
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 12 из 15)

11. Начало формыWhat time do you get up in the morning?
a. At seven o'clock.
b. At seventeen.
c. At midnight.

Конец формы

12. Начало формыHow long does it take you to get to class?
a. I take medicime.
b. It takes fifteen minutes.
c. I take the bus.

V. Fill the gaps by choosing the most appropiate answer in brackets.

1 Did you know that Chrissie got ________________ (embarrassed/pregnant) on holiday in Ibiza?

2 The ________________ (signature/subject) I hate most is maths.

3 Begonia is a very ________________ (kind /sympathetic) person.

4 Keep ________________ (removing/stirring) the soup the whole time.

5 I couldn't agree more. That's a very ________________ (sensible/sensitive) idea.

6 The film The Quiet American was a box-office ________________ (exit/success).

7 How many ________________ (idioms/languages) can you speak?

8 ________________ (Actually/Nowadays) I'm living with my parents again.

9 The poor live in the ________________ (slums/suburbs).

10 The police came to my ________________ (assistance/attendance).

11 I've got ________________ (a cold/constipation). Pass me a tissue, please.

12 I was only living with my parents ________________ (eventually/temporarily).V.V

VI. Complete the sentences.

1. People from Britain are

2. People from Spain are

3. People from Italy are

4. He lives in Greece. He is

5. They live in Turkey. They are

6. People from Germany are

7. People from Belgium are _____ and speak French, German and _____.

8. People from Russia are _____ and speak ______.

9. She lives in Finland. She is _____.

10. People from Norway are _____.

11. He lives in Switzerland. He is _____.

12. Her father is from Ireland. He is _____ and speaks _____.

13. People from Hungary are _____.

14. People from Denmark are _____.

15. People from Holland (The Netherlands) are _____.

16. People from the Ukraine are _____.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Послушай, Сэм! Ты не мог бы отъехать немного? Твоя машина загораживает мне дорогу.

2. Я попрошу вас не шуметь, пожалуйста.

3. Прошу прощения, сэр. Не могли бы вы не курить в фойе?

4. Интересно, ты не мог бы одолжить мне свою машину на пару часов?

5. Вы не могли бы проводить меня в мою комнату?


Test 35.

I. Complete the CV (curriculum vitae) with the correct words or phrases.


(1) P - - - - - - - D - - - - - -

Name: Mary Smith

Date of Birth: 8th January 1983

Address: 30 Howard Street, London SW6 7BN

Tel: 0208 765 3425

(2) E - - - - - - - -

2005 Warwick Business School

2001-2004 University of Essex

2000 Wapping Grammar School

(3) Q - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2005 Higher Diploma in Business Administration

2004 BA Economics

2002 Three A levels: Maths, Physics, Chemistry

(4) P - - - - - - - - - - - E - - - - - - - - -

2006 PA to Marketing Manger, English @ Oxford

2005 PA to Manager, Hard Rock Café

(5) P - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - -

Travel, photography, theatre, cinema, swimming, dance

(6) R - - - - - - - - -

Mrs Joan Stockwell, Warwick Business School

Mr N. Jackson, University of Essex

II. Fill the gaps by choosing the most appropiate answer in brackets.

1 The government have ________________ (inverted/invested) a lot of money in the new scheme.

2 Do not ________________ (invert/invest) this package.

3 The Englishman wearing navy blue socks with sandals is a bit of a ________________ (stereotype/topic) in Spain.

4 He never stops moving some part of his body. He finds it impossible to ________________ (keep quiet/keep still).

5 We didn't enjoy the wedding ________________ (absolutely/at all).

6 English is very ________________ (important/interesting) for my job.

7 All my immediate family live in England but I have a lot of ________________ (parents/relatives) in Canada.

8 My ________________ (journey/working day) is from 8 am to 5 pm but it only take me twenty minutes to get to the office.

9 The Red Cross are ________________ (controlling/monitoring) the situation in the north very closely.

10 The rebels are ________________ (controlling/monitoring) the entire north of the country.

11 ________________ (Eventually/Temporarily), we decided to go on holiday rather than buy a home cinema kit.

III. Choose the right word.

Feeling very nervous, Michelle walked into her English class on the morning of the final exam. She hated tests, and she was 1 that she would pass this one. Just as she sat down she saw her friend Teresa come into the classroom. Michelle 2 to Teresa and was 3 to see that she looked happy and 4 . There was even a smile on Teresa’s face, and she was humming a song. When Teresa took her seat, Michelle said to her, «You don’t look a bit worried! Aren’t you 5 of the test?»

«No,» said Teresa. «I put a lot of effort into studying for it.»

«Are you sure you will pass?» asked Michelle.

«I think I will,» said Teresa. «But even if I don’t, I know that I did my best to get ready for it. And that is all I can do.»

Michelle had also worked 6 to prepare for the test, so Teresa’s words made her feel a bit more comfortable. As she relaxed, and her worries went away, she began to feel more 7 that she too would do well on the test.


a) brave b) sure c) enthusiastic d) uncertain


a) shook b) waved c) reached d) gain


a) amazed b) thirsty c) separated d) allowed


a) soft b) quite c) calm d) light


a) required b) scared c) requested d) keen


a) ordinary b) hardly c) worse d) hard


a) confident b) negative c) evident d) valuable

IV. Complete the dialogue.

Начало формы

A: Hello! My ___ is Nancy Brown. What ___ your name?

Конец формы

Начало формы

B: Hi. I ___ Karla Lopes.

Конец формы

Начало формы

A: ___ you new here?

Конец формы

Начало формы

B: Yes, this is ___ first trip ___ the States. I arrived two days ___.

Конец формы

Начало формы

A: And why ___ you come to the States?

Конец формы

Начало формы

B: I ___ to the States ___ an exchange student.
I plan ___ improve my English. I'll ___ living ___ the Perrys ___ six months.

Конец формы

Начало формы

A: That's great! I hope ___ enjoy your stay here.

Конец формы

Начало формы

B: Thanks.

V. Choose the right variant.

1. People from Canada are called
a. Canuks
b. Canadians
c. Canadites

2. People from India are
a. Indies
b. Hindus
c. Indians

3. He's from Germany. He is
a. German
b. Germany
c. Dutch

4. She lives in Argentina. She speaks
a. Argentinian
b. Spanish
c. Portuguese

5. She lives in Argentinia. She is
a. Argentinian
b. Argentese
c. Argentonian

6. People in Israel are
a. Jewish
b. Israeli
c. Hebrew

7. People from Israel speak
a. Jewish
b. Israeli
c. Hebrew

8. People in Hong Kong speak English and
a. Hangul
b. Cantonese
c. Mandarin

9. People in Macau speak Cantonese and
a. Spanish
b. English
c. Portugese

10. People from Ireland are
a. Irish
b. English
c. Irelandish

VI. Choose the right variant.

1. He looked at his watch quickly.
a. searched
b. reached
c. glanced
d. sobbed
e. raced

2. The robbers looked through the whole house for money.
a. searched
b. glanced
c. hunted
d. sobbed
e. tossed

3. When she got her test back, she was so disappointed that she threw it away.
a. searched
b. poured
c. roared
d. tossed
e. raced

4. The waiter put Kuala Beer into my glass.
a. filled
b. poured
c. reached
d. threw
e. tossed

5. When her dog died, she cried very hard for half an hour.
a. yelled
b. screamed
c. sobbed
d. raced
e. drowned

6. It was foggy and I watched my friend move out of sight into the distance as he walked away.
a. toss
b. throw
c. disappear
d. pour
e. race

7. Would you like some more to eat. No thank you. I've had more than enough already.
a. amount
b. race
c. pour
d. plenty
e. much

8. This road turns a lot.
a. races
b. roars
c. admits
d. widens
e. bends

9. Please do this now!
a. immediately
b. later
c. sooner
d. whenever
e. before long

10. Someone who is not strong is ___ .
a. muscular
b. weak
c. pale
d. raced
e. excited

11. When your face does not have much colour, it is ___ .
a. pale
b. excited
c. calm
d. seek
e. painted

12. Another word for quiet is ___ .
a. excited
b. adventure
c. pale
d. calm
e. search

13. A story from the past is called a ___ .
a. account
b. article
c. exciting
d. myth
e. ancient

14. On a clear night, the moon ___ so brightly that you can see your shadow.
a. pours
b. shines
c. excites
d. looks
e. seems

15. A box for keeping valuable things is called a ___ .
a. valuable
b. mommy
c. plenty
d. safe
e. sale

VII. Translate into English.

1. Я не уйду, пока вы не скажете мне правду.

2. Что ты будешь делать, если не поступишь в Университет?

3. На твоём месте я бы не пил так много кофе.

4. Если ты только не выключишь эту музыку, я поломаю магнитофон.

5. Если бы погода была теплее, мы бы отправились в лес.

6. Я бы поехал с вами, если бы у меня было свободное время.


Test 36.

I. Choose the best word or phrase a, b, or c.

(1) Did you know that Peter used to work _________ a chauffeur?

a) like b) at c) as

(2) My father used to earn _________ in a travelling circus!

a) a life b) a living c) a salary

(3) I’m hoping to get a _________ later this year.

a) pay rise b) pay raise c) well-paid

(4) I’m hoping to _________ later this year.

a) get promoted b) get promotion c) have promoted

(5) I had several _________ before I became a social worker.

a) careers b) works c) jobs

II. Read the text and do the test below.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the most important figures in the history of music. He had the greatest influence on the last 150 years of music, as no other composer in history wrote such powerful and expressive music, and especially not against such great odds.

Born in Bonn in 1770, Beethoven was extremely talented. His father was a great lover of music, and had dreams of making his son the next Mozart. Although Beethoven was no child prodigy, he did learn to play the piano, violin and organ at a young age. By the time he reached fourteen, he was a proficient organ player and was employed to play professionally.

Sadly, Beethoven’s mother died suddenly when he was seventeen. Following this tragedy, his home life declined, and he left home in 1790 to travel to Vienna. Here, he studied composition with Haydn, but after some time he began to find Haydn’s teaching methods frustrating and he moved on to study with other composers.

Beethoven did not perform in public until he was twenty-five, but from his first performance, he became extremely popular with both the common people and the aristocracy of Vienna. He was lucky enough to become well-known at a time when the middle class were becoming more powerful, so he did not have to rely on the wealthy to offer him work. He was given many opportunities to perform publicly and this, as well as well-paid publishing deals, enabled him to live quite comfortably.

Beethoven is regarded by most musicians and composers to be the greatest symphonist that ever lived. He wrote compositions for orchestra which were revolutionary for his time. Although he followed classical musical forms, he wrote such powerful and beautiful melodies that no listener could fail to be amazed. He was the only composer whose music combined a force and elevation which has become legend. Unlike Mozart, Beethoven did not write complete pieces of music in his head, but worked hard on each composition, filling dozens of books with his effort to create perfect music.

In the early nineteenth century, just as his career was reaching its peak, Beethoven realised that he was beginning to grow deaf. This problem quickly became worse, and he became deeply depressed. He was able to perform and conduct his music less and less, and after a while, he was forced to communicate with his friends and colleagues by using a notebook. The music he wrote at this time terrified those who heard it. By 1820 Beethoven was completely deaf and he isolated himself from society. He died in 1827, full of rage at the fact that his ability to enjoy his own music had been taken away from him.

Beethoven was a wonderful composer who expressed human feelings through music in a way no one else has ever done. Today, his deep, inspiring and yet tragic music is still enjoyed by millions of people all over the world.

1. When he was a child, Beethoven

a. was a child prodigy.

b. loved listening to Mozart.

c. learnt to play some instuments.

d. was not very good at music.

2. Beethoven went to Vienna

a. when he was seventeen.

b. to learn how to compose music.

c. to be with his friend Haydn.

d. because he wanted to travel.

3. Beethoven stopped studying with Haydn because

a. he did not like Haydn.

b. he wanted to get to know other composers.

c. he did not like the way Haydn taught.

d. he moved to another area.

4. Beethoven performed in public a lot because

a. he only performed for middle class people.

b. only the wealthy asked him to perform.

c. he was able to perform for all classes.

d. the common people loved his music.

5. Beethoven is thought of as a great symphonist because

a. he wrote entire pieces of music in his head.

b. he wrote many books of music.

c. his music was different to any other composer’s.

d. he only wrote music for orchestras.

6. Beethoven was unlike Mozart because

a. he wrote all his music down on paper.

b. he composed music in his head.

c. his music amazed people.

d. he wrote dozens of books of music.

7. When Beethoven became deaf

a. he communicated by asking people to write things down.

b. he was still able to perform.

c. his career improved.

d. he stopped writing music.

III. Choose the correct verb form to complete the dialogue.

A: Hello, Tim.

B: Hi, Edgar. Listen, (1) are you doing / will you do anything this afternoon?

A: Yes. (2) I’m meeting / I’ll meet Liz and Gary in about 20 minutes.