
Лосось без рек (стр. 63 из 63)

  1. Stacey, Sockeye and Tinplate.
  2. Smith, Salmon Fishers of the Columbia.
  3. Jordan and Gilbert, The Salmon fishing and Canning Interests.
  4. M. McDonald, The Salmon Fisheries of the Columbia Basin.
  5. W. Rich, The Salmon Runs in the Columbia River in 1938, Fishery Bulletin No. 37, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC, 1942.
  6. Wendler, Regulation of Commercial Fishing Gear and Seasons on the Columbia River.
  7. Dodds, The Salmon King of Oregon, стр. 145.
  8. Senator I. H. Bingham, Letter to H G. Van Dusen, April 26, 1909, Oregon Historical Society Archives, Portland, Warren Packing Company, Record 1141, Box 1; см. также Master Fish Warden Van Dusen Dismissed, Oregon Journal (Portland), March 26, 1908, Oregon Historical Society Archives, Seufert Canning Company, Record 1102.
  9. H. G. Van Dusen, Letter to Senator 1. H. Bingham, April 19, 1909, Oregon Historical Society Archives, Portland, Warren Packing Company, Record 1141, Box 1.
  10. Senator 1. H Bingham, Letter to H. G. Van Dusen, April 26, 1909.
  11. Vanity of Salmon Theories (editorial), Oregonian (Portland), November 13, 1906.
  12. Rich, Salmon Runs of the Columbia River in 1938.
  13. D. Johnson, W. Chapman, and R. Schoning, The Effects on Salmon Populations of the Partial Elimination of Fixed Fishing Gear on the Columbia River in 1935, Contribution No. 11, Oregon Fish Commission, Portland, 1948.
  14. Increasing Use of Gasoline engines in Fishing Industry, Pacific Fisherman 5(6): (1906); см. также Sixty Years Ago: When a Fish Boat Engine Was a Dream of Pioneers, Pacific Fisherman 56(13): (1958).
  15. F. Caldwell, Pacific Trailer (Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, 1978).
  16. Cobb, Pacific Salmon Fisheries.
  17. Martin, Legacy and Testament.
  18. E. Smith, The Taking of Immature Salmon in Waters of the State of Washington, Washington Department of Fisheries, Olympia, 1920.
  19. D. Milne, Recent British Columbia Spring and Coho Salmon Tagging Experiments and a Comparison with. Those Conducted from 1925 to 1930, Bulletin No. 113, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa, 1957.
  20. California Fish and Game Commission, Twenty-sixth Biennial Report, Sacramento, 1921; and also California Fish and Game Commission, Twenty-seventh Biennial Report, Sacramento, 1923.
  21. Smith, The Taking of Immature Salmon.
  22. Washington State Fisheries Board, Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, Seattle, March 16-17, 1925, General stacks, Fisheries Library, University of Washington, Seattle.
  23. Salmon Fisheries in Oregon, Qregonian (Portland), March 3, 1875.
  24. Remonstrance, Oregoman (Portland), January 1, 1877.

Глава 6

  1. International Fisheries Exhibition, An Illustrated Description of the Electric Light Machinery in The Exhibition, with Elementary Notes on the Production of Electric Currents (London: William Clowes and Sons, 1883).
  2. H. R. MacCrimmon, The Beginning of Salmon Culture in Canada, Canadian Geographical Journal 71(5): 96-103 (1965).
  3. International Fisheries Exhibition, Fisheries Exibition Literature, volume VI, Conferences, part III (London: William Clowes and Sons, 1883).
  4. W. H. Fry, Complete Treatise on Artificial Ftsh-Breeding (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1854) Эта первая книга об искусственном разведении, опубликованная в США описывала ранние европейские работы по рыбоводству; см. также G. B. Goode, Pisciculture, in The Encyclopaedia Britannica, volume 19 (Chicago: Werner Company, 1898).
  5. S. G. Kohlstedt, The Origins of Natural Science in America The Essays of George Brown Goode (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991); см. также L. White, Jr., The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis, Science 155(3767): 1203-1206 (1967).
  6. Fry, Complete Treatise on Artificial Fish-Breeding, стр. 27.
  7. Например, смотрите эти две статьи в январско-февральском выпуске Fisheries 1992 года. J. Martin, J. Webster, и G. Edwards, Hatchery and Wild Stocks: Are They Compatible? и R. Hilborn, Hatcheries and the Future of Salmon in the Northwest, Fisheries 17(1): 4-8 (1992).
  8. Fry, Complete Treatise on Artificial Fish-Breeding, стр. 11; также Fish-culture in America, Harper's New Monthly Magazine 37(222): 721-739 (1868).
  9. Independent Scientific Group, Return to the River: Restoration of Salmonid Fishes in the Columbia River Ecosystem, Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, OR, 1996; and National Research Council, Upstream Salmon and Society in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1996).
  10. R. McIntosh, The Background of Ecology Concept and Theory (New York Cambridge Studies m Ecology, Cambridge University Press, 1985), and D. I. Bottom, To Till the Water A History of Ideas in Fisheries Conservation, in Pacific Salmon and Their Ecosystems Status and Future Options, под ред. D. J. Stouder, P. A. Bisson, и R. J. Naiman (New York Chapman and Hall 1997), стр. 569-597.
  11. Fry, Complete Treatise on Artificial Fish-Breeding, стр. 21-22.
  12. E. Clark, The Oysters of Locmariaquer (New York Harper Perennial, 1992), стр. 86—87, см. также Harper} New Monthly Magazine, Fish-culture in America.
  13. Fry, Complete Treatise on Artificial Fish Breeding, стр. 187.
  14. T. Steinberg, Nature Incorporated Industrialization and the Waters of New England (New York Cambridge University Press 1991), стр. 167.
  15. Harpers New Monthly Magazine Fish-culture in America, стр. 738.
  16. Steinberg Nature Incorporated, стр. 186—187.
  17. G. P. Marsh, Artificial Propagation of Fish Report Made under the Legislative Authority of Vermont (Burlington VT Free Press Printing 1857).
  18. L. Stone, Some Brief Reminiscences of the Early Days of Fish-Culture in the United States, Bulletin of the US Fish Commission 25(22): 338 (1897).
  19. D.C. Allard, Jr., Spencer Fullerton Baird and the US Fish Commission (New York Arno Press, 1978).
  20. Allard, Spencer Fullerton Baird, см. также Steinberg, Nature Incorporated.
  21. W. T. Bower, History of the American Fisheries Society, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Fortieth Annual Meeting, September 27—29, 1910 (Washington, DC, 1911).
  22. U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Report of the Commissioner for 1872 and 1873, part II, Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 1874, стр. 757-772.
  23. Allard, Spencer Fullerton Baird, стр. 160.
  24. L. Stone, Artificial Propagation of Salmon on the Pacific Coast of the United States With Notes on the Natural History of the Quinnat Salmon, U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Washington, DC, 1896, см. также J. W. Hedgpeth, Livingston Stone and Fish Culture in California California Fish and Game 27(3): 126-148(1941).
  25. L. Stone, письмо профессору Spencer Baird August 31, 1872, National Archives, Beltsville, MD, Record Group 22, Volume 7, Entry 1.
  26. L. Stone, письмо к Spencer Baird, February 24, 1873, National Archie Beltsville, MD, Record Group22.
  27. Stone, Some Brief Reminiscences of the Early Days of Fish Culture in the United States, стр. 339.
  28. Hedgpeth, Livingston Stone and Fish Culture in California.
  29. L. Stone Letter в письме к Baird, February 24, 1873.
  30. M. V. Hayden History of the Salmon Industry in the Pacific Northwest M.S. thesis, University of Oregon Eugene, 1930.
  31. R. J. Miller and E. L. Brannon, The Origin and Development of Life History Patterns in Pacific Salmon, in Salmon and Trout Migratory Behavior Symposium, под ред. E. L. Brannon and E. O. Salo, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, 1982, стр. 296-309.
  32. О низкой выживаемости переселенной рыбы см. в R. R. Reisenbichler, Relation Between Distance Transferred from Natal Stream and Recovery Rate for Hatchery Coho Salmon, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 8: 172-174 (1988); см. также Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority, Review of the History, Development, and Management of Anadromous Fish Production Facilities in the Columbia River Basin, Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority, Portland, OR, 1990, стр. 17; A. M. McGie, Analysis of Relationships Between Hatchery Coho Salmon Transplants and Adult Escapements m Oregon Coastal Watersheds, Information Report Series, Fisheries No 80-6, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Charleston OR, 1980; и L. Shapovalov, An Evaluation of Steelhead and Salmon Management in California, Inland Fisheries Branch, California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, 1953, стр. 29.
  33. G. B. Goode, The Status of the U S Fish Commission in 1884, part XII, Report of the Commissioner for 1884, Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 1886, стр. 1162.
  34. Hedgpeth, Livingston Stone and Fish Culture in California.
  35. National Research Council, Upstream.
  36. D. Worster, Nature's Economy A History of Ecological Ideas (New York Cambridge University Press, 1977), стр. 53.
  37. H. M. Smith, A Review of the History and Results of the Attempts to Acclimatize Fish and Other Water Animals in the Pacific States, Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission for 1895, volume 15, Washington, DC 1896, см. также Allard, Spencer Fullerton Baird.
  38. A. Nicols, The Acclimatisation of the Salmonidae at the Antipodes Its History and Results (London Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington 1882).
  39. H. M. Smith, Fish Acclimatization of the Pacific Coast, Science 22(550): 88-89 (1893).
  40. L. Stone, The Artificial Propagation of Salmon in the Columbia River Basin, Transactions of the American Fish-Culture Association, Thirteenth Annual Meeting, May 13-14, 1884, Washington, DC, стр. 21.
  41. Oregon State Board of Fish Commissioners, Fourth Annual Report, Salem 1890, стр. 26.
  42. A. C. Little, Tenth and Eleventh Annual Reports of the Washington State Fish Commissioner, Olympia, 1901, стр. 18.
  43. S. Johnson, Freshwater Environmental Problems and Coho Production in Oregon Information Report 84 11, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Corvallis.
  44. R. Bunting, The Pacific Raincoast Environment and Culture m an American Eden, 1778-1900 (Lawrence University Press of Kansas, 1997).
  45. Bunting, The Pacific Raincoast.
  46. Little, Tenth and Eleventh Annual Reports of the State Fish Commissioner.
  47. J. Titcomb, Report on the Propagation and Distribution of Food-fishes, Report of the U.S. Commissioners of Fish and Fisheries for 1902, Washington, DC, 1904.
  48. Oregon Game Commission, Biennial Report of the Oregon Game Commission, Salem, 1942.
  49. U.S. Department of Interior and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, The Elwha Report: Restoration of the Elwha River Ecosystem and Native Anadromous Fisheries, Report Submitted Pursuant to Public Law 102-495, National Park Service, Port Angeles, WA, 1994.
  50. B. Brown, Mountain in the Clouds: A Search far the Wild Salmon (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982).
  51. P. Johnson, Historical Assessment of Elwha River Fisheries, Draft Report, Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, WA, 1994.
  52. Johnson, Historical Assessment of Elwha River Fisheries.
  53. Приводится у Johnson, Historical Assessment of Elwha River Fisheries.
  54. Приводится у Johnson, Historical Assessment of Elwha River Fisheries.
  55. Brown, Mountain in the Clouds.
  56. Brown, Mountain in the Clouds.
  57. На реке Elwha стят две плотины; другая была построена на девять миль выше плотины Aldwell, в каньоне Glines.
  58. Бюджет смотри U.S. General Accounting Office, Endangered Species: Past Actions Taken to Assist Columbia River Salmon, GAO/RCED-92-173BR, Washington, DC, 1992. Независимые данные смотри в National Research Council, Upstream: Independent Scientific Group, Return to the River; and National Fish Hatchery Review Panel, Report of the National Fish Hatchery Review Panel, The Conservation Fund, Arlington, VA, 1994. Упорную защиту смотри в Oregonian (Portland), Overhauling Fish Factories, December 7-1998.
  59. L. Stone, A National Salmon Park, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 21: 149-162 (1892).
  60. B. Harrison, Afognak Forest and Fish Culture Reserve: A Proclamation-Washington, DC, 1892, National Archives, Washington, DC, Record Group 22, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  61. P. Roppel, Salmon from Kodiak, Alaska Historical Commission Studies in History No. 216, Anchorage, 1986. Willis Rich изучал озеро Litnik в 1931 году и пришел к выводу, что в нём недостаточно планктона для питания молоди лосося, выпускаемой с рыбоводного завода. Удаление рыбьих тушек из озера могло вносить свой вклад в уменьшение продуктивности озера.
  62. J. J. Brice, Establishment of Stations for the Propagation of Salmon on the Pacific Coast, Miscellaneous Documents, U.S. House of Representatives, 53rd Congress, Washington, DC, 1895. Через тридцать лет California Fish and Game Commission содействовали выдвижению петиции о запрете строительства плотин в низовьях Кламата. Инициатива была принята. Statement of N. B. Scofield, Minutes of Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, 1925, стр. 124, General stacks, Fisheries Library, University of Washington, Seattle.
  63. H. Ward, The Preservation of the American Fish Fauna, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 42: 157-170 (1912).
  64. C. R. Pollock, Fortieth and Forty-first Annual Reports of the Washington State Department of Fisheries and Game, Olympia, 1932.
  65. Save Rivers for Fish, Oregon Voter (Portland), July 14, 1928, стр. 21-24.
  66. J. Cone and S. Ridlington, The Northwest Salmon Crisis: A Documentary History (Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1996).
  67. Oregon State Planning Board, A Study of Commercial Fishing Operations on the Columbia River. Report Submitted to the Governor of Oregon, Salem, 1938.
  68. История о заповедниках лосося адаптирована из J. A. Lichatowich and three others, Sanctuaries for Pacific Salmon, in Sustainable Fisheries Management: Balancing the Conservation and Use of Pacific Salmon, под ред. E. E. Knutson and four others (Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers, in press).
  69. G. B. Goode, The Status of the U.S. Fish Commission in 1884.
  70. Goode, The Status of the U.S. Fish Commission in 1884, стр. 1157.
  71. Stone, Artificial Propagation of Salmon on the Pacific Coast of the United States, стр. 319; см. также Hedgpeth, Livingston Stone and Fish Culture in California, стр. 143.
  72. G. H. Clark, Sacramento—San Joaquin Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Fishery of California, Fish Bulletin No. 17- California Division of Fish and Game, Sacramento, 1929.
  73. Allard, Spencer Fullerton Baird, стр. 293.
  74. International Fisheries Exhibition, Fisheries Exhibition Literature, стр. 173.
  75. Goode, The Status of the U.S. Fish Commission in 1884, стр. 1157.
  76. E. M. Wood, A Century of American Fish Culture, 1853—1953, The Progressive Fish-Culturist 15(4): 147-162 (1953).
  77. M. McDonald, Address of the Chairman of the General Committee on the World Fisheries Congress, Bulletin of the U.S. Fish Commission, volume 13, Washington, DC, 1894, стр. 15.
  78. H. Whitaker, Address of the President, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Twenty-second Annual Meeting, July 15, 1893 (New York, 1893); and H. Whitaker, Some Observations on the Moral Phases of Modern Fish Culture, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, June 12-13, 1895 (New York, 1896).
  79. H. Van Dusen, Annual Report of the Department of Fisheries of the State of Oregon to the Legislative Assembly, 1909, Salem, 1908, стр. 9. Вопрос, принимать ли рыбоводство на веру, пока индустрия не умрет, или же люди готовы заплатить за изучение её вклада в рыболовство, также был поставлен F. M. Chamberlin, Artificial Propagation, Pacific Fisherman 1(11): 10 (1903).
  80. J. N. Cobb, Pacific Salmon Fisheries, Appendix 13 to the Report of the U S Commissioner of Fisheries for 1930, Bureau of Fisheries Document No 1092, Washington, DC, 1930
  81. J. Wallis, An Evaluation of the Alsea River Salmon Hatchery, Oregon Fish Commission Research Laboratory Clackamas, OR, 1963, стр. 11.
  82. Wallis, An Evaluation of the Alsea River Salmon Hatchery, стр. 25.
  83. Shapovalov, An Evaluation of Steelhead and Salmon Management m California, стр. 29.
  84. C. F. Culler, Progress in Fish Culture, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Sixty second Annual Meeting, September 21-23, 1932 стр. 118.
  85. G. Dodds, The Salmon King of Oregon R. D Hume and the Pacific Fisheries (Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press, 1959).
  86. H. Van Omen, Annual Report of the Department of Fisheries of the State of Oregon to the Legislative Assembly 1909, стр. 6; см. также J. I. Riseland Sixteenth and Seventeenth Annual Reports of the State Fish Commissioner and Game Warden to the Governor of the State of Washington (1905-1906) Washington Department of Fisheries and Game, Olimpia 1907, стр. 13.
  87. Oregon Fish and Game Commission, Biennial Report of the Fish and Game Commission of the State of Oregon, Salem 1919, стр. 16.
  88. L. H. Darwin Twenty sixth and Twenty seventh Annual Reports of the State Fish Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Washington, Washington Department of Fisheries and Game, Oljmpia, 1917, стр. 9.
  89. Willis Rich полагал, что рост продукции рыбоконсервных заводов произошел и вследствие Первой Мировой войны, которая произвела сдвиг в сторону увеличения производства именно консервов из лосося при уменьшении других видов его заготовки, а общий улов не изменился вовсе W. H. Rich, A Statistical Analysis of the Results of Artificial Propagation of Chinook Salmon 1922, Manuscript Library, Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle.
  90. R. Van Cleve and R. Ting, The Condition of Salmon Stocks in the John Day Umatilla, Walla Walla, Grande Ronde, and Imnaha Rivers as Reported by Various Fisheries Agencies, University of Washington, Department of Oceanography, Seattle, 1960, стр. 8.
  91. V. Smith, Fish Culture Methods in the Hatcheries of the State of Washington, Washington State Fish Commission, Olympia, 1919; см. также Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report of the Fish Commission of the State of Oregon for 1931 and 1932, Salem, 1933, стр. 15, C Brown, Adjustment of Environmental vs. Stocking to Increase the Productivity of Fish Life, Transaction of the American Fisheries Society, Fifty-first Annual Meeting, September 5-7, 1921, Alientown, PA (Washington, DC), volume 51, 1921-1922; P. R. Needham, Natural Propagation Versus Artificial Propagation in Relation co Angling, transactions of the Fourth North American Wildlife Conference, February 13-15, 1939 (Washington, DC American Wildlife Institute, 1939); R. E. Foerster, Sockeye Salmon Propagation in British Columbia, Bulletin No. 53, Biological Board of Canada Ottawa, 1936; and S. Gordon, Scientific Management Our Future Fisheries Jobs, transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Sixty-third Annual Meeting, 1933, Columbus, OH.
  92. Needham, Natural Propagation Versus Artificial Propagation.
  93. R. Hile, The Increase in the Abundance of the Yellow Pike Perch, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill) in Lakes Huron and Michigan, in Relation to the Artificial Propagation of the Species, in The Collected Papers of Ralph Hile 1928-73, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, volume I, 1928-46, Washington, DC, 1977, стр. 154.
  94. All Sockeye Hatcheries Closed in British Columbia, Pacific Fisherman 34(5): 17 (1936).
  95. J. Taylor, Making Salmon Economy, Culture, and Science in the Oregon Fisheries, Precontact to I960, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, 1996.
  1. Rich, A Statistical analysis of the Results of Artificial Propagation of Chinook Salmon.
  2. Cobb, Pacific Salmon Fisheries, стр. 493.
  3. J. Gottschalk Reports of Vice-Presidents of Divisions Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Seventy-first Annual Meeting August 25—26, 1941, St. Louis, MO (Washington, DC, 1942), стр. 22.

Глава 7

  1. Kitzhaber Convenes a Summit on Salmon, Oregon/an (Portland), June 4, 1997.
  2. Washington State Department of Fisheries and Game, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Annual Reports, Olympia, 1925.
  3. Washington State Fisheries Board Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, Seattle, March 16-17, 1925 General stacks, Fisheries and Oceanography Library, University of Washington Seattle.
  4. Washington State Fisheries Board, Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, стр. 95-96.
  5. W. Hornaday, Hornaday's American Natural History (New York Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1935).
  6. Washington State Fisheries Board, Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, стр. 140-155.
  7. Washington State Fisheries Board Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, стр. 153.
  8. Washington State Fisheries Board, Meeting of Fisheries Fxecutives of the Pacific Coast стр. 102.
  9. Washington State Fisheries Board, Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, стр. 122. Priest Rapids was a dam proposed for the mainstem Columbia River above the town of Richland, Washington.
  10. Washington State Fisheries Board, Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, стр. 122.
  11. Washington State Fisheries Board, Meeting of Fisheries Executives of the Pacific Coast, стр. 80.
  12. H. O'Mallcy, Symposium on Fisheries and Fishery Investigations: Our Opportunities, Our Responsibilities, part II: Proceedings of the Divisional Conference, January 4—7, 1927, in Progress in Biological Inquiries 1926, под ред. E. Higgins, Appendix 7 to the Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1927, Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 1029, Washington, DC, 1928.
  13. E. Higgins, ed., Progress in Biological Inquiries 1926, Appendix 7 to the Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1927, Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 1029, Washington, DC, 1928.
  14. Higgins, Progress in Biological Inquiries 1926.
  15. Рыбоводы сегодня разрабатывают ревизионистскую историю своего ремесла, которая отрицает, что от рыбоводства ожидали компенсации «всех возможных деструктивных воздействий». См. Higgins, Progress in Biological Inquiries 1926.
  16. W. Ricker, The Fisheries Research Board of Canada—Seventy-five Years of Achievements, Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32(8)-1465-1490(1975).
  17. R. Van Cleve, The School of Fisheries, The Progressive Fish-Culturist 14(4l: 159-164 (1952).
  18. S. Gordon, Scientific Management: Our Future Fisheries Jobs, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Sixty-third Annual Meeting, 1933, Columbus, OH.
  19. Например, Finley спрашивал профессора университетского колледжа штата Орегон R. E. Dimick знает ли тот о каких-либо свидетельствах того, что выпуск 122 миллионов мальков за $261,000 в действительности сколько-нибудь повысил уловы в реках Орегона. W. Finley, Letter to R. E. Dimick, June 6, 1935, Oregon State Universin, Archives, Corvallis, Dimick Papers, Correspondence with W. Finley.
  20. W. Mathewson, William L. Finley: Pioneer Wildlife Photographer (Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1986).
  21. Investigation of Ousting of Finley Proposed, Oregon Journal (Portland), January 12, 1920; см. также Make Finley Biologist Is [Governor] Ulcott View, Oregon Journal, December 23, 1919; and School Children Getting Up Big Finley Petition, Oregon Journal, December 12, 1919, стр. 4.
  22. The Reason for Finley, Oregon Journal (Portland), December 30, 1919, стр. 6.
  23. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Amendment 13 to the Pacific Coast Salmon Plan: Fishery Management Regime to Ensure Protection and Rebuilding of Oregon Coastal Natural Coho, Portland, OR, 1997.
  24. L. Mapes, Wildlife Director May Lose His Job, Seattle Times, March 10, 1998.
  25. Oregon Game Commission, First Progress Report of the Ten-Year Plan, Portland, 1932.
  26. E. Moore, Report of the Vice President, Division of Fish Culture, New York State Conservation Commission, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting, 1925, Denver, стр. 17-23.
  27. Интервью с Phil Schneider, former Oregon Game Commission director, August 10, 1995.
  28. Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report of the Fish Commission of the State of Oregon to the Governor and die Thirty-ninth Legislative Assembly, 1937, State of Oregon, Salem, 1937.
  29. D. Allen, Our Wildlife Legacy (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1962).
  30. J. R. Dunn, Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928): An Early Fishery Biologist and His Contribution to Knowledge of Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Reviews m Fisheries Science 4(2): 133-184 (1996).
  31. D. S. Jordan, The Salmon of the Pacific, Pacific Fisherman 2: 1 (1904).
  32. В 1972 в своей статье Ricker писал, что в 1930-е годы многие биологи считали каждый вид лосося гомогенным. W. Ricker, Hereditary and Environmental Factors Affecting Certain Salmonid Populations, in The Stock Concept of Pacific Salmon, H. R. MacMillan Lectures in Fisheries, под ред. R. Simon and P. Larkin (Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 1972).
  33. Salmon Marking Experiments on the Pacific Coast, Pacific Fisherman 2(6): (1904).
  34. Эта теория отстаивалась ещё в 1928 году, когда Willis Rich и Harlan Holmes проводил иучения, доказывающие , что время миграции определяется наследственностью. W. H. Rich and H. B. Holmes, Experiments in Marking Young Chinook Salmon on the Columbia River, 1916 to 1927, Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Document No. 1047, Washington, DC, 1929.
  35. C. H. Gilbert, Age at Maturity of the Pacific Coast Salmon of the Genus Oncorhynchus, Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, DC, 1913.
  36. Протицировано в Dunn, Charles Henry Gilbert.
  37. Смотри W. H. Rich, Local Populations and Migration in Relation to the Conservation of Pacific Salmon in the Western States and Alaska, Contribution No. 1, Department of Research, Fish Commission of the State of Oregon, Salem, 1939; A. G. Huntsman, "Races" and "Homing" of Salmon, Science 85(2216): 582-583 (1937); and W. H. Rich, "Homing" of Pacific Salmon, Science 85(2211): 477-78 (1937).
  38. Dunn, Charles Henry Gilbert.
  39. Утверждения о более высокой эффективности искусственного разведения лосося по сравнению с естественным смотри в: V. Smith, Fish Culture Methods in the Hatcheries of the State of Washington, Washington State Fish Commission, Olympia, 1919, стр. 6; Washington State Department of Fisheries and Game, Thirtieth and Thirty-first Annual Reports of die State Fish Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Washington, Olympia, 1921, стр. 17; and Oregon State Fish and Game Protector, Third and Fourth Annual Reports of die State
  40. M. C. Healey, Variation in the Life History Characteristics of Chinook Salmon and Its Relevance to Conservation of the Sacramento Winter Run of Chinook Salmon, Conservation Biology 8(5): 876-877 (1994); M. C. Healey and A. Prince, Scales of Variation in Life History Tactics of Pacific Salmon and the Conservation of Phenotype and Genotype, in Evolution and the Aquatic Ecosystem: Defining Unique Units in Population Conservation, под ред.]. L. Nielsen and D. A. Powers, American Fisheries Society Symposium 17, Bethesda, MD, 1995, стр. 176-184; and P. E. Reimers, The Length of Residence of Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon in Sixes River, Oregon, Research Reports of the Fish Commission of Oregon 4(2): 3-43 (1973). см. также M. Schluchter and J. A. Lichatowich, Juvenile Life Histories of Rogue River Spring Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), as Determined from Scale Analysis, Information Report Series, Fisheries No. 77-5. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis, 1977; and L. M. Orl and M. C. Healey, Differences in Enzyme Frequency and Body Morphology among Three Juvenile Life History Types of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Nanaimo River, British Columbia, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 41: 1070-1077 (1984). Смотри также Independent Scientific Group, Return to the River: Restoration of Salmonid Fishes in the Columbia River Ecosystem, Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, OR, 1996; and W. F. Thompson, An Approach to Population Dynamics of the Pacific Red Salmon, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 88(3):206-209 (1959).
  41. W. H. Rich, Early History and Seaward Migration of Chinook Salmon in the Columbia and Sacramento Rivers, Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries No. 37, Washington, DC, 1920; и W. H. Rich, Progress in Biological Inquiries, July 1 to December 31, 1924, Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 990, Washington, DC, 1925.
  42. Rich and Holmes, Experiments in Marking Young Chinook Salmon on the Columbia River.
  43. F. A. Davidson, "Migration" and "Homing" of Pacific Salmon, Science 86(2220}: 55-56 (1937).
  44. Rich, Local Populations and Migration in Relation to the Conservation of Pacific Salmon.
  45. Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report of the Fish Commission of the State of Oregon to the Governor and the Fortieth Legislative Assembly, 1939, State of Oregon, Salem, 1939.
  46. T. A. Flagg and four others, The Effect of Hatcheries on Native Coho Salmon Populations in the Lower Columbia River, in Uses and Effects of Cultured Fishes in Aquatic Ecosystems, под ред. H. L. Schramm, Jr., и R. G. Piper. American Fisheries Society Symposium 15, Bethesda, MD, 1995, стр. 366-375.
  47. A. C. Benke, A Perspective on America's Vanishing Streams, Journal of North American Benthological Society 9(1): 77-88 (1990).
  48. A. C. Benke, A Perspective on Americas Vanishing Streams, Journal of North American Benthological Society 9(1): 77-88 (1990).

Глава 8

  1. R. Burgner, Life History of the Sockeye Salmon, in Pacific Salmon Life Histories, под ред. C. Groot и L. Margolis (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1991), стр. 3-117.
  2. Burgner, Life History of the Sockeye Salmon.
  3. F. Ward и P. Larkin, Cyclic Dominance in Adams River Sockeye Salmon, International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, Progress Report No. 11, New Westminster, BC, 1964.
  4. J. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon: A History of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, 1957-1985, Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, BC, 1991.
  5. Данные по уловам и количеству рыбы, прошедшей на нерест взяты у Ian Guthrie из Pacific Salmon Commission, August 2, 1995.
  6. W. Ricker, Effects of the Fishery and of Obstacles to Migration on the Abundance of Eraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1522, Nanaimo, BC, 1987.
  7. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon; см. также A. Netboy, The Salmon: Their Fight for Survival (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974); и R. E. Foerster, The Sockeye Salmon, Bulletin No. 162, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa, 1968.
  8. W Ricker, Hells Gate and the Sockeye, Journal of Wildlife Management 11(1): 10—20 (1947); см. также Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  9. Ricker, Effects of the Fishery and of Obstacles to Migration.
  10. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  11. H. W. McKervill, The Salmon People: The Story of Canada's West Coast Salmon Fishing Industry (Sidney, BC: Gray's Publishing, 1967); см. также Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon,
  12. McKervill, The Salmon People.
  13. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  14. Ricker, Effects of the Fishery and of Obstacles to Migration.
  15. D. L. Boxberger, To Fish in Common; The Ethnohistory of Lummi Indian Salmon Fishing (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986).
  16. Boxberger, To Fish in Common.
  17. Boxberger, To Fish in Common.
  18. G. Meggs, Salmon: The Decline of the British Columbia Fishery (Vancouver, BC: Douglas и McIntyre, 1991).
  19. Meggs, Salmon: The Decline of the British Columbia Fishery.
  20. Boxberger, To Fish in Common; см. также C. Lyons, Salmon: Our Heritage (Vancouver, BC: Mitchell Press, 1969).
  21. Lyons, Salmon: Our Heritage.
  22. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon; см. также Lyons, Salmon; Our Heritage.
  23. Boxberger, To Fish trt Common, стр. 99.
  24. Lyons, Salmon Our Heritage, стр. 327-328.
  25. J. Crutchfield and G. Pontecorvo, The Pacific Salmon Fisheries: A Study of Irrational Management (Baltimore: Resources for the Future/Johns Hopkins Press 1969).
  26. L. H. Darwin, Thirtieth and Thirty-first Annual Reports of the State Fish Commissioner, Seattle, 1921, стр. 15.
  27. R. E. Bilby, B. R. Fransen, и P. A. Bisson, Incorporation of Nitrogen and Carbon from Spawning Coho Salmon into the Trophic System of Small Streams: Evidence from Stable Isotopes, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53(1): 164-173 (1996}, см. также G. A. Larkin и P. A Slaney, Implications of Trends in Marine-Derived Nutrient Influx to South Coastal British Columbia Salmonid Production, Fisheries 22(11): 16-24 (1997).
  28. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  29. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  30. US Congressional Record, Seventy-first Congress, Third Session, 1931, volume 74, стр. 392-393.
  31. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  32. W. M. Freeman, The Memoirs of Millet Freeman 1875-1955 (1956), General stacks, Fisheries Library, University of Washington, Seattle.
  33. Netboy, The Salmon Their Fight for Survival.
  34. Northwest Power Planning Council, Compilation of Information on Salmon and Steelhead Losses in the Columbia River Basin, Portland, OR, 1986.
  35. W. Rich, Future of the Columbia River Salman Fisheries, Stanford Jchthyological Bulletin 2(2)- 37-47 (1940).
  36. W. Thompson, An Outline for Salmon Research in Alaska, Fisheries Research Institute Circular 18, University of Washington, Seattle, 1951.
  37. H. McGuire, First and Second Annual Reports of the Fish and Game Protestor, Salem, OR, 1894.
  38. R. Neuberger, Our Promised Land (New York: Macmillan, 1938).
  39. Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report for 1933 и 1934, Portland 1935.
  40. Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report for 1933 и 1934.
  1. В 1980 году рыболовные агентства посчитали необходимым издать на 54 страницах перечень и описание различных агентств и комитетов, управляющих лососем на Колумбии.
  2. Oregon State Planning Board, A Study of Commercial Fishing Operations on the Columbia River, Report Submitted to the Governor or Oregon, Salem, 1938.
  3. Washington State Senate, Report on the Problems Affecting the Fisheries of the Columbia River, Columbia River Fisheries Interim Investigating Committee, Olympia, 1943.
  4. D Parman, Inconsistent Advocacy: The Erosion of Indian Fishing Rights in the Pacific Northwest, 1933-1956, Pacific Historical Review 53: 163-189 (1983).
  5. Washington State Senate, Report on the Problems Affecting the Fisheries.
  6. Address by B. M Brennan, Director of Fisheries, State of Washington, to the legislative Meeting of the Columbia River Fisheries Protective Union at Astoria, Oregon, October 1, 1940, National Archives, Washington, DC, Record Group 22.
  7. W. Rich, The Present State of the Columbia River Salmon Resources, Contribution No. 3, Oregon Fish Commission, Salem, 1941; см. также W. Rich, Fishery Problems Raised by the Development of Water Resources, Contribution No 2, Oregon Fish Commission, Salem, 1940; W. Rich, Future of the Columbia River Salmon Fisheries, Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin 2(2): 37-47 (1940); W. Rich, The Biology of Columbia River Salmon, Northwest Science 40(1): 3-14 (1935); и J. Craig, The Effects of Power and Irrigation Projects on the Migratory Fish of the Columbia River, Northwest Science 40(1): 19-22 (1935); см. также L. Griffin, Certainties and Risks Affecting Fisheries Connected with Damming the Columbia River, Northwest Science 40(2): 25—30 (1935).
  8. Griffin, Certainties and Risks Affecting Fisheries Connected with Damming the Columbia River.
  9. W. Rich, F Fish, M. Hanavan, и H Holmes, Memorandum to Elmer Higgins, Program and Policy for the Fish and Wildlife Service in Respect of the Salmon Fisheries of the Columbia River, February 9, 1944, National Archives, Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle, Record Group 77, Box 34621.
  10. Rich, Fish, Hanavan, и Holmes, Program and Policy for the Fish and Wildlife Service.
  11. Rich, Fish, Hanavan, и Holmes, Program and Policy for the Fish and Wildlife Service.
  12. Rich, Fish, Hanavan и Holmes, Program and Policy for the Fish and Wildlife Service.
  13. Rich, The Present State of the Columbia River Salmon Resources.
  14. J. Barnaby, Memorandum to Director, Fish and Wildlife Service, Development of the Salmon Fisheries of the Lower Columbia River, 1945, National Archives, Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle, Record Group 22, Box 12.
  15. F. Bell, Guarding the Columbia's Silver Horde, Nature Magazine 29(1): 43-47 (1937); см. также R. Neuberger, The Great Salmon Experiment, Harper's Magazine 190(1137): 229-236 (1945).
  16. City of Tacoma, Washington, Undated sixteen-page document on the letterhead of the Department of Public Utilities, National Archives, Washington, DC, Record Group 48, Box 865.
  17. W G Robbins, Landscapes of Promise: The Oregon Story, 1800-J940 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997).
  18. Columbia Basin Fisheries Development Association, Wealth of the River: A Presentation of Fact Concerning the Columbia River Salmon Industry and a Petition for the Conservation of This Industry Submitted with Reference to Proposals to Construct High Dams on the Columbia River and Its Tributaries, Astoria OR, 1945.
  19. The Columbia River Fisheries Development Association included the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington Department of Fisheries, Washington Department of Game, Oregon Fish Commission, Oregon Game Commission, Idaho Fish and Game Commission, Columbia River Fishermens Protective Union, Columbia River Salmon and Tuna Packers Association International Fishermen and Allied Workers Oregon Legislative Fisheries Committee Washington Legislative Interim Fisheries Committee, Indian Tribal Council and Northwest Federation of Indians.
  20. W. Gardner, Memo to Secretary of Interior, Columbia River Dams and Salmon, March 6, 1947 National Archives Washington, DC Record Group 48.
  21. R. W. Scheufele, History of the Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission, Vancouver, WA (no date perhaps 1970).
  22. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  23. A. Robertson Further Proof of the Parent Stream Theory Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 51 87-90 (1921).
  24. L. Roval, The Effects of Regulatory Selectivity on the Productivity of Fraser River Sockey Salmon The Canadian Fish Citlturtst 14 1—12 (1953).
  25. All Sockeve Hatcheries Closed in British Columbia, Pacific Fisherman 34(5) 17 (1936).
  26. Rich, Local Populations and Migration in Relation to the Conservation of Pacific Salmon.
  27. L. L. Laythe, The Fishery Development Program in the Lower Columbia River, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society September 13-15 1948 Atlantic City, N].
  28. C. G. Davidson, Fisheries and Other Resources in the Columbia Basin Statements made by C. Girard Davidson under questioning by the Public Works Committee of the U. S. Senate 1949, стр. 41-55 National Archives Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle, Record Group 22.
  29. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, A Program for the Preservation of the Fisheries of the Columbia River Basin, 1951, National Archives Washington DC Record Group 48.
  30. D. L. Bottom To Till the Water A History of Ideas in Fisheries Conservation in Pacific Salmon and Their Ecosystem Status and Future Options под ред. D. J. Stouder, P. A. Bisson, и R. J. Nairnan (New York Chapman and Hall 1997) стр. 569-597.
  31. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  32. Pacific Northwest Field Committee, Reevaluanon of rhe Columbia River Fishery Program—Interim Report, Porrland, OR, 1950, National Archives.
  33. Такое отношение все ещё портит менеджмент лососёвых. Недавно, после работы над научным обзором в составе группы независимых экспертов на Колумбии, я обсуждал рекомендации рабочей группы с менеджером лосося. Он не соглашался с требованием группы о дополнительном исследовании новых подходов к восстановлению рек и оценки существующих подходов. Утверждая, что представляет мнение и других менеджеров лосося, он заявлял, что необходимо действовать, а не изучать.
  34. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Сборник материалов конференции с участием региональных и федеральных агнтств по разработке программы биоинженерных исследований для решения проблем миграции рыбы через высокие плотины и связанных с этим проблем, 19M, National Archives, Washington, DC, Record Group 48.
  35. J. Brinckman, Three Billion Later Columbia Basin Salmon Dwindle, Oregonian (Portland) July 27, 1997, section A.
  36. P. Hirt, A Conspiracy of Optimism (Lincoln University of Nebraska Press, 1994).
  37. B. Hutchison, The Fraser (Toronto Clarke, Irvin in and Company 1950).
  38. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  39. F. Andrew и G. Geen, Sockeye and Pink Salmon Production in Relation to Proposed Dams in the Fraser River System Bulletin No 11, International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission New Westminster BC, I960.
  40. Haig-Brown процитирован у R. Bocking, Mighty River (Vancouver, BC Douglas и Mclntvre, 1997).
  41. F. Neave, Stream Ecology and Production of Anadromous Fish, in The Investigation of Fish-power Problems, H R MacMillan Lectures in Fisheries под ред. P. Larkin (Vancouver University of British Columbia, 1958) стр. 43-48.
  42. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon. Не было необходимости перекрывать основное русло Фрейзера или его притоки в ареале распространения лосося, уничтожая среду его обитания, что хорошо иллюстрируется проектом Нечако-Кемано. Верховья реки Нечако были перекрыты выше водопада, вне пределов обитания лосося, однако, вода из запруды была через тоннель отведена из бассейна Фрейзер в реку побережья - Кемано, где была использована в генерации электроэнергии для производства алюминия. Уменьшение уровня воды в Нечако губительно сказалось на лососе. Нерка погибала из-за высоких температур еще до нереста, а продуктивность чавычи в этой области снизилась. Канадское правительство предоставило алюминиевой компании экстраординарную свободу от ограничений по защите окружающей среды. Проблемы рыболовства, созданные проектом еще тридцать пять лет оставались предметом споров и конфликтов, но так никогда и не были разрешены.
  43. R. Hilborn и J. Winton, Learning to Enhance Salmon Production: Lessons from the Salmonid Enhancement Program, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(9): 2043-2056 (1993).
  44. R. Leffler, The Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the Anadromous Fishes of the Columbia River, Bulletin of the Oregon State Game Commission 10: 3-7 (1959).
  45. R. J. Wahle и R. R. Vreeland, Bioeconomic Contribution of Columbia River Hatchery Fall Chinook Salmon, 1961 through 1964 Broods, to the Pacific Salmon Fisheries, fisheries Bulletin 76(1): 179-208 (1978).
  46. T. A. Flagg и four others, The Effect of Hatcheries on Native Coho Salmon Populations in the Lower Columbia River, in Uses and Effects of Cultured Fishes in Aquatic Ecosystems, под ред. H. L. Schramm, Jr. и R G. Piper, American Fisheries Society Symposium 15, Bethesda, MD, 1995, стр. 366-375; см. также National Research Council, Upstream Salmon and Society in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, DC- National Academy Press, 1996); and Independent Scientific Group, Return to the River: Restoration of Salmonid Fishes in the Columbia River Ecosystem, Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, OR, 1996.
  47. C. Geera, The Interpretation of Culture (New York Basic Books, 1973).
  48. F. Dyson, Imagined Worlds (Cambridge- Harvard L Diversity Press, 1997).
  49. Roos, Restoring Fraser River Salmon.
  50. C. Wilkinson и D, Conner, The Law of the Pacific Salmon Fishery Conservation and Allocation of a Transboundary Common Property Resource, Kansas law Review 32(1)- 109 (1983).
  51. J. Hutchings, C Walters, и R. Haedrich, Is Scientific Inquiry Incompatible with Government Information Control? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54(5): 1198-1210 (1997).

Глава 9

  1. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Freshwater Habitat, Salmon Produced and Escapements, for Natural Spawning along the Pacific Coast of the United States, Portland, OR, 1979.
  2. National Research Council, Upstream Salmon and Society in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, DC National Academy Press, 1996); см. также Wilderness Society, The Living Landscape, volume 2: Pacific Salmon and Federal Lands Washington, DC, 1993.
  3. W. Nehlsen, J. E. Williams, и J. A. Lichatowich, Pacific Salmon at the Crossroads: Stocks at Risk from California, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington Fisheries 16(2): 4-21 (1991).
  4. R. S. Waples, Definition of "Species" Under the Endangered Species Act Application to Pacific Salmon, NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS F/NWC-194, U S. Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, 1991. Waples дает такое определение ESU: "Популяция (или группа популяций) будет считаться «отдельной» (а отсюда – «видом») для целей ESA, если она представляет собой эволюционно значимую единицу(ESU) биологического вида. Популяция должна удовлетворять двум критериям, чтобы считаться ESU: 1) Она должна размножаться изолированно от других, принадлежащих к этой же популяции групп, и 2) Она должна представлять важную компоненту эволюционного наследства вида."
  5. National Marine Fisheries Service, Progress of Species Status Reviews m NMFS Northwest Region, www.nwr noaa gov, updated August 5, 1998.
  6. T. Gresh, J. Lichatowich, и P. Shoonmaker, An Estimation of Historical and Current Levels of Salmon Production in the Northeast Pacific Ecosystem: Evidence of a Nutrient Deficit, Draft Report to Interrain Pacific, Portland, OR, 1998
  7. M. Dawson, Buck. Save Fish from ESA, Peninsula Daily News (Port Angeles, WA), August 27, 1997.
  8. N. Langston, Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1995).
  9. Oregon Production Index (OPI) включает продукцию из кижуча, полученную на побережье от юго-запада штата Вашингтон до северной Калифорнии.
  10. R. Mullen, Oregon's Commercial Harvest of Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum], 1892-1960, Information Report Series, Fisheries No. 81-3, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, 1981.
  11. Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report, Portland, 1955.
  12. Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report July 1, 1962-June 30, 1964, Portland, 1964.
  13. Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report July 1, 1960-June 30, 1962, Portland, 1962.
  14. Oregon Fish Commission, Biennial Report July 1, 1962-June 30, 1964, стр. 16.
  15. E. Jeffries, Present; Role and Challenge of Fish Culture m the Northwest, in Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Northwest Fish Culture Conference, Otter Rock, Oregon, December 3—5, 1975, под ред. J. Brophy, Oregon Aqua-Foods, Newport, OR, 1975, 167-174.
  16. C. Finley, Dwindling Coho Salmon Runs Leave Oregon in Quandary, Oregonian (Portland), November 16, 1993.
  17. Resource Development Branch of Department of Fisheries Vancouver, Hatcheries in British Columbia, part 1, Western Fisheries, April 1971, стр. 12-41, см. также Resource Development Branch of Department of Fisheries Vancouver, Hatcheries in British Columbia, part 2, Western Fisheries, May 1971, стр. 72-78.
  18. P. Larkin, Play It Again Sam— Эссе об оздоровлении лососёвых (с приложениями B. Campbell и C. Clay), Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 31. 1433-1439 (1974).
  19. J. Winton, Supplementation of Wild Salmonids. Management Practices in British Columbia, M.S thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, 1991.
  20. T. Glavin, Dead Reckoning Confronting the Crisis in Pacific Fisheries (Vancouver Douglas и McIntyre, 1996).
  21. Larkin, Play It Again Sam.
  22. T. Cummings, Private Salmon Hatcheries in Oregon 1986, Processed Report Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, 1987.
  23. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lower Snake River Fish and Wildlife Compensation Plan, Special Report, Walla Walla [WA] District, 1975.
  24. Washington State Department of Fisheries, Fisheries volume III Olympia, 1960, стр. 201.
  25. National Research Council, Upstream.
  26. J. Lichatowich, H. Wagner и T. Nickelson, Summary of Salmon Task Force Meetings Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, 1978.
  27. Glavin, Dead Reckoning.
  28. P. Pearse, An Assessment of the Salmon Stock Development Program of Canada’s Pacific Coast, Final Report to Department of Fisheries and Oceans Vancouver, BC 1994.
  29. A. Rose, High-tech Hatcheries a Failure, Vancouver (BC) Globe and Mail August 1, 1992.
  30. R. Hilborn and J. Winton, Learning to Enhance Salmon Production Lessons from the Salmonid Enhancement Program, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50: 2043-2056(1993).
  31. National Research Council, Upstream, см. также Independent Scientific Group Return to the Rivet Restoration of Salmonid Fishes in the Columbia River Ecosystem Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, OR, 1996, and National Fish Hatchery Review Panel, Report of the National Fish Hatcher, Review Panel The Conservation Fund, Arlington, VA, 1994.
  32. Cummings, Private Salmon Hatcheries in Oregon.
  33. C. Finley, Ocean Ranching Hits a Snag When Profits Turn Belly-up, Oregon tan (Portland), August 26, 1990.
  34. D. Tims, OreAquaTurning Salmon into Fertilizer, Oregonian (Portland), October 5, 1990.
  35. I. Griffith, Port Takes a Giant Gamble with TinyCoho Oregonian (Portland) March 25, 1995.
  36. W. J. Ebel, Panel 2 Fish Passage Problems and Solutions to Major Passage Problems, in Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead, Proceedings of a symposium, March 5-6, 1976, edited by E. Schwiebert, American Fisheries Society Special Publication 10, Washington, DC, 1977, стр. 33-39.
  37. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Proceedings of the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Status Review Symposium, Boise, ID, 1998.
  38. Washington State Department of Fisheries, Salmon 2000 Technical Report, Phase 2 Puget Sound, Washington Coast and Integrated Planning, Olympia, 1992.
  39. C. Ebbesmeyer и five others, 1976 Step in the Pacific Climate Fort) Environmental Changes between 1968—1975 and 1977—1984, in Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop, April 1990, edited by J. Betancourt и V. Tharp, Technical Report 26, California Department of Water Resources Interagency Ecological Studies Program, Sacramento, 1991.
  40. T. Nickelson, Influences of Upwelling, Ocean Temperature and Smolt Abundance on Marine Survival of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Oregon Production Index, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43(3): 527-535 (1986).
  41. D. Ware и R. Thompson, Link Between Long term Variability in Upwelling and Fish Production m the Northeast Pacific Ocean, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48(12): 2296-2306 (1991}.
  1. R. Francis, Climate Change and Salmonid Production in the North Pacific Ocean, in Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop, под ред. K. Redmond и V. Tharp, Technical Report 34, California Department of Water Resources Interagency Ecological Studies Program Sacramento, 1993, стр. 33-43.
  2. Nickelson, Influences of Upwelling, см. также R Francis и S Hare Decadal-scale Regime Shifts in the Large Marine Ecosystems of the Northeast Pacific A Case for Historical Science, Fisheries Oceanography 3(4): 270-291 (1994), и R Beamish и D Bouillion, Pacific Salmon Production Trends in Relation to Climate, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50(5): 1002-1016 (1993).
  3. Independent Scientific Group, Return to the River.
  4. В середине 1970-ых, как специалист, недавно поступивший на работу Департамент Рыбы и Дичи штата Орегон, я был направлен на ориентационный семинар для работников, который включал раздел под названием «Компромисс – это игра» В нем администратор департамента внушал юным биологам что индустриальное развитие и разрушение среды обитания неизбежны, и что работа департамента (наша работа) состоит в том, чтобы улучшать рыбоводство, как только это возможно. Нам говорили, что всем, включая среду обитания и дикого лосося, можно поступиться. Эта встреча глубоко обеспокоила меня, и, в какой-то степени, там было брошено семя, из которого потом появилась и эта книга.
  5. N. Carter, Multi fishery Activity in Oregon Commercial Fishing Fleets An Economic Analysis of Short-run Decision-making Behavior, Ph D dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis 1981.
  6. B. Monroe, State Fisheries Chief Martin Might Take Scientific Approach to Politics, Oregonian (Portland), April 9, 1995.
  7. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Comprehensive Plan for Production and Management of Oregon’s Anadromous Salmon and Trout, part II, Coho Salmon Plan, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, 1982.
  8. T. E. Nickelson, M. F. Solazzi, и S. L. Johnson, Use of Hatchery Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Presmolts to Rebuild Wild Populations in Oregon Coastal Streams, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic, Sciences 43: 2443-2449 (1986).
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