
Проект на тему: «Тайны туманного Альбиона» (стр. 3 из 3)

Идет деловая беседа. Обсуждаются всем надоевшие недостатки, которые присутствующие исправить не могут. Наконец, один из них замечает: What can we do about it? - Что мы можем с этим сделать? - на что, него собеседник отвечает: We can talk about it - Mы можем поговорить об этом.

Во время своего визита в США королева Елизавета II произносила приветственную речь перед членами Конгресса, но трибуну с микрофоном установили слишком высоко для ее роста, и присутствующие могли видеть только ее шляпу. По этом поводу в печати было высказано много едких замечаний, и когда во время своего второго визита королева обратилась к конгрессменам с речью, она начала е словами: Dear gentlemen, I hope уоu can see me now. - Уважаемые господа, я надеюсь, на этот раз вы меня видите. В ответ раздался взрыв хохота.


Итак, мы познакомили Вас с результатами нашего исследования, благодаря которому мы изучили традиции, культуру Британии, характер и национальные черты ее населения. Так же научились извлекать нужную информацию из дополнительной литературы, сети - Интернет, нашли единомышленников из 8 класса, на этом мы не останавливаемся, у «туманного Альбиона» еще много тайн и мы их постараемся узнать.

Нашу работу можно использовать на уроках английского языка, для чего мы сделали следующий перевод.

Our aim was to examine the information and language material on the topic: the monarchy, national character and humor.

We were interested to know what the word means Albion? We think it is interesting to you. Word Albion (from the Latin Albus - white) means Britain. As for the definition vague, it owes its existence to the renowned English with a thick sea mist, continually enveloping the lowland part of the island Great Britain. And all is always a nebulous mystery for us is the British monarchy, traditions and customs of the British national character and English humor.

So start ... England - a unique phenomenon and paradoxical. Start with the fact that this country has no definite name. That is, of course, everyone knows that England - this part of the UK, it - Britain, except it includes much more, and Scotland, with Wales, in turn, are part of the United Kingdom with Northern Ireland.

The most important part of English tradition is a monarchy.

Suffice it difficult to understand the British way of governing the country. In Britain, the Queen - the head of state, but in fact the Queen - the symbol of the country's history and its traditions. The real power belongs to the British Parliament and the British government.

Did you know that the royal family lives in Buckingham Palace? Buckingham Palace, as a small town. There are police, hospital, a bar, two sports clubs, discos, cinema and swimming pool. In 1000 the palace rooms. About 700 people work there. When the Queen awakens, care for her 7 people. One prepares a bath, another clothing, another feeds the royal dogs. The Queen 8 dogs and they sleep in the bedroom next to the bedroom of the queen. Two serve breakfast. She drinks coffee from harrods, eat toast and eggs. When the Queen invites you to dinner, you need three days to prepare and three days to remove it.

86% of Britons believe the monarchy the most important public institution, experiencing a situation could lead to the fall of the authority of the royal family. In Russia, against the monarchy were 60% of the respondents. A conducting a sociological survey among students of 10-11 grades of our school, we found that 70% of students believe that the monarchy is outdated.

So, we introduced you to the results of our study, due to which we have learned to extract useful information from additional literature on the Internet, find like-minded people from the eighth grade, at the same time we do not stop, the Misty Albion are still many mysteries and we will try to find out.

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