
New highway (стр. 13 из 20)

чтобы попросить совета:

— Shall I take the exam now or wait till later?

— Should I go by car or by bus?

— Would you accept the job if you were me?

чтобы дать совет:

— You should get your hair cut.

— You should have had to drink less.

— You ought to use a dictionary.

— You ought to have revised a bit more.

попросить об услуге:

— Can/Could I ask you to do me a favor?

— Would you do me a favor? (более вежливо)

— Would you help me carry this bag?

— May I use your telephone?

— Will you please be quiet in here.

выразить готовность сделать что-то, предложить помощь, подать идею:

— Shall I help you clear the room?

— Can I give you a hand with your luggage?

— Would you like a lift to the railway station?

— Shall we open the window?

— We can stay in tonight if you like.

дать разрешение или отказать:

— You can have the day off.

— You can’t borrow my car tonight, because I need it.

— Could I leave the office early today?

— You may register for the exam until the end of September. (более официально)


1. Прочитайте описание ситуации и задайте подходящие вопросы, пользуясь Shall I … или Shall we … .

1. Tomorrow is your husband’s/wife’s birthday and you don’t know what to present him/her with. Ask your friend for advice.

What … .

2. You’ve just seen a bag in a shop. You are not sure whether to buy it or not. Ask your friend for advice.

3. You and your family haven’t decided what to have for dinner. You say … .

4. Your boss wants you to call him/her up. You don’t know what time to call up. Ask him/her.

What … .

5. You’re going out. But there is a strong possibility that it will rain and you aren’t sure whether to take an umbrella or not. Ask your friend for advice.

6. You and your husband/wife are going to a restaurant. You haven’t decided whether to go by car or on foot. You say … .

2. Ответьте на вопросы, используя глагол needn’t.

Model: — Shall I do the shopping now?

— No, you needn’t. You can do it later.

1. — Shall I type this advertisement now?

— No, … . You … later.

2. — Shall I clean the flat today?

— No, … . You … tomorrow.

3. — Shall I go to the bank this morning?

— No, … . You … this afternoon.

3. Задайте вопросы к следующим ситуациям:

Model: — You want to borrow your friend’s camera. What do you say to him/her?

— Could I borrow your camera?

1. You have a car and you want to give your mother-in -law a lift. What do you say?

Can I ______________________________________?

2. You have to go to the railway station but you don’t know how to get there. Ask a passer-by.

Could you__________________________________?

3. You are at an interview. You want to smoke a cigarette.

May I______________________________________?

4. You want to invite your cousin to stay with you for the weekend.

Would you like_______________________________?

5. You want to leave work early because you have some important things to do. Ask a permission.

Mr. Goldsmith, do you think I______________________________?

6. Your neighbour is listening to loud rock music. Ask him politely to turn it down.

Do you think you____________________________?

Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:

Dressed to the nines — wearing fashionable clothing; dressed to attract attention.

Show must go on — the proceedings must continue regardless of any catastrophe or difficulty; nothing can stop what has been planned.

Monkey business — silliness or fooling around; dishonest or illegal activities; idiotic pranks.

Touch and go — very risky, uncertain, or critical.

White elephant — any possession that is useless, unwanted, or costs a lot of money to keep.

Reading and Speaking Practice

Topic 2

Culture Corner

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какие факты, упомянутые в тексте, для вас:

А) интересны;

В) необычны;

С) новы;

D) знакомы.

There is, perhaps, an excuse for people who use the word «England» when they mean «Britain». It cannot be denied that the dominant culture of Britain today is specifically English. The system of politics that is used in all four nations today is of English origin, and English is the main language of all four nations. Many aspects of everyday life are organized according to English custom and practice. But the political unification of Britain was not achieved by mutual agreement. On the contrary. It happened because England was able to exert her economic and military power over the other three nations.

Today English domination can be detected in the way in which various aspects of British public life are described. For example, the supply of money in Britain is controlled by the Bank of England (there is no such thing as a «Bank of Britain»). The present queen of the country is universally known as «Elizabeth the Second», even though Scotland and Northern Ireland have never had an «Elizabeth the First»! (Elizabeth I of England and Wales ruled from 1553 to 1603.) The term «Anglo» is also commonly used. (The Angles were a Germanic tribe who settled in England in the fifth century. The word «England» is derived from their name.) For example, newspapers and the television news talk about «Anglo-American relations» to refer to relations between the governments of Britain and the USA (and not just those between England and the USA).

I. True or False

Задание 2. Определите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту, исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. People usually call Great Britain just England.

2. English is the main language of all four nations.

3. The political unification of Britain was achieved by mutual agreement.

4. The most important bank of Great Britain is called the Bank of Britain.

5. Elizabeth the First was the queen of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

6. The term ‘Anglo-American relations’ refers to relations between England and the USA.

II. Multiple choice

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

1. Why do people use the word «England»’ when they mean «Britain»?

a) Because they want to excuse for that.

b) Because the dominant culture of Britain is English.

c) Because they live there.

2. This is NOT the reason why people use the word «England» when they mean «Britain»:

a) The system of politics that is used in all four nations today is of English origin;

b) English is the main language of all four nations;

c) Many aspects of everyday life are organized according to English custom and practice;

d) More people live in England.

3. How was the political unification achieved?

a) It happened because nobody was against;

b) It happened because England was the best place to live;

c) It happened because England was more powerful than the other three nations.

4. What statement expresses the massage of the text best of all?

a) England is a great country;

b) The dominance of England in Great Britain is evident;

c) English culture is very rich.

III. Summary

Задание 4. В предложенной аннотации вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.

Four, Great Britain, language, dominant, dominance, custom, powerful, politics.

People usually call … just England. There are … reasons for that. First, the … culture of Britain today is English. Second, the system of … that is used in all four nations today is of English origin. Third, English is the main … of all four nations. And finally, many aspects of everyday life are organized according to English … and practice. It happened because England was more … than the other three nations.

The … of England in Great Britain is evident.

IV. Speaking practice

Задание 5. Примите участие в беседе, опираясь на информацию, полученную из текста. Дополните недостающие фразы в диалоге.

Your friend: Well, I would like to go to England.

You: Do you mean Great Britain?

Your friend: Yes, and what is the difference?

You: England is just one part of Great Britain. Great Britain consists of … .

Your friend: Why do people call Great Britain just England?

You: Because … .

Your friend: Why did it happen?

You: You see, … .

Your friend: Can you give any examples of England’s dominance?

You: Sure, … .

Your friend: Those are interesting facts to know!

Задание 6. Инсценируйте диалог.

Задание 7. Подумайте над следующей проблемной ситуацией. Попытайтесь объяснить её, пользуясь информацией из текста:

In I970, the BBC showed a series of programmes about the history of the British Empire. Before the series started, they advertised it. The advertisement mentioned ‘England’s history’. Within a few hours, the BBC had received thousands of angry calls of protest and it was forced to make an apology. Who do you think the angry callers were? Why did the BBC apologize?

Modulus 3

Lesson 21

The Adverb

1. прилагательное + ly = наречие clear — clearly happy — happily exact — exactly serious — seriously bad — badly But: good — well

They are happy children He got a bad/good mark He is a serious man She smiled happily He answered badly/well They do everything seriously

2. прилагательное = наречие

hard late far

fast early

It’s a hard task

We took a fast train

It was a late hour

I am an early bird

It’s a far country

Think hard about it

He always drives fast

We came home late

I always get up early

How far is it?

Обратите внимание на различие в значениях наречий:

Those birds fly high (высоко) They think highly of this man (высокого мнения)

He lives near his office (близко, рядом) It’s nearly five o’clock (около)

It’s late (поздно) I saw him lately (недавно)

This workers work hard (упорно) He can hardly walk (еле-еле, едва)


1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях наречиями из списка: never, always, usually, rarely, sometimes.

1. I … cook dinner.

2. My husband … watches TV.

3. She … eats breakfast.

4. He … drinks champagne at parties.

2. Продолжите предложения:

I always … .

I usually … .

I sometimes … .

I rarely … .

I never … .

3. Некоторые наречия имеют две формы c различными значениями. Заполните пропуски в предложениях и объясните различия в значениях наречий:

hard / hardly

I work very … .

I can … believe the news.

late / lately

I’ve been to the cinema a lot … .

Don’t ring too … .

real / really

If that coat is made of … fur, I don’t want it.

I’m … sorry for that happened.

awful / awfully

The exam was … difficult.

My hair feels … — I must wash it.

quick / quickly

If you’re going shopping, please be … .

My father drives very … .

Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:

Put your shoulder to the wheel — to make a great effort; to begin to work hard.

Once in a blue moon — almost never; very seldom; hardly ever.

Make your mouth water — to look so attractive and desirable that it makes you want to have it very much; to want to eat or drink something that looks or smells delicious.

Lose your shirt — to lose everything, especially money.

Hit the hay — to go to bed.

Lesson 22

The Past Simple Tense or the Past Continuous Tense

Past Simple (V2 (-ed)) Past Continuous (was/were + V4 (-ing))
Мы используем Past Simple Мы используем Past Continuous
— для выражения действий или состояний в прошлом, когда есть указание на время действия Long ago people built houses out of wood. We watched TV yesterday. — для выражения действий в прошлом, идущих в хронологической последовательности. Yesterday I got up early, drank a cup of coffee and drove to work. In the evening I watched TV and then walked my dog. Then I got to bed. — с такими словами-спутниками как a year ago, last Monday, yesterday I graduated from the University five years ago. — для выражения действия, которое продолжалось в какой-то момент или период времени в прошлом He was listening to the news on television at nine o’clock last night. It was pouring with rain all day and she was wondering what to do. — вместе с Past Simple, чтобы сказать о действии, которое произошло во время другого действия I was sleeping when my friend called.

Утвердительная форма

I saw John last week.

I was still having dinner when my boss called.

Вопросительная форма

When did you see John?

Were you still having dinner when your boss called?

Отрицательная форма

I didn’t (did not) see John last week.

I wasn’t (was not) having dinner when my boss called.


1. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги и драматизируйте их: