2. Make up a dialogue.
You are two competitors. The first one is a successful advertiser, the second has just started an advertising business. The latter has doubts about how to create an effective advertisement for a new product, the former does not want to let him succeed in it, he gives the “worst” advice to let his competitor down.
(Use the Word Study exercises in your dialogue)
Discuss the following questions in groups, report the results of the discussion back to the class.
1. Does the effectiveness of an advertisement depend on its layout? Give evidence for your answer.
2. Can you think of any examples of the advertisements you don’t like? What is wrong about them? What makes them ineffective? Can they be improved?
“What is said in advertising is more important than how you say it”
Comment on the words of David Ogilvy, an American businessman and an advertising expert, in about 180-200 words.
Translate the following Russian text into English using words from the text
Рекламный текст состоит из пяти основных элементов, которые почти всегда используются в рекламе:
основной текст;
подписи и комментарии;
рекламный лозунг.
Заголовок (вместе с фотографией или иллюстрацией) привлечет к рекламе читателя, зрителя или слушателя. Заголовок - стержень рекламы и наиболее сильный посыл к покупателю.
Заголовок должен быть мощным по воздействию и ясным по смыслу, чтобы привлечь внимание потенциального покупателя к рекламируемому продукту.
Подзаголовок направлен к клиенту. Подзаголовок - мост между заголовком и основным текстом.
Основной текст содержит информацию об основных свойствах, качествах и преимуществах предлагаемого продукта.
Подписи и комментарии
Фотографии, иллюстрации, подписи и комментарии в рекламе могут стать наиболее результативным инструментом продажи. Подписи не только поясняют, что изображено на фотографии или иллюстрации, но и привлекают внимание покупателя. В подписи можно поместить дополнительную информацию, связанную с продажей .
Комментарии - это, как правило, похожие на подписи фрагменты текста, при помощи линии или стрелки соединенные с элементами фотографии или иллюстрации. Они описывают определенные части какого-либо предмета или изображенной сцены.
Рекламный лозунг - это словесный эквивалент логотипа (графического знака) фирмы. В печатном объявлении он обычно появляется рядом с графическим знаком фирмы или названием предприятия сразу же под ними. В рекламном лозунге отражена и сконцентрирована позиция фирмы, он делает ее привлекательной для клиентов.
Informative Reading
Cherry 7-up targeted at Youth Market
Advertisers must aim their message at a specific target market if the message is to be effective. Seven-Up Corporations, the producer of the “uncola”, traditionally targeted its products and advertising to older generations, but a decline in sales made the company change its strategy in 1987. According to the research, nearly half of all soft drinks were consumed by teenagers aged from 13 up to 24. So the first decision of the company was to target its advertising campaign to this age group. Some time later the company introduced a new Cherry Seven-up and its sugar free version, which was a revolution since the company had never deviated from its lemon-lime formulation before.
So, the company launched an advertising campaign for Cherry-Up which featured the tag “Isn’t it cool in pink?” Pink was chosen the dominant colour in those ads. The TV commercials were black and white except for prominent pink articles such as suspenders, earrings, and, of course Cherry 7-Up itself, which was in colour. 7-Up chose pink as the primary colour of the campaign partly because it was a favourite fashion colour of the target market and partly because of its eye-appeal.
The ads were slice-of life-ads, which focused on the lifestyles of the target market. They showed teenagers, having some problems, natural surroundings. To add to this, the campaign also tried to bring to the pink theme certain qualities that adolescents wanted, such as self-assurance, popularity, and independence. The TV spots used light rock music and electronic musical effects, they were run during the target market’s favourite programmes. It also contributed to the success of the new product.
To make the campaign more efficient the company supported it by a “Cool in Pink” merchandise catalogue offering Cherry 7-Up clothes and accessories, including Cherry 7-Up T-shirts and sweatshirts, pink sunglasses, shoelaces and headbands and Cherry 7-Up watches, which 7-Up hoped fashion-conscious teenagers would find “cool”.
All those “tricks” boosted the popularity of the new soft-drink. Several years later the sales of the drink doubled. So, advertising was the tool the company used to reach its target market.
Multiple Choice
Choose the correct answer
1. If advertisers want the message of an ad to be more effective they must:
a. change the means of delivering the message
b. aim it at the target audience
c. work out some details of the message
2. The decrease in the sales of 7-Up’s soft drinks made the company:
a. introduce another soft drink into the market
b. ask competitors for help
c. change the company’s strategy
3. The new advertising policy of 7-Up:
a. was effective and increased the sales of the new soft drink
b. didn’t lead to any results
c. bankrupted the company
Sum up the measures taken by 7-Up aimed at increasing the number of sales
1.Were the measures taken by 7-Up effective? What else could they do to overcome the deadlock?
2. Find some other examples of the cases when effective media planning increased the profits of the company. What measures were taken? Tell your groupmates about the cases according to the plan:
a. the problem
b. the measures taken to overcome the deadlock
c. the results
Test yourself
1.Read the following text, translate the Russian expressions into English, consult the dictionary if necessary. Fill in the gaps with the words given before the text
In the first place but more than that in general finally therefore because it is a well-known fact and next
_______ that advertising информирует потребителей about the existence and benefits of products and services, and attempts убедить them купить them.
Large companies could easily set up their own advertising departments, ________ they tend to hire the services of рекламное агентство. Компания-клиент _______decides on its рекламный бюджет, the amount of money it plans to spend in developing its advertising and buying media time or space. _______ it provides a brief statement of целей рекламной деятельности, and _______ it gives an overall рекламную стратегию concerning what message is to be communicated. The choice of how and where to advertise (газетная и журнальная реклама, рекламные ролики на радио и ТВ, реклама в кино, posters on hoardings(GB) or billboards(US), point-of-purchase displays in stores, mailings of leaflets, брошюры или буклеты, and so on), _______ in what proportions, is called a media plan. Преимущества и недостатки of each medium must be weighed up because each medium has its own characteristics and covers different areas of потенциальный рынок. _______ when a firm has selected the means of delivering the message it must decide on the number of times the advert should be displayed.
The set of покупателей whose need a company plans to satisfy, and ________ to expose to an advertisement is known as целевой рынок.
_______ the advertising of a particular product or service during a particular period of time is called рекламная кампания.
Favourable mentions of a company’s products or услуги, in any medium read, viewed or heard by company’s customers or или потенциальные покупатели that are not paid for, are called publicity.
2. Answer the following questions
a. What are the main kinds of advertising?
b. What main functions of advertising are distinguished?
c. What are the main requirements for the message of an advertisement?
d. What is the traditional structure of an advertisement? How should format elements
be arranged?
e. What does the impact an advertisement makes on the target audience depend on?
Role-play “Making an Advertisement”
You are the members of an advertising department. A new product or service is going to be launched into the market by your company. You are to create an effective advertisement of the new product.
You should:
1.select the product/ service;
2. determine its functions, advantages and benefits, target market;
3. work out the message of the product;
4. work out the layout of your ad: watch the format elements and their arrangement;
5. prepare the artwork of the advertisement;
6. demonstrate your ad to the groupmates.
Watch the ads of your groupmates and try to evaluate them according to the following criteria:
a. the idea (1-5)
b. the layout (1-5)
c. the artwork (1-5)
d. the message (1-5)
e. the effectiveness of the advertisement (1-5)
Vote for the most effective advertisement and choose the best one.
Unit I
1. advertising
2. to advertise
3. advertiser
4. advertisement
5. consumer
6. seller
7. improvements
8. purchase
9. buyer
10. competitive
11. reminding
12. initial
13. to acquaint
14. agitating
15. skilful drawing up of the text
16. selection of expressive words
17. to generate requirement for smth
18. to distinguish
19. to convince
20. to support adherence to smth
21. to carry out
22. purpose
23. to be aimed at doing smth
24. direct mail
Unit II
Part 1
1. to determine the basic objectives
2. an advertising campaign
3. to establish an advertising budget
4. to decide on the message
5. mass media
6. receiver
7. to be interconnected
8. target audience
9. to meet the requirements
10. The British Code of Advertising Practice
11. legal
12. decent
13. honest
14. truthful
15. to prepared with a sense of responsibility
16. to conform to the principles of fair competition
16. to bring advertising into disrepute
17. to reduce confidence in smth
18. eye-catching
19. to be understandable
20. copywriter
21. creativity
22. imagination
23. goods of mass demand
24. products of industrial purpose
25. market characteristics
26. competitor
27. to be singled out
28. to be easy to understand and recognize
29. to have an exact target orientation
30. to reflect interests and desires
31. to emphasize unique features and properties
32. to predetermine success
33. to gain the attention of the audience
34. key factors
Part 2
1.to design the message
2. the content of the message
3. to be delivered
4. approach to an advertising campaign
5. extensive/ intensive
6. product’s features
7. to effect smth
8. to influence smth
9. outdoor displays
10. short broadcast spot announcements
11. concise and simple messages
12. rational positioning
13. emotional positioning
14. to appeal to emotional mind
15. to produce an emotional association and response
Part 3
1. the basic components of an advertisement
2. headline
3. illustration
4. body copy
5. signature
6. subheadline
7. crucial
8. to attract readers’ attention to smth
9. to create interest
10. introductory statement
11. explanatory paragraph
12. closing paragraph
13. to identify a specific desire or problem
14. to satisfy the desire
15. to substantiate claims and advantages
16. sponsor
17. firm’s trademark
18. legible
19. distinctive
20. conversational
21. to consist of short familiar terms
22. to overpower
23. to outperform
24. artwork
25. format elements
26. to be positioned
27. to improve the perception ability of an ad
28. effectiveness
29. to encourage
30. to be well composed
Теория рекламы
(часть 1)
Юлия Сергеевна Бузуева
Надежда Алексеевна Глазунова
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского»
603950, Нижний Новгород, пр. Гагарина, 23
Подписано в печать Формат 60х84 1/16
Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс.
Усл. печ. л. 2,0 Заказ № Тираж 300 экз.
Отпечатано в типографии Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н.А. Лобачевского
603600, г. Нижний Новгород, ул. Большая Покровская, 37
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