickets for me and our little daughter. My husband (C)_________________________ his work and would like to start his own business someday, (D)___________________ a restaurant. I planned to be a doctor. I finished university and intern-ship in India. But when I arrived here and submitted my transcripts, they told me that I (E)________________________ to begin my education again. They only gave me credit for a small number of courses. I felt very (F)________________________ , but I refused to be discouraged. I have changed my major to nursing. I have already been accepted into a nursing program. Wheh I (G)________________________my English courses, I intend to get my registered nurse degree. My joy in life is our daughter who is five years old and in kindergarten.








IV. Choose the right variant.

1. The train leaves ___ five minutes, hurry up.
a. at
b. on
c. in

2. I'm going to America ___ April.
a. at
b. on
c. in

3. He doesn't work ___ Sundays or Mondays.
a. at
b. on
c. in

4. In England the shops shut ___ 5:30.
a. at
b. on
c. in

5. She never feels very good ___ the morning.
a. at
b. on
c. in

6. She is starting work ___ June 4th.
a. at
b. on
c. in

7. What do you do ___ the evenings?
a. at
b. on
c. in

8. I can't sleep ___ night these days.
a. at
b. on
c. in

9. Where are you going ___ the summer?
a. at
b. on
c. in

10. I was born ___ 1966.
a. at
b. on
c. in

V. Choose the correct alternative.

They (sit ) in the room when the taxi arrived.

A. sat C. were sitting

B. had been sitting D. had sat

2. He quickly forgot everything he ( learn ) at school.

A. learnt C. had been learning

B. was learning D. had learnt

3. I ( talk ) over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door.

A. talked C. had been talking

B. had talked D. was talking

4. We ( walked ) along the forest for two hours when we saw a house.

A. walked C. had walked

B. were walking D. had been walking

5. The musician ( play ) the piano for a whole hour when we came in.

A. played C. had played

B. had been playing D. were playing

6. And I began writing to you instead of going to the seaside ,as I ( plan ) before.

A. planned C. had planned

B. was planning D. had been planning

VI. Complete the table.

Base word Adjectives

Translation Positive meaning Negative meaning

beauty ................................. beautiful X

brain ................................. X brainless

care ................................. careful careless

charm ................................. X charmless

end ................................. X endless*

faith ................................. faithful faithless

harm ................................. harmless harmful

home ................................. homeless X

help ................................. helpful helpless

hope ................................. hopeful hopeless

pain ................................. painless painful

peace ................................. peaceful

penny ................................. X penniless

power ................................. powerful powerless

sleep ................................. sleepless*

taste ................................. tasteful tasteless

thought ................................. thoughtful thoughtless

time ................................. timeless X

use ................................. useful useless

VII. Translate into English.

1. На его месте я бы не пропускал занятия. 2. Жаль, что я не вожу машину. 3. Как жаль, что сейчас не лето. Мы бы поехали на море, если бы было тепло. 4. Жаль, что я не знаю её адрес. 5. Будь я молод, я бы отправился с вами. 6. Что бы ты делал на моём месте?


Test 34.

I. Choose the best word or phrase a, b, or c.

(1) Harry’s birthday is _________________.

a) the twentieth of May b) May the twenty c) the twenty in May

(2) Would you like to pay ____ cash, or ____ credit card, madam?

a) by / in b) in / by c) with / with

(3) Did Kate Winslet _________________ a good speech when she won her Oscar for Titanic?

a) have b) say c) make

(4) A: Is your son named _________________ your father?

B: Yes, he was called David, too.

a) after b) with c) by

II. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the word.

The weekend

A It was Labour Day and Michael and Patty decided ________________ away for the last weekend of the summer.

B On Saturday they _________________ to Bayside. Everything was terrible ! The weather was cloudy and cool. The beaches were dirty with cups, cans, and bottles on the sand.

C Because their motel was near the highway, it was very noisy and they were awake _________________ of the night.

D On Saturday evening they tried a French restaurant near their motel. Their table was near the kitchen and it was hot and noisy. The food was awful. Patty said, «I can cook ____________________ than this!» Michael was upset with the bill. It was $75.

E Patty and Michael left on Sunday morning and drove to Surf City. What a difference! The weather was ____________________ and hot. The beach was sandy and white, and they were in the water all afternoon.

F That evening they were happy with the Mexican restaurant near the motel. Their table was near the window, so they _________________ see the beach. The food was fresh and spicy, and the bill was only $37.







III. Choose the best alternative.

Начало формы

1. If you are ___, you shouldn't apply for this job.
1 unexperienced
2 inexperienced

2. Начало формыEverybody thinks that John and his brother are ___ guys.
1 unpleasant
2 displeasant

Конец формы

3. Начало формыIt's quite ___ to please her.
1 impossible
2 unimpossible

Конец формы

4. Начало формыThis was one of the most ___ conferences I've ever participated in.
1 inorganized
2 disorganized

Конец формы

5. Начало формыJohn and Mary are ___ friends.
1 unseparable
2 inseparable

Конец формы

6. Начало формыOur society should punish ___ politicians.
1 unhonest
2 dishonest

Конец формы

7. Начало формыShe was fired because she was ___.
1 unefficient
2 inefficient

Конец формы

8. Начало формыWe couldn't understand why he made such ___ remarks.

Конец формы

9. Начало формыIt's ___ to shout at people in the street.
1 impolite
2 unpolite

Конец формы

10. Начало формыThat teacher feels awful when ___ visitors come to attend her class.
1 inexpected
2 unexpected

IV. Choose the best alternative.

Начало формы

1. When do you write to your friends?
a. I don't know.
b. I write to my friends at home.
c. I do it whenever I have time.

2. Начало формыHow old are you?
a. I'd rather not say.
b. I'd rather not tell my husband.
c. I'd rather not show you.

Конец формы

3. Начало формыHow about going to the theater tonight?
a. I'm sorry to hear that.
b. Sorry I have a business meeting tonight.
c. Sure. Maybe some other time.

Конец формы

4. Начало формыCan I see your ticket, please?
a. I'm afraid I can't find it.
b. No, it's mine.
c. Yes, it's a ticket.
Конец формы

5.Начало формыWhat is your city like?
a. I like it a lot.
b. It's small, but nice.
c. I have no idea.

Конец формы

6. Начало формыExcuse me, can you tell me where the museum is?
a. Why do I have to tell you?
b. You have to know the ropes.
c. It's at the end of this street.

Конец формы

7. Начало формыCan I pay by check? I don't have any cash on me.
a. Sorry, we only take hard cash.
b. Sorry, the checks were stolen.
c. Sorry, that's not fair.

Конец формы

8. Начало формыHow would you like your steak?
a. Rare, please.
b. A slice, please.
c. No, thanks.

Конец формы

9. Начало формыWhat are you going to do on your summer vacation?
a. I might have worked hard.
b. I traveled last summer.
c. I haven't thought about it.

Конец формы

10. Начало формыHave you studied English before?
a. Yes, but I need practice in speaking.
b. Yes, when I was born.
c. Yes, I'm interested in your English course.

Конец формы