Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of school-leavers. We usually say that all roads are open before our school-leavers: vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. But actually it is very difficult to make up one’s mind and choose one of the hundreds of jobs.
Many people and organizations help in choosing a job. Teachers and parents also advise pupils, but still very few of them know what they want to do. Generally pupils are not realistic in thinking about jobs. They have dreams of playing football for some big clubs, or becoming pop stars, heart transplant surgeons or international experts of some kind.
While choosing a job many factors should be taken into consideration: salaries, job-satisfaction, opportunities to travel and to see much, etc. For me, the most important criterion is job-satisfaction, and that’s why I have chosen the profession of a teacher. Teaching is a very specific and responsible occupation. I believe teaching is a very valuable and challenging profession that requires love of the subject and lots of enthusiasm. However, there are also disadvantages. It is regarded in many societies as low-status and underpaid work.
The success of educating and upbringing of children depends on the personality of the teacher, his professional skills, moral principles, erudition and cultural background. The noble profession demands from a teacher constant creativity, understanding of children and love for them.
The teacher must be a model of competence, so he (she) is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. It is also a stressful job because you have to encourage your pupils and keep them interested in the subject you teach.
A good teacher treats his pupils with respect and values them individuals. He understands that each child is unique and has special talents. He helps children to develop their critical and creative thinking, to form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. He teaches them to work independently and cooperatively, to be helpful and useful.
A good teacher will do his best to bring up honest and considerate, patient and tactful, self-confident people, able to meet many challenges of adult life in a rapidly changing world.
o to encourage, job-satisfaction;
o attitude, considerate;
o school-leaver, to advise;
o salary, responsible;
o skills, to depend on.
1. A good teacher… 2. School-leavers can go to… 3. When you choose a job… 4. Teaching is… 5. This challenging profession… 6. The main disadvantage of this occupation is… 7. The success of educating and upbringing of children… | a) …vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. b) …it is a low-paid work. c) …a responsible occupation. d) …depends on the personality of the teacher. e) …you should think of many factors. f) …requires a lot of patience and enthusiasm. g) …treats his pupils with respect. |
1. Which is most important to you?
a) Earning money.
b) Recognition and praise for good work.
c) Helping other people.
d) Sleep.
2. At University:
a) You work hard and get good results.
b) You always want to win at everything.
c) You’d probably do quite well if only you could find the energy to get to school.
d) You dedicate yourself to team games, clubs and societies just as much as you do to your work.
3. What are your favourite lessons?
a) The lessons you learn in life that you learn through studying and being with other pupils.
b) The kind that really get you thinking, or allow you to be creative.
c) The ones that finish early.
d) The subjects that you come top in.
4. Who is your biggest hero?
a) Yourself.
b) Florence Nightingale (the lady who started the nursing profession).
c) William Shakespeare.
d) The person who invented holidays.
5. Imagine you have a job, and one day you are tired and late for an important meeting. You want to do some preparation work on the bus, but when it arrives, it’s very busy.
a) You make sure you get a seat and start furiously finishing off your work.
b) You let an old lady sit down instead and hope you can struggle through the meeting anyway.
c) You reach for the phone and start practicing your ‘seriously ill’ voice.
d) Don’t be ridiculous. You’re never late, you always have the work ready early and you certainly wouldn’t be seen dead on a bus.
1.a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 2.a)2 b)1 c)4 d)3 3.a) 3 b)2 c)4 d)1 4.a)1 b)3 c)2 d)4 5. a)2 b)3 c)4 d)1
4-8 points: You are dedicated to hard work and full of ruthless ambition. With a bit of lack, in a very short time you’ll be able to buy what you want. You may not have many friends, however. A job in accountancy, law, insurance or finance is recommended.
9-12 points: You are hard working and ambitious, but want to get as much satisfaction from your job as money. A job in academia, the media or research is recommended.
13-15 points: You often put others before yourself. You’ve got plenty of ability and you’re prepared to work long hours for little money. A job as a charity worker, doctor, teacher or eco-warrior is recommended.
16-20 points: You are extremely lazy. A glorious career of doing nothing lies in front of you. You may have trouble paying the bills, but hopefully you’ll put all that extra time to good use and join the ranks of those like John Lennon and Samuel Johnson (the compiler of the dictionary) who have achieved great things in spite of being unable to get out of bed. A lie-in is recommended.
Dear Fiona,
Thank you so much for playing at our wedding on April 7th. We had such a wonderful time, due in no small part to you and your super band! The dance floor never seemed to be empty and there was never a shortage of volunteers. It was exactly what we were looking for - a really good band who ensured everyone had a great time. Please pass on our thanks to all of your "team", especially the Caller who was excellent! By the end of it, we were quite sorry to leave! We have received lots of thanks from our guests who really enjoyed joining in the dancing! We shall certainly recommend you to others.
Thanks again
Love from E & M.
Test yourself
1. Определите, какое время использовано и запишите PS (Present Simple) или PC (Present Continuous):
1. Your husband is leaving work now. ______
2. What is he doing? _____
3. He’s taking a taxi. _____
4. She usually goes by bus to the University. ______
5. We’re not going to the university. _____
6. My boy-friend never buys flowers! _____
6 |
2. Закончите диалог, раскрывая скобки:
Pete: So, what ____ you _____ (do)?
Tracy: I’m a private detective.
Pete: That’s interesting. _____ you _______ (work) now?
Tracy: Yes, I am. At the moment I ________ (follow) a man.
Pete: How exciting! Is he in this bar?
Tracy: Yes, he is. Right now he __________ (talk) to another woman.
Pete: Would you like a glass of wine?
Tracy: No, thank you. I never __________ (drink) at work.
Pete: So… Who asked you to follow this man?
Tracy: His wife. She ________ (wait) for me to call her now.
Pete: Is she? When you finish, why don’t you come with me?
Tracy: I don’t think so, Mr. Hurt. You see, at the moment I _________ (work) for your wife.
7 |
Грамматика: Present Continuous & Present Simple
Тест: American or British?
Практика: Повторение
1. Прочитайте предложения ниже. Исправьте ошибки:
1. Water boil at 100 degrees Celsius.
2. The water boils. Can you turn it off?
3. Look! The dog tries to eat your cake.
4. Can you hear our teacher? What is she speak about?
5. The moon go round the Earth.
6. I must go. It gets dark.
7. - Hurry up! It’s time to leave.
- Ok. I come.
2. Раскройте скобки в предложениях ниже:
1. Be quick! Everybody ____________ (wait) for you.
2. ____________ (you/ listen) to the radio every day? No, just occasionally.
3. ____________ (you/listen) to the radio? No, you can turn it off.
4. How is you Spanish? Not bad. It ____________ (improve) slowly.
5. The train is never late. It _________________ (always/ leave) on time.
6. Don’t put the dictionary away. I _________ (use) it.
7. Who is that man? What ______________ (he/ want)?
8. Who is that man? Why _______________ (he/ look) at us so strangely?
9. She told me her name but I _______________ (not/ remember) it now.
10. I ____________ (think) of selling my car. Do you want to buy?
1. Hear? Somebody __________________ the piano.
2. They _______________ on holiday every winter.
3. My dog _____________ vegetables.
4. Where is Kate? She ______________ TV in the next room.
5. _____________ you at the weekends?
6. Do you know anyone who ____________ Chinese?
7. I ____________ at that woman, she _____________ a nice dress.
4. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: Why does the author want to know English well?
Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод | Пример |
a foreign language | ['fɔrɪn 'læŋgwɪʤ] | иностранный язык | There is a faculty of foreign languages in our university |
an effort | ['efət] | усилие, старание | If you don’t make an effort, you will not make any progress. |
conversational phrase | [ˌkɔnvə'seɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l freɪz] | разговорная фраза | It’s very important to know a lot of conversational phrases |
to improve | [ɪm'pruːv] | улучшать | I will do my best to improve my English |
knowledge | ['nɔlɪʤ] | знание | Knowledge of foreign languages will help you in your work |
carefully | ['kɛəf(ə)lɪ] | тщательно | You should do your homework carefully |
to revise | [rɪ'vaɪz] | повторять | Do you often revise the words? |
content | ['kɔntent] | содержание | Are you discussing the content of this book? |
abridged | [ə'brɪʤd] | сокращенный | I don’t like reading abridged books |
exception | [ɪk'sepʃ(ə)n] | исключение | Every rule has some exceptions |
outlook | ['autluk] | мировоззрение | Good books always influence our outlook |
English in my life
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts.
We began studying English in the fifth form of the secondary school. We started with the ABC, transcription and sounds. Then we learnt some English words, conversational phrases and dialogues by heart, read and translated easy texts, did exercises, wrote dictations.
From lessons to lessons we improved our knowledge, learnt more and more new words, grammatical structures and put them into practice of speaking. We enjoyed our English classes and prepared carefully for them. At home we tried to listen to different educational programs over the radio, watched English films on TV. You can’t speak English well if you don’t know grammar rules, so we often revised them.
Soon we were able not only to read and translate texts but to discuss their contents in English, to communicate with one another making useful statements in real-life situations. I’m not a good speaker of English yet. It takes me long to read an English book in original. Adapted and abridged books are easier for me to read. But I hope that soon I shall know English well.