1. Music isn't only a combination of _________ sounds.
2. Beatles’ style of singing is __________ and ____________.
3. Classical music _______ our minds.
4. I like these songs because they are ___________.
5. Music by great composers ______________ everybody.
6. Music __________ life and people’s emotions.
7. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Where can you hear music nowadays? Where and how often do you listen to it?
2. What kinds of music do you know? Which of them are popular? Which of them delight you?
3. Do you remember any British musicians which are well-known all over the world? Why are they so famous?
4. Can you play any musical instrument?
5. Do you like classical music? Who is your favourite composer?
6. What’s your favourite music style? What do you value it for?
8. Перескажите текст.
9. Пройди тест “What’s your music personality” и узнай, какая музыка подходит тебе:
1. What do you most appreciate about the music?
a) the melody.
b) how your favourite musicians look.
c) the skill of musicians involved.
d) the lyrics.
2. When you are at a party, do you:
a) spend your time equally dancing and chatting to friends and new people?
b) dance with your clique of friends whenever the music you like comes on?
c) keep trying to get the host to play an obscure track which only you and a few others want to hear?
d) stand around the dance area with your friends, saying how bad the music is and talking about leaving?
3. Do you most often find yourself:
a) humming tunes you can’t remember the name of or who sang them?
b) dancing in your bedroom when you haven’t got a party to go to?
c) rehearsing with the band you started with a few like-minded people at the university?
d) researching information about your preferred music on the internet?
4. When you meet a girl/boy that you find attractive, their musical taste is:
a) not so important. You might be able to exchange CDs and broaden your tastes.
b) quite important, but their looks, fitness and dress sense are much more significant.
c) unimportant, as long as they don’t stop you from doing your own thing.
d) vital. If they don’t like the same kind of music as you, they can’t go out with you.
5. What is the role of music in your life?
a) for giving you pleasure in your everyday life.
b) for dancing.
c) it is a serious business and you don’t care what others think about your taste.
d) it represents your culture and identity, who you are.
Mostly a: You have a pop personality. You are balanced and down-to-earth. You like music, but it isn’t your whole life – other things are just as important. You don’t like people who are too extreme. Your friends love you for your honesty and lack of affectation. Try listening to Britney Spears or Lady Gaga, if you don’t already!
Mostly b: You have a dance personality. You are a tidy, organized person. You are concerned with appearance and try to look your best. You choose friends who do the same. It takes time getting to know the real you, but people appreciate you good judgment. You should listen to some Fatboy Slim or the Chemical Brothers.
Mostly c: You have a rock personality. You like things that are really important. You don’t care about appearance and are very direct in the way you speak to people. You are not afraid of risk and work hard to achieve your goals. Bon Jovi are cool but you’d like something a bit heavier too.
Mostly d: You have a rap personality. You are extremely precise in the way you dress and who you make friends with. You make friends with. You are a perfectionist and have an incredible drive to succeed. You sometimes seem a bit mysterious at first, but you are loyal friend and people can always rely on you. You’d probably like Guf, AK-47 and Eminem even if you think you don’t at the moment.
I wholeheartedly recommend Michel for admission to your fine university. As his high school music teacher for the past three years, I have had the pleasure of watching Michel grow as a student, a young musician and a person.
He possesses a natural talent for music and is also academically accomplished. In the past, I have had students who either excel at improvisation or who take a more methodical approach to musical performance. Michel is rare in that he possesses both abilities. He intuitively loves music, yes, but he is also has an insatiable curiosity about the "why" and "how" behind it.
Michel is one of a handful of students about whom I have absolutely no reservations in terms of academic and personal success. I hold him in the highest regard, and am positive he will succeed in a university setting.
Test yourself
1. Раскройте скобки:
1. Please, don’t make so much noise. I (study) now.
2. Let’s go out now. It (not/ rain) anymore.
3. Please, be quiet. I (try) to concentrate.
4. Look! It (snow).
5. Why (you/ look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong?
6. Excuse me, I (look for) a phone box. Is there one near hear?
7. I (not/ work) this week. I am on holiday.
8. Why (you/ wear) this coat today? It’s very warm.
9. The phone (not/ ring).
10. What (you/ do) tonight?
11. Jake and Mike (work) late today.
12. Silvia (not/ listen to) the music.
13. Maria (sit) next to Paul.
14. How many students (study) in the library with you?
15. When you (leave)?
15 |
1. Why everyone is laughing?
2. What for you are looking?
3. Are waiting you me for?
4. Is working at moment John the in USA the?
5. to Olga the listening is opera.
5 |
Текст: The Ural State Pedagogical University
Грамматика: Present Continuous & Present Simple
Тест: “What kind of student are you?”
Практика:Thank you letter I
1. Прочитайте открытку, поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous:
Dear Jim,
We (to have) a terrible holiday here! It (to rain) all the time... I (to sit) in the hotel and (to watch) television. Tom and Peter (to play) computer games in the next room. They (to shout) – I don’t know what game it is but they like it. Alice (to sit) on the sofa opposite me and (to read) a book. Well… She (to try) to read but the boys (to make) much noise. Susan (to make) a cup of coffee… Oh, the baby (to cry) again.
I want to go home.
All the best,
2. Поставьте глагол в нужном времени Present Continuous или Present Simple:
1. Harry (never, get up) before 8.00
2. Hurry up! Your friends (wait) for you!
3. Where (you/ go)? This is the road to London, but we need the way to Manchester!
4. My friends (not read) this kind of books.
5. Boys, please, be quiet! Alice (read) a book.
6. (watch, Susan) horror films?
7. Look! Somebody (wait) for you outside.
8. What (you, think) of this book?
9. I often (leave) town in summer.
10. Our teacher (explain) the new rule right now.
11. Our teacher (explain) grammar rules very well. We always (understand) her.
12. She (listen) to the music now.
13. She usually (listen) classical music.
3. Определите, правильно ли выбрана временная форма глагола (Present Simple/ Present Continuous), если нет, то исправьте предложение:
1. Look! Somebody is climbing that tree.
2. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?
3. Are you believing in God?
4. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.
5. The moon goes round the earth.
6. I’m thinking it would be a good idea to leave early.
7. The number of people without jobs is increasing.
8. I’m usually going to work by car.
4. Напишите открытку из отпуска, используя как образец упражнение в начале модуля.
5. Изучите новые слова. Перед прочтением текста вспомните и расскажите всё, что Вы знаете об УрГПУ.
Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод | Пример |
higher education | ['haɪə ˌedju'keɪʃ(ə)n] | высшее образование | Many people want to get higher education abroad |
to be established | [ɪs’tæblɪʃt] | быть основанным | When was this college established? |
A full-time student | [ful taɪm ‘stjuːd(ə)nt] | студенты очного отделения | Are you a full-time student? |
Main | [meɪn] | главный | What is the main idea of the text? |
to be situated | [‘sɪtjueɪtɪd] | быть расположенным | Yekaterinburg is situated on the border between Europe and Asia. |
Science | [‘saɪəns] | наука | Science is very important for him |
research | [rɪ’sɜːʧ] | исследование | Out scientist do research in many fields |
teaching staff | [‘tiːʧɪŋ stɑːf] | штат преподавателей | The teaching staff of this school is not very big |
merited | [‘merɪtɪd] | заслуженный | He is a merited sport trainer, isn’t he? |
Part-time students | [pɑːt taɪm] | студенты заочного отделения | The course for part-time students lasts for 6 years |
a bachelor | [‘bæʧ(ə)lə] | бакалавр | I have a bachelor degree. |
A chair | [ʧɛə] | кафедра | How many chairs are there at your faculty? |
A faculty | [‘fæk(ə)ltɪ] | факультет | Does your friend study at the faculty of foreign languages? |
A dean | [diːn] | декан | Who is the dean of your faculty? |
to consist of | [kən’sɪst əv] | состоять из | This book consists of 34 chapters. |
to last | [lɑːst] | длиться, продолжаться | The meeting lasted from one to five |
a hostel | [‘hɔst(ə)l] | общежитие | Do you live in a hostel? |
to be equipped with | [ɪ’kwɪpt wɪð] | быть оборудованным | Is your classroom equipped with the computers? |
a branch | [brɑːnʧ] | зд. Филиал | There are meny branches of this university all over the country |
a purpose | [‘pɜːpəs] | цель | What is the purpose of your research? |
a canteen | [kæn’tiːn] | столовая, буфет | Are you going to the canteen? |
a stall | [stɔːl] | киоск | Let’s meet near the stall |
The Ural State Pedagogical University
The Ural State Pedagogical University is one of the biggest and most prestigious institutions of higher education in Russia. In 2010 our University will celebrate its 80th anniversary. The USPU was established in 1930 and was named the Ural Industrial Pedagogical Institute first. At that time there were only 66 full-time students. Since 1993 it’s been called the Ural State Pedagogical University. Now its main building is situated in Kosmonavtov Street, 26.
Today our educational institution is one of the oldest universities in Ural. It is included in the top 100 universities of Russia. Our rector is Boris Igoshev. The USPU is a large centre of education, science and research. The university’s professorial and teaching staff is a balanced combination of highly experienced teachers and young specialists who chose teaching as their career. The University employs more than 100 professors, 500 Doctors of Science, many of them are honored workers of science, culture, art, and physical training, merited sport trainers and masters of sports of the Russian Federation and the USSR, merited teachers of high school of the Russian Federation, etc.
More than 20 000 students are trained at the departments and branches of the University. The majority are full-time students and the rest are part-time students. There are more than 70 specializations and 46 specialties of higher education (specialist, bachelor, and master) in many subject areas. The university has 17 academic and 72 scientific chairs, and 4 research centers. It is composed of faculties (departments) or institutes of Foreign Languages, Geography and Biology, Mathematics and Physics, the Russian Language and Literature, Psychology and many others. Every faculty is headed by a dean.
The normal length of the university course is five years after which the students receive a Diploma of Higher Education. The academic year consists of two terms and lasts from September till June.
Our university is quite large and we have several buildings situated in different parts of the city. The University has 4 educational buildings, 4 hostels, and a sports center, equipped with modern facilities. The scientific library of the University numbers more than 800 000 books. Besides, the university has many branches all over the region which provide every person with the opportunity to study by correspondence. At present the University has 5 branches and 9 representations that are fully functional.