
Практикум Рекомендовано методической комиссией факультета международных отношений для студентов ннгу, обучающихся по специальностям 030201 «Политология», 032401 «Реклама» (стр. 3 из 4)


1. Say whether the statements are true or false

1. One particular product can have only one message.

2. The content of the message depends on the type of product and the market.

3. The message doesn’t depend on who it is devoted to.

4. There exist two approaches to an advertising campaign.

5. The content and forms of an advertising message don’t depend on the advertising target.

6. Different kinds of advertisements have the same messages.

2. Answer the following questions

1. What is understood by the message?

2. In what case can a marketer alter the message?

3. What factors should be taken into consideration when designing the message?

4. What does the content of the message depend on?

5. What does the choice of media depend on?

6. What are the two main approaches to an advertising campaign?

7. What is the main difference between the extensive and intensive approaches to an advertising campaign?

8. What are the major factors that influence the basic content and form of an advertising campaign?

9. What are the peculiarities of magazine and newspaper advertisements?

10. What does the impact of the message depend on?

Word Study

1. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions from the text

Message; to design a message; advertiser; the content of the message; market; receiver; to be directed at; deliver; media; develop the product’s concept; brand; marketer; impact; rational positioning; appeal to smb; produce emotional association and response.

2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the lexical units from the previous exercise

1. Содержание рекламного сообщения зависит от нескольких факторов.

2. После того как была разработана основная идея рекламного сообщения, необходимо выбрать наиболее рентабельные средства передачи данного сообщения.

3. Воздействие рекламного сообщения на целевую аудиторию зависит не только от его содержания, но и от структуры.

4. Эффективная наружная реклама характеризуется простыми, короткими рекламными сообщениями.

5. Медиапланирование является важнейшим этапом в проведении рекламной кампании.

3.Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases:

advertising message


mass media

advertising campaign

to affect



appeal to smb


1.Choose the most successful advertisement and discuss what made it so successful.

· A 100% splendid pure tea with even higher content of tea now!

· TV shop “Fantastic anti-cellulite leggings. For a mere hundred dollars all the town will know you have a cellulite!”

· An unprecedented action of Coca-Cola in Russia: under each seventh lid you’ll find Vodka!

a) What is the possible target audience of each advertisement?

b) What content does each advertisement have? How does it depend on the type of the product and place of its sale?

c) Are these advertisements legal, decent and truthful?

d) What types of media could be used to deliver the message of the advertisements to the public?

e) What celebrities would you choose to advertise the products?

f) What approach should be chosen to run the advertising campaign of each product?

2. Give your own examples of the most successful advertisements. Analyse them from the point of view of its content, target audience, approach to an advertising campaign and types of media.

Talking Point

1. Study different styles of presenting messages and think which of them could be more preferable. Give arguments for your answer.

· Slice of life. This shows one or several people using the product in a normal setting. A family seated at the dinner table might express satisfaction with a new biscuit brand.

· Lifestyle. This emphasizes how a product fits in with a lifestyle. A scotch whisky ad shows a handsome middle-aged man holding a glass of Scotch Whisky in one hand and steering his yacht with the other.

· Fantasy. This creates a fantasy around the product or its use. One of Revlon’s cosmetics ads features a barefoot woman wearing a chiffon dress. She comes out of an old French barn, crosses a meadow, and confronts a handsome young man on a white steed, who carries her away.

· Mood and Image. This creates an evocative mood / image around the product, such as beauty, love or serenity.

· Musical. This uses background music or shows one or more people or cartoon characters singing a song involving the product. Many Cola ads have used this format.

· Personality Symbol. This creates a character that personifies the product. The character might be animated or real. (e.g. Mr. Muscle)

· Technical Expertise. This shows the company/s expertise and experience in making the product.

· Scientific Evidence. This presents survey or scientific evidence that the brand is preferred or outperforms other brands.

· Testimonial Evidence. This features a credible, likable source praising the product. It could be a celebrity or ordinary people saying how much they like the product.

Illustrate the above given techniques with the examples of your own. How effective are the advertisements?

2. Read what famous people said about the essence of advertising. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinions stated below. Support your viewpoint with reasons and examples from your reading, observations or your own experience.

· Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century.

Marshall Mcluhan (1911-1980)

Canadian communication theorist

  • You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.

Norman Douglas (1868-1952)

British author

  • Promise, large promise is the soul of an advertisement.

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

British author

· Early to bed and early to rise, work like hell, and advertise.

Laurence J. Peter


Choose one of the above mentioned ideas and comment on it in about 180-200 words.

Part 3. “The Structure of Advertisement”


Watch the pronunciation of the following words and phrases from the text:





introductory paragraph

explanatory paragraph

closing paragraph






format elements




Study the classical organization of an advertisement given in the Supplement on p. 36. What parts does it consist of? What are their functions? Share your ideas with the class.


Read the text and find answers to the following questions.

1. Why is the headline crucial for an advertisement?

2. What parts does the body copy consist of?

The basic components of an advertisement include: the headline, the illustration (picture caption), the body copy, the signature and the subheadline.

A copy is the verbal portion of an advertisement. It includes headlines, subheadlines(advertising slogan), body copy and the signature. When preparing an advertising copy, marketers bear in their mind the rule called AIDA: attention, interest, desire and action.

The headline is crucial because often it is the only part of the copy that people read. It should attract readers’ attention and create enough interest to make them want to read the body copy. The subheadline, if there is one, links the headline to the body copy. It sometimes helps explain the headline.

Advertising slogans are short, often memorable phrases used in advertising campaigns. They are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of the product.

An effective slogan usually:

· states the main benefits of the product or brand;

· makes a simple, direct concise statement;

· is often witty;

· gives a credible impression of the brand, product;

· makes the consumer feel good;

· is hard to forget – it adheres to one’s memory

Body copy for most advertisements consists of an introductory statement or paragraph, several explanatory paragraphs, and a closing paragraph. There exists a set of guidelines to develop body copy:

· identify a specific desire or problem of consumers;

· suggest the good or service as the best way to satisfy that desire or solve that problem;

· state the advantages and benefits of the product;

· indicate why the advertised product is the best for the buyer’s particular situation;

· substantiate the claims and advantages;

· ask the buyer for action.

The signature identifies the sponsor of the advertisement. It contains the firm’s trademark, name and address. This signature should be attractive, legible, distinctive and easy to identify.

However different types of advertisement have their own peculiarities. Radio listeners are often mentally not fully “tuned up”, so radio copy should be informal and conversational to attract listeners’ attention. It should consist of short, familiar terms. The rate of speech should be not more than two and one-half words per second.

In television copy, the audio material must not overpower the visual material.

The choice of headlines, copy, and so on, can make a difference in the ad’s impact.

Lalita Manrai reported a study in which she crated two ads for the same car. The first ad carried the headline “A New Car”, the second, the headline “Is this Car for You?” In the second headline, the consumer is labeled as the type of a person who is interested in that type of product. The 2 ads also differed in that the first ad described the car’s features and the second described the car’s benefits. In the test, the second ad outperformed the first ad in the impression of the product, readers’ interest in buying the product and the possibility of recommending it to a friend.

Artwork consists of the illustration and layout of the ads. Although illustrations are often photographs, they also can be drawings, graphs, charts and labels.

The layout of an ad is the physical arrangement of the illustration (picture caption), headline, subheadline, advertising slogan, body copy and signature. These format elements can be positioned in any way. However, a minor rearrangement of elements can improve the perception ability of the ad. Larger-size ads get more attention. Four-colour illustrations instead of black and white increase ad effectiveness.

A number of researchers into print ads report that the picture, headline, and copy are important in the following order. The reader first notices the picture, and it must be strong enough to draw attention. Then the headline must be effective in encouraging the person to read the copy. The copy itself must be well composed.


Answer the following questions

1. What are the basic components of an ad?

2. What is a copy?

3. What components does it consist of?

4. What is understood by AIDA?

5. Why is the headline crucial for an advertisement?

6. What are the main aims of the headline?

7. Is subheadline an integral part of an ad?

8. What should a body copy consist of?

9. What are the main rules of developing a body copy?

10. What is the function of the signature?

11. What information should the signature include?

12. What characteristic features should the signature possess?

13. Do different types of ads meet the same requirements? Give examples.

14. What influences the impact an ad makes on other people?

15. What is artwork?

16. What is understood by the layout of an ad?

17. Is the arrangement of the format elements of an ad important? Why? Why not?

18. What is the most effective structure of an ad?

2. Complete the table

Component of the ad Constituent parts Basic characteristics

3. Make up the summary of the text using the information from the table in the previous exercise.

Word Study

1. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text

Заголовок, иллюстрация, основная часть, подпись, подзаголовок, словесная, образец рекламы, привлекать внимание читателей, создавать/ вызывать интерес, вводное утверждение, объясняющий абзац, заключительный абзац, идентифицировать/ определять, удовлетворить/ выполнить желание, положительные стороны товара, указывать, подтверждать, спонсор, товарный знак, легкий для прочтения, разговорный, перевешивать, превосходить, расположение элементов, улучшать способность восприятия рекламы, составляющие элементы, быть расположенным, эффективность, быть хорошо составленным, вдохновлять/ воодушевлять, остроумный.

2. Explain the meaning of the following terms mentioned in the text



body copy



body copy

explanatory paragraph

closing paragraph



format elements

advertising slogan

adhere to smth

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the exercises above

a. Classical _______ of an advertisement includes the _______, subheadline, _______, _______ and _______.

b. One of the _______ elements in the advertisement is the headline. It should be original and bright enough to ______ readers’ attention and to arouse the interest in the ad.

c. The _______ usually contains the basic information about the product, its characteristic features, advantages and ______.

d. The signature identifies the _______ of the ad. It should be ______, _______ and easy to identify.

e. Though the ______ can be positioned in any way there exist some general rules of arranging the ______ of the advertisement.

f. The copy must be ______ because the arrangement of the format elements influences the _______ of the ad and the ______ it makes on consumers.

4. Give antonyms to the following words from the text.

a. Use negative prefixes

· verbal

· interest

· legible

· distinctive

· familiar

· encourage

· advantages

· formal

· increase

· effectiveness

· memorable

· direct

· credible

b. Use words with a different root

1. introductory

2. crucial

3. minor

4. improve

5. well-composed

6. simple

c. Watch the use of the following prefixes

out- outperformed

over- overpower

What meanings do they have? Can you give any other words with the same prefix?


1. Prepare a presentation on the topic “Tips for creating an effective advertisement”.