
диссертации на соискание (стр. 3 из 7)


Динамика сформированности у будущего артиста – вокалиста

эстрадного искусства ценностных ориентаций

в процессе опытно – экспериментальной работы.

(III курс, 2010 – 2011 уч. год, 16 студентов).

Уровни сформированности ценностных ориентаций у будущего артиста – вокалиста эстрадного искусства.

До эксперимента

После эксперимента


% соот.


% соот.
















Итак, опытно – экспериментальное исследование показало заметный сдвиг уровней сформированности ценностных ориентаций у будущих артистов – вокалистов эстрадного искусства. Так, высокий уровень возрос с 12,5% до 33,3% , а низкий уровень уменьшился с 31,3% до 10,5%. Предложенная нами методика и организация обучения по формированию ценностных ориентаций способствовали качественным и количественным изменениям в подготовке будущего музыканта – исполнителя вокально – эстрадного искусства.

Анализ результатов проведенного исследования позволил сделать определенные теоретико – методологические выводы и обобщения:

1. Ценностные ориентации будущего исполнителя вокально – эстрадной музыки следует понимать как сложное интегративное качество личности.

2. В структуру ценностных ориентаций музыканта – исполнителя входят: эмоционально – оценочный, когнитивный (интеллектуально - познавательный), сенсорный компоненты и критерии: ценностное отношение к эстрадному творчеству и исполнительству; информативность в сфере эстрадного искусства и исполнительства; развитие слуховой способности к восприятию эстрадной музыки. В формировании ценностных ориентации у будущего артиста эстрады особую значимость приобретали методы: интонационно – исполнительского анализа, художественных ассоциаций, художественного познания в тесной взаимосвязи и взаимодействии, способствуя развитию и активизации исполнительской деятельности в познании истины, принятии самостоятельных решений.

3. Опытно – экспериментальное исследование подтвердило необходимость разработки и включения в учебный процесс факультативного курса «Ценностные ориентации исполнителя вокально – эстрадной музыки», который обусловлен необходимостью выработки глубоких теоретических знаний сущностной и содержательной характеристики изучаемого явления в подготовке будущего артиста – вокалиста эстрадного искусства.

Список опубликованных работ по теме диссертации:

1. «Влияние ценностных ориентаций на профессиональную деятельность исполнителя эстрадной музыки» / Материалы международной конференции «Традиционные мировоззренческие системы и современное искусство», г. Алматы, КазНАИ им. Т. Жургенова, 2010. – С. 209 – 211.

2. «Технологические аспекты формирования ценностных ориентаций у исполнителя – вокалиста эстрадной музыки» / Материалы международной научно – практической конференции «Жамбыл и эпическое наследие тюркских народов», г. Алматы, КазНАИ им. Т. Жургенова, 2011. – С. 500 – 503.

3. «Ценностные ориентации исполнителя эстрадной музыки» / международный научно – педагогический журнал «Iзденiс» - «Поиск» (№2), г. Алматы, Высшая Школа Казахстана, 2011. – С. 127 – 130.


Formation of the value orientations of the music major students of universities of culture and arts is related to their creative understanding of the national pop music and show business performance phenomena, and inspires their selective attitude towards music. This matter has been sufficiently covered neither by scientific writings, nor by the universities curricula for the pop music performance classes. Scientists studying the individual’s esthetic perception issues (M. S. Kagan (1), L.S. Vygotsky (2), S.H. Rappoport (3) etc.), art work esthetics, sociology and psychology phenomena (A.N. Sochor (4), V.S. Zukerman (5), V.I. Petrushin (6) etc.), musical and pedagogical psychology issues (G.M. Tsypin (7), Yu.V. Stepnyak (8), A. G. Bolgarsky (9), M. Kh. Boltabayev (10) etc.), theatre pedagogy (K.S. Stanislavsky (11) etc.), pop music performance issues (A. Golubev (12), A.N. Malyukov (13) etc.) have been addressing to the value orientations matter, which is highly important and relevant for the musical art. Value orientations in evaluating pieces of pop music in the context of educating future pop music performers have been only covered by a few writings (O. Ya. Klipp (14), D.O. Karamoldayeva (15), I.V. Sakhnova (16) etc.).

The research goal: to give theoretical justification to and perform experimental testing of the formation of the future pop vocal performer’s value orientations methods.

The research object: university education for the pop vocal performers.

The research subject: process of the formation of the future pop vocal performer’s value orientations.

Research proposal: If the process of educating the future pop music performers included active research, intellectual and creativity-focused work on enriching their knowledge, developing their world perception, life philosophy and artistic taste, optimal conditions for the effective formation of their value orientations in music would be created, since all the above mentioned aspects facilitate their professional growth, acquisition of characteristics relevant for their future profession.

The research kea idea: The efficiency of the future pop vocal performer’s professional growth depends on the efficiency of the formation of his/her value orientations in music.

The research tasks:

1. To consider essence and content of the pop music performer’s value orientations.

2. To evaluate the pop music capacity for the performer’s value orientations formation.

3. To investigate conditions of the pop music performer’s value orientations formation.

4. To diagnose and test the pop vocal performer’s demonstration of his/her value orientations.

Theoretical and methodological background of the research is based on philosophical, musicological, psychological and pedagogical theories and concepts on the values relevance, social development assessments, educational functions of pieces of art forming axiological and evaluation criteria; modern culture and art development kea issues, dialectical connection between theory and practice, individual’s creative nature, pragmatic and systematic approach (N.A. Berdyayev (17), P.A. Florensky (18), B.M. Teplov (19), B.V. Astaf’yev (20), S.L. Rubinshtein (21), G.K. Nurgaliyeva (22) etc.).

The research methods. For the purpose of testing proposals and accomplishing tasks, the research methods complex was applied: literature theoretical analysis, comparative analysis and scientific research results, materials available. The research covers experiment including diagnosing and testing, mathematical data treatment.

The research is conducted in 2 phases on the basis of the complex approach to the tasks accomplishment.

First phase (2009-2010 academic year) includes analysis of the sources available on the research problem and current stage of its development, identification of the components and criteria for the pop vocal performer’s value orientations formation. At this phase conditions for the performer’s value orientations formation are defined, orientations are diagnosed within the diagnostic research frameworks.

Second phase (2010-2011 academic year) includes testing of the methods of the future pop music performer’s value orientations formation developed in the course of the formation experiment, as well as integration of the organizational work forms into the educational process at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov.

Scientific novelty and theoretical value of the research:

– the essence and content of the pop music performer’s value orientations are studied;

– the pop music capacity for the performer’s value orientations formation is measured;

– the conditions required for the efficient performer’s value orientations formation are specified;

– the methods of formation of the performer’s value orientations are developed within the experiment research.

Main provisions for the defense:

1. The pop music performer’s value orientations reflect his/her personal education scope demonstrated by him/her in the course of the artistic evaluation of pieces of music, including contemporary pop music and performance.

2. Components, criteria and level of the pop music performer’s value orientations development.

3. The methods of the future pop vocal music performer’s value orientations formation based on optimal conditions for educational process at universities.

Practical value of the thesis is based on the fact that materials, conclusions, methodological recommendations developed within its frameworks are integrated into the students’ activities at the Department of Music Art of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov.

The research results credibility and scientific nature are proved by the methodological rationalization of the theoretical provisions and practical approach to the study of the issues of the pop vocal performers’ value orientations formation; research methods compliance with the tasks; reference to the theory and practice achievements; integration of the experiment methods into the educational process.

Research site: the Department of Music Art of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov. Almaty Circus Art College named after Zh. Yelebekov.

Results testing and integration.

The research materials were discussed at the meeting of the Vocal Department of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov (2009-2010 academic year); reported at international scientific and practical conferences (“Impact of the value orientations on the pop music performer’s professional activities”, Almaty, Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, 2010; “Technological aspects of the pop vocal performer’s value orientations formation”, Almaty, Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, 2011); published in the scientific and practical conferences collections, in international scientific and pedagogical magazine “Ізденіс” – “Search” (“Pop music performer’s value orientations”, Kazakhstan High School, 2011).

The thesis structure is defined on the basis of the logical connections between the tasks declared. The paper consists of the summary, 2 chapters, conclusion, references and appendixes.