
Методические рекомендации по преподаванию иностранного языка с учетом особенностей образовательного процесса в базовой школе общая характеристика предмета «Иностраныый язык» (стр. 4 из 12)

http://www.ancestryaid.co.uk/boards/histor...s-pastimes.html - popular Victorian hobbies

Где найти программы передач детских каналов?

http://www.bbckids.ca/schedule/default.asp - BBC Kids schedule

http://kids.discovery.com/tv-schedules/daily.html - Discovery kids TV schedule TV schedule

Section 2. Do You Like Holidays?

Где найти информацию о том, как дети проводят лето в других странах? Где найти забавные картинки, которые помогут детям рассказать о способах проведения летних каникул? Где найти пример сочинения о летних каникулах?

http://www.summerfun4kids.co.uk/activityguide.aspx - a guide to popular summer camp activities from children. Also on this website you can find descriptions of different summer camps and what they offer.

http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/s/summer_holidays.asp - a collection of cartoons about different ways people spend their summer holidays.

http://www.essayclip.com/guides/sample-essay-about-my-summer - advice and sample essay on summer holidays

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine%27s_Day - encyclopaedia entry about St. Valentine’s day

http://www.dltk-holidays.com/valentines/index.htm - ST. Valentine’s day cards, colouring pages, games and activities

http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/valentines-day/ - St. Valentine’s Day games, puzzles and crafts

Какие существуют российские традиции празднования Рождества? Какими видят их иностранцы? Как празднуют Рождество в разных странах?

http://christmasspirit.wordpress.com/2006/...ions-in-russia/ - a brief description of Christmas traditions in Russia

http://russian-crafts.com/customs/christmas.html - a more detailed description of Christmas traditions in Russia

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_worldwide - encyclopaedia entry about Christmas traditions in different countries

Когда появилдись первые рождественские открытки? Как выглядела первая рождественская открытка? Где найти бесплатные рождественские открытки?

http://www.123christmascards.com/ - free Christmas e-cards

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_cards - encyclopaedia entry oabout the history of Christmas cards

http://smu.edu/newsinfo/stories/oldest-christmas-card.asp - the story and picture of the oldest mass-produced Christmas card known

Где найти материалы, раскраски, кроссворды и другие материалы для проектов о Easter Day?

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/teacher/easter.htm - information and teaching ideas for Easter

http://www.dltk-holidays.com/easter/ - Easter games, puzzles, printables, colouring pages

http://sunniebunniezz.com/holiday/easterpages.htm - easter quizzes, picture quizzes and colouring pages

http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/easter%20...ity%20links.htm – Easter crafts activities for children

Где можно узнать побольше о Mother's Day? Как отмечают этот день? Какие существуют игры для этого дня? Что еще можно использовать на уроке?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother's_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Mother’s Day

http://www.mothersdaycelebration.com/ - history, stories and ideas to celebrate Mother’s day

http://www.alphabet-soup.net/mot/mother.html - Mother’s day poems, stories and crafts

http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/mother's_day.htm - Mother’s day printables, puzzles and downloadable booklets

Какие традиции празднования Рождества и Нового Года существуют в других странах? Как празднуют Рождество английские дети? Где можно найти готовые материалы для распечатывания и работы с детьми?

http://www.teachersfirst.com/getsource.cfm?id=7851 – Christmas traditions around the world

http://www.teachersfirst.com/getsource.cfm?id=8393 – English Christmas traditions

http://www.dltk-holidays.com/xmas/printables.htm - printable activities for Christmas lessons

http://www.kented.org.uk/ngfl/textease/christmas/index.html - online and downloadable activities for Christmas including creating an Advent calendar, games and activities to help Santa

http://www.dltk-holidays.com/xmas/songs.html - Christmas songs and plays, including sheet music for some songs

Section 3. Are Pets Our Hobby?

http://www.rspca.org.uk/ - RSPCA official website

http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/...out-animal.html - how to talk with children to prevent cruelty to animals

http://www.charityguide.org/volunteer/fewh...-to-animals.htm - advice on how to teach children to be kind to animals

7 класс:

Unit 1. The world Teenager’s Competition

Section 1 Welcome to the World Teenager’s Competition –Где найти информацию о UNESCO, о её деятельности и структуре, о работе UNESCO в России? Какие существуют молодежные программы UNESCO? Какие соревнования, конкурсы для молодежи проводит ЮНЕСКО?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNESCO - encyclopaedia entry about UNESCO, its structure, activities

http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=...ECTION=201.html – the official site of UNESCO

http://www.unesco.ru/eng/ - the webpage of UNESCO Moscow Office

http://education-eng.unesco.ru/ - the webpage devoted educational programms of UNESCO in Russia

http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.p...ECTION=201.html – the webpage of UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network

http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.p...ECTION=201.html – information about educational programmes, projects, competitions for youth organized by UNESCO

http://www.klimacampus.de/index.php/news/3...Hash=75c6e09ae0 – brief information about the competition for young people ”Research at Sea” supported by UNESCO

Section 2 Describing People, Describing Yourself – Где найти описание подростком себя, черт своего характера или характера своего друга/подруги? Какие существуют приемы для описания характера? Какими особенностями характера должен обладать настоящий учитель?

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...29070220AADPGmD — a sample of a character sketch

http://www.floggingthequill.com/flogging_t...cter_descr.html — some recommendations for describing character

http://www.soyouwanttoteach.com/top-5-char...great-teachers/ - recommendations on what main character traits one should develop to be a great teacher

http://www.childrens-educationalbooks.com/...ter-traits.html – list of character traits with their meanings and descriptions

Section 4 What do you think about your future? – Как подростки представляют будущее своей страны, планеты? Что они думают о своей будущей карьере? Что изучает наука футурология?Каковы прогнозы писателей, ученых-футурологов о будущем?

http://www.funadvice.com/q/future_please_h...ts_for_homework — some ideas of American schoolchildren about what the world will be like in 30 years

http://www.funadvice.com/q/teenagers_12_18 — American teenagers tell what they think about the future

http://www.gsn.org/programs/dreams/lessonplan.html — this activity challenges students to think and imaginee their country's past and future — students from Byelorussia Linguistic gymnasium discuss their own future and the future of their country

http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_is_your_best_future_career — free quiz ”What is your best future career?”

http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/Features/Lis...turePredictions — top 10 predictions for the future according to the World Future Society

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futurology - encyclopaedia entry about futurology

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/3556368...nd-reality.html – predictions for the future by A.Clarke

http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0205/19spacewx/ - scientists predict solar storms that will affect all technology on the Earth

http://www.zuzu.org/pre.html - children’s predictions for the future

http://www.longbets.org/ - predictions online

http://www.hinduonnet.com/folio/fo0001/00010640.htm - 21 predictions for the 21st century

Section 5 Let’s take our chance – Где найти информацию о различных конкурсах, соревнованиях, организованных для молодежи? Какие существуют международные конкурсы для подростков, юношества?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Unio...tions_for_Youth - encyclopaedia entry about the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth

http://www.uchi.kz/literaturnye-konkursy/w...say-competition - information about 2009 International Essay Competition for youth

http://www.whatkidscando.org/AYV_Photo_Com...tion/Home_.html – announcement about Adobe Youth Voices International Photo Competition

http://www.chance.lv/eng/winners/ - report the International festival ”Youth Chance 2007” for young musicians and singers

http://www.unicef.org/voy/takeaction/takeaction_3500.html – information on International Children's Art Competition ”We can end poverty”

Section 6 How to read numerals and dates – Где найти онлайн-упражнения на порядковые и количественные числительные, даты? Где взять экономико-географическую информацию, интерактивные игры и упражнения о Лондоне, Москве, Вашингтоне, Оттаве, Веллингтоне, Сиднее?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_numbers_in_English - encyclopaedia entry on English numerals, rules of their spelling and pronunciation

http://www.rong-chang.com/ex/numerals01.htm – online numerals exercises

http://www.rong-chang.com/ex/numerals02.htm – online numerals exercises

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London - encyclopaedia entry about London with historical, economical and geographical information

http://www.quizmoz.com/quizzes/States-and-...don-Quiz-II.asp – London quiz to test the knowledge of history, places, activities, trivia of the city

http://golondon.about.com/b/2006/12/25/lan...london-quiz.htm – ”landmarks of London” quiz

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow - encyclopaedia entry about Moscow with geographical, economical, historical information

http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/place...oscow-quiz.html – a Moscow quiz from National Geographic

http://www.quizmoz.com/quizzes/States-and-...Moscow-Quiz.asp – a Moscow quiz focused on historical, geographical information and interesting facts about the city

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington,_D.C. - encyclopaedia entry on Washington with historical,economical and geographical information

http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/place...tondc-quiz.html - Washington quiz – how much do you know about the capital of the USA

http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/statesbw/dc.shtml – a tour of Washington D.C. and a Washington D.C. quiz

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa - encyclopaedia entry about Ottawa

http://www.ottawa.ca/residents/heritage/ac...es/quiz_en.html – a quiz made by Canadian students for the city of Ottawa

http://pages.videotron.com/daphnebc/quiz.html – an Ottawa quiz – how much do you know about Ottawa

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellington - encyclopaedia entry on Wellington

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney - encyclopaedia entry about Sydney

http://goaustralia.about.com/library/quizzes/blsydquiz1.htm – a Sydney quiz to test knowledge about Sydney landmarks and other attractions

http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/place...ydney-quiz.html – an illustrated quiz about Sydney

Section 7 Speaking about famous people – Где найти биографии знаменитых людей - У.Черчиля, А.Сахарова, Петра Первого, Джорджа Вашингтона, Индиры Ганди, Леонардо да Винчи, Шекспира, принцессы Дианы?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill - encyclopaedia entry about Winston Churchill

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Sakharov - encyclopaedia entry about the eminent Russian scientist, human rights activist, Nobel Prize Winner Andrei Sakharov

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great - encyclopaedia entry about the Russian emperor Peter I the Great

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington - encyclopaedia entry about George Washington the first President of theUSA

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indira_Gandhi - encyclopaedia entry about Indira Gandhi, the only female Prime Minister of the Republic of India

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_da_Vinci - encyclopaedia entry about Leonardo da Vinci, the greatest painter and the most talented man of all time

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakespeare - encyclopaedia entry about William Shskespeare, the most famous English poet and dramatist

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana,_Princess_of_Wales - encyclopaedia entry about Diana, Princess of Wales, one of the famous women in the world

Section 8 Do you have any superstitions? – Какие суеверия существуют в Англии, России, других странах? Какие самые распространенные в мире суеверия? Каковы самые забавные суеверия? Где найти интерактивные игры или видео про суеверия?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superstition - encyclopaedia entry on superstitions, what suprestitions exist in different countries

http://listverse.com/2007/09/10/20-weird-superstitions/ - 20 the most widespread weird superstitions

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...perstitions.htm – what superstitions exist in Great Britain

http://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Superstitions.htm – an article about what old customs and superstitions linger on even in 21st century

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_tradi...d_superstitions - encyclopaedia entry on Russian traditions and superstitions

http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/publis...icle_3475.shtml – a brief article about how the same superstitions are interpreted in different countries

http://www.angelfire.com/realm/funnystuff0.../fstitions.html – the list of crazy superstititons

http://a4esl.org/q/f/y/zz97mdt.htm – grammatical quiz on the topic ”Superstitions”

http://www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglish...perstitions.htm – Brtish Council resources on the topic of superstitions

http://www.ac-nancy-metz.fr/enseign/anglai...rsti.htm#interg – interactive games and exercises, video, listening, lesson plans, cartoons, jokes about superstitions

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-643155655311676577 – video about some kinds of supersttitions

Section 9 How can we communicate with each other? - Где найти информацию про историю коммуникации? Где подробнее узнать, как появились современные средства связи, их историю? Какие существуют средства коммуникациии и где найти информацию об основных из них? Какие самые необычные средства коммуникации? Что значит non-verbal communication? Как язык жестов/телодвижений отличается в разных странах? Что такое friendly body language? Какие жесты можно по-разному интерпретировать в разных странах?

http://inventors.about.com/library/invento...mmunication.htm – a chronological history of communication from hieroglyphs to Internet

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_communication - encyclopaedia entry about the history of communication

http://library.thinkquest.org/5729/ - the history of communication in pictures for children

http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainT...?historyid=aa93 – an article about the history of communication

http://www.volny.cz/pczekaj/angl/23-means_...mmunication.htm – an article about modern means of communication