
Методические рекомендации по аналитическому чтению для студентов III-V курсов отделения «История и английский язык» брянск 2000 (стр. 4 из 4)

The scene is laid in the house of Mr. Dombey. At the beginning of the text the author describes the feelings of Florence before dinner. Florence was Mr. Dombey's daughter whom he didn't like and neglected. She was full of apprehensions and forebodings. Edith is described as a beautiful and lustrous woman, but particular attention should be paid to the fact that «there was in her face an air which seemed to separate her hopelessly from Florence, and from every one, for over more.» Further on the author passes on to the description of what happened at dinner and after it. It must be mentioned that there was very little said at dinner. Then Mr. Dombey addressed his wife and told her that next day there would be a large company at his place to mark the second anniversary of their marriage. Edith remarked that she didn't dine at home. Mr. Dombey very calmly continued pursuing his subject as if he hadn't heard his wife speak. But finally he lost his temper and stressing the fact that he had to maintain certain appearances before the world he insisted on his arrangements for the next day.

There was one more person present at the table - Mr. Carker, Mr. Dombey's business partner, whom both husband and wife chose as the medium of communication, though they were both in the room. This fact gives some ironical flavor to the narration and stresses once again that there was an abyss of misunderstanding between husband and wife.

As the action develops we obtain further information about the characters. From the next paragraphs we learn that Edith wasn't going to stay in that house any longer. She begged her husband to set her free and said she wished for their separation. As far as Mr. Dombey was concerned a separation was absurd, unthinkable to him, because he was too much preoccupied with what other people would say about him in such a case. He laughed into the face of his wife, and she, unable to bear it anymore, plucked off her tiara and jewels and left the room.

To finish with, the author describes a detestable scene between Mr. Dombey and Florence. The girl, being very tender and sensitive by nature cams up to her father, tried to cairn him down; she was going to embrace him, when he struck her cruelly so that she fell on the floor.

The extract ends with Florence's leaving the house when she understood that actually she had no father on earth.

As for the structure of the text it may be subdivided into three logically complete parts. The first part (it may be called a kind of exposition) comprises the first two paragraphs, where Florence and Edith, their relations and their feelings before dinner are introduced. There are already some signs of tension here, some signs of the coming storm.

The second part is the largest one. It may be called -«The. quarrel between Edith and Mr. Dombey.» It finishes with the words: "... she looked on Mr. Dombey to the last, in moving to the door, and left him."

The last part may be called «The incident between Florence and Mr. Dombey. » It cannot possibly be regarded as the denouement of the text, for the tension hardly slackens here. There is no denouement here in the usual sense of the word, but for die climax the scene of Edith's leaving her husband may be considered as such. (From «She lifted her hand to the tiara...» up to «... and left him.»)

The text presents mostly a narration into which the description of Edith's appearance and the dialogue and between Edith and Mr. Dombey are blended. Some instances of psychological portraiture of the characters can also be distinguished, first of all, in the first pan of the text when the inner state of Florence and Edith is described.

The general atmosphere of the text can be identified as dramatic tension which is increasing from the beginning till the climax and reaches its pinnacle there. In the very beginning the author manages to create the atmosphere of suspense. The reader can't help but feel that something unpleasant is sure to happen. The words with negative connotation such as «uneasiness», «dread», «unpleasant», «sorrow», and «regret» don't fail to produce the effect of impending tragedy. The situation itself, the contents of the dialogue between husband and wife, their manner of speech and behavior also brings a dramatic flavor into the narration. There are as well a number of stylistic devices which help the author to outline the conflict and the psychological state of his characters more sharply and vividly.

E.g.: Repetitions and parallel constructions:

«J do not dine at home»

"I have none" she said.... "And 1 say I have none," she answered.

"I will hold no place in your house... I will be exhibited to no one... You have done all you can to make them nothing to me, and they are nothing."

"Do you know who I am, madam? Do you know what I represent? Did you ever hear of Dombey and Son?" etc.

She had better have been dead... He had better have been dead ... She had better have turned hideous....

Without a word, without a shadow on the fire of her bright eye, without abatement of her awful smile, (note this epithet "awful", which is especially powerful when used together with such a noun as “smile”)tetc.

The text is especially notable for its brilliant character drawing and it is to the characters that the reader's special attention must be paid. The text is the third person narration, but the presence of the author is not felt very greatly here, though some instances of direct characterization can be found, e.g. "beautiful and lustrous", "proud face” (Edith), "cruelty, neglect and hatred" (Mr. Dombey), Mainly the author pictures his characters through their actions and words. Let us first consider the speech characterizes of Mr., Dombey. In the first part of the conversation Mr. Dombey uses pompous and stilted syntax and vocabulary. Maybe it's his usual manner of communication even with his wife, which ought to have been something more natural and sincere. But his artificial manner of speech and the fact that he used Carker as the interpreter between his wife and himself leave no doubts as to what kind of relations existed between them. It's awful! that a man should speak so addressing his wife as if he were addressing some high-ranking official during negotiations or something like that. The following examples will suffice to show it: "However doubtful reason I may have, Mrs. Dombey, still going majestically’ on, as if she had not spoken, "to hold the occasion in very pleasant remembrance, etc. or: "Carker," said Mr. Dombey, turning more quietly to that gentleman, "as you have been my medium of communication with Mrs., Dombey on former occasions, and as I choose to preserve the decencies of life, so far as I am individually concerned, I will trouble you to have the goodness to inform Mrs. Dombey...," etc. This endless sentence already borders on absurdity.

In this connection special attention should be paid to the repetition of the word "dead", to the metaphor "she saw him murdering that fond ides". Their significance can't be overestimated, they indicate at the death of any normal human relations between any members of this family.

But further on, even Mr. Dombey, who is accustomed to being obeyed to in everything, having understood that Edith isn't going to fulfill his orders, that it is an open rebellion on her part, loses his temper and flies into a passion. His manner of speech changes. In his last remark he uses plenty of exclamations, repetitions, interjections and rhetorical questions. (See: "Good heaven, Mrs. Dombey!..." up to "you are absurd"). The author managed to convey this change in Mr. Dombey's state of mind and feelings brilliantly. At first he seemed to be a person as if made of stone, devoid of any emotions, then irritation and anger appeared, and they were caused by Edith's defiance, by the fact that she had dared to say something against him. Only this managed to arouse some emotions in Mr. Dombey's heart of stone. Of course no love or affection, parental or that of a spouse can be dwelt upon here.

Mr. Dombey had practically never experienced such feelings and that's why only anger and irritation were able to arouse some emotions in him. Of course, he is pictured by Dickens only from one side. Not a single positive, or at least, human feature can be found in him. He is represented as a heartless stony monster, devoid of any human feelings, he is a real embodiment of cruelty and hatred, as the author directly puts it in the final lines of the extract. In the same way Edith may be called an embodiment of pride and the spirit of disobedience, freedom and independence. She is • not a dynamic character in the extract and that's why, maybe, not so interesting as Mr. Dombey. In the very beginning the author declares that there was an air in her face «which seemed to separate her hopelessly from Florence and from every one, for ever more.» She intentionally cut herself off from everybody, she is too far from the others, and there will never be any connections between her and the other inhabitants of this house. Her persistence and perseverance are accentuated by her manner of speech, full of repetitions. Her defiant, self-willed, independent character is outlined to the best advantage in the climax of the text (the scene of plucking off the jewellery and leaving the room). But like Mr. Dombey, she is too fiat a character to discuss it in detail. Thus, their characters may be reduced to one feature, he to cruelty, she to pride. The central conflict of the extract (between husband and wife) is the conflict of two totally dissimilar outlooks, two absolutely different sets of values. Roughly it may be reduced to the everlasting conflict between Money and Beauty. It is interesting enough that some parallels with Galsworthy's "Man of Property" can be drawn, particularly with the opposition between Soames and Irene.

As far Florence, she is patience and virtue in flesh. Perhaps she is the character who arouses the warmest feelings in the reader, we can't but feel pity for her. She is represented as a peace-maker, as a girl, who, having lost her mother, sincerely loves her father and wants to love her stepmother, at least to establish good relations with her. And it is not her fault that she fails in her good intentions.

Characterizing the style of Dickens one must first of ail mention the vividness of narration, brilliant technique of character drawing and his mastership in creating a certain atmosphere. The writer uses a number of expressive means and stylistic devices to achieve his aim. Repetitions and parallel constructions are rather favored by Dickens here and their ample use can be accounted for by the aim of conveying to the reader all the shades of the emotional stale of his characters. By changes in the syntactical patterns, by the extensive use of exclamatory and interrogative sentences the author brilliantly managed to convey Mr. Dombey's anger and frenzy and Edith's proud and independent nature.


  1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. М., 1990
  2. Borisova L.V.. Interpreting Fiction. Minsk. 1987
  3. Galperin I.R. Stylistics.
  4. Pavlotsky V.M.. Read. Learn. Discuss. СПб, 1999
  5. Skrebnev Y.M. Fundamentals of English Stylistics. M. 1994
  6. Sokhan A.M., Antonova T.D. Readings From English Literature. M., 1972

Егор Валерьевич Комаров


Для студентов III - IV курсов отделения «История и английский язык»

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