
Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов факультета иностранных языков 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное (стр. 17 из 19)

· Good morning, boys and girls! Good afternoon, everybody. Hello, Form 5! (very informal). Sit down, everybody. Take your places. Get ready for the lesson. I’m your new teacher. I'd better introduce myself. I’ll be teaching you English from now on (I’m taking your group for English) (I’m a teacher trainee) and my name is...

· Good morning. My name is... I’m taking your group for English this year.

We’ll be having English on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, three times a week. Now I’ll call the register and in that way I’ll begin to know you.

· Good morning/afternoon. Hello, Form 6. Sit down, everybody. N., go and sit in your place, please. Where do you usually sit? Will you change places with?.. How many people are absent? Please, stand up as I call (out) your names. Quiet down. Don’t be so noisy (could you make up a list of those who are absent).

· Good morning, everybody. My name is... I’m standing in for... N. P. is ill and won’t be in today. We hope she’ll be back tomorrow and in the meantime let’s get down to work.

· Good morning! I’m a teacher trainee and my name is... I’ve got... lessons with you. We’ll be using «Enjoy English». Now, I’d like you to give me your names. Let’s start by finding out your names.

· We have a new pupil today. Would you like то introduce yourself? What’s your name? Where are you from? What was your last school? What textbook did you use? Where are you up to in it? What unit were you on?

· We have a new pupil today. What’s your name? Where are you from? What was your last school? What textbook did you use? Where are you up to in it? What unit were you on? And we haven’t got as far as that yet. We are still on unit 12. Go and sit over there by the window. I hope you’ll soon feel at home in the class.

· We have a new pupil today. What’s your name? Where are you from? What was your last school? What textbook did you use? Where are you up to in it? We’ve gone further than that. We are a little further on. You’ll have to try and catch up. Come and see me after the lessons have finished. We’ll see what you need to do to catch up.

· I wonder what’s wrong with Dasha? Why isn’t she at school (in class)? Do you know when she will be back at school? Who is her friend? Could you take her homework? Tell her we hope to see her again soon, will you?

· Oh, Vadim, you are back! Nice to see you again. Why have you been away? Do you have a good reason for having missed my classes? How are you feeling? You’re behind in my subject. We’ve been doing smth quite difficult recently. Have you been doing any work at home? Do you need any help?

· What’s the matter, Ann? You look pale! Are you unwell? I think you’d better go to the sick-room. Olga, will you take Ann to the sick-room, please.

· Perhaps we could begin by going over your homework. Get your homework out, please. How did you get on with your homework? Did you find it difficult?

2. Going over homework:

· Let’s check up your homework. Sentence by sentence. Who wants to be the first? Sasha? Yes, please. Good, thank you! Next sentence. You, Sasha, again?! You are keen. That’s great. It’s good to see it.

· Perhaps we could begin by going over homework. Get your homework out, please. A., calm down. You, D., haven’t done your homework but you are disturbing those who have. Stop fidgeting, A. Stop talking, please.

· I don’t want to go through your homework today in class. I want to mark your homework. Please, give your exercise-books in at the end of the lesson. I’ll mark your exercise-books and give them back next time (lesson).

3. Game:

· I think you are tired after all your hard work. Let’s play a little. Children, don’t be noisy. That’s enough! It’s the limit. Let’s get on our work. I think we can carry on without any game.

4. Comments on test:

· You did well in the test. I thought you’d do well.

5. Correctness:

· We’ll spend/begin our lesson going over your mistakes. You made some bad/serious mistakes. The test was done badly. Give out/hand out exercise-books. Open them, please. I gave you lower marks! Let’s go over your mistakes.

6. Practicing pronunciation:

· We’ll spend today’s lesson working on sounds. Let’s do some work on these sounds (Let’s work again on these sounds). Now I want you to listen to how I pronounce this sound. Why don’t you answer? Listen carefully. You should try and read aloud every day. Who wants to recite a poem (by heart)? Put some expression into it (Read it with a bit of feeling). And now all together (in unison).

7. Presenting New Vocabulary

· To make a tour around Moscow let’s look up new words.

8. Commenting on the meaning of the new words:

· synonyms, antonyms, definition, explanation, context, illustrated pictures, etymological analyses, language guessing, translation.

9. Practice activities:

· repetition, gap, filling, reconstruction, extension, answers to the questions, completing the idea using the new words.

10. Presenting new grammar material:

· You sometimes have to speak about your plans for vacations, summer, Sunday. Don’t you? Well, today you’ll learn to speak about your plans in English. By the way, it’s Saturday tomorrow. I usually spend it at the dacha. Do you want to know what I’m going to do on Saturday? Listen to what I say.

11. Practice activities:

· repetition, matching, selection, reconstruction, gap-filling, deleting.

12. Reading aloud:

· Open your books at page... Now I`d like to hear уоu read aloud. All together, in unison, please. Now let’s take turns reading. I’d like you to read round the class. Take 3 sentences each. Who’s left? You all have? Good.

· You mispronounced the word. Be careful with the sound ... You’ve got the stress wrong. The stress is on the second syllable. Be careful with intonation. Your intonation was wrong (wasn’t quite right). Listen to the way my voice goes up/falls. You try and do the same.

· You`re reading too quietly. Speak up. I can’t hear you. Please, read more quietly. Take your time. There’s no need to hurry. Speed up a bit. Don’t pause for breath in the wrong places. Could you read more clearly, please? Have a go. Read more clearly/carefully/distinctly. Keep the sense of the sentence in the mind / Get the idea. Put some expression in your voice. Put a bit of life into it.

13. Reading the poem:

· Put away your books. Keep your books shut. I’d like to read a poem to you. You’ll find it in your books on page... Listen to me. Did you like it? Did it appeal to you? Notice how the poem is built up. First the refrain. Let’s open our books and read it again.

14. Silent reading:

· We read for different purposes. So it’s natural that there are different kinds of reading, e.g., skimming, scanning, reading for full information.

· People skim when they want to look for the gist of a text, its general meaning. While skimming people try to understand the main ideas of a passage. They are not concerned with understanding every word.

· We can read the text when we want to get specific information — a date, a place, a definition - this is scanning.

· When we want to understand both the central idea and the supporting details we read for full understanding.

15. Debates, Discussion:

· First of all we should choose the discussion leader. The discussion leader is very important. He should have personality. He should be able to inspire respect and be able to express himself in public. He should not take sides in the discussion. He should be impartial. He must be thoughtful.

16. Essay writing:

· Well, get out your ex-books. We are going to write an essay called... Read the title carefully. Think of the main points. Write down an outline (plan), please. Please, leave a wide margin on the left-hand side of your page.

17. Test work:

· Settle down quickly, please. I want you to write a short test this morning. I wish you luck. Now, sit at separate tables and get out your pens. Start a fresh page and leave a margin. All of you write the date in English in the top right-hand corner of the page. Are you ready? You have only half an hour before the next bell rings. (The bell rings) Hand in the exercise books В., and put them on my desk. Open the windows before you go, A., please.

18. Comments on a Written Work!

· Your English is improving, A. Your English is getting better, N. You are working hard, K. You are getting better O. You need to put in more effort, S. I can see definite improvement, B. That’s better, but there’s still plenty of room for improvement.

19. Teacher’s report on student’s success, progress and failures: