Pet? | Yes (Rex) | No | Yes (two cats) |
Car? | Yes (an Audi) | Yes (two) | No |
Computer? | No | Yes | Yes |
1. Anna __________________ a dog – his name’s Rex.
2. She ____________________ a car – it’s an Audi.
3. She ____________________ a computer.
4. Sergey and Olga ________________ a pet.
5. They _____________________ two cars.
6. They _____________________ a computer.
7. Anton ____________________ two cats.
8. He ___________________ a car.
9. He ___________________ a computer.
9 |
1. ________ Anna _______ a dog? Yes, _____________.
2. ________ she _________ a car? _________________.
3. ________she _________a car? __________________.
4. ________Sergey and Olga ___________ a pet? ______ .
5. ________they _____________ a car? ______________ .
6. ________ they ____________a computer? __________.
7. ________ Anton ___________ a pet? ______________ .
8. ________he _______________ a car? ______________.
9. ________he _______________a computer? __________.
9 |
Текст: Our flat
Грамматика: 1.Конструкция there is/are
2.Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые
3. Местоимения many/much/few/little
Тест: What does your bedroom say about you?
Практика: Резюме I
a big dog, some little plates, some fresh milk, some cheese, a new pen, some children, a little mouse, a blue vase, two pictures, some English books, a white cat, ten red apples, some pretty girls, a red rose.
1. There is _______________ in the yard.
2. There are ______________ on the table.
3. There is ____________ on the shelf.
4. There is __________ in the bottle.
5. There are _________ in the park.
6. There is __________ on the floor.
7. There is ___________ on the bed.
8. There are _______________ on the wall.
9. There is ___________ on the plate.
10. There are ________________ on the dish.
11. There is ______________ in my pocket.
12. There are _________________ on the dancing-floor.
13. There are _________________ on the shelf.
14. There is _________ in the garden.
1. There __________ many people in the street.
2. There __________ much water in the ditch.
3. There __________ little ink in the pen.
4. There __________ few boys in the yard.
5. There ___________ many girls in the room.
6. There ________ little milk in the bottle.
7. There ________ only few desks in the classroom.
8. There ________ so much fresh air here!
9. There _______ little grass in the garden.
10. There __________ some much paper on the desk!
11. There ___________ little sand on the beach.
1. There is ______ snow on the roof.
2. He has _______ English books.
3. There are ______ flowers in the vase. Take some for your wife.
4. Give me _____ butter, please.
5. Pass me the jug, please. There is ______ milk in my coffee.
6. There are _____ apples on the plate. Take some for your children.
7. Now there is _________ water in the river.
8. Look! There are so _______ people in the street!
9. Open the window! There is so __________ air in the room.
10. I have very _____ books. You can take ______ of them.
11. Give me ______ cheese, please.
12. I can’t drink this tea. There is too _______ sugar in it.
Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод | Пример |
block of flats | [blɔk ɔ flæts] | многоквартирный дом | There is a 20-storey block of flats next to our university. |
storey | ['stɔːrɪ] | этаж, ярус | This house has only four storeys. |
convenience | [kən'viːnɪəns] | удобство | I’d like to buy an apartment with the modern conveniences |
to be centrally heated | ['sentr(ə)l hi:tid] | иметь центральное отопление | Houses in villages are usually not centrally heated. |
facility | [fə'sɪlətɪ] | оборудование, приспособления, удобства | I’m glad that there are good kitchen facilities in your flat. |
to share | [ʃɛə] | делить, разделять | We share a flat with my group mate. |
corner | ['kɔːnə] | угол | There are two chairs in the corner of the living-room. |
football pitch | ['futbɔːl pɪʧ] | футбольное поле | There is a large football pitch next to our block of flats. |
advantage | [əd'vɑːntɪʤ] | преимущество, достоинство | The advantage of this flat is that it’s on the 12th floor. |
floor | [flɔː] | этаж; пол | We live on the 1st floor. |
to water | ['wɔːtə] | поливать | If you don’t water the plants, they will die. |
to take care of | [teik kɛə ɔv] | заботиться | You should take care of your younger brother. |
cosy | ['kəuzɪ] | уютный | My room is very light and cosy. |
It takes smb 20 minutes to do smth – требуется 20 минут, чтобы сделать что-то (It takes me one hour to do my English homework)
To be next to – находиться рядом (My house is next to the supermarket)
Our flat
I live in Yekaterinburg in a block of flats. It’s a typical Yekaterinburg 16-storey building. We don’t live in the centre of Yekaterinburg, but we live not far from the underground. It takes us 20 minutes to get to the centre of the city and 5 minutes to get to the Ural State Pedagogical University. There are three rooms in our flat and we have all modern conveniences. The building is centrally heated; there is cold and hot water in our flat. We have good kitchen and bathroom facilities. There is a big living room and two bedrooms in our flat. My brother and I share one big bedroom. There are two beds, a couple of very comfortable chairs and a lot of space for us to keep our things. In the hall there is a little corner where our computers live. And in the living room there is a video and a fantastic television. Our windows look down on a football pitch, which is occasionally (иногда, изредка) used by schoolchildren. A lot of trees are visible from our windows and we can see the top of the church too.
One of the greatest advantages of our flat is that our block of flats isn’t next to any big roads. So we get virtually no noise from outside. We live on the 12th floor. And I like living high up, because a lot of light comes in. I like to have more sunlight coming in.
My mother always keeps fresh flowers in our flat. They make our flat feel alive. My mother waters them regularly, and I think they are happy, as they are well taken care of.
There is always a very nice family atmosphere in our flat. Our parents are very friendly. And besides, every little detail, every picture on the walls, every vase of flowers gives the place a homely atmosphere. So I can say that our flat is very cosy.
1. There are many 9-__________ buildings in our city.
2. I like to live _____ ____ a supermarket.
3. If you live in a modern __________________, your flat definitely has all the _______________.
4. In summer buildings are not ___________ _________.
5. I often forget to _______ the flowers in my room.
6. Don’t sit at the _________, come here.
7. What are the _____________ of living in a big city?
8. Do you ____________________ your parents?
I live in Yekaterinburg in a small house. The house is in the centre of the city but it takes us forty minutes to get to the university. The house is centrally heated and we have all modern conveniences.
There are three rooms in our flat; I share a room with my sister. In the room you can see a bed, a sofa and a table. There are also two computers next to the window. In the living room there is a computer, too, and a fantastic television.
We live on the twentieth floor and the atmosphere in our flat is really bad. There are many flowers there. My mother waters the flowers regularly but I don't think they are happy.
Anyway, the flat looks very cosy.
It is a very beautiful living-room. There is a big sofa and 2 arm-chairs. In the middle of the room there is a small table with some magazines on it. If we look to the right, we can see a large window, so the room is very light. There is also a carpet on the floor which makes the room cosy. On the wall there is a picture and there is a vase next to it. The walls and the ceiling are white and it makes the room look bigger.
Picture A
Picture B
Picture C
1. When you go into your bedroom, the first thing you do is…
a) check that everything is in its proper place.
b) listen to some music.
c) lie down on your bed.
2. On your walls you have…
a) a few pictures.
b) some souvenirs of places you’ve been.
c) Posters, drawings, photos etc. depending on your mood (настроение).
3. You hate your mum tidying your cupboard because…
a) you like to keep things secret.
b) you’re ashamed (стыдиться) of the mess.
с) you prefer to tidy it yourself.
4. Your preferred bedroom decoration is…
a) futuristic.
b) retro.
c) modern.
5. On your shelves you’ve got…
a) a terrible mess.
b) one or two collections of things.
c) lots of things that mean something to you.
6. You do your homework…
a) sitting at your desk.
b) on your bed.
c) on the floor.
7. Your bedroom is messy (неряшливый, грязный). A friend arrives unexpectedly (неожиданно).
a) you don’t let him (her) into the room.
b) you let your friend in, explaining that your room isn’t as tidy as usual.
c) you laugh and say, “I’m not really the tidiest person in the world!”
1. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 2. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 3. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1
4. a) 3 b) 1 c) 2
5. a) 3 b) 1 c) 2 6. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 7. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
7-11 points: Your room is always tidy because you are an organized person. You like to do a job well and always work as hard as you can. If you scored 7 or 8, you are a bit anxious (тревожный, беспокойный). Try to relax more.
12-16 points: You are easy-going (с легким характером, добродушный) and nice. You hate arguments and gossip (сплетни). You have a heart of gold that bleeds (кровоточит) easily when it is hurt. You need people to love and understand you because you are very loving and sensitive.
17-21 points: You are lively, sporty and dynamic. You hate sitting around and doing nothing. You are not often in your room because you are always going somewhere else. If you scored 20 or 21, you are a bit disorganized.
11. Прочитай информацию ниже и узнай, что такое резюме и как его составить: