
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 6 из 15)

1. У них экскурсия по городу. Они сейчас осматривают достопримечательности Парижа.

2. Кому ты звонишь? Я звоню своему учителю. Он обычно дома в это время.

3. Почему ты всегда говоришь неправда? Я не хочу слушать тебя.

4. Как ты думаешь, что они сейчас делают? Думаю, они гуляют где-то. Они всегда уходят из дома в это время.

5. Мы ожидаем их приезд со дня на день.


Test 14.

I. Write the -ing and -ed forms of the following verbs.

1. lift 2. promise 3. slap 4. wave 5. carry 6. map 7. smile 8. fail 9. file 10. prefer

II. Open the brackets using the correct form of Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour and then (begin) reading a book.

2. I (not understand) what Mr.Green (do).

3. The businessman (fly) to England yesterday.

4. The mouse (hide) while the cat (watch).

5. When it (happen)? It (happen) when you (talk) to your secretary.

III. Rewrite these sentences with used to.

1. My aunt lived in London before she was married.

2. Mr.Black went in for sport before he had that bad accident.

3. I wore long hair when I was younger.

4. When I was younger I played the piano very well.

IV. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with one or two words.

1. They used … have a small house in the country.

2. We … spend time just drinking coffee and talking.

3. I … use to have such long hair.

4. He … never let me do the things that I wanted to.

5. … you use … wear long hair when you were younger?

V. Correct whatever is wrong in the following.

1. He didn't finished his work yesterday.

2. She use to smoke when she was younger.

3. I like drawing. So am I.

4. He is going each morning to the market.

5. Yesterday from 5 till 6 I read a book.

6. Why you not say the truth?

VI. Choose the correct alternative in each sentence.

1. I like him although / in spite of he is often mean with money.

2. Visits to the museum can be a bit boring sometimes as well as / on other hand they are an excellent way to learn about the world.

3. I like him but / although he is a bit selfish.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Мы шли в молчании около 5 минут, затем он заговорил.

2. Где ты был вчера вечером? Я звонила тебе с 5 до 9 вечера.

3. Мы пили чай во дворе, когда начался дождь.

4. Когда мы были друзьями, мы, бывало, приходили сюда каждый выходной.

5. Когда отец пришел с работы, дети делали домашнюю работу.


Test 15.

I. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. When Jill (finish) school?

2. Are you tired? – Yes, a little. I (paint) the ceiling today.

3. We (not / see) Peter this week, but we (see) him a couple of weeks ago.

4. I can't find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) it by mistake.

5. … it (stop) raining yet? No it … .

6. … (see) the latest Arnold Schwarzenegger film?

II. The following sentences contain mistakes with Past Simple and Past Participle form of an irregular verb. Correct the mistakes.

1. My mum and dad buyed me a bicycle. It costed them $ 50.

2. I've writed and story about a boy and a cat. Yesterday I've finished the last chapter.

3. The wind has blowed down all the trees in our street.

4. Our dog has bited me three times.

5. I spended all my pocket money on sweets.

III. Read the text. The text contains different types of mistakes. Correct and label the types of mistakes.

Last week my classmates and I went on a excursion to the toy museum in London. We have left the school at 10 o'clock and reached to the museum at 11 so we have had plenty of time to look around. The section I very much liked was the dolls. There was even one from my country. On the other hand Andress and Mehmet realy liked the model railway. Jeorge and Henry spended most of the time looking at the tin soldiers. We all realy loved the collection of teddy bears. We had lanch in a café and traveled back to school by doble-decker bus. It was very nice trip. After I thinked that childrens all the world over are realy the same.

IV. Use the correct tag.

1. He can play golf well, … ?

a) …, doesn't he?

b) …, can he?

c) …, can't he?

2. You are new secretary, …?

a) …, aren't you?

b) …, are you?

c) … , don't he?

3. Mr. Evans is speaking over the phone, …?

a) …, is he?

b) …, isn't he?

c) …, doesn't you?

4. You like black coffee, …?

a) …, aren’t you?

b) …, don't you?

c) …, do you?

5. I'm busy, …?

a) …, aren't I ?

b) … , don't I ?

c) …, am not I?

6. You aren't well enough. You should stay with either me or your son, …?

a) …, should you?

b) …, shouldn't you?

c) … are you?

7. I'm not ill, …?

a) …, are I ?

b) …, am I ?

8. It's a nice day, …?

a) …, does it?

b) …, is it?

c) …, isn't it?

9. There isn't a cloud in the sky, … ?

a) …, is it?

b) …, does it?

c) …, is there?

10. We haven't got much time, … ?

a) …, do we?

b) …, don't we?

c) …, haven't we?

V. Translate into English using Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. Ты видела сегодня Боба? Когда ты его выдела?

2. Ты уже отправила письмо? Когда ты отнесла письмо на почту?

3. Ты уже купила ей подарок? Когда ты ходила в магазин?

4. Ты уже ходила в буфет? Когда у тебя был перерыв на обед?

5. Ты уже слушал новости по радио? Когда передавали новости?

6. Ты уже сдал экзамен? Когда ты его сдавал?

VIII. Use the correct tag.

1. Your son didn't help you much, …?

a. … , did he?

b. … , had he?

2. They sent a letter the day before yesterday, … ?

a. … , did they?

b. … , hadn't they?

c. … , didn't they?

3. My Dad hasn't read the newspaper yet, …?

a. …, hasn't he?

b. …, has he?

c. …, did he?

4. There will be nice film on TV tonight, …?

a. …, won't there?

b. …, will it?

c. …, is there?

5. Neither your parents nor mine can lend us some money, …?

a. …, can they?

b. …, can't they?

c. …, do they?

6. He never uses his car except when it's necessary, …?

a. …, doesn't he?

b. …, does he?

c. …, isn't it?

7. There's little point in doing anything about it, …?

a. …, is it?

b. …, isn't there?

c. …, is there?

8. Sam doesn't work hard, …?

a. …, is he?

b. …, does he?

c. …, isn't he?

9. Oh, there are a lot of photos in the album, …?

a. …, aren't they?

b. …, aren't there?

c. …, are there?

10. There was nobody there, …?

a. …, was there?

b. …, wasn't there?

c. …, were there?

11. I'm right, …?

a. …, am I not?

b. …, am I?

c. …, aren't I?


Test 16.

I. Choose the right variant.

1. Perhaps in the future men … on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land.

a) will live

b) would live

c) are living

2. After the festival's over she … a vacation with her family.

a) will take

b) takes

c) is going to take

d) is taking

3. Dennis has a cold. He … probably stay home in bed today.

a) will

b) is going

c) would

4. – I've got terrible headache. Have you? Wait there and I … (get) an aspirin for you.

a) am going to

b) shall

c) am

II. Decide which form of the verb is correct in these sentences.

1. I can't meet you this evening. A friend of mine is coming / will come to see me.

2. Have you decided where to go for your holidays yet? – Yes, we will go / are going to Italy.

3. I'm very worried about my exam next week. – Don't worry, Tom. You will pass / are going to pass.

4. What will you do / are you doing tomorrow?

III. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

My little brother is afraid … spiders.

Look … this photo! Isn't it nice?

Do you really believe … ghosts?

Dad was tired … hard work in the garden.

I'm not interested … football at all, but I'm keen … tennis.

Young people like to listen … music.

British pubs are famous … they traditional kind of beer called "real ale".

Fresh fruit is good … your health.

My sister is always angry … me when I'm late.

She doesn't agree … me.

IV. Match the sentences from column A with a sentence from column B.

A. 1. It's freezing out there 2. There were these awful gusts 3. It's very humid at the moment 4. There's a gentle breeze coming off the sea 5. The gale have been terrible 6. It's very mild for this time of year 7. Did the storm wake you up last night? 8. Did you know there was a serious earthquake in the capital this morning? B. yes, the thunder and lightning was really scary. they kept blowing my umbrella inside out It's great because it stops you getting too hot. lots of trees have been blown over you must put your scarf and gloves on we've normally had some snow by now I know. The government has declared a state of emergency I just can't stop sweating all the time

V. Put the words in the box in one of the categories below. Some of the words can go in more than one category.

damp freezing humid breeze

drizzle snow chilly cool

gust mild sunny pour boiling

hail shower warm frost

rain wind heat cold wet

VI. Translate into English.

1. Думаю, он никогда не бросит курить

2. Посмотри на небо. собирается дождь.

3. Завтра в 9:00 у меня экзамен по английскому языку.

4. Извини, я буду занят завтра. Завтра в 7 вечера я играю в футбол.

5. На следующей неделе мы уезжаем в Москву.

6. Ты думаешь, он придет? – Я уверен, что он придет.

VII. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

1. Why do you insist … his going in for sports?

2. Don't laugh … my little sister.

3. Who are you waiting …?

4. John hates cities, but he is content … suburban life.

5. – Does he love her? – He's crazy … her.

6. The teacher isn't satisfied … your answer.

7. We were surprised … the high cost of public transport in London.

8. Are you good … foreign languages?

9. Tom has bee absent … school since Monday.

10. I succeeded … doing this work.


Test 17.

I. Choose the best variant.

1. Are you interested --------- working for him?

a) at b) in c) with d) of

2. I’m not very good ---------- learning languages.

a) in b) of c) from d) at

3. I was afraid ---------- getting burnt.

a) at b) of c) in d) from

4. I felt I was an -------- visitor.

a) unexpecting b) unexpected

5. He felt ---------- when he heard the news.

a) excited b) exciting

6. Do you easily get ---------- ?

a) embarrasing b) embarrassed

7. She made a mistake ---------- she was careless.

a) because b) because of c) as

8. There is no bus ----------- we’ll have to walk.

a) so b) as c) because

II. Make complete sentences by joining one half in Column A with the other half in Column B using an appropriate relative pronoun. If the pronoun can be left out, write it in brackets. Write the complete sentences out.

Example: Mrs.Win-a-lot is the name (that) Mrs.Smallburn’s neighbours call her.

Column A

1. ‘Mrs. Win-a-lot’ is the name*

2. Mrs. Smallburn is one of the rare people *

3. That is the compact disc system

4. There is hardly anything in Mrs. Smallburns house

5. The blue Renault is the fifth car

6. The dog has to eat a brand of pet food

7. The $ 50.000 house is not the one

8. Mrs. Smallburns tries to win the things.

9 . Mrs. Smallburns expects to win between twenty and forty percent of the competition.

Column B

a) Mrs. Smallburn’s neigbours call her. *

b) was a prize.

c) she has won in a competition.

d) she hasn’t won in a competition.

e) Mrs. Smallburns and her family live.

f) earnings are tax-free.

g) she enters.

h) her family needs.

i) he doesn’t like very much.

III . Combine each of these pairs of sentences so that the second becomes a non-defining relative clause. Pay attention to punctuation.

Example: The Bristol Hotel is comfortable and cheap. I stayed there last summer.

The Bristol Hotel, at which I stayed last summer, is comfortable and cheap

. 1. This mousetrap cost me a shilling. I have never caught anything in it.

2. Tom Slater is a farm laborer. I bought this old bicycle from him.

3. My brother won’t lend me any more money. I have often borrowed money from him.

4. These photographs will show you what my village looks like. I took them last summer.

IV. Do the following sentences contain defining or non-defining relative clauses? Mark the sentences D (defining) or N (non-defining). Add commas where necessary.

1. .She lent me a book. I lost the book that she lent me.