
Методические рекомендации разработала Хмыз Ольга Васильевна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент (стр. 8 из 8)

Macey J.R O'Hara M. The Corporate Governance of Banks // Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, 2003

Maes J.P., De Schryver V., Collective Investment Funds and Conflicts of Interests // IOSCO, May 2000

Mandated Individualized Portfolio Management Professional Ethics // AFG-ASFFI, April 3, 1997

Morningstar Guide to Mutual Funds: 5-star strategies for success // John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2003

Mutual Fund Fact Book // Investment Company Institute, various issues

Mutual Funds and Corporate Governance // Swedish Association's report, May 22, 2001

Mutual Funds and Corporate Governance // The Swedish Mutual Funds Association, Pia Nilsson/Managing Director 2001-05-22

Newlands J. "History of Investment Trusts" // PBI, London, 2000

OECD Guidelines for Pension Fund Governance // OECD Secretariat, July 2002

OECD Institutional Investors — Statistical Yearbooks, various issues

OECD Secretariat Compilation from Various National Sources and Institutional Investors Database // OECD, July, 2002.

OMERS Proxy Voting Guidelines // Ontarion Municipal Employees Retirement System

Pan European Asset Management: Report of CEPS Task Force // Centre for European Policy Studied, Brussels, 2003

Principles for the Supervision of Operators of Collective Investment Schemes // Report of the Technical Committee, IOSCO, September 1997

Proposal Rule: Electronic Filing by Investment Advisers; Proposed Amendments to Form ADV under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 // Securities and Exchange Commission, Release № IA-1862, April 5, 2000 [Part 2A Item 16 Proxy Voting Policies]

Questions to Ask Before Investing in a Mutual Fund // Investment Company Institute, 2000

Recommendations on Corporate Governance // AFG-ASFFI, June 9, 1998

Regulatory Approaches to the Valuation and Pricing of Collective Investment Schemes, Report of the Technical Committee, IOSCO, May 1999

Remarks to the Investment Company Institute Procedures Conference // Paul. R. Carey, Commissioner, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. December 9, 1999.

Report of the Canadian Committee on Mutual Funds and Investment Contracts // A Provincial and Federal Study, Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1999

Report on Investment Management — Principles for the Regulation of Collective Investment Schemes and Explanatory Memorandum // Report of the Technical Committee, IOSCO, October 1994

Report on Investment Management // Report of the Technical Committee, IOSCO, July 1995

Schich S., The Health of Financial Institutions during the Recent Bear Market // Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2003

Shareholder Activism among Fund Managers: Policy and Practice // Investment and Financial Services Association, March 2001

Shareholder Activism Among Fund Managers: Policy and Practice" // The Investment and Financial Services Association Ltd., 2001

Shareholder Value and the Market in Corporate Control // Financial Market Trends, March 1998

Sound Management in Collective Investment Scheme // The Role of Collective Investment Schemes as an Institutional Investor in the Management of Listed & Other Public Companies, Panel 6, Lisboa, 28.05.1999

Standard Rules for the Operations of Institutions for Collective Investment in Securities // Report by the Committee on Financial Markets, Paris, February 1972

Standards of Practice Handbook — the Code of Ethics and The Standards of Professional Conduct with commentary and interpretation // 8th edition. Association for Investment Management and Research.

Stevens P.S., Mutual Funds Governance Structure: A Comparative Analysis // Paper prepared by Investment Company Institute for 11th Annual International Investment Funds Conference, October 1997

Stromberg G., Investment Funds in Canada and Consumer Protection: Strategies for the Millennium // Prepared for the Office of Consumer Affairs Industry, Canada, October 1998

Stromberg G., Regulatory Strategies for the Mid-'90s: Recommendations for Regulating Investment Funds in Canada // Ontario Securities Commission and the Canadian Securities Administrators, January 1995

Summary of Comments on Electronic Filing by Investment Advisers; Proposed Amendments to Form ADV under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 // Securities and Exchange Commission, July 27, 2000.

Summary of Responses to the Questionnaire on Principles and Best Practice Standards on Infrastructure for Decision Making for CIS Operators // Report of the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions. May 2000.

The Independent Protocol for Asset Management Companies // Assogestioni, January 2001

The Role of Collective Investment Schemes as an Institutional Investor in the Management of Listed & Other Public Companies // Lisboa, 28.05.1999

Thompson J., Choi S.-M., Government System for Collective Investment Schemes in OECD Countries // DAFFE, OECD, 2001

Trzcinka C.A. Mutual Fund Fees and Competition in the Mutual Fund Industry // Testimony before the House Committee on Commerce, Subcommittee on Finance, September 1998

Tschäni H., Von Ballmoos T., The Swiss Experience // Paper presented at the FEFSI workshop on corporate governance issues, June 2000

UCITS Professional Ethics // AFG-ASFFI, June 24, 1999

UK Defined Benefit Pensions: The Trustees Nightmare // Schroeder, Salomon, Smith, Barney, October, 2002

Understanding the Risks and Rewards of Unit Trust and Investment Funds // Assoсiation of Unit Trusts and Investment Funds, London, May 2000

Unit Trust Performance in 1991-1993 and Outlook // Banco de España, July 1994

Valuation and Liquidity issues for Mutual Funds // Investment Company Institute, February 1997

Waves across the Atlantic: Predicting Futures trends in the Fund Industry in Europe // Sector Analysis, 2000

Yermo J. "Institutional Investors in Latin America: Recent Trends and Regulatory Challenges" // Paris, OECD, 2000





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Ресурсы Интернет

Национальная лига управляющих www.nlu.ru

Российская торговая система www.rts.ru

Центральный банк РФ www.cbr.ru

Федеральная служба государственной статистики www.gks.ru

Московская межбанковская валютная биржа www.micex.ru

Информационное агентство Cbonds www.cbonds.ru

сайт компании "Кэпитал Эссет Менеджмент" www.capitalassetmanagement.ru

сайт компании "Пиоглобал" www.pioglobal.ru

International Organization of Securities Commissions www.iosco.org/library

California Public Employees' Retirement System www.calpers-governance.org.

Calvert Asset Management Company www.calvert.com Domini Social Investment LLC www.domini.com

Ethical Funds Inc. www.ethicalfunds.com

European Fund and Asset Management Association www.efama.org

Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States www.federalreserve.gov

International Monetary Fund www.imf.org

Investment Company Institute www.ici.org

Investment Company Institute www.ici.org

Ontarion Municipal Employees Retirement System www.omers.com.

Pax World Funds www.paxfund.com

Securities and Exchange Commission www.sec.gov

The European Central Bank www.ecb.int

The Vanguard Group www.vanguard.com.

World Bank www.worldbank.org


1. Организационно-методический раздел. 3

2. Содержание семинарских занятий. 5

3. Примерные вопросы и задания для самостоятельной проверки знаний и проработки лекционного материала. 8

4. Примерные тестовые задания. 10

5. Примерный аналитический тест. 14

6. Примерные задачи: 19

7. Конкретная ситуация. 22

8. Содержание контрольных работ. 23

9. Базовые термины.. 25

10. Рекомендуемая литература. 28

[1] Global Financial Stability Report: Market Development and Issues // Washington: International Monetary Fund. 2007. April. P. 55. Sources: Hedge Fund Research, Inc.; and Hennessee Group LLC.

[2] 2005 Investment Company Fact Book // Investment Company Institute. 2005. P. 37. Sources: Investment Company Institute, Federal Reserve Board, American Council of Life Insurers, and Internal Revenue Service Statistics of Income Division

[3] Исключая депозиты на счетах Кеога

[4] Включая аннуитеты на индивидуальных пенсионных счетах, исключая вариационные аннуитеты взаимных фондов на индивидуальных пенсионных счетах

[5] Исключая хранимые на брокерских счетах активы взаимных фондов, которые включены в колонку "взаимные фонды".

[6] Компоненты могут не совпадать из-за округления.

[7] Предварительные данные

* Некотирующиеся акции.