
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 15 из 15)

4. Начало формыDon't ___ so much fuss over having to type the report again.
a do
b make

Конец формы

5. Начало формыThey ___ fun of her because she couldn't pronounce the word correctly.
a did
b made

Конец формы

6. Начало формыCould you please ___ me a favor?
a make
b do

Конец формы

7. Начало формыThose two companies don't like to ___ business with each other.
a make
b do

Конец формы

8. Начало формыIt won't ___ her any harm to stay up a little later.
a do
b make

Конец формы

9. Начало формыThey ___ a great effort to get what they wanted.
a made
b did

Конец формы

10. Начало формыTo ___ him justice, we must admit that his intentions were good.
a do
b make

Конец формы

11. Начало формыAfter a few drinks, he often ___ a scene in the bar.
a does
b makes

Конец формы

12. Начало формы___ the most of your stay in Paris visiting the famous museums.
a Make
b Do

IV. Choose a or b.

1. ___ largest city in England is London.
a. A
b. The

2. The river ___ runs through London is the Thames.
a. which
b. what

3. The Victoria and Albert, The Great British, and The Science are all famous museums ___ London.
a. on
b. in

4. Nearly 400 years ___ a fire destroyed most of the city.
a. ago
b. since

5. Heathrow and Gatwick are the two airports ___ London.
a. for
b. of

6. Most London taxis ___ black.
a. is
b. are

7. London taxi drivers have to learn ___ street in the city to pass the exam to become a "cabbie".
a. all
b. every

8. The public transport to big towns and cities ___ fairly good.
a. is
b. are

9. The coach is usually cheaper ___ the train, but of course takes longer.
a. then
b. than

10. The famous red London buses are called "double deckers" because ___ have two floors.
a. they
b. it

V. Choose a or b.

1. The United Kingdon is often shortened ___ the U.K.
a. from
b. to

2. The U.K. is also known ___ Great Britain.
a. of
b. as

3. The U.K. is made ___ of four different countries.
a. over
b. up
c. around

4. ___ are Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England.
a. It
b. These

5. Someone ___ Scotland isn't English.
a. from
b. of

6. They are ___ Scottish or British.
a. either
b. neither

7. ___ people from England are English.
a. Only
b. Every

8. There are many differences ___ the four countries.
a. between
b. of

9. However, they are all ruled by one King or Queen and one Parliament ___ is based in London.
a. who
b. which

10. The flag of the UK is known as ___ Union Jack.
a. the
b. an

11. The flag is red, white and blue and made up of ___ flags of Scotland, England and Wales.
a. a
b. the
c. it

12. The U.K. has the 15th largest population ___ the world.
a. of
b. inIV.I

VI. Translate into English using Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. Британская делегация уже приехала? Когда они приехали?

2. Вы смотрели этот фильм? – Да, я смотрела его несколько раз.

3. Они уже были на выставке? Когда они ездили на выставку?

4. Я встал очень рано сегодня. – когда ты встал?

5. Собрание уже началось? – Оно началось полчаса тому назад.

6. Это было давным-давно.

7. Я давно знаю об этом.