
Методические рекомендации студентам заочной формы обучения отделения среднего профессионального образования по подготовке к зачетам, экзаменам и написанию письменных работ (на базе основного общего об (стр. 7 из 14)

13. Основные тенденции развития русской литературы 1917-го – 1940-х годов

14. Идейно-художественное своеобразие романа М.Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита».

15. Судьба человека в тоталитарном государстве (А.Солженицын, В.Шаламов, А.Жигулин)

16. Философское осмысление мира и человека в поэзии Б.Пастернака. Чтение наизусть одного-двух стихотворений и отрывков

17. «Доктор Живаго»: жанровое своеобразие

18. Тема памяти в поэзии А.Твардовского. Чтение наизусть одного-двух стихотворений и отрывков

19. Тема войны в творчестве писателей второй половины XX века (В.Некрасов, Ю.Бондарев, В.Быков, К.Воробьев, В.Астафьев и др.) – по выбору учащихся

20. Особенности прозы 1990-х годов (В.Астафьев, В.Белов, В.Распутин, А.Солженицын, В.Маканин, А.Ким, В.Орлов, Л.Петрушевская и др.) – по выбору учащихся.


1. Агеносов. Русская литература XX в. 11класс. Учебник в 2-ух частях.

2. Архангельский. Русская литература ХIХ века. 10 класс. Учебник в 2-ух частях.

3. Журавлев В.П. Русская литература XX века 11 класс. Учебник в 2-ух частях.

4. Коровин В.И. Литература. Учебник 10 класс в 2-ух частях.

5. Курдюмова. Литература. Учебник 11 класс. Учебник в 2-ух частях.

6. Курдюмова. Литература. Учебник 10 класс.

7. Лебедев Ю.В. Литература. Учебник 10 класс в 2-ух частях.

8. Маранцман В.Г. Литература. Учебник 10 кл в 2-х частях.

9. Чалмаев В.А. Зинин. Литература. Учебник 11 класс. Учебник в 2-ух частях.

Дополнительная литература

1. Айхенвальд Ю. Гоголь // Айхенвальд Ю. Силуэты русских писателей. М., 1994

2. Анастасьева А. «Гроза» Островского. М., 1975.

3. Бочаров С.Г. Роман Л.Толстого «Война и мир». М., 1978

4. Бушмин С. Художественный мир Салтыкова-Щедрина. Л., 1987

5. Волков А.Н. Творчество А.И. Куприна. – М., 1981.

6. Гаспаров М.Л. Избранные труды. Т.2. М., 1997.

7. Гаспаров М.Л. Фет безглагольный: Композиция пространства, чувства и слова // Гаспаров М.Л. Избранные труды. Т.2. М., 1997.

8. Гречнев В.Я. О прозе XIX-XX вв. (Л.Толстой, А.Чехов, И.Булгаков, Л.Андреев, М.Горький). СПб., 2000.

9. «Доктор Живаго» Бориса Пастернака. М., 1990.

10. Дядичев В.Н. В.В. Маяковский в жизни и творчестве. М., 2009.

11. Колобаева Л.А. Концепция личности в русской литературе рубежа XIX–XX вв. – М., 1990.

12. Колобаева Л.А. Проза И.А. Бунина. – М., 2001.

13. Колобаева Л.А. Русский символизм. – М., 2000.

14. Котенко Н. Валентин Распутин. М., 1988.

15. Краснова Л. Художественный мир А.Блока. – М., 1990.

16. Краснощекова Е. «Обломов» И.А. Гончарова. М., 1997

17. Кременцов Л.П. Русские поэты XX века. / Л.П. Кременцов, В.В. Лосев. – М., 2002.

18. Кулешов Ф.И. Творческий путь А.И. Куприна. – 2-е изд. – М., 1983.

19. Лакшин В.Я. Берега культуры. М., 1994.

20. Лакшин В.Я. Островский. М., 1989 (ЖЗЛ)

21. Лакшин В.Я. Пять великих имен. М., 1988

22. Лебедев Ю.В. Тургенев. М., 1990 (ЖЗЛ)

23. Манн Ю. В поисках живой души. М., 1987

24. Маркович В.М. И.С. Тургенев и русский реалистический роман XIX века. Л., 1982.

25. Марченко А. Поэтический мир Есенина. – 2-е изд. – М., 1989.

26. Недвзнецкий В.А. Поэт и его судьба // Недвзнецкий В.А. От Пушкина к Чехову. М., 1997

27. Непомнящий В. Пушкин. Избранные работы 1960-1990-х гг. М., 2001.

28. Николаев Д.П. Сатира Щедрина и реалистический гротеск. М.,1977.

29. Полоцкая Э. О поэтике Чехова. М., 2001.

30. Поэзия серебряного века в школе / Сост. Е.М. Болдырева, А.В. Леденев. – М., 2001.

31. Пустовойт П.Г. Роман И.С. Тургенева «Отцы и дети». Комментарии. М.,1991.

32. Роман И.А. Гончарова «Обломов» в русской критике. Л., 1991.

33. Русская литература XX века. Ч.1. – М., 1991.

34. Русская литература конца XIX– начала XX века / под ред. В.В. Агеносова. – М., 2004.

35. Сахаров В.И. М.А. Булгаков в жизни и творчестве. М., 2008.

36. Смирнова Л.Н. И.А. Бунин. Жизнь и творчество. – М., 1995.

37. Чалмаев В.А. Александр Солженицын. Жизнь и творчество. М., 1994.

38. Чуковский К. Мастерство Некрасова. Любое издание.

39. Шайтанов И.О. Ф.И. Тютчев: Поэтическое открытие природы. М., 1998.

40. Юрьева О.Ю. Серебряный век русской поэзии. – М., 2001.

41. Якушин Н.И. Ф.М. Достоевский в жизни и творчестве. М., 2009.

3.3. Иностранный язык


1. "Have you ever been to France?" "Yes, I _____

a) had been;

b) went;

c) have been d)were.

2. It's a small town in the south ______ England.

a) -;

b) from;

c) to;

d) of.

3. Couldn't you go a little faster? I'm ____ a hurry.

a) on;

b) in;

c) at;

d) of.

4. I usually wear skirts, but today I ___ trousers.

a) wears;

b) wear;

c) wearing;

d) am wearing.

5. It's Mr. Smith, ______?

a) isn't it;

b) isn't he;

c) is it;

d) is not it.

6. One of my neighbors has _____ me to tea.

a) invited;

b) pleased;

c) suggested;

d) welcomed.

7. I'm ______ in the news.

a) exciting;

b) interesting;

c) interested;

d) interest.

8. Can we __ at your house and go to the party together?

a) come;

b) see;

c) find;

d) meet.

9. How can I ___ to the post-office?

a) reach;

b) get;

c) find;

d) arrive.

10. "Must I take my umbrella?" "No, you ______ . It’s not going to rain."

a) mustn't;

b) needn't;

c) have to;

d) don't.

11. I think John ____ translate this document.

a) have to;

b) will have;

c) has;

d) will have to.

12. I was a bit worried because I thought I might _____ my train.

a) be late;

b) not reach;

c) lose;

d) miss.

13. I _____ breakfast when the phone nag, had; have;

a) am having;

b) was having.

c) has

d) had

14. This car is more _____ than that one.

a) fast

b) faster

c) modern

d) fastest

15. She hasn't written to me _____ we met last time.

a) since;

b) ago;

c) for;

d) before.

16. This question is _ difficult for me.

a) too;

b) to;

c) enough;

d) such.

17. This record-shop ________ be a book-shop a few years ago.

a) use;

b) used to;

c) used;

d) had.

18. She doesn't like _ television.

a) looking;

b) watch;

c) watching;

d) see.

19. He arrived ______ you were asleep.

a) during;

b) for;

c) while;

d) until.

20. Mr. Smith woke up in the middle of the night. He could hear _______ his garden.

a) anybody;

b) everywhere;

c) someone;

d) anything.


1. This dinner looks ______ to me.

a) well;

b) badly;

c) good;

d) nicely.

2. If he ______ worked harder, he would have passed the exams.

a) had;

b) would have;

c) would;

d) had have.

3. I couldn't come to the party because I _____ go to work.

a) had;

b) had to;

c) have;

d) have got.

4. He doesn't speak languages very ____ .

a) best;

b) good;

c) better;

d) well.

5. "Harry is on the phone." "Who ______ to? "

a) does he talk;

b) is he talk;

c) is he talking;

d) he talks.

6. Which country __ from?

a) Tom is coming;

b) does Tom come;

c) comes Tom;

d) is coming Tom.

7. "Excuse me." " _______"

a) Please;

b) No, I'm not;

c) Yes?

d) Yes, I am.

8. "______I put it in a bag?" "Yes, please."

a) Will;

b) Do;

c) Shall;

d) Would.

9. "What is he doing? " "____."

a) He's an economist;

b) He's having lunch;

c) He's doing it;

d) He has lunch.

10. Would you mind ______ the window, please?

a) to open;

b) open;

c) opening;

d) I open.

11. "Would you like a coke?" "_______ . "

a) Yes, I'd like;

b) Yes, I like;

c) Yes, I do;

d) Yes, please.

12. We arrived ___ the airport in time.

a) -;

b) at;

c) on;

d) in.

13. ______;

a) I very like reading;

b) I like very much reading.

c) I like reading very much;

d) I like very reading.

14. It rained all day yesterday, _____ ?

a) it didn't;

b) no;

c) isn't it;

d) didn't it.

15. Father leaves _____ home at 7 o'clock so that he can be in his office at 8.

a) for

b) -

c) from;

d) at.

16. I don't know where he is, he hasn't arrived _____ .

a) still;

b) already;

c) yet;

d) since.

17. This car is _ .

a) mine;

b) my;

c) mine's;

d) her's.

18. I _ you are wrong.

a) know;

b) knows;

c) am knowing;

d) knowing.

19. My teacher lives ____ 45 Elm Street.

a) under;

b) on;

c) in;

d) at.

20. "Did you enjoy _____ ? " " Yes, I did. "

a) yourselves;

b) myself; :

c) you;

d) yourself.


1. _____in our city are expensive.

a) All restaurant;

b) The restaurants all;

c) All the restaurants;

d) The all restaurants.

2. Their parents came _____ car yesterday.

a) by;

b) in;

c) on;

d) with.

3. You are taller _____ Mary.

a) then;

b) than;

c) -;

d) to.

4. Mr Dupont is _____ .

a) the French;

b) a French; :

c) French;

d) France.

5. If she ______ Peter, he'll say.

a) asked;

b) had asked;

c) has asked;

d) asks.

6. He can't go to see her tonight. He hasn't got _____ time.

a) many;

b) a;

c) some;

d) much.

7. What ______ ? Is she a lawyer?

a) does she;

b) she does;

c) does she do;

d) is she doing.

8. About half an hour ______ I saw Mr. Brown.

a) for;

b) since;

c) before;

d) ago.

9. As soon as I shut the front door I realized that I ______ my key in the house.

a) had left;

b) have left;

c) left;

d) was leaving.

10. He hasn't got ______.

a) a lot of luggages; .....

b) many luggages;

c) much luggage;

d) a great number of luggage.

11. Your car is better______ mine.

a) then;

b) as;

c) than;

d) that.

12. He watched TV ______.

a) today morning;

b) today in the morning;

c) this morning;

d) morning.

13. Nobody ______ hungry.

a) is;

b) isn't;

c) aren't;

d) are.

14. What can you see ______ the photo?

a) in;

b) on;

c) at;

d) onto.

15. Please ______.

a) put off your coat;

b) take on your coat;

c) put your coat on;

d) take up your coat.

16. They came ______.

a) early in the morning;

b) in early the morning;

c) early the morning;

d) in the morning early.

17. Why aren't you looking ____ your notebook?

a) to;

b) -;

c) at;

d) on.

18. I ______ the car now.

a) am not hear;

b) am not hearing;

c) can't hearing;

d) can't hear.

19. _____ radio is on the table?

a) Who's;

b) Whoes;

c) Whose;

d) Whos'.

20. Please answer ____ questions.

a) their;

b) them;

c) to their;

d) to them.


1. "___? " "She is tall and clever."

a) How is she like;

b) What is she like;

c) What is she;

d) Who is she.

2. Liz read the story, __

a) didn't;

b) doesn't;

c) don't;

d) isn't.

3. Henry arrived ______

a) to;

b) at the;

c) to the;

d) on the.

4. They ______ the bus.

a) was waiting for;

b) were waiting for;

c) was waiting;

d) were waiting.

5. They won't do that, ___?

a) won't they;

b) did they;

c) will they;

d) will they not.

6. ________.

a) Is a fridge in the kitchen?

b) Are there a fridge in the kitchen?

c) Is some fridge in the kitchen?

d) Is there a fridge in the kitchen?

7. He isn't in London now because he _ to the continent.

a) has been;

b) was going;

c) will going;

d) has gone.

8. I can only see ______.

a) a few bottle;

b) a little bottles;

c) a few bottles;

d) many bottles.

9. How ______ of matches have we got?

a) much boxes;

b) many box;

c) much box;

d) many boxes.

10. "– I open the window?" "Yes, please."

a) Will;

b) Must to;

c) Shall;

d) Would.

11. They _____ once a week.

a) was buying;

b) bought;

c) went shopping;

d) went to shops.

12. He came ______ train.

a) with;

b) with a;

c) by;

d) by a.

13. ______ to the station when I saw you this morning?

a) Have you gone;

b) Are you going;

c) Were you going;

d) Have you been going.

14. He went to school ___ five.

a) at age of;