
Практикум Рекомендовано методической комиссией факультета международных отношений для студентов ннгу, обучающихся по специальностям 030201 «Политология», 032401 «Реклама» (стр. 1 из 4)


Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского

Теория рекламы

(часть 1)


Рекомендовано методической комиссией факультета международных отношений для студентов ННГУ, обучающихся по специальностям

030201 «Политология», 032401 «Реклама»

Нижний Новгород


УДК 42.8(07)

ББК 143.21я7

Т 33

Т33 Теория рекламы: (часть I) Практикум. – Нижний Новгород: Нижегородский госуниверситет, 2008 – 37 с.

Составители: Ю.С. Бузуева, Н.А. Глазунова

Рецензент: д.полит.н., профессор, М.И. Рыхтик

Практикум предназначен для работы по развитию навыков чтения профессионально-ориентированных текстов, совершенствованию коммуникативных навыков устной и письменной речи в рамках тем «Природа рекламы», «Содержание рекламы», «Технология создания рекламы», «Структура рекламного сообщения», «Повышение эффективности рекламы».

УДК 42.8 (07)

ББК 143.21я73

© Нижегородский государственный университет

им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2008


Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 1-2 курсов факультета международных отношений, обучающихся по специальностям «Политология» и « Реклама».

Пособие носит комплексный характер, включая в себя систему заданий по взаимосвязанному обучению всем видам речевой деятельности с учетом запрограммированного уровня лексико-грамматических навыков и речевых умений, направленных на овладение лексикой в области рекламы; оригинальные профессионально-ориентированные тексты, взятые из британских и американских СМИ; работу по развитию навыков интенсивного (подробного) и экстенсивного (просмотрового) чтения и последующего их совершенствования.

Лексический материал разработан таким образом, что лексические единицы повторяются в текстах пособия, способствуя не только расширению запаса слов обучаемых, но и его закреплению. Весь текстовый материал активно прорабатывается и должен научить обсуждать проблемы в области рекламы на английском языке и участвовать в дискуссиях на заданные темы: основы рекламы, виды рекламы, средства распространения рекламы, технология создания рекламы и история развития рекламы.

Авторы сочли возможным включить тексты, вызывающие при переводе затруднения, в целях развития и закрепления навыков перевода текстов в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.

При отборе текстов учитывается не только их профессиональная направленность, но и другие параметры: доступность по содержанию, наличие изучаемых лексико-грамматических единиц, а также коммуникативный подход к обучению и творческая работа студентов, что составляет основную методологическую базу учебно-методического пособия.

В конце учебно-методического пособия представлен глоссарий, содержащий активную лексику по пройденным темам пособия, а также контрольные задания для проверки усвоения пройденного материала.

Последовательность и полнота выполнения заданий может быть такой как она предложена в пособии, а может быть изменена по усмотрению преподавателя в соответствии с его методическими установками или конкретными условиями обучения в той или иной студенческой группе.

Данное пособие рассчитано на широкий круг людей, изучающих английский язык: студентов языковых и неязыковых вузов, старших классов спецшкол.


1. Unit I “The Nature of Advertising ”………...………………………….5

2. Unit II………………………….……………………………………….12

a. Reading 1 “The Contents of Advertisement”....................................12

b. Reading 2 “The Message of Advertisement”………………………17

c. Reading 3 “The Structure of Advertisement”………………………22

d. Informative Reading “Cherry 7-Up Targeted at Youth Market”…...29

3. Test Yourself……………………………………………………………31

4. Glossary…………………………………………………………………33

5. Supplement……………………………………………………………….36

Unit 1.

The Nature of Advertising”


1. Note the pronunciation of the following words:

a. advertising

b. consumer

c. improvement

d. buyer

e. purchase

f. informative

g. competitive

2. Watch the pronunciation and spelling of these words:

a. reminding

b. initial

c. agitating

d. requirement

e. to distinguish

f. function

g. propaganda


Study the following definitions of the word “advertising”, find similarities and differences, work out your own definition based on the given ones.

a. The activity or business of telling people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it on TV, in newspapers, etc. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).

b. The promotion of goods or services for sale through impersonal media, such as radio or television (Collins English Dictionary).

c. The business of encouraging people to buy goods by means of advertisements (Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture)


Advertising is a paid form of nonpersonal communication that is given in mass media such аs television, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, mass transit vehicles, and outdoor displays.

Advertising gives the information to the consumer about the seller or his goods, the prices for these goods, information about the place of sale.

Also advertising often informs people about improvements of the goods, changes in quality, etc. Advertising helps the buyer to make the correct decision on purchase.

Division o advertising into three kinds is standard: informative, competitive and reminding.

1. Informative or initial. This advertising acquaints the possible buyer with the new goods in the market, a place of its sale.

2. Competitive, convincing or agitating. The advertiser with the help of various ways and means (skilful drawing up of the text, selection of expressive words, etc) influences mentality of the person with the purpose to call, generate or wake up in him requirement for the given goods or service. He distinguishes the promoted goods from all similar goods and convinces the buyer to get these goods.

3. Safe or reminding. Advertising reminds of earlier promoted goods, supports adherence to the brand, i.e. gives the repeated information of the goods because the consumer can quite “forget” about the existence of the goods and begin to search for the information necessary for him.

Each kind of advertising carries out both functions of advertising, but everyone has the different purposes. So informative and safe advertising carries out mainly the first function as it is aimed first of all at delivering information to the public. Agitating advertising is created for propaganda of the goods, therefore it carries out mainly the second function, but also gives the information.


Skim through the text and decide whether these statements are true or false:

a. The main function of advertising is to inform the consumer about the details of the products as well as their improvements.

b. Informative advertising helps the consumer buy the product with the help of various means and ways.

c. The first function of reminding advertising is to introduce the product to the public through different kinds of mass media such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Word Study

1.Match the words and definitions from the columns; use them in the examples of your own:

1. improvements a. happening at the


2. consumer b. smn who sells smth;

3. purchase c. a kind of situation

in which people or

4. competitive organizations try

very hard to be

5. to distinguish more successful

than others;

6. to acquaint

7. seller d. to be able to recognize

and understand the

8. to carry out difference between two

similar things or people;

9. initial e. smn who buys and uses

products and services;

10. to convince

11. purpose f. the thing that an event

process or activity is

supposed to do

g. to do smth that needs to be

organized and planned;

h. to give smn information

about smth;

i. to persuade smn to do smth;

j. the act of buying smth;

k. a change or addition that

makes smth better;

2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words and word- combinations; restore their context

a. покупатель

b. быть направленным на выполнение чего-либо

c. рекламная деятельность

d. напоминающий

e. хорошо составленный текст

f. агитирующий

g. почтовая реклама

h. поддерживать приверженность к чему-либо

i. порождать необходимость в чем-либо

j. выбор экспрессивных слов

3. Find the odd-one out

a. consumer – user – seller - buyer

b. change – improvement - betterment

c. initial - primary - final - first

d. agitating – persuading – discouraging - convincing

e. to distinguish - to combine - to discern - to discriminate between

f. to fulfill - to implement - to carry out - to stand idle

g. contending - rival - competitive – noncompeting

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the exercises above

a. The main function of _______ is to inform the _______ about the _______ or his goods, and the details of products.

b. With the help of _______ the _______ makes the correct decision on _______ .

c. The main aim of ______ or _______ _______ is to _______ the possible _______ with the new goods in the market, a place of its sale.

d. The ultimate objective of _______, convincing or _______ advertising is to influence mentality of the person by means of _______ _______ ___ ___ ___ _______, _______ ___ _______ _______ in order to _______ in him ______ for the given goods or service.

e. The buyer _______ the promoted goods from all similar goods and _______ the _______ to get these goods.

5. Design your own exercises to make your group mates practice the words and phrases from this text.


1.Read the text once again and decide which of the sentences are correct and which are wrong. Correct those that are wrong

a. Advertising is a free form of personal communication.

b. Advertising is given in such kinds of mass media as direct mail, the Internet, outdoor displays and etc.

c. The only purpose of advertising is to inform the buyer about the place of sale.

d. Generally advertising is divided into four types: initial, convincing, reminding, and agitating.

e. Informative advertising helps the buyer learn about the new goods.

f. Competitive advertising influences mind of the person by different means to make him distinguish the promoted goods from all similar goods.

g. Reminding advertising convinces the possible buyer to get the promoted goods.

h. Each advertising carries out either the first or the second function.

i. The purposes of each kind of advertising are the same.

j. The first function is aimed at agitating the consumer to buy the promoted goods.

2. Answer the following questions on the text

a. What types of mass media are used for advertising a product?

b. What functions does advertising carry out?

c. What kind of information does advertising deliver to the public?

d. Does advertising help the buyer? How?

e. What kinds of advertising are distinguished?

f. What is meant by informative advertising?

g. Does agitating advertising acquaint the buyer with the product or convince him to buy the product by different means?

h. What does safe advertising support and remind of? What methods are used here?

i. What functions does each kind of advertising fulfill?

j. Initial and safe advertising informs consumer about the improvements of the promoted goods, doesn’t it?

k. What is agitating advertising created for?

l. What function does it mainly implement?

3.Make up the summary of the text using the following words and word-combinations

a. advertising

b. consumer

c. seller

d. buyer

e. initial advertising

f. competitive advertising

g. safe advertising

h. to acquaint

i. skilful drawing up of text

j. selection of expressive words

k. to generate requirement for smth

l. to support adherence to smth

m. to carry out

n. to be aimed at doing smth

Talking Point

Discuss the following questions

a. What kinds of products are often advertised?

b. What is the most successful latest advertisement?

c. What are the functions and purposes of this advertisement?

d. What kind/kinds of advertising are used to make this advertisement so successful?

e. What types of mass media are used?

f. What means and ways of advertising are used to convince the consumer to get these products?