
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 14 из 15)

IV. Write the following dates

9 мая 1945 г., 22 апреля 1979 г., 23 февраля 1971 г., 5. 9. 65 г., 31 января 2000 г., 01. 09. 97 г., 20 /VI – 49 г., в 1869 г., в сентябре 1941 г., к ноябрю 2011 г., в 1901 г., 9/1 – 1905 г., в мае 1989 г.

V. Choose the best word a, b, or c to complete 1–7.

(1) I’m trying to make a phone call. Are you connected __________ the internet?

a) on b) to c) at

(2) You’ve been in this internet café for hours. Will you log __________, please!

a) off b) on c) out

(3) People will never live on the moon. That’s just __________ fiction!

a) scientist b) science c) impossible

(4) Do you think scientists will ever find a __________ for cancer?

a) cure b) disease c) medicine

(5) When I was nineteen, I was a __________ on a game show.

a) competitor b) highlight c) contestant

(6) I worked a fifteen __________ yesterday.

a) hours b) hour day c) hours day

(7) Move the __________ to the ‘copy’ icon and click on it.

a) undo b) cursor c) tools

VI. Use a suitable expression to complete these sentences so that they are for you and your family.

1. By the age of seven I had _____ .

2. My father hadn’t _____ by the time he was thirty.

3. I had learned _____ by the age of _____ .

4. I hadn’t been _____ before.

5. My family had never _____ before we went to _____ .

VII. Translate into English.

1. Роман Толстого "Война и мир" переведен на многие языки. 2. Этот памятник будет сооружен к Новому году. 3. Меня никогда не спрашивали об этом. 4. За доктором послали? 5. Письмо только что прочитано. 6. План обсуждается уже два часа. 7. Будет ли статья уже переведена к трем часам? 8. На страницах журнала обсуждается много интересных вопросов. 9. Разве газеты и журналы еще не доставлены? 10. Кофе принесут через несколько минут. 11. Работа была сделана в срок. 12. Где идет экзамен (to hold an examination) по истории Англии?


I. Complete the text with words from the box. There are some extra words you do not need to use.

home town settle down house lively housewife

origin home driving me mad immigrants housework

put me off homework get

I left (1) _____________ when I was 19 years old because my parents were (2) _____________. They wanted me to (3) _____________ and get married to a man I didn’t like. He just wanted a

(4) _____________ to do all the work in the house, but I didn’t want to do (5) _____________ all my life. After I left home I got a job in a

(6) _____________ restaurant and bar, not far from my parents’ house. I enjoyed being away from home, but I kept in touch with my parents. About six months after leaving home I moved to London, where I met a man of Afro-American (7) _____________. His parents were some of the first

(8) _____________ to Britain. After a few weeks, I took him to Maidstone, my (9) _____________ where my parents still lived. My parents agreed to meet him, but they didn’t like him at all. That didn’t (10) _____________ though, and after a few years I decided to marry him.

II. Use the correct form of the word.

A Madison, Wisconsin, is a small city in the ________________ part of the state. The residents of this city believe their community is active and friendly, with a strong economy, great health care, and a large variety of recreational activities. The population is almost 400,000.

B The unemployment rate is one of the _________________ in the US, only 1,5 %. And the cost of a house is very reasonable. Parents say that the schools are excellent, and most of the children in Madison attend the public schools.

C One _________________ about Madison is the weather. There are 190 sun days a year, but the winter is very cold.

D Punta Gorda, Florida, ____________________ in southern Florida on the west coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The population is only 125,000, but the town continues to grow at a fast rate.

E Punta Gorda grows, too, with only a 4,6% unemployment rate. The town has a high proportion of senior citizens, but younger families are coming to the area, ________by the weather, the beautiful beaches and the job opportunities.

F A _________________ three-bedroom house is about $165,500, and the taxes are comparatively low. As to the weather, it is one of Florida’s attractions.







III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense forms. Retell the story.

Once upon a time there (to live) a man who (to marry) a bad-tempered woman.

She could not run the house properly and always (to object) to any improvements her husband suggested.

As a result the men (to be) very unhappy until his wife (to die). By that time he (to grow) quite old, and his only son already (to grow up).

One day the man (to give) his son two horses and a needle and (to tell) him to go about the country and travel until he (to meet) a young married couple. He (to tell) the young man to find out which of them (to be) the real head of the family. If he (to see) that the wife (to obey) the husband, he was to give the latter one of the horses as a present, but if he (to discover) that the wife made all the decisions, he was to give her the needle.

The son (to start) off. He (to travel) for three days when he (to come across) a house at the side of the road which, as people (to tell) him, (to occupy) for some time by a young married couple. When the young man (to enter) the house, the young couple (to have dinner). He (to explain) what he (to tell) to do.

“We (to be married) three years, and I never (to take) a single step without talking it over with my husband,” (to say) the woman. “It’s shameful not to obey one’s husband. I always (to be) a very obedient wife. Isn’t that so, John?” she added, turning to her husband.

“Of course, dear,” John (to agree).

“Then,” (to say) the young man. “One of the horses (to be) yours. Which would you prefer?”

After they (to examine) both the horses closely, the husband (to be) the first to speak: “We (to take) the white horse with the grey spots. I (to like) his strong legs.”

“Oh, no, John,” the woman (to interrupt) at once. “We (to take) the black one.”

“Of course, dear,” John agreed without hesitation. “I (not to mind) taking the black one if you (to like) it.”

“That’ll do,” (to say) the young man. “I (to make up) my mind.” And (to give) the woman the needle.

IV. Complete these sentences by adding like or as.

1) The house is beautiful. It’s ________ a palace.

2) Bob failed his driving test ________ we expected.

3) Kate looks ________ her mother.

4) __________ I said yesterday, I’m thinking of going to Canada.

5) He works in a bank, ________ most of his friends.

6) We did _______ he suggested.

7) I never know what to do in situations ________ this.

8) I’ll ring you tomorrow evening ________ usual.

9) She is an excellent swimmer. She swims ________ a fish.

10) Everybody is ill at home. Our house is ________ a hospital.

11) She has just found a job ________ a secretary.

12) Why do you behave _______ a child?

V. Choose the correct word

1. When I saw the actress on the stage for the first time, she (to look like, to take after) a small girl. From her biography I learnt that she (to look like, to take after) her mother, who had been a great actress, too. 2. Don’t be cross with the man! When you (to get to know, to learn, to find out, to recognize) him better you will find him a very good-natured person. 3. I am afraid I don’t know what time our meeting begins tomorrow. Can you (to get to know, to learn, to find out, to recognize) it for me? 4. After a month’s stay in hospital he lost ten kilos, and we hardly (to get to know, to learn, to find out, to recognize) him on his return. 5. I just (to get to know, to learn, to find out, to recognize) that it’s my turn to be on duty tomorrow. 6. You’ll (to win, to gain) a lot of useful knowledge if you go to these lectures regularly. 7. I’ve decided not to go to the exhibition as I haven’t much time and I don’t expect (to win, to gain) much by the visit. 8. Look! The score is 2:2 now. Do you think Spartak is going (to win, to gain) the game? 9. “You can (to remain, to stay, to leave) the train for a few minutes if you want to”, the girl said to her friend, “but don’t (to remain, to stay, to leave) on the platform too long. I wouldn’t like (to remain, to stay, to leave) here alone”. 10. “Don’t (to remain, to stay, to leave) anything in the hall”, the guide said to the tourists.

VI. Translate into English.

1. На нашем факультете был проведен праздник поэзии. 2. В следующем году на это отделение будет зачислено 100 студентов. 3. Эта книга переведена на многие языки. 4. Когда мы пришли в магазин, книгу уже продали. 5. В детстве его обучали двум иностранным языкам. 6. Телеграмму только что отправили. 7. Вас просят к телефону. 8. Что здесь будет строиться? 9. Его музыкой восхищаются.


Test 40.

I. Choose the best word a, b, or c to complete 1–6.

(1) I’m trying to make a phone call. Are you connected __________ the internet?

a) on b) to c) at

(2) You’ve been in this internet café for hours. Will you log __________, please!

a) off b) on c) out

(3) People will never live on the moon. That’s just __________ fiction!

a) scientist b) science c) impossible

(4) Do you think scientists will ever find a __________ for cancer?

a) cure b) disease c) medicine

(5) I worked a fifteen __________ yesterday.

a) hours b) hour day c) hours day

(6) Move the __________ to the ‘copy’ icon and click on it.

a) undo b) cursor c) tools

II. Read the text and do the test below.

Travel Wise

Many of us look forward to our summer holidays all year. We can’t wait to get away from our everyday lives, to visit new places, try new things, or just to relax and lie in the sun. But how many of us think about the effect our holidays have on the places we visit?

Although tourism has many benefits, such as bringing extra money into the local economy, there are also negative effects. Tourism can do all sorts of damage to the environment, the culture and the people of a country, especially in places which aren’t prepared for large numbers of holidaymakers. In recent years there has been a large increase in the number of independent travellers who want to get off the beaten track, and this has meant that many remote destinations are having to adjust to new visitors.

It certainly isn’t all bad news though. The last few years have also seen a huge increase in “eco-tourism”. This is tourism where holidaymakers try to have a positive effect on the people and places that they visit. If you are really committed to this idea, then you can spend your holidays helping out on an organic farm in Britain, or taking part in conservation projects in Africa or the Amazon rainforest. Don’t worry, though, if this doesn’t sound like your idea of a holiday. Wherever you go and whatever you want to do, there are still ways to make sure that you have best possible impact on your holiday destination.

If you are going to a place for the first time, it is an excellent idea to find out as much about it as you can. A guidebook is a great place to start. As well as learning about the local places of interest, you can read about the way you will be expected to behave and dress. This can save you from making embarrassing mistakes. Knowing a little about the place that you are visiting before you leave can make your holiday much more enjoyable when you arrive.

It is also important to think about how you spend your money when you are on holiday. Whenever you can, try to put it into the local people’s hands. You can do this by eating and drinking local products rather than imported brands, staying in locally owned accommodation and using local guides. In some parts of the world, you might be relatively well off compared to the local population. Even in places where you are expected to bargain, you should always pay a fair price for things. Remember that what might be a very small amount of money to you, can make a big difference to some people.

Another important thing for the eco-tourist is to have as little effect on the local environment as possible. Don’t leave litter lying around and use biodegradable products whenever possible. If resources like water or fuel are in short supply, then use as little of these as you can. If you are lucky enough to visit a truly exotic destination such as a coral reef, remote mountain or desert region, or a rainforest then you should try to leave it exactly as you found it.

Eco-tourism organizations say that respecting the culture and environment of the places that you visit will lead to much more rewarding and enjoyable holidays. If we try to encourage the local economy, leave the environment undamaged and are aware of the different laws and attitudes in the places we visit, then all of us can enjoy our ‘eco-holidays’ much better now and in the future.

1. Tourism does the most damage in countries

a. where there has been an increase in eco-tourism.

b. which aren’t ready for a lot of tourists.

c. where there are a lot of people travelling on their own.

d. which have a strong local economy.

2. What is meant by ‘eco-tourism’?

a. Helping out on organic farms.

b. Helping to conserve the rainforests.

c. Having a positive effect on the environment.

d. Helping places to get used to new visitors.

3. What should you do before you take your eco-holidays?

a. Buy a guidebook.

b. Learn how to dress.

c. Find out about the local attractions.

d. Learn about your destination.

4. How can a tourist help the economy of a country?

a. Bargain for everything they buy.

b. Buy the goods and services provided by the local people.

c. Pay a fair price for everything

d. Buy expensive imported brands.

5. What is meant by ‘can make a big difference to some people’ ?

a. You can change their lives.

b. You can help to preserve their local environment.

c. You can help them to have a better life.

d. You can be fair.

6. What do eco-tourist organizations say about tourism?

a. If we show consideration for the place and people, we will have a more satisfying holiday.

b. If we visit unusual places, we should leave them just as we found them.

c. If we have a holiday in a new place, we should make sure we will be welcome there.

d. If we visit a foreign country, we should try to support the local economy.

7. The writer’s attitude to eco-tourism is

a. interesting

b. disappointing

c. unusual

d. supportive

III. Choose a or b.

1. I don't know why he's not ___ progress with his English.
a doing
b making

2. Начало формыGood students hate ___ spelling mistakes.
a doing
b making

Конец формы

3. Начало формыShe'll have her hair ___ before she goes to the party.
a made
b done

Конец формы