
Практикум Рекомендовано методической комиссией факультета международных отношений для студентов ннгу, обучающихся по специальностям 030201 «Политология», 032401 «Реклама» (стр. 2 из 4)

Prepare a written analysis of the recent advertisement.


1. Translate the following text from English into Russian

History of Advertising (beginning)

The word “advertising” derived from the Latin word reclamo – “to shout loudly”. Originally this word meant achieving the desire by “shouting” to attract attention, inform about the news, provide the information about sales of some goods.

The predecessor of modern trademarks was a brand of the handicraftsman, for example, on pottery, metal products, and etc.

The first printed advertisement appeared in England in the second half oа the XII-the century, and in 1622 the advertising received powerful “stimulus” after the first newspaper in English “Weekly News” had been published.

The advertising has reached the greatest growth since the XVIII-th century in the USA. This was promoted by some factors. First, American was leading during mechanization, as there was surplus oа the goods and necessity of their advertising. Secondly, the construction of a network of perfect roads has created an opportunity to deliver goods to village areas. Thirdly, the high level of literacy of the population promoted the growth of circulation of newspapers and magazines. Further the invention of radio and TV has become the new effective means of distribution of advertising.

2. Read the following text, translate the Russian words and word-combinations into English, consult the dictionary if necessary

The Epoch of Advertising Growth

The эпоха of formation of advertising is considered the period from 1840 to 1915. For this period the advertising has turned from the isolated phenomenon into modern institute literally with all basic forms, functions and means of influence inherent to it:

a. The was a national advertising (on behalf of the производителей);

b. The рекламные агентства have turned from the оптовых продавцов of a place under advertising into the деловых партнеров with a compete service, have found креативные и исследовательские функции.

c. Система комиссионных вычетов as the form of возмещения/ компенсации for services of agency has settled.

d. Средства распространения of the information started to consider as the basic source.

e. The criticism of advertising has raised a voice and there was a система организованного и саморегулируемого рекламного бизнеса.

f. Рекламные организации have received their развитие.

g. The serious discussions of the theory and tactical methods in advertising have begun.


Sum up the main ideas of the two texts and speak on the history and development of advertising.

Unit II

Part 1. ” The Contents of advertisement”


Watch the pronunciation of the following words and phrases. If necessary consult a dictionary.





mass media

target audience







1. Study the examples of different kinds of advertisement (from TV, magazines, newspapers, billboards, etc.). What do they have in common (the structure, contents, the impact they produce on consumers)? In what way are they different?

2. What are the basic requirements for an ad? Discuss the question in groups, then share your ideas with the class.


Read the text and find the basic requirements an advertisement should meet. Compare the ideas from the text with your own ones. Are they the same?

Once a company has determined the basic objectives of an advertising campaign and established an advertising budget, it should decide on the message, the mass media and the receiver. All these factors are interconnected. It can happen so that the receiver (or the so-called “target audience”) will determine the message and the media.

There are a number of regulations that control the content of an advertisement and firms are required to follow the British Code of Advertising Practice. Some essential ideas of the code are:

· all advertisements should be legal, decent, honest and truthful;

· they should be prepared with a sense of responsibility to the consumer

· all advertisements should conform to the principles of fair competition as generally accepted in business

· no ad should bring advertising into disrepute or reduce confidence in advertising as a service to industry and to the public.

In any case, advertisements should bright and eye-catching to attract the attention of the consumer. At the same time it should be understandable to the reader. To achieve this a copywriter and all other people involved in the process of advertisement-making use all their creativity and imagination. Creative approaches can be different. For example, while advertising the goods of mass demand, as a rule, they use emotional motives, for the products of industrial purpose – rational. In any case, advertising is effective when it meets several requirements.

· Market characteristics of goods are precisely formulated. Advertising should contain specific information of its use and differences from the goods of competitors.

· Advertisements promise the consumer benefits at purchasing the goods. The advantages of the goods should be given, positive features singled out in the headings of ads, illustrations and even the style of the text.

· The advertisement contains a successful advertising idea – original, attractive and at the same time easy to understand and recognize.

· It emphasizes a high quality of the offered goods and at the same time it itself associates with the high quality.

· It is original and not boring.

· The advertisement has an exact target orientation, reflecting different interests, desires and informing the consumers about the product.

· Advertising emphasizes new unique features and properties of the goods. It predetermines its success in the market.

· Advertising gains the attention of the audience that is reached by successful art, text decisions and placement of the advertisement in mass media.

All these features are the key-factors that influence the success of an advertising campaign.


1. Complete the following sentences with the ideas from the text

1. After determining the basic objectives of an advertising campaign and establishing the advertising budget, a company should ………. .

2. The target audience ………. .

3. According to the British Code of Advertising Practice, all advertisements should be ………. .

4. It’s generally accepted that no advertisement should ……… .

5. Any advertisement should emphasise ……….. .

6. ……………………. Predetermine the success of goods in the market.

7. The attention of the audience to the products is reached by ………… .

2. Read the text once again and answer the following questions

1. What should a company do before deciding on the message of an advertisement?

2. Who are the message of an advertisement and the media planned by?

3. What is the British Code of Advertising Practice?

4. What features should an advertisement possess according to the British Code of Advertising Practice?

5. What principles should advertisements conform to?

6. What should a copywriter do to make an advertisement understandable and eye-catching?

7. What kind of motivation is used to advertise the goods of mass demand?

8. What are the basic motives in advertising the products of industrial purpose?

9. Why should the market characteristics of goods be precisely formulated?

10. Where are the basic characteristics of goods and their positive features singled out in advertisements?

11. What features must a successful advertising idea possess?

12. Nothing should be said about the quality of offered goods, shouldn’t it?

13. In what way can advertisements get an exact target orientation?

14. What are the basic means of gaining the attention of the audience by an advertisement?

Word Study

1. Translate the following words from Russian into English and use them in the sentences of your own

Определять основные цели рекламной кампании; установить основной бюджет; определить основное содержание рекламного сообщения; СМИ; получатель; быть взаимосвязанным; целевая аудитория; следовать чему-либо; Британский свод правил, регулирующих рекламную деятельность; важный; основной; законный; правдивый; соответствовать принципам честной конкуренции; уменьшать доверие; иметь сомнительную репутацию; привлекающий внимание; потребитель; легкий для понимания; копирайтер; использовать творческие способности и воображение; товары народного потребления; продукты промышленного производства; соответствовать требованиям; рыночные характеристики; быть четко сформулированным; конкуренты; выгода; покупка товаров; заголовок рекламы; иллюстрации; содержать удачную рекламную идею; высокое качество предлагаемой продукции; ассоциироваться с высоким качеством; отражать различные интересы; предопределять; привлекать внимание аудитории; размещение рекламы в СМИ; ключевые факторы.

2. Match the following words with their definitions

1) basic objectives a) buy, consume

2) advertising campaign b) means of getting information and communicating

with people

3) message c) the rivalry among buyers and sellers in the purchase

and sale of resources and products

4) target audience d) bright, getting the attention of the audience quickly

5) consumer e) profits a company gets

6) legal f) most important aims, goals

7) truthful g) a planned set of actions aimed at attracting

consumers’ attention to the benefits of a product or


8) competition h) someone who uses a product or service

9) eye-catching i) lawful

10) benefits j) a group of people who a particular product


11) to purchase k) upright, honest, not lying

12) mass media l) basic things that influence something

13) key factors m) the main idea of a product that expresses its main


3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words and expressions from the previous exercises

1. ………… is the major means that stimulates the trade and allows the ………… to choose among a wide range of different products and ………… .

2. The …………. objective of an …………… …………… is to promote the product and to encourage as many …………… as possible to …………. them.

3. The media-planner should search for the most cost-effective …………. .

4. In developing an ……….. ………… marketing managers always start by determining the ………… ………… of the campaign, its ………… audience and consumer motives.

5. The ………… of the message depends on the type of product.

6. The advertiser should choose the most ……………. media.

7. All advertisements should …………. to the principles of … …….generally accepted in business

4. Say the following sentences in your own words paying attention to the italicized parts of the sentences

1. The type of product and the place of its sale determine the main ideas and opinions of the message.

2. The British Code of Advertising Practice has created rules and orders to control the content of advertisement.

3. According to the basic document of advertising all ads should be lawful, appropriate and upright.

4. Besides advertisements should correspond with the principles of fair competition.


Give the plot of the text in a summary of 15-20 sentences.

Talking Point

1. In groups of 3-4 discuss the major requirements an ad should meet. Which of them do consider the most important ones or achieving the best results? Which of them should be neglected?

2. Conduct a survey. Choose 8-10 advertisements from different kinds of mass media. Analyse them and say to what extent they meet the requirements mentioned in the text. Share the results of your investigation with the class.

3. Try to find an example of the advertisement you consider effective and productive. Explain your choice.

Part 2.”The Message of Advertisement”


Watch the pronunciation of the words and phrases from the text













1. Study the following definitions to the word message. Say what they have in common

· An important or main idea.

(Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture)

· The idea or point that people are trying to communicate.

(Collins Dictionary for

Advanced Learners)

2. What is understood by the message of advertisement?

3. In your opinion, what does the impact an advertisement produces on the audience depend on?


Read the text and find what factors the content and forms of an advertising message depend on.

In principle, the product’s message should be decided as a part of developing the product concept. The message expresses the major benefits that the brand offers. Yet even within one concept there can exist a number of possible messages. Over time, a marketer might alter the message without changing the product especially if consumers are seeking new or different “benefits” from the product.

In designing the message an advertiser will need to consider the following questions.

· What is the content of the message? This will depend on the type of the product and the market in which it is to be sold.

· Who is the receiver? The message may be directed at a particular group of the population, in which case it may have to be delivered in a particular way using a certain media.

· Who sends the message? Very often large firms use celebrities that they think are appropriate for the product.

· What is the timing and the number of messages? An advertiser has the choice between two approaches to an advertising campaign. It can be extensive, where the object is to reach as wide an audience as possible using different media. On the other hand, it can be intensive, where the object is to reach a particular group repeatedly (e.g. products such as lager, coffee, washing powder are advertised intensively on TV).

Thus, the basic content and form of an advertising message depend on several factors. The product’s features, uses and benefits affect the message’s content. Characteristics of the people in the advertising target – their sex, age, education, race, income and occupation influence both the content and the form. The choice of media also affects the content and form of the message. Effective outdoor displays and short broadcast spot announcements require concise and simple messages. Magazine and newspaper advertisements can include much detail and long explanations.

The message’s impact on the audience, however, depends not only on what is said but also on how it is said. Some ads concentrate on rational positioning and others on emotional positioning. American advertisements, for example, present some distinguishing features or benefits designed to appeal to the rational mind: “Gets clothes cleaner”, “Brings relief faster” etc. Japanese advertisements are more indirect and appeal to the emotional mind. An example was Nissan’s Infiniti car advertisement which showed not only the car but beautiful scenes from nature aimed at producing an emotional association and response.