
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 9 из 15)

Why don’t we eat what we should?

1. According to the World Health Organization almost half our diet

2. should to consist of starchy food such as potatoes, pasta and

3. rice and we should eat five portions of a fresh fruit and

4. vegetables every day. Unfortunately, it will to take a long time

5. for the British diet to approach this ideal. People know what

6. they should eat, but they are not quite so good at when it comes

7. to going to the supermarket to buy food. In fact people usually

8. prefer to eating what they want rather than eating what they are

9. told. Perhaps this is why did the proportion of people

10. considered ‘obese’ or fat doubled between 1990 and 2000.

VII. translate into English.

1. Вам не надо сдавать сочинения сегодня. Вы можете сдать их завтра.

2. Завтра нам не придётся рано вставать. Мы не встаём рано по воскресеньям.

3. Может быть он на работе.

4. Мама была очень больна и мне пришлось вести сестру в школу.

5. Нам не разрешают разговаривать на уроках.

6. Не следует говорить с ней грубо.


Test 27.

I. Turn the following into Reported Speech.

  1. My friend says, ”I study two foreign languages.”
  2. Mother says, “It’s too late to go out”
  3. The policeman says, “Don’t cross the street under the red light, children.”
  4. Jack says, “Stay where you are, Mary.”
  5. “It is your garden now, little children,” said the Giant.
  6. “I’m glad that you are going to Egypt at last, little Swallow.” Said the Prince.
  7. You don’t understand me, Harry,” answered the artist.
  8. “I can do this, “ he said.
  9. The inspector said, “I’ve heard of such cases often enough.”
  10. “I’ll never forget you, “ he said.

II. Put the following questions into Reported Speech.

1. “Is it the story about me?” he said.

2. “Is Oliver coming down at all today?” she asked me.

3. He asked, “Are you taking politics seriously?”

4. “Do you want to be a lawyer or not?” asked the teacher.

5. “Do you know many of the people round here?” asked the niece.

III. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.

1. “Are you having problems, Stuart?”

asked I ------------ having problems.

2. “I won’t eat my vegetables!”

refused She ----------- vegetables.

3. “What are they going to do?”

know I wanted ---------- going to do.

4. “Don’t make such a fuss, John!”

not Ruth told ----------- such a fuss.

5. “Why don’t you try to find another job?”

look She advised Arnold --------- another job.

IV. Put the following statements into Direct Speech.

1. She said that they were Polish ladies of very good family.

2. Mr. Otis and his wife assured her that they were not afraid of ghosts.

3. The girl asked her friend if she was going to the party at the Smiths’.

4. She asked her son if Betty worked in the city.

5. Olaf asked Bob if he enjoyed flying.

6. She told them that she had never been to London.

7. The boy said that he hadn’t eaten anything that day.

8. She said that she would dance with me if I brought her a red rose.

V. Complete the sentences.

1. She offered … .

2. The teacher suggested … .

3. The doctor advised … .

4. He refused … .

5. I recommended … .

VI. Put the following into Reported Speech.

One evening the bat said, “there is a baby in the cave. He is new and pink and fat and small, and the woman is very fond of him. The cat said, “What is the baby fond of? ”The bat said, ”He is fond of things that are soft and warm. The cat said, “Than my time has come.”

VII. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Она сказала, что проведёт там пять дней.

2. Она спросила, буду ли я сдавать экзамены по английскому языку в конце года.

3. Он сказал, что никогда там не был.

4. Мама сказала, что сегодня она была очень занята.

5. Он сказал, что может одолжить мне книгу на несколько дней.

6. Я предложил обсудить ситуацию немедленно.


Test 28.

I. Chose the correct alternative.

1. Is there anything in that new magazines worth ____ ?

A to read B reading

2. I really must stop ____ .

A to smoke B smoking

3. You should remember ____ him. He’ll be at home.

A to phone B phoning

4. Do you enjoy ____ ?

A to teach B teaching

5. The teacher asked us some questions and went on ____ us about the climate of England.

A to tell B telling

6. My elder brother went to college, and I hope ____ there too.

A to go B going

1. Avoid ____ and you ‘ll feel better soon.

A to overeat B overeating

2. The Brains want ____ Boston this week.

A to leave for B leaving

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

Pattern: Mr. Brown doesn’t allow smoking… ( smoke) in the office.

1. Mr. Tomas doesn’t let anyone ----------- ( smoke ) in his office.

2. I don’t know Jack but I’d like --------- ( meet ) him.

3. Where would you recommend me --------- ( go ) for my holidays?

4. The film was very sad. It made me -------- ( cry ).

5. We were kept at the police station for an hour and then allowed ------- ( go).

6. Jack’s parents have always encouraged him ---------- ( study ) hard.

7. I don’t recommend -------- ( eat ) in that restaurant. The food’s awful.

8. If you want to pass your exams, you need ------- ( study ) more.

9. Those shirts need --------- ( iron ) but you don’t need -------- ( do ) it now.

10. The fine weather helped --------- ( make ) it a very enjoyable holiday.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

Kim: I’ll never forget 1) … going …( go ) to America for the first time. I was incredibly excited although I was trying 2) ____ ( act ) cool and casual.

Tom: I know. I remember 3) ____ ( be ) quite envious because I wanted 4) ____ (go) there too.

Kim: Yes, I know. I was a bit over the top, wasn’t I? I’m sorry for 5) ____ (behave) so badly.

Tom: Yes, you were! You just went on 6) _____ ( talk ) about America constantly. It was quite funny though when I think back. You hardly let me 7) ____ ( say ) a word.

Kim: I’m sorry, but you know that in my excitement I nearly left a lot of things behind like my camera and my money.

Tom: How did you feel when you first arrived there?

Kim: I remember 9) ____ (worry) about what to do and where to go. I wanted 10) _____ ( see ) everything but I didn’t know where 11 ) _____ ( begin ).

IV. Write the correct preposition and put the verb into the correct form

Pattern: Jack insisted …on going … out himself ( go ).

  1. After a long time we eventually succeeded ____ a flat. (find )
  2. I’ve been thinking ____ for a new job. ( look )
  3. We have decided ____ a new car. (buy)
  4. She apologized ____ so rude to me. ( be )
  5. Have you ever been accused ____ a crime?( commit )
  6. His parents didn’t approve him ____ out so late. ( stay )
V. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

1. I remember ____ ( dream ) about a train journey.

2. I will never forget ____ ( meet ) her for the first time.

3. I’ve stopped ____ ( have ) dreams about aeroplanes.

4. I stopped ____ ( pick ) up pencil and paper on my way to bed.

5. What do you mean ____ ( do ) with all that money?

VI. Look at the following sentences and decide which are grammatically correct. Correct those which you think are wrong.

1. He decided planning his first break after the exam.

2. Simon admitted cheating at the exam.

3. He wants speaking with you.

4. I was sorry hearing about you failing the exam.

5. He promised to work at night.

6. Would you mind to close the window?

7. She offered to give him a lift to the airport.

8. It’s no use to speak in such a loud voice. He’s deaf.

9. He’s too young having his own car.

10. She succeeded in finding a good job.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Мы с нетерпением ждали встречи с английским актёром.

2. Он одобряет проведение свободного времени на воздухе.

3. Вам будет интересно обсудить эту книгу.

4. У доктора не было времени, чтобы поговорить с пациентом.

5. Не стоит ходить туда так поздно.


Test 29.

I. Choose the correct alternative.

1. I ( talk ) over the phone when they brought me the letter.

A. talked C had been talking

B. had talked D was talking

2. I ( stay ) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.

A. stayed C had been staying

B. had stayed D was staying

3. I visited Brazil in April. I ( stay ) at a nice hotel for a fortnight.

A. stayed C. was staying

B. had stayed D. had been staying

4. A man ( be ) unconscious for a few minutes when an ambulance arrived.

A. was

B. had been

C. had being

5. First I ( answer) the telephone, and then I read your letter .

A. answered C. had answered

B. was answering D. had been answering

6. I hardly ( finish ) speaking with a porter when the phone rang again.

A. finished C. was finishing

B. had hardly finished D. had been finishing

II. Underline the corrct form.

1. He ran / had run out of the room as soon as we walked in.

2. He couldn’t play because he had injured / injured his leg.

3. She wasn’t there when I had looked / looked.

4. The house has been / had been empty for several months when I bought it.

5. He left because he had finished / finished the work.

III. Fill each blank with one of these verbs in an appropriate tense

go, introduce, learn, teach, play, study, win, start, do

When Gata was 18 months old, his father was teaching him how to ride a bicycle. He ____ a) Gata how to read before his second birthday. “I was trying to develop his brains”, he says. Gata ____ b) to play cards by the time he was three and he ____ c) the piano at four. Gata ____ not ____ d) to school from the age of five to eight. He ____ e) at home with his father who ____ f) Gata to play chess when he was eight. He ____ g) beating adults when he was nine. When he was twelve he ____ h) the under – 20 competition for the whole of Russia. Only one person ____ i) that before: Kasparov.

IV. Use a suitable expression to complete these sentences so that they are for you and your family.

1. By the age of eight I had _____ .

2. My father hadn’t _____ by the time he was twenty five.

3. My family had never ____ before we went to ____ .

4. I had learned ____ by the age of ____ .

5. I hadn’t been ____ before ____ .

V. Complete these sentences with either the past perfect or the past perfect continuous. Use the form that is more appropriate in each case

1. When he couldn’t answer her simple question, the teacher realized that he ____ (not pay) attention during the lesson.

2. He ____ ( paint ) all the rooms by lunch time.

3. It ____ ( rain ), and the streets were still wet.

4. They ____ ( talk ) for hours before they realized what time it was.

5. She ____ ( not finish ) her project by the deadline.

6. It became very dark and the children ____ ( speak ) in low voices for the last ten minutes.

7. I was tired. I ____ ( work ) all day long .

8. He ____ ( studied ) the problem for a few years before he could solve it.

VI. Write the correct preposition and put the verb into the correct form.

Pattern: Jack insisted … on going … out by himself. ( go )

1. I wonder what prevented him ____ ( come ) to the party.

2. I’m getting hungry. I’m looking forward ____ ( have ) dinner.

3. Forgive me ____ ( interrupt) you but I must ask you a question.

4. Have you ever thought ____ ( get ) married?

5. I’ve always dreamed ____ ( live ) on a small island in the Pacific .

6. The arrested man was suspected ____ ( commit ) a crime.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Мы шли по дороге уже час, когда , остановилась машина и водитель предложил подвести нас.

2. Они играли в футбол с утра, когда начался сильный дождь.

3. Когда отец пришёл домой, мы уже спали.

4. Когда я встретил его, он выглядел очень уставшим. Он работал весь день.

5. Она была удивлена: она ещё никогда не видела столько цветов.

6. Моя сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнал об этом.


Test 30.

I. Choose the correct item.

1. He is a taxi driver, so he is accustomed to ____

A drive C have driven

B be driven D driving

2. My doctor recommended me ____ a week off to recover from my illness.

A takes C take

B to take D took

3. He bought a(n) ____ cottage in the country.

A stone, old, small C old, small, stone

B small, old, stone D stone, small, old

4. I’ve never heard such a loud voice ____ his.

A than D to

B as C rather than

5. Jane finished her maths homework and went on ____ her English essay.

A doing D to do

B to be done from C do

6. She is looking for a ____ suit.

A blue, dark, smart C smart, dark, blue

B blue, smart, dark D dark, smart, blue

7. I’d be grateful if you’d ____ me the secret of making perfect pastry.

A say C speak

B talk D tell

8. I won’t telephone you ____ I know for sure.

A by the time C when

B until D by

8. Even if I ____ all night, I still wouldn’t be properly prepared for tomorrow.

A will study C have studied

B would study D studied

9. She wouldn’t forgive him ____ all his apologies.

A even though C despite

B in spite D although

10. He has a nap every day, ____ ?

A hasn’t he C doesn’t he

B didn’t he D isn’t he

11. He spent a month in ____ hospital after his accident.

A the C an

B - D any

12. Smoking ____ harm to your health.

A makes C happens

B does D occurs

13. Do they sell ____ clothes here?

A childrens’ C children’s

B childrens D childrens’s

14. Hardly ____ students passed the test.

A some C every

B any D no

15. Take your raincoat. ____ looks as if it’s going to rain.

A Else C There

B It D Here