
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 8 из 15)

2. If it (rain), we shall have to stay at home.

3. If it isn’t too cold, I (not to put) on my coat.

4. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (increase) greatly.

5. If it (snow), the children will play snowballs.

6. If my brother (be) in trouble, I should help him, of course.

7. I (go) and see Venice as soon as I (reach) Italy.

8. If you (leave) school so soon, you (forget) what you have learned.

9. I (stay) with mother if you (go) and (telephone) the doctor.


Test 22.

I. Write requests for the situations:

1. You want a classmate to lend you some money for a cup of coffee. You want someone to tell you how to get to the railway station.

2. You want someone to tell you how to get to the railway station.

3. You want a friend to help you move the furniture.

4. You want your roommate to turn down the radio.

II Write five requests like the ones below using models and if – clauses.

Example : 1) Would you mind if I use your typewriter?

2) I wonder if you’d mind lending me your cassette – player?

3) Could you let me use your car?

III. Put the words in these requests in the correct order.

1. you he ask me can Don would after meet if ?

2. the ask class you starts teacher time what party could the ?

3. Susan ask walkman would my return you to ?

IV. Rewrite these requests using one of the pattern below.

Pattern: Pass me that book. – Can you pass me that book, please?

a) Could you … Would you …

b) Would you mind … I wonder if ….

a) Don’t eat in the classroom.

b) Close the cupboard.

c) Get the cassette – player for me.

d) Take these form to the office.

e) Don’t put your feet on the desk.

V. Choose the best response to these statements.

А) Would you lend me 50 cents? C) Would you mind helping me?

____ Oh, sure. ____ Sorry, I can’t right now.

____ No, thanks. ____ I forget.

____ No, thanks..

В) Uh, you’re sitting in my seat. D) Did you remember the money?

____ I’ll close it. _____ Yes, it is.

____ Not right now. _____ No, thanks.

____ Excuse me. I didn’t know. _____ Sorry, I forgot.

VI. Complete the table.

1. Noun Verb 2. Agreement agree 3. Excuse ------- 4. --------- arrive 5. decision ------- 6. Noun Verb 7. Success ------ ------- instruct 8. apology ------ 9. ------- choose

VII. Translate into English.

1. Будь добр, выключи радио, пожалуйста.

2. Извините за беспокойство. Вы не могли бы подтолкнуть мою машину?

3. Вы не подскажете, как добраться до вокзала?

4. Пожалуйста, приходите на занятия во время.

5. Простите за беспокойство, вы не подскажете, который час?


Test 23.

I. Supply the correct form in these sentences. Infinitive forms are given in brackets.

Example: If you( go) to England by air, you’ll soon be there.

If you go to England by air, you’ll soon be there.

1. If he ( call ) me, I’ll be glad.

2. If school ( begin ) at seven o’clock, the children would have to get up early.

3. This soup would taste better if it ( have ) more salt in it.

4. If I ( be ) you, I wouldn’t marry her.

5. Would you believe him if you ( be ) me?

6. What would you do if you ( win ) a lot of money?

II. Write sentences with I wish.

Example: I don’t know many people here ( and I’m lonely )

I wish I knew more people here.

1. I’m sorry I didn’t phone him.

I wish I…

2. I haven’t any cigarettes ( and I need one )

I wish I …

3. George isn’t here ( and I need him )

I wish George…

4. I live in London( and I hate London )

I wish….

5. I can’t give up smoking. (but I’d like to )

I wish…

III. The following sentences contain some mistakes. Find and correct them.

1. I wouldn’t go there if I am you.

2. If he don’t call me, I’ll be upset.

3. I really wish I can play the violin.

4. Don’t you wish that we don’t have any homework to do ?

5. If I were you, I won’t buy this dress.

6. Unless you don’t stop talking so loudly, you’ll have to leave the room.

IV. Complete the following sentences in a logical way.

Example: I wish I …I can play the piano.

I wish I could play the piano.

1. I wish I…. . I’m just so lonely at the moment.

2. I wish he … . It’s so annoying.

3 If only I … , I wouldn’t have to go on foot to work.

4. If I were you …

5. If only we … , then we could come and visit you more often.

6. If he … I would marry him.

V. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

Example: - A forger sets fire to buildings.

- No, an arsonist sets fire to buildings. A forger makes copies of things in order to deceive people.

1. A mugger threatens to make secrets known to the public.

2. A shoplifter steals things from people’s pockets, especially in a crowd.

3 A hijacker takes goods or people from one country to another illegally.

4.A jury questions the witnesses.

5.A judge pleads guilty or not guilty at the beginning of a trial.

6. You normally get a jail sentence if you are caught driving too fast on the motorway.

7. He was put on probation until the case could be heard.

VI. Choose the best alternative to fill the gaps in the following sentences.

1. The judge gave him a suspended

a) punishment b) sentence

2. The police have …. A woman in connection with last Tuesday’s robbery.

a) arrested b) accused

3. He…. His father’s signature on $ 50 000 worth of cheques

a) forged b) smuggled

4. The police think an (a) …. lit the fire.

a) arsonist b) forger

5. The … said she was sure he was the man she had seen running away from the bank.

a) witness b) judge

6. The … had a knife so she gave him her bag.

a) smuggler b) mugger

VII. Translate into English.

1 . Как жаль, что погода сегодня ветреная. Мы бы пошли на речку, если бы было теплее.

2 . На твоём месте я бы не пропускал занятия.

3. Жаль, что я не умею говорить по- английски так бегло.

4. Жаль, что у меня нет такого таланта, как у тебя.

5. Будь у меня много денег, я бы поехал с тобой.

6. Что бы ты делал на моём месте ?


Test 24.

I. Use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. How long ____ the children _____ ( play ) ?

2. He ____ experiments for a year. ( make )

3. He says he ____ for a long time without achieving good results.( work )

4. I ____ ( know ) them for all my life.

5. He is tired. He ____ all day. ( dig )

II. Read the sentences and add a sentence with the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. We are tired. ( we / work / hard ).

2. John’s clothes are dirty. ( he / clean / his car ).

3. My sweater is threadbare.( I / wear / it / for a few years).

4. Ann’s hands are in ink. ( she / write / letters )

5. Marry is slim. (She / keep to a diet).

III. Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. They ____ young trees in the park since morning. (plant)

2. Mary is still in the kitchen. She ____ it all morning. ( clean )

3. I ____ a lot of material for my paper ( collect ), so I’m ready to write it.

4. Our parents ____ the fir- tree all evening (decorate ). They are still in the drawing- room.

5. He ____ the tape-recorder ( repair) and has just begun to use it.

IV. Use Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Simple.

1. I ____ ( be ) in this school for two years now.

2. We ____ ( visit ) her whenever we can.

3. I ____ ( lift ) heavy boxes all morning and now I need a rest.

4. That man ____ ( watch ) us for the last twenty minutes.

5. I ____ ( know ) them since I was a child.

6. He _____ ( play ) regularly for many years when he was younger.

V. Write questions with how long ?

Pattern: Jim learning Chinese.

How long has he been learning Chinese?

1. My sister is married. How long _____

2. Patrick is on holiday. How long _____

3. I live in Glasgow. How long _____

4. Jack smokes. How long _____

5. Mr..Louis has a car. How long _____

VI. Correct the sentences which are wrong.

1. He wears a beard for 5 years.

2. How long do you know Peter?

3. It has been snowing for 3 days.

4. She has written ten letters for a week.

5. He studies English since she was five.

6. I am waiting for her for an hour.

7. We are friends since childhood.

8. I always lived in London.

9. He have had this car for two years.

10. They have been having problems with their children lately.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Погода ужасная. Целую неделю идут дожди. Очень сыро и холодно.

2. Я так рада, что мы наконец закончили эту работу.

3. Она опытная няня. Она работает в этой больнице уже 15 лет.

4. Они женаты уже 20 лет.

5. Сколько времени вы ждёте такси?

6. Я работаю на эту газету всю свою жизнь.


Test 25.

I. Choose the correct modal verbs.

1. I… get up early on Mondays.

a. am able c. must

b. have to d. may

2. The policeman told the woman she …worry.

a. needn’t worry c. couldn’t

b. didn’t have to d. mustn’t

3. … you mind passing me the salt?

a. will c. could

b. should d. would

4. My dentist says I … eat so many sweets.

a. needn’t c. mustn’t

b. ought not d. shouldn’t

5. To my mind, the government … take care of old people.

a. is able c. must

b. need to d. may

II. Choose the correct alternative in the following sentences

1. She could / was able play the piano very well when she was your age.

2. Could / may you open the window a little?

3. She said she must / had go to the supermarket.

4. How wonderful! Tomorrow’s Saturday and we mustn’t / don’t have to get up at 6.30.

5. You must / have to get a good night sleep before the exam.

III. Rewrite the following sentences using can, could, may or might.

1. You are not allowed to smoke here.

2. He didn’t know how to spell ‘ continue’

3. Am I allowed to smoke here?

4. Do you know how to play baseball?

5. It’s not possible that they are still on holiday.

6. It is possible that we’ll have a good weather tomorrow.

IV. Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them out again correctly.

1. That shouldn’t be the postman. He never comes so early.

2. I might not to come to class on Wednesday. I’ve got to go to the dentist.

3. Could you riding a bicycle when you were seven?

4. I don’t think we should buy him a shirt. He could not like the colour.

5. You can to take a raincoat. It might rained.

V . Use the necessary modal verbs.

1. I ask you a question?- You certainly … .

2. I wonder if we take off our shoes here?

3. You always observe traffic rules on the road.

4. I do anything for you?

5. we meet them at the airport? No, younot.

6. You not take so much sugar in your tea.

7. You take all these tablets if you want to get well.

8. Schoolchildren not wear a uniform now.

9. You phone her at her office. She be still working.

10. You be more attentive next time.

VI. Choose the correct alternative.

1. Look, Nick, could you lend / borrow me $10?

2. Are you expecting / waiting anybody to dinner?

3. His wife was murdered / killed in a road accident.

4. You were late today. Did anybody note/ notice?

5. We must accept/ receive their offer.

6. Next Sunday we are accepting / receiving guests.

7. Who told / said you that?

8. Never say / tell so again.

9. Why? If it isn’t Bob? I can’t trust / believe my eyes.

10. Do you believe / trust Martin?

VII. Translate into English.

1.Ты не должен ехать так быстро, если не хочешь попасть в аварию. 2 Завтра мне надо рано встать. 3. Здесь курить не разрешается. 4. Возможно вы правы. 5. Не следует пить так много кофе. 6. Мне нужно тебе помочь? – Нет, спасибо, я всё сделаю сам.


Test 26.

I. Use much, many, few or little.

1. Is there so ____ salt left?

2. There is ____ milk in the fridge but there is very ____ sour cream there.

3. He couldn’t think ____ policemen have arrived.

4. I’m delighted. Tom has made very ____ mistakes in the test.

5. Three biscuits are not many, they are ____ .

6. Have you got ____ money?

7. Do you really need so ____ sugar?

8. They didn’t have ____ luck this season.

II. Use some, any, or no.

1. Would you like ____ ice–cream, please?

____ more, thank you. I’ve had ____ .

2. If ____ difficulties arise, let me know.

3. He told us ____ strange story.

4. Have you got ____ good friends?

5. I take ____ sugar with my tea, sugar fattens me.

III. Use is or are.

1. My pair of jeans ____ torn.

2. Where ____ the money?

3. My sister’s eyes ____ dark and her hair ____ fair.

4. Whose clothes ____ these?

5. The police here ____ helpful.

IV. Choose one alternative in the following sentences which is not possible.

1. Would you like some / a little / a few more chicken?

2. Can I have another piece / lump / bit of that delicious chocolate?

3. Many / few /much local people came to the meeting.

4. I would like some / a bit of / a few information about your courses.

5. How many lumps / teaspoons / slices of sugar do you usually have in your cup?

6. I had some / a bit / a good news the other day.

7. I don’t usually have much / many / a great deal of spare time during the week.

V. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box. In some of the sentences more than one word is possible.

Some much many little bit lots lot few deal piece sheet lump slice

1. He’s got ____ of friends.

2. There are just too ____ cars on the roads these days.

3. Could you cut me another ____ of bread, please?

4. We’ve been to Italy ____ of times.

5. That’s an interesting ____ of news.

6. He only has a ____ sugar in his tea.

7. Could you lend me a ____ of paper?

8. Oh, no! A ____ of coal has fallen on the carpet!

9. We’ve been having ____ awful weather recently.

10. We spent a ____ days with my mother in Spain.

11. There were a ____ of people at the party last night.

12. Would you like another ____ of cake?

13. Let me give you ____ good advice.

14. We wasted a great ____ of time looking for you.

15. I’m afraid I haven’t got ____ time.

VI. Read the following text. Some of its lines are correct, and some contain an extra incorrect word. Circle the word which shouldn’t be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (v) at the end of the line.