
Методические рекомендации по преподаванию иностранного языка с учетом особенностей образовательного процесса в базовой школе общая характеристика предмета «Иностраныый язык» (стр. 5 из 12)

http://search.rediff.com/imgsrch/default.p...20communication – a collection of images, pictures, wallpapers of different means of communication

http://www.mocft.co.uk/ - the website of the Museum of Communication in Scotland

http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm - an article on milestones in computer history

http://www.computersciencelab.com/Computer...ory/History.htm – an illusterated history of computres

http://inventors.about.com/od/tstartinvent...a/telegraph.htm – the history of the electric telegraph and telegraphy

http://www.telegraph-history.org/ - a site devoted to US telegraph history

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_telephone - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the telephone

http://www.chevroncars.com/learn/odds-ends/telephone-facts - some fun facts about the telephone

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television - encyclopaedia entry about television

http://www.high-techproductions.com/historyoftelevision.htm – an article on the history of film, television and video

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_alphabet - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the alphabet

http://www.vistawide.com/languages/language_statistics.htm - what is the oldest written language still in existence? What is the country with most languages spoken? What are the languages with the largest and the shortest alphabets? Read these amazing language facts to find out!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-verbal_communication - encyclopaedia entry on non-verbal communication

http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00451/nonverbalcom.htm – an article for children about non-verbal communication and its varieties

http://www.flashpapers.com/main/research-p...tion-study.html – information about nonverbal communication study

http://lynn_meade.tripod.com/id56.htm – interesting facts about types of non-verbal communication

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gesture - what are different gestures called? What do they mean? Read this short article to find out.

http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/body_language.php - some ideas for raising students’ awareness of differences in body language

http://www.bodylanguageexpert.co.uk/intere...r-cultures.html - an article on how different gestures (e.g. kissing, handshake, bowing) can be misinterpreted in different cultures

http://www.bodylanguageexpert.co.uk/what-n...y-language.html - what is negative body language? Read this article to find out!

http://www.ehow.com/how_2129585_learn-body...gn-culture.html - advice on how to learn the body language of a different culture

http://www.wikihow.com/Read-Body-Language - a short article on how to read body language

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_gesture - encyclopaedia entry on what hand gestures exist in other cultures and their meaning

http://changingminds.org/techniques/body/body_language.htm - a psychologist’s guide to using and interpreting body language

http://www.wikihow.com/Communicate-With-Body-Language - how to communicate with body language: a manual

http://www.eruptingmind.com/communication-...erent-cultures/ - pictures of some culturally different gestures with explanations of their acceptability and variation in different cultures

Section 10 Telephoning each other – Где найти историю появления телефона? Какова история создания телефонной будки? Какие телефонные номера у различных спасательных служб (пожарная, скорая помощь, полиция , служба спасения) в разных странах?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_telephone - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the telephone

http://www.chevroncars.com/learn/odds-ends/telephone-facts - some fun facts about the telephone

http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/telephone.htm - chronological history of the telephone from the time of its invention to our days

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_telephone_box - encyclopaedia entry about the Red telephone box

http://www.redphonebox.info/history.htm – an illustrated history of telephone boxes in the UK

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_tel...e_number#Europe – Emergency telephone numbers in different countries of the world

Section 11 Why do we use computers for communication? – Где найти историю создания компьютера? Как появился Интернет? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» использования компьютера? Как компьютер влияет на здоровье подростка? Какие советы дают врачи о том, как использовать компьютер без вреда здоровью?

http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm - an article on milestones in computer history

http://www.computersciencelab.com/Computer...ory/History.htm – an illusterated history of computres

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the Internet

http://kidshealth.org/parent/positive/family/net_safety.html – information for parents on how to teach a child to make use of the Internet without harm to his/her moral and physical health

http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/reso...ildrens_web.cfm – a list of the most popular children's websites compiled by the Center for Media Education (Washington)

http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_adv...rs_in_education – an article about what the advantages and disadvantages of using computer in education are

http://health.usnews.com/blogs/on-parentin...ids-health.html – brief information about how computers can be hazardous to kids' health and how to make computers safer

Unit 2 Meet the winners of the International Teenager's Competition

Section 2 Talking about countries and nationalities – Чем знамениты разные страны? Какие самые популярные достопримечательности существуют в Англии, Америке, Канаде, Австралии, Новой Зеландии? Где найти список официальных языков разных стран? Где найти видеоклип с представлением страны? Где найти музыку гимнов разных стран?

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ions/famous.htm – brief information about what England is famous for

http://www.thetravelerszone.com/travel-des...ons-in-america/ - top 25 tourist destinations in the USA, with photos

http://gocanada.about.com/od/canadatravelp...sonstovisit.htm –10 reasons to visit Canada ,the most popular attractions of this country

http://www.planetware.com/top-tourist-attr...stralia-aus.htm – top-rated Australia tourist attractions

http://www.planetware.com/top-tourist-attr...-zealand-nz.htm – the most popular New Zealand attractions

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_official_languages – a list of official languages of sovereign countries

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Nw62YHlJos – a music video of one of the most popular song in Great Britain ”I vow to thee my country”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2rnRbWiOYw - the song +video with subtitle ”I can't forget my Wales”

http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=66...f+Great+Britain – world’s anthems

Section 3 People speak English all over the world – Какие языки международного общения существуют?Где найти информацию о том, как распространялся английский язык в мире? Где взять интерактивные карты, показывающие, где используется английский язык? Где подробнее узнать о языке Esperanto? Где взять видео с примерами различных акцентов английского языка?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International...iliary_language - encyclopaedia entry about International auxiliary languages

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_English - encyclopaedia entry about English as a global language

http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/routesofenglis...x_noflash.shtml - a story about how English kept spreading in the world

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_count...ficial_language a list of countries where English is an official language

http://lazarus.elte.hu/~guszlev/gb/english.htm - an interactive map and detailed information about English-speaking countries

http://teacherslove.blogs.sapo.pt/16034.html - a worksheet with print-out flags of English-speaking countries

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto - encyclopaedia entry about the international auxiliary language Esperanto

http://how-to-learn-any-language.com/e/lan.../esperanto.html – Esperanto language profile

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UgpfSp2t6k – a short video tour of 21 accents of English from UK to Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, France, Australia, New Zealand and North America.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JIsnD-50Og – a video sample of Standard British (RP) accent

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjfAzECuDSA...feature=related – a video sample of Standard American accent

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijr9lU2J2Wk...feature=related – a video sample of Cockney accent

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EYLMmRCXbs...feature=related – a video sample of Australian accent

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWVIObGHxzs...feature=related – a video sample of Indian accent

Section 4 What do English-speaking people think about their countries? – Где найти рассказ англоязычного подростка о своей стране? Где подробнее узнать экономико-географические данные разных стран? Какие существуют стереотипные представления о разных странах и национальностях?Где найти видео-примеры о стереотипах? – an essay about India, its present and future

http://www.edu.yar.ru/english/projects/world-98/gorod/ - a collection of school essays on the topic”My homeland”

http://www.theodora.com/wfb/abc_world_fact_book.html – information about different countries, including their history, geography, economy, population, etc

http://www.atlapedia.com/ - a website containing full-colour physical maps, political maps, key statistic facts on countries of the world

http://www.nationalstereotypes.com/ - a website dedicated to peculiarities of national stereotypes in different countries

http://www.helium.com/items/1418008-common-stereotypes - 10 common stereotypes concerning countries and nationalities

http://blogoscoped.com/country-stereotypes/ - a photo gallery of mostly stereotypes of what people in different countries look like

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EUS46MvWa8 - a funny video about national stereotypes

Section 5 Why study English? – Какие заимствования из русского языка в английский и из английского в русский существуют?

http://www.evaeaston.com/rel/rel1.html – an article about connections between the Russian and English vocabulary

http://www.lingref.com/cpp/hel-lex/2005/paper1353.pdf – an article about Russian borrowings in English

Section 6 How many languages can you speak? – Какие самые популярные и наиболее распространенные в мире языки? Кто такой полиглот? Где найти истории о людях, которые владеют многими языками?Какие советы по изучению языков дают преподаватели и ученые-лингвисты?

http://www.ling.gu.se/projekt/sprakfragela...-i-varlden.html — list of the top 10 languages that are the first languages for nearly half of the world's population, information about world's language families

http://learnalanguageortwo.blogspot.com/20...s-in-world.html — brief information on the most widespread languages in the world

http://listverse.com/2008/06/26/top-10-mos...s-in-the-world/ - top 10 most widely spoken languages in the world

http://sonletay.vox.com/library/post/world...-languages.html — a brief article about the world's most popular foreign languages

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multilingualism#Polyglots - encyclopaedia entry about what multilingualism is, who polyglots are, the most famous polyglots

http://www.iqscope.com/greatest-polyglot.html - brief information on the world's greatest polyglot linguist

http://www.omniglot.com/language/index.htm — a collection of advice, suggestions, tips and techniques for learning languages

http://www.moving-overseas-guide.com/learn...n-language.html — different ways and general tips to help learn foreign languages

http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ra939/advice.php — how can you improve your linguistic skills — advice for learning languages

Section 7 Is Russian an international language? – Какие международные соревнования и олимпиады по русскому языку проводятся, кто был победителем этих олимпиад? Где найти примеры английского перевода стихотворений Пушкина и других знаменитых российских поэтов и писателей?

http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/042508...272093676.shtml — a brief article about the annual state Russian Language Olympiad which took place in April 2008 at Anchorage West High School (US state of Alaska) and its winners

http://www.odessaglobe.com/english/people/pushkin.php — a webpage dedicated to Pushkin poetry in English

http://students.ou.edu/A/Frank.A.Anderton-...ions.htm#Poetry — some poems of Russian poets in English translation

http://www.claritaslux.com/russian-love-poems.html — English translation of some Russian love poems

http://www.kulichki.com/poems/ - a site dedicated to Russian poetry in English translation

Section 8 The passive voice – Где взять онлайн -упражнения на отработку страдательного залога?

http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410...cises/dogqz.htm - Passive Voice exercises

http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/passive- Passive Voice exercises

http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/esl-pa...exercise2.html- Passive Voice exercises

http://www.eslall.com/learn_english_405.html- Passive Voice exercises

Section 9 Round – the – World – Tour – Какие проблемы существуют у тинейджеров в 21 веке? Какие самые популярные , самые дешевые, самые дорогие виды транспорта в разных странах? Где найти изображения, видео самых необычных видов транспорта?

http://www.bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/problems.htm — a website about teenage problems and advice on how to solve them

http://www.teensadvisor.com/teen-problems.html — look into main teenage problems and some attempts to address these issues

http://www.bbc.co.uk/parenting/your_kids/teen_problems.shtml — description of main teenage problems and advice for parents on how to help their child

http://stephenrees.wordpress.com/2008/05/1...rent-countries/ - brief information about transport mode share in different countries

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mode_of_transport - encyclopaedia entry on different modes of transport with their descriptions and illustrations

http://www.transportinuk.com/ - official information about kinds of transport that existed in UK

http://www.tfl.gov.uk/corporate/modesoftransport/2794.aspx — a site dedicated to transport in London, its history and performance

http://www.marcofolio.net/imagedump/unusua..._50_images.html — 50 images of the most unusual kinds of transport

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdIrb_UQrGs — video «Unusual transporation»

Unit 3 Look at teenage problems: School education

Section 1 Looking at teenage problems – Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в школе и дома? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи, чтобы избежать этих проблем и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Где найти рассказ подростка о своих школьных или домашних проблемах? Что говорят психологи о проблеме школьной дружбы?

http://parentingteens.about.com/b/2008/03/...t-home-help.htm — a mother seeks advise on her child's problem, some recommendation of guide to parenting teens

http://www.troubledteensguide.com/ - a website dedicated to most frequent teenage problems in USA, United Kingdom,Canada, Australia