
Методические рекомендации по практической грамматике английского языка для студентов Iкурса неязыковых вузов (стр. 3 из 3)


a boy’s tie

Mary’s book

hotel-keeper’s armchair

house-wife’s coat


an actress’s career

a waitress’ job


children’s toys

men’s hats

sheep’s wool


girls’ dresses

students’ parties


mothers-in-law’s words

editors-in-chief’s studies


Charles’s jeans

Doris’s car

St. James’s Park


the Browns’ house


John and Jack’s room

2. To show the possession with things we can use ‘of’.

Чтобы показать принадлежность неодушевленному предмету, используется предлог ‘of’.

the leg of the table

the top of the box

3. Fixed phrases.

Устойчивые выражения.

the earth’s surface - поверхность земли

journey’s end -окончание путешествия

for Heaven’s sake / for God’s sake - ради бога

at one’s wit’s end - в тупике

at a stone’s throw - рукой подать

a hair’s breadth - на волоске

4. Time phrases.

Фразы, обозначающие период времени.

an hour’s journey two hours’ journey

a day’s work two days’ work

a month’s salary two months’ salary

5. With nouns expressing space and weight, with the names of countries, cities, ships and with the nouns ‘world, country, city, ship’.

С существительными, обозначающими пространство и время, с названиями стран, городов, кораблей, а также с существительными ‘world, country, city, ship’.

the river’s mouth

Moscow’s museums

world’s theatres

our country’s industry

the ship’s crew

6. With organizations.

С названиями организаций.

the government decision

the company’s success



1. Choose the correct word-combination.

Выберите правильное словосочетание.





your parents’ house your parents’s house your parents house


a kitchen table a kitchen’s table a table of a kitchen


Liz’s bag the bag of Liz Liz’ bag


the Bonds’ car the Bonds’s car the car of the Bonds


a bird’s nest a nest of a bird a birds’ nest


transport of Kirov Kirov transport Kirov’s transport


Charles’ address Charles’s address address of Charles


a dining-room’s table a table of a dining-room a dining-room table


Museum of Pushkin Pushkin’s Museum The Pushkin Museum


a journey of a year a year’s journey a year journey


resources of the earth the earth’s resources the earth resources


Bob and Ann’s car Bob’s and Ann’s car the car of Bob and Ann


the rays of the sun the sun rays the sun’s rays


Dickens’ novels Dickens’s novels the novels of Dickens


the portarait of the King King’s portrait the King portrait


the house of my sister-in-law my sister-in-law’s house my sister’s-in-law house


todays newspapers today’s newspapers newspapers of today


the town’s walls the town walls the walls of the town


tennis shoes tennis’s shoes shoes of tennis


our brothers-in-law’s car our brothers’-in-law cars the car of our brothers-in-law


the book’s cover the book cover the cover of the book


a street’s lamp a street lamp a lamp of the street


the men hats the men’s hats the hats of the men


the ship crew the crew of the ship the ship’s crew


children’s toys children’ toys childrens’ toys

2. Choose the correct variant.

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The only thing she wanted was to see ____.

a) her parents’ house; b) her parents’s house; c) the house of her parents

2. No one could explain _____ at ______.

a) the girl behaviour; b) the girl’s behaviour; c) the behaviour of the girl

a) yesterday’s supper; b) yesterday’ supper; c) yesterday supper

3. ____ was disappointing. Our team lost.

a) Last Sundays’ match; b) Last Sunday match; c) Last Sunday’s match

4. The boy was looking through the ____.

a) children’s books; b) children books; c) books of children

5. After ____ we resumed our work.

a) an hour’s break; b) an hour break; c) an hour’ break

6. At that time he lives in _____.

a) his father-in-law’s flat; b) his father’s-in-law flat; c) his father-in-law’ flat

7. I don’t like ____.

a) cows’ milk; b) cows milk; c) the milk of the cows

8. He was puzzled by ____.

a) Ann and Peter’s visit; b) Ann’s and Peter’s visit

9. When Friday came he was ____.

a) at his wit’s ends; b) at his wit ends; c) at his wit’ end

10. This is _____.

a) John’s coat; b) the coat of John; c) John coat




1. His advice ___ always reasonable. I advise you to follow ____.

a) are, them c) is, it

b) are, it d) is, them

2. The applause _____ deafening. I can’t stand ___ any longer. Let’s go out.

a) are, them c) is, them

b) is, it d) are, it

3. The second witness’s evidence _____ more convincing. ____ made me believe that the suspect is innocent.

a) are, it c) are, they

b) is, it d) is, they

4. Look, her clothes ___ brand new. Where did she get the money to buy ____?

a) is, it c) are, them

b) are, it d) is, them

5. The Browns who lived in _____ house ____ having dinner with the Harrisons who ____ their best friends.

a) a three-storey, were, were

b) three storeys, were, were

c) a three storey’s, were, were

d) three storeys’, was, were

6. The information he gave us ____ convincing. I don’t think we should check ____.

a) is, it c) are, them

b) is, them d) are, it

7. Her pyjamas ___ made of silk. I like _____ very much.

a) is, it c) are, it

b) is, them d) are, them

8. These scissors _____ dull! I can’t cut anything with ____.

a) are, them c) is it

b) is, them d) are, it

9. When I move to London, I’ll have to find lodgings. I’m afraid ____ will be very expensive and I’ll have to pay for ____ half of my salary.

a) it, it c) they, it

b) they, them d) it, them

10. I think billiards _____ a dull game. I wonder why the youth nowadays ___ so fond of ____?

a) are, is, it c) are, are, them

b) is, are, it d) is, are, them

11. He is so depressed. The contents of the letter _____ made public. General public _____ discussing _____.

a) have been, is, them c) have been, are, them

b) has been, are, it d) has been, it, is

12. Look! Goods _____ displayed in the window. The manager says that there will be ____ sale.

a) are, two days’ c) are, a two-days

b) is, two-day’s d) is, a two-day

13. Our family _____ good at playing draughts. Draughts ____ our favourite game. We play ____ every weekend.

a) is, is, it c) are, are, them

b) are, is, it d) is, are, it

14. Stop! The traffic ____ heavy and the traffic lights ____ red. In ___ time you will cross the street.

a) is, is, two-minutes c) are, are, a two-minutes’

b) are, are, a two-minute d) is, are, two-minutes’

15. He spent ____ holiday at the ____.

a) a week, Richardsons’ c) a weeks, Richardsons

b) week’s, Richardson d) week, Richardson’s

16. She was going for ___ walk across the field to the ___ house. She was sure that he would help her because it was the duty of ___ to help poor people like her.

a) a ten-miles, governor’s-general, governor-generals

b) a ten-mile’s, governor-general’s, governors-general

c) a ten-mile, governor-general’s, governor-generals

d) ten-miles’, governor-generals’, governors-general.

17. She wished she had a little garden with ___ and ____, like that of ___.

a) lilies-of-the-valleys, forgets-me-nots, Mrs. Sand

b) lily-of the-valleys, forget-me-nots, Mrs. Sand’s

c) lilies-of-the-valley, forget-me-nots, Mrs. Sand’s

d) lilies-of-the-valleys, forgets-me-not, Mrs. Sand

18. Take your _____ and get out with ____! You got my ____ notice, didn’t you?

a) belonging, it, two weeks

b) belongings, it, a two weeks

c) belongings, them, two weeks’

d) belonging, them, two week’s

19. We want to equip our factory with___ and to install ___ in the assembly shop.

a) new machineries, them

b) a new machinery, it

c) new machineries, it

d) new machinery, it

20. Have you got all the ___ of Byron in your home library? - Yes, I have, but I haven’t read all of ___.

a) works, them c) works, it

b) work, it d) work, them


1. When he was going through a narrow passage between two ___ , he heard ___. These were his neighbours, two ___ girls.

a) merrys-go-round, laugh, twenty-years old

b) merry-go-rounds, a laugh, twenty-year old

c) merry-goes-round, laughter, twenty-years old

d) merry-goes-round, a laughter, twenty-year-old

2. He pulled off his gloves and put ___ on the dressing-table. She noticed that ____ new. So was his hat.

a) it, it was

b) it, they were

c) them, it was,

d) them, they were

3. He conducted a lot of ___ , but ___ a failure.

a) researches, they were

b) research, it was

c) researches, it was

d) research, they were

4. The money ___ been spent on the construction of the Children’s Care Centre. Road works ___ being held there to build a new ___ crossing.

a) has, are, pedestrian’s

b) has, are, pedestrian

c) has, is, pedestrians

d) has, is, pedestrians’

5. The criteria ___ too vague. If there were a sharper ___ to make our choice, I would be happy.

a) is, criterion c) is, criteria

b) are, criterion d) are, criteria

6. Here ___ the pocket money my uncle has sent me today. ___ will be enough to settle all my debts.

a) are, it c) is, it

b) is, they d) are, they

7. The latest news from the Middle East countries ____ disturbing. A close-up camera showed a man running somewhere. His face was bruised and his clothes ___ torn.

a) was, was c) was, were

b) were, were d) were, was

8. The premises ___ big enough but the inspection took them a lot of ___, and they had to drive home at ___.

a) was, time, dusks

b) were, times, a dusk

c) was, times, dusk

d) were, time, dusk

9. The price for ____ has increased by ten ___ in the last quarter. Lodgings ___ very expensive nowadays.

a) an accomodation, per cent, is

b) accomodation, per cent, are

c) accommodations, per cents, is

d) accomodation, per cents, are

10. This ___ the most effective means of production and ___ can be adjusted to your business in ___ time.

a) is, it, two month’s

b) are, they, a two-months

c) is, they, two-month

d) is, it, two months’

11. Reliable ___ about everyday clothing from the past ___ hard to obtain.

a) evidences, are c) evidences, is

b) evidence, is d) evidence, are

12. ___ depths are usually much greater than ____ depths because of ___ low density.

a) snow, rain, snow

b) snow’s, rain’s, snow’s

c) snow, rain, snow’s

d) snow’s, rain’s, snow

13. The ___ was shaky and he decided to go to the second-hand ___ store.

a) leg’s table, furniture’s

b) leg of the table, furniture

c) table leg, furniture’s

d) leg’s table, furniture

14. One hundred pounds ___ a large sum for her and she decided to put her money on her ___ account.

a) was, savings c) were, savings

b) was, saving’s d) were, saving’s

15. This is ___ cloakroom, and that one is for ___.

a) ladies’, gentlemen’s

b) lady’s, gentlemen’s

c) ladies’, gentlemen

d) lady, gentlemen

16. The ___ history goes back to 1808.

a) state’s newspaper’s

b) state’s newspaper

b) state newspaper’s

c) state newspapers’

17. At its height in the early 1900s, the British Empire included over 20 ___ of the ___ land area and more than 400 ___ people.

a) percents, world, million

b) percent, world’s, millions

c) percent, world’s, million

c) percents, world’s, million

18. The official ___ is a table containing the holy days, ___, and festivals of the church.

a) Christian Church calendar, saints’ days

b) Christian’s Church calendar, saints days

c) Christian Church’s calendar, saints’ days

d) Christian’s Church’s calendar, saints’ days

19. The ____ at the ___ talks made a deep influence on everybody.

a) Minister of Foreign Trade’s speech, peace’s

b) Minister’s of Foreign Trade’ speech, peace

c) Minister of Foreign Trade’s speech, peaceful

d) Minister of Foreign Trade’s speech, peace

20. The producer presented his new ___ film. The show took ___ time.

a) two-series, three hour’s

b) two-seria, three hours

c) two-series, three hours’

d) two-series’, three hour’s