Слово | Определение |
o prominent o conductor o box-office o to star o festive o box o orchestra o ticket o art | · relating to a festival · a man who directs the performance of an orchestra · the expression of human creative skill and imagination (in forms of painting, sculpture, literature, music, etc.) · have a main role in a film, play, or other show · important; famous · a large group of musicians who play different instruments together · a separate section reserved for a group of people in a theatre · a place at a theatre or cinema where you can buy or reserve tickets · a small, official card which shows that you have paid to enter a place (a theatre or a sports ground) |
1. Why is art so important for people?
2. What is more popular now: TV, theatre or cinema? Why?
3. Why is visiting a theatre is more festive than going to the cinema?
4. Do you often go to the theatre? What performances do you enjoy?
5. What seats do you usually choose?
6. What is the most important factor in a good performance?
7. В какой части текста можно найти информацию:
· seats at the theatre;
· the importance of art in our life;
· types of art;
· opera;
· types of theatrical performances;
· TV vs. theatre;
8. Придумайте заголовки к каждой части текста и перескажите его, пользуясь получившимся планом.
9. Пройдите тест «What can you say about your cultural life this month?» и прокомментируйте результат:
1. How many films have you seen?
a) 10
b) 4
c) none
2. How many times have you been to the theatre?
a) 4
b) 1
c) not once
3. How often do you watch TV?
a) every day
b) on weekends
c) not at all
4. How many concerts have you been to?
a) 3
b) 1
c) none
5. How many exhibitions have you been to?
a) 3
b) 1
c) none
6. How many times have you been to a disco?
a) 4
b) 1
c) not once
7. How many times have you been to a café?
a) 4
b) 1
c) not once
8. How many parties have you been to?
a) 6
b) 2
c) none
9. How many times have you been to the country?
a) 4
b) 2
c) not once
10. How often have you gone skating/skiing?
a) 8
b) 4
c) 1
11. How often have you stayed home in the evening?
a) most of the time
b) sometimes
c) hardly ever
1) a-10, b-5, c-1 2) a-10, b-5, c-1
3) a-10, b-5, c-1 4) a-10, b-5, c-1
6) a-10, b-5, c-1 5) a-10, b-5, c-1
7) a-10, b-5, c-1 8) a-10, b-5, c-1
9) a-10, b-5, c-1 10) a-10, b-5, c-1
11) a-1, b-5, c-10
110-80. You have had no time for studies this month, have you? Take care. What do you think about your exams? Life isn’t only having fun.
80-40. You’ve enjoyed yourself this month, haven’t you?
40-10. Life has been a little dull this month, hasn’t it?
Немаловажным документом, сопровождающим резюме, может стать рекомендательное письмо от вашего предыдущего работодателя или преподавателя с места учебы.
Чаще всего у нужных вам рекомендателей не хватает времени, чтобы составить шаблон письма самим, но они готовы его подписать, так что приготовьтесь к тому, что составлять письмо придется именно вам.
Рекомендательное письмо включает:
· Заголовок;
· описание, как долго и в каком качестве вас знает рекомендатель;
· подтверждение факта работы/учебы/стажировки;
· описание ваших обязанностей, оценку их выполнения и профессиональные достижения;
· важные личные характеристики (описание сильных сторон);
· причины увольнения (этот пункт заполняется по желанию), если ответ не указан в рекомендательном письме, вы должны быть готовы назвать причину вашего ухода из компании устно;
· непосредственно рекомендация;
· контактные координаты рекомендателя: Ф.И.О, должность, телефон, электронный адрес;
· если рекомендация подается на бумаге, то ее лучше сделать на бланке компании, заверив печатью и подписью.
В российской практике деловой переписки в начале документа необходимо указывать, что это “Рекомендательное письмо”. В американских же рекомендательных письмах это словосочетание указывается очень редко. Там рекомендательное письмо оформляется как сопроводительное, то есть сначала пишется адрес, потом дата написания письма и обращение (чаще всего фраза “To whom it may concern”, русский эквивалент которой “Заинтересованным лицам”).
Test yourself
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous:
1.Timothy (to feed) his dog.
2. Nancy (to paint) her kitchen.
3. Our neighbors (to wash) their car.
4. What she (to do) now? – She (to dance).
5. What he (to do) at the moment? – He (to fix) his instrument.
6. They (to have) a big dinner together.
7. I (to do) my homework.
8. John and his friends (to go) to the library.
9. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) the history of music.
10. The old man (to walk) around the room.
11. You (to have) break?
12. What language you (to study)?
13. What they (to talk) about?
14. It still (to rain). I (to open) an umbrella.
15. John (to play) computer games.
15 |
2. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке:
1. raining It not is anymore. up It clearing is the is and sun shining.
2. The playing band in jazz the is park. A of lot are music people to listening the.
3. Only sitting in a shop people seven are coffee. And five are only people waiting in a queue (очередь).
3 |
Грамматика: Настоящее длительное время
(Present Continuous)
Тест: «What’s your music personality?»
Практика: A letter of recommendation II
1. I am taking the book off the table.
2. He is reading a music now.
3. They are looking at me.
4. She is playing the piano.
5. I am looking for new information for my research.
6. They are coming in.
2. Подумайте о 5 людях, которых вы знаете. Что они могут делать сейчас? Составьте о них предложения, используя выражения ниже:
o have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner
o study
o talk on the phone
o sit in a traffic
o watch TV
o do the housework
o sleep
What’s Michel doing now?
He’s working.
4. Изучите слова, прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: Can you think of a day without music?
Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод | Пример |
pleasant | ['plezənt] | приятный | Your voice is very pleasant |
to reflect | [rɪ'flekt] | отражать | Music always reflects people’s feeling |
tuneful | ['tjuːnfəl] | гармоничный | The melody is tuneful |
eloquent | ['eləkwənt] | красноречивый, яркий | His speech was very eloquent |
drum | [drʌm] | барабан | Can you play the drums? |
synthesizer | ['sɪnθəsaɪzə] | синтезатор | Is it a good synthesizer? |
breathtaking | ['breθˌteɪkɪŋ] | захватывающий | The concert was breathtaking |
catchy | ['kæʧɪ] | броский, притягательный | The songs by singer are catchy |
to captivate | ['kæptɪveɪt] | очаровывать | The voice of that singer captivates the listeners |
mood | [muːd] | настроение | I’m in no mood for going to the concert |
to conquer | ['kɔŋkə] | завоевывать | Music conquers people’s souls |
to enrich | [ɪn'rɪʧ ] | обогащать |
Music in my life
Can you think of a day without music? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, and they learn to play musical instruments.
But what is music? Specialists explain that music isn't only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art which reflects life. There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago, but it is still alive. Folk songs are very tuneful and pleasant to listen to. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past.
Great Britain has produced more popular music stars than any other country. Over the last 30 years rock and pop music have been very popular in Britain. The Beatles, with their style of singing, eloquent and exciting, is still one of the most popular groups. British groups often set new trends in music. Many of the new bands have been able to use the changes in technology to develop their music. Computerized drum machines, synthesizers and other electronic instruments are now just as popular as the piano and electric guitars.
My favourite style of music is pop music, because it is breathtaking and full of energy. This style of music is catchy and I like catchy tunes. It makes me more energetic.
Tastes differ. So people's musical interests range from pop and rock music, which are extremely popular nowadays, especially among young people, to classical music and opera.
It's a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I also enjoy listening to classical music. Classical music is always a complex of emotions. It gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. Some pieces of classical music are really wonderful. Not long ago I listened to the First Piano Concerto, composed by Tchaikovsky. The power of his music captivated me.
It goes without saying that music plays a very important role in people's lives. It reflects our moods and emotions. Music appeals to our hearts and transforms our feelings. It conquers our souls and enriches our minds. Music is beauty in sounds; it is our magic source of inspiration.
5. Соотнесите слова с их определениями:
· synthesizer · catchy · tuneful · drum · to reflect · mood · breathtaking | · show an image of · melodious · state of mind or feeling · an electronic musical instrument, typically operated by a keyboard · astonishing, great, wonderful · easy to remember · a musical instrument. You beat it with sticks or with your hands. |
6. Следуя тексту, закончите предложения: