
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 2 из 15)

2. The old man … lives next door has gone to Moscow.

3. The garden ... is at the back of our house has a tennis coutt.

4. Can you remember the person ... you have borrowed the newspaper from?

5. The shop ... we buy our cakes at is shut.

6. The girl ... works in the kiosk is my sister.

7. The man ... is sitting at the desk is the secretary.

8. Where is the shop ... sells picture - postcards?

9. Shakespeare, ... is the world's greatest dramatist, was born in 1564.

IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian and explain the usage of pronouns some, any and no

1. Some children don't like to play.2. Please give me some chalk.

3. Have you got any friends here?4.I haven't got any questions.

5. I don't think we've got any time left.6. Please take any magazine you like.

7. I haven't got any cakes, but I've got some biscuits.

V. Choose the necessary pronouns.

1. Do you learn (some, any) foreign languages? 2. Has your friend got (some, any) English magazines? 3.I didn't get (some, any) letters yesterday. 4. Please take (some, any) German book you like. 5. I don't think we've got (some, any) time today to discuss this question. 6. I don't see ( some, any) mistakes in this sentence. 7. I haven't ( some, any) questions to you. 8. ... students prepare their classes here (some, any).

VI. Translate into English.

1. Я прочитал его статью на прошлой неделе. 2. Погода была хорошая и дети попросили отвести их в парк. 3. Мой ребенок очень резвый. А ваш? - Мой тоже.

4. Это задание по химии, а то по математике. 5. Эти книги мы читали, а те нет. 6. Наш отец работает на заводе, а их в институте. 7. Дети сами убрали в квартире. 8. Мы сами не хотим беспокоить его. 9. Я не вижу никаких ошибок в этом предложении. 10. Сейчас слишком поздно что-нибудь сделать. 11. Этот человек никогда ничего не боится.

VII. Do the exercise according to the pattern

a) I'm a doctor (My brother)

Pattern: My brother isn't a doctor.

b) They're schoolboys (Their friends)

Their friends aren't schoolboys

1 Peter is a student (His younger sister)

2 Mother is an engineer. (Father).

3. My uncle is a teacher (His wife)

4 We are siudents.(0ur friends)

5. Paul's sister is a surgeon (His cousin)

6 Mary's mother is a housewife. (Her aunt)

7. My grandfather is an architect. (My uncle)

8 Kitty's sisters arc actresses. (Her mother)

9. We are First-year students (Helen and John)

VIII. Give negative answers

Is your brother a student? (an engineer)

Pattern: - No, he isn't. He is an engineer.

1. Is Mary an actress? (a secretary) 2. Are you an architect (an artist). 3. Are Paul and John schoolboys? (students). 4. Is your father a singer? (a teacher) 5. Is your aunt a librarian? (a nurse). 6 Is your uncle a teacher? (an actor) 7. Are your sisters dancers? (singers)

IX. Do the exercise according to the pattern.

The children play in a large garden.

Pattern: The children have got a large garden to play.

1 She drinks from a nice little cup. 2 John keeps his book on a big shelf

3. Granny sits m a very comfortable armchair 4. They write letters on beautiful paper 5.I cook meals on a gas range.6. We listen to very good records.

7. He sleeps in a comfortable bed.

X. Give short answers.

Pattern: Have you got any sisters and brothers?

- Yes, I have

Do you often have a meal with them?

- Yes, I do

1. Have they got many English books in the original?

Do they have any difficulty in reading them?

2. Have you got a large family?

Do you always have breakfast together?

3. Have you got a water heater in your flat?

Do you have a shower every morning?

4. Has he got a good collection of books?

Does he have time to read them?

5. Have you got many flowers in the garden?

Do you often have a walk round it in the evening?

6. Has Bill got a car?

Does he sometimes have trouble with it?

7. Has your Institute got a camp at the seaside?

Do the students have a good time there in summer?


Test 3.

I. Do the exercise according to the pattern.

Pattern: I study at the University

He/she studies at the University.

1. I pass exams successfully. 2 I study at the University. 3.I do English. 4.I do grammar exercises every day. 5 I speak English well. 6.I understand you. 7.I watch TV every evening.8 I cook well.

II. Answer with 'yes'.

a) Pattern: Do you live in Rostov ?

Yes,I do

1. Do the students play tennis well? 2. Do the sisters dress so beautifully? 3. Do you often go to the theatre? 4. Do you ask John to dance? 5. Do you leave hospital in a fortnight? 6. Do you discuss this problem today? 7. Do they explain everything to us?

b) Pattern: Does a teacher leach?

Yes, he does.

1. Does a pianist play the piano? 2. Does a painter paint pictures? 3. Does a singer sing songs? 4. Does a driver drive cars? 5. Does a reader read books? 6. Does a butcher sell meat?7. Does a skier ski?

III. Ask alternative questions.

Pattern: I go there on Tuesday.(on Thursday).

Do you go there on Tuesday or on Thursday?

1.I watch the play on TV (at the theatre).

2. Nick leaves for Moscow (for London).

3. She plays the piano (the violin).

4. You prefer coffee (tea).

5. My watch is 5 minutes fast (slow)

6. Your hobby is music (painting).

7. It is warm at noon (cold).

8. You are a first-year student (an undergraduate).

IV. Form special questions.

Pattern: The Scots live in that white house (who)

Who lives in that what house?

1. They watch TV every evening (Who ... ?)

2. Students make mistakes in grammar (Who … ?)

3. We listen to the news in the evening (Who .... ?).

4. Mother generally cooks dinner in the evening (Who … ?)

5. They write letters on beautitiii paper. (Who … ?)

6. She drinks from a little cup. (Who … ?)

7. The books are on the shelf. (What … ?).

8. The loiters lie in his pocket (What … ?).

9. The Browns have dinner at five. (Who … ?)

V. Answer the following questions.

Pattern: What do singers do? They sing.

What does a teacher do? He leaches

1. What do the pianists do ?

2 What does a painter do ?

3. What do the drivers do ?

4. What does a singer do ?

5. What (toes a butcher do ?

6. What does a skier do ?

7. What does a reader do ?

VI. Form special questions.

Pattern: They prefer to go to the pictures.

Where do they prefer to go?

1. These men go to town every day. (How often?).

2. Birds fly to the south in autumn. (When..?).

3. Mary does her work quickly. (How...?).

4. He usually spends his holidays on the Black Sea coast (Where....?).

5. She travels a lot in summer. (What..?).

6. We want to catch the six o'clock train. (What train...?).

7. Mother wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning. (When ..?).

8. We always do History on Mondays (On what days-.?)

9. I like that green hat best. (Which....?).

10. The book costs 20 dollars. (How much...?)

VII. Make disjunctive questions.

Pattern: He loves music passionately.

He loves music passionately, doesn't he?

1. Lucy writes neatly.

2. Your brother plays the piano wonderfully.

3. I play tennis badly.

4. They like to get up early.

5 I translate into English slowly.

6. The sun doesn't shine brightly.

7. Mary doesn't know English history well.

8. She has got a sister in Moscow.

9. There are a lot of people at the stadium.

10. There isn't any sugar in the sugar- basin.

VIII. Use the verbs in their proper position.

a) Pattern: I work here (often )

I often work here

1. He reads aloud (often ).

2. My friend stays at school after classes (always).

3. He sleeps in the open air ( never)

4. My friend works here (usually )

5. This girl plays in the garden ( seldom).

5. She reads in the room ( sometimes ).

7.I go to the library to work (sometimes ).

8. They rest in the garden.( hardly ever).

9.I understand my teacher of English (always)

10. She helps me with math (never).

b) Pattern: He is busy (always)

He is always busy

1. My mother is at home (seldom).

2. Nick is late (often).

3 My mother is glad to receive guests (always).

4. You are welcome to my house (always ).

5. Your pupils are lazy (sometimes).

6. My sister is wrong (frequently).

7. Cartoons are interesting films (usually).

IX. Put the questions to the underlined words.

1. Our teacher always speaks English in class

2. We sometimes have English in the evening.

3. My friend works at the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

4. We often have dictations in class.

5. They do a lot of exercises at home.

6. He discusses a lot of questions at the office.

7. His sisters work at a new factory.

8. Our English lesson usually lasts two hours.

9. He never sleeps in the open air.

10. My mother is seldom at home.

X. Give negative forms of the following sentences.

a) Pattern: He understands your question.

He doesn't understand your question.

1. He lives here.

2. The boy plays the piano.

3. He knows tills word.

4. He refuses to help us.

5. The girl works in this room.

6. John knows us.

7. She works with me.

8. He comes to see us.

The students get excellent marks

b) Pattern: The students don't get excellent marks

1. The books arrive this week.

2. The students spend many hours in the library.

3. We sometimes explain grammar to him.

4. I like this detective.

5. My sisters work much.

6. They play football in the yard.

7. My parents work at a factory.


Test 4.

I. Open the brackets.

1. He usually (to walk) home after work

2. He ( not to work ) hard at his German

3. You often (to speak ) in class?

4. Your sister often (to stay ) at the office after work ?

5. Who often (to discuss ) plans with these engineers ?

6. How well they (to know ) English ?

7. «The students (to revise ) the words at home or in class» «They (to do ) it at home.»

8. My parents (to be glad) to see you.

II. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Mы всегда рады видеть вас здесь.

2. По вторникам он обычно опаздывает.

3. Он иногда объясняет мне грамматику.

4. Студенты нашей группы часто обсуждают фильмы.

5. Он редко навещает нас

6. Я всегда жду его здесь.

7. Она редко бывает в библиотеке, обычно она работает дома.

8.Еe оценки всегда хорошие.

9. Он иногда читает немецкие журналы.

10. Я обычно вечером дома, но иногда иду заниматься в библиотеку.

III. Read the joke. Reproduce it as close tо the text as possible using the Present Indefinite Tense.

A Barking Dog Does not Bite

" Sam ", says his father," put on your cap and coat and let us go for a walk" Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says: "Father, I am ready ". Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home His father says "Don't be afraid, Sam. Don't you know the proverb. "A barking dog does not bite7 "Oh, yes", says Sam," I know the proverb, you know the proverb but does the dog know the proverb ?"

IV. Transform the verb into the Past Indefinite Tense.

a) Pattern: My cat likes fish

My cat liked fish

1. It often snows here.

2. This seems quite easy.

3. He often listens to records.

4. He always lives in Paris.

5. We enjoy our vacations in Florida.

6. The teacher explains grammar in the class.

7.The girl likes her dog very much.

8. I play the piano rather well.

b) Pattern: Classes begin at 8 o'clock

Classes began at 8 o'clock

1.I understand the text quite well

2. He is in my room.

3. I find many good stories in this magazine

4. The students spend many hours in the library

5. He makes many mistakes in dictations.

6. I am glad to meet my friends.

7. We read a lot of books.

8 We have got many magazines.

V. Put general questions.

Pattern: The concert lasted for two hours.

Did the concert last for two hours?

1. He dried his hands carefully.

2. The students went to the club yesterday

3. They understood the text very well

4. She enjoyed the performance.

5. lie wanted to be a sailor.

6. I met my friend at the theatre

7. I told my friends the news.

8. She made a mistake.

VI. Make the sentences negative.

Pattern: In summer she watched the sunrise

In summer she didn't watch the sunrise

1. I saw Peter at the meeting.

2. The children stayed at home all the evening.

3. They spent the summer vacation in the Crimea.

4. I read this newspaper yesterday.

5. They had time to do it.

6. She sent her mother a telegram.

7. They watched TV last night.

8. Peter wanted to wait for a few minutes.

9. You left umbrella here.

10. Mr. Cook wrote newspaper reports.

VII. Put the Questions to the underlined words.

1. He was in Kiev last week.

2. My friend wrote to me very often last year.

3. They were at their office yesterday morning.

4. Our students read a lot of English books last year.

5. He took his son out on Monday evening.

6. Mr. Brown spoke to us about the plan yesterday.

7. The students usually go home after classes.

VIII. Make special questions.

Pattern: He learned English at school (where?)

Where did he learn English?

1. It rained heavily during the night (when?).

2. Ann spent her winter holidays in Kiev (where?).

3. We had supper at 8 o'clock (what time?).

4. He wrote three letters last night (how many?)

5. My sister read an interesting book yesterday (what)

6. They took a plane, because it was faster than a tram (why?)

7. I used Kate's book (whose?).

8. They stayed in Moscow only for two days (how long?)

9. They traveled by sea (how?).

10. She understood the last question (who?).

IX. Open the brackets.

1. Yesterday (to be) my day off. I usually (lo wake up ) early on my day off, but yesterday I (to get up ) at ten o'clock.

2. " When you (to have ) breakfast yesterday? I (to have ) breakfast at nine in the morning "

3. " When you last (to go ) to the theatre?” " Two weeks ago "

4. I usually (to go ) to bed at eleven o'clock. Yesterday my friends (to come ) to see me, and I (to go ) to bed at one.

5. He (to live ) in Paris for a long tune and (to know ) a lot about the city.

6. I got a package in the mail. When I (to open) it, I (to find) a surprise.

7. I (to call) Roger at nine last night, but he (to be, not) at home. He (to study) at the library.

8. Last January a child (to see) snow for the first time in his life.

X. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Когда ваш инженер вернулся в Нью-Йорк? – Он вернулся в Нью-Йорк три дня тому назад.

2. Кто уехал в Нью-Йорк на прошлой неделе? – М-р Смит.

3. Джон пошел к доске, написал предложение, прочитал его и вернулся к своему столу.

4. Какое упражнение вы делали дома вчера? – Упражнение 20.