· If I have some free time, I go to the cinema. I don’t like television;
· I am finally a student of the Ural State Pedagogical University.
Introduction |
Appearance |
Character |
Short biography/school |
Plans for future |
Interests |
1. How do you react (реагируешь) when your friend has a big problem?
a) You don’t know how to help him.
b) You ask someone for advice.
c) You find a solution (решение) immediately (немедленно).
2. What do you do, when a person, you know, seems to be angry with you?
a) You don’t dare (отважиться) ask him for an explanation (объяснение).
b) You ask him or her, what’s wrong.
c) You think it’s just your imagination (воображение).
3. What birthday present would you give to your friend?
a) Something that would remind (напоминать) him/her about you.
b) Something useful.
c) Something very original.
4. What is your reaction to a person, you are meeting for the first time?
a) You are very diffident (застенчивый, неуверенный в себе, робкий).
b) You are very excited (взволнованный, вследствие положительных эмоций) and look forward to meeting him or her.
c) You feel you’ve found a new friend.
5. What do you wear at your friend’s birthday?
a) Elegant clothes.
b) Clothes in which you feel comfortable.
c) T-shirt and a pair of jeans.
6. What do you do, if there’s an interesting film on TV, but your television set is broken?
a) You are a little unhappy, but it doesn’t really matter to you.
b) You phone the TV repairman (телемастер) immediately.
c) You go to your friend’s home to watch the film.
7. What do you do when you have an important class left?
a) You stay at home to study for hours.
b) You study for some time and do other things you normally do.
c) You don’t worry about it much.
8. What kind of job would you like?
a) A job that is to your satisfaction.
b) A job that is secure (безопасный) and without tension (напряжение).
c) A prestigious job.
9. What would you like for your birthday?
a) A book.
b) Any present because it should be a surprise.
c) A musical record.
10. What would be the most enjoyable thing for you?
a) An evening out with your friends.
b) An exciting film.
c) Something surprising.
Mostly a: You are Mel Gibson or Julia Roberts in a romantic film. You like building castles in the air. You are sympathetic to other people. You like staying with them and you understand their problems. Sometimes you don’t feel confident of (уверенный в) relationship with others. Don’t be afraid of reality and you can realize your dreams.
Mostly b: You are Colombo or Miss Marple in a detective film. You are a very confident (уверенный в себе) type. You know how to deal with people and difficult situations and know what you want. But be careful, don’t be too presumptuous (самонадеянный).
Mostly c: You are Sylvester Stallone or Sigourney Weaver in an action film. Relax! You’re too much sure of yourself. Many times you don’t realize other people’s needs. You do too many things at the same time. You are full (полны) of energy, but you should think before doing something. Try to understand yourself better and have a sympathetic attitude (отношение) to others.
В правом верхнем углу укажите свой адрес (имя не указывается). В официальных письмах в левом верхнем углу нужно указать адрес той организации, куда вы обращаетесь. В дружеских письмах это не делается.
Затем пишется дата, сначала число, месяц, год без знаков препинания.
В зависимости от уровня официальности выбираются формулы приветствия и завершения письма. В дружеском письме вначале употребляется обращение по имени:
Dear Mary/John,
А в конце письма:
Best wishes,
All the best,
Take care,
Looking forward to seeing you,
Hope to hear from you soon,
Lots of love,
Yours faithfully,
I look forward to meeting you soon,
I look forward to your reply,
Write back, и др.
Не забудь про запятую, после чего ниже указывается имя автора.
В официальном письме следует обращаться:
Dear Mr. Smith,
Dear Mrs. Green,
Dear Dr. Brown,
Если вы не знаете имени человека, которому вы пишете, или просто обращаетесь в какое-то учреждение, то употребляются выражения:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Sirs,
Официальное письмо завершается фразами:
Sincerely Yours,
Yours Truly,
Не забудь указать свое имя без знака препинания.
25 Harrington Road South Kensington London SW7 3EU 14 October 2011 Dear Mum, How are you? It’s nice of you to write me about our new country house. I hope you liked it. I wish I were there with you. I think I’ll be able to return back in a month. Every day I read up for my lessons and have a lot of work to do. It’s so great to live in a hostel. I have many friends here. Last Sunday we went to the cinema, this weekend I am going to spend in a library because of the seminars. Kiss dad and Mike for me. Looking forward to seeing you, Kate |
a) What is the date of writing?
b) What is the ZIP code?
c) What city does this letter come from?
d) What is the street name?
e) Who is the addressee?
f) What is the district of the city?
- Проверьте, знаете ли вы слова данные в рамке:
anymore innocent stronger explanation heaven through |
- Какие это части речи? Как вы догадались?
- Переведите выражения: to be in love, to be out of love. Измените эти выражения по лицам.
- Послушайте песню и посчитайте, сколько раз вы слышите перечисленные ниже строки:
But I am not so ready for this world
Now I see things
I didn't see before
I need an explanation tell me more
Why I am in love now
I don't know
How can I live forever?
Where can I find a heaven
What is going to happen
Why I'm in love now
- Прочитайте строчки ниже. Послушайте песню еще раз. Отметьте, в каком порядке вы слышите данные слова:
How can I live forever? |
I am not as innocent as before |
But I am not so ready for this world |
Why I am in love now? |
Day by day |
I live it through my diary and I read |
I need an explanation tell me more |
Now are free |
Why I'm in love now |
What is going to happen? |
I didn't see before |
Where can I find a heaven? |
I am not a baby anymore |
I see it in the mirror in my room |
And I can feel it stronger in my soul |
Now I see things |
That all my little problems |
I want to live my feelings |
I let you give emotions |
In my way |
Test yourself
married, job, name, address, number, you, from
1. What’s your ________?
2. Where are you________?
3. How old are__________?
4. What’s your telephone _________?
5. Are you_________?
6. What’s your e-mail_______?
7 |
7. What’s your_________?
- Hello! ___________?
- Hi! I’m Ann.
- Nice to meet you, Ann. My name is Jane. __________?
- I’m twenty. I’m a student of Ural State Pedagogical University. And you?
- Me too. I study the History of Music. Do you live in a hostel?
- No, I live with my parents. __________________?
- I’m from Novouralsk. It’s not a big city.
- Yeah, I know. My friend works there. Sorry, I must go… I start work at 4. I’ll phone you. __________?
- Oh, where do you work? _________?
- I’m a waiter in a restaurant.
- Great! Here, I wrote my phone number for you. And ____________?
- It’s ann@uspu.ru
- Ok. Bye!
6 |
1. We need book.
2. You are a doctor?
3. Where is students?
4. I didn’t get a answer from her.
5. Mrs. Brown’s father are a teacher.
6. I have got sister, she 24.
7. I would like to buy a car.
7 |
1. Those men are singers.
2. Kate is a teacher.
3. The students are in that room.
4. My friend is a pianist.
5. These books are good.
5 |
1.Конструкция have got 2.Определенный и неопределенный артикли
Тест: Are you on good terms with your family?
Практика: визитка
Песня: Hurt
1. Every morning I buy ___ newspaper and ___magazine. ___newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where ___magazine is.
2. My parents have ___cat and ___dog. ___dog never bites (кусать) ___ cat but ___cat often scratches (царапать) ___ dog.
3. My ___sister often helps me to do my___ English translations.
4. When you turn into Rose Road, you will see three houses: ___red one, ___blue one and ___white one. I live in ___white one.
5. We live in ___old house in ___middle of the village. There is ___beautiful garden behind ___house. ___roof of ___house is in very bad condition.
Example: It is dark in the room, turn on ___the light___.
1. There are no chairs so we all sit on_________________.
2. If you see the fire, you call __________________.
3. We don’t have any stamps, go to ___________________.
4. I have a toothache, so I need to make an appointment (назначить встречу) with _______________.
5. Ann need a bus, take her to ___________________.
6. I don’t have any money, so I go to _________________.
Mary is 19. She ________ dark hair and green eyes. She _________ three brothers, John, William and Philip, but she _________ any sisters. Her brothers ______ brown hair and brown eyes. One of her brothers, John, is married and __________ two children, so she’s an aunt. Mary lives with her boyfriend in an apartment. It _____ two rooms but it ___________ a garden. She _________ a nice study in the apartment. In it she __________ her computer and a TV. She _______ a car but her parents _____________ one because they can’t drive.
1. Mary has got a family.
2. Jane has got a lot of children.