
Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 1 курса Екатеринбург (стр. 7 из 16)

I think that my leisure time should bring happiness to my life. I’d like to say that tastes differ. Pastimes and hobbies are numerous: reading, TV, music, sport, museums, theatres, cinemas, Internet and etc. Just choose!


Составьте из данных анаграмм слова, а затем используйте их в предложениях: usrelei, nangipit, dober, ucocyp, etoved, tonnemoi, puteseqiruc

When I speak about ________, I can't but ________ two of my friends. They have a very interesting hobby to _______ themselves in their free time. They _________ all their life to _________. They like to draw _________ places. And they are never bored by their hobby.


Соотнесите две части, чтобы получились предложения:
o The problem of leisure time o After a hard working day I need o You can choose your way of spending free time o During holidays I o Mountaineering, painting and gardening are o Music is o I think that your leisure time should o Pastimes and hobbies are o Books can’t be o You can’t o When you travel - types of hobby - you can see a lot of picturesque views - a part of my everyday life - is very important for everybody today - substituted by anything else in life - some physical exercises - numerous - either active or passive - bring happiness to your life - deny the beauty of classical music - travel


Составьте развернутый план текста. Перескажите текст, пользуясь планом.


Пройдите тестAre you a TV addict?” и прокомментируйте результат:

1. The phone rings while (пока) you are watching your favourite TV program. You:

a) Ask the person to call you back later.

b) Answer the phone and feel angry.

c) Forget about the TV program at once (сразу).

2. In the last episode of your favorite TV series, one of the actors was sent to prison but everyone knows that the character is innocent (невиновен). Do you:

a) Start a national campaign to free the actor.

b) Phone your friends to talk about it.

c) Forget about it.

3. You have a lot of home work to do. Do you:

a) Do it in front of the TV.

b) Start doing your homework, then watch your favourite program and go back to your tasks.

c) Do your homework and after that watch TV.

4. You see your favourite actor advertising (рекламирует) chocolate on TV. You:

a) Go and buy this chocolate.

b) Buy this chocolate the next time you are shopping.

c) Wonder (интересуешься) how much money he has got for the advertisement.


Mostly a: TV controls your life.

Mainly b: you enjoy TV but you still have a life.

Mainly c: you really don’t care about TV. Have you got it?


Прочитайте резюме и выделите в нем основные части:

Ann Ivanova

15 Belinskiy St., apt. 66





PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth: February, 12, 1987 –Yekaterinburg,Russia

Marital Status: Married, one son


2005-2010 The Ural State Pedagogical University

Graduated as “Teacher of Music”

2001-2005 Musical pedagogical college

Graduated as “Teacher of Music”

1994-2001 Musical school № 16


2008-2010 musical school № 11

Teacher: conducting lessons

2010 to present kindergarten “Cinderella”

Teacher: working out and conducting lessons


· Attended English courses at the International linguistic centre – Advanced Level


· computer skills: Experienced with MS Word, Excel, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express

· Driving: Driving Licence Category A

· music

· literature

· psychology

· foreign languages


Составьте свое резюме, используя получившийся план.

Test yourself


Закончите текст глаголами в Present Simple:

My favourite band at the moment is Tokyo Hotel. I really _______ them. I _____ to all their concerts. My sister, Susannah, _________ in a ticket agency, which is cool because she ______ tickets for me. She __________________ rock music very much, so she _____________ to pop concerts. When my parents ______ me pocket money, I ____________ a CD single or an album. Susannah and I are fans of Manchester United. We __________ to their matches and we also _________ them on TV.



Пользуясь текстом, напиши вопросы к данным ответам:

1.______________________________Tokyo Hotel.

2. ___________________ Yes, he does. He goes to all of them.

3. ____________________________ In a ticket agency.

4._____________________________ No, she doesn’t, because she doesn’t like pop music.

5. ___________________________ A CD single or an album.

6. ___________________________Yes, they do – on TV.



Подпишите числа:



Текст: My friend

Грамматика: Простое настоящее время

Present Simple

Тест: Are you a good friend?

Практика: Covering letter I

Песня: Lucky


Прочитайте и исправьте предложения (данная информация ложная):

Пример: The sun goes round the earth. The sun doesn’t go round the earth. The earth goes round the sun.

1. The sun rises in the west.

2. Mice catch cats.

3. Carpenters (плотники) make things from metal.

4. My English teacher speaks seven foreign languages.

5. Violinist plays the piano.

6. My group mates study medicine.


Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple:

1. She (to learn) English.

2. I (to like) music.

3. My brother (to go) to school.

4. Michael (to do) his lessons every day.

5. She (to live) in the hostel.

6. After supper my sister (to go) for a walk with the dog.

7. We (to visit) our grandparents very often.

8. The girl (to sing) very well.

9. My father (to work) at musical school.

10. I usually (to have) dinner at 5 o’clock.

11. He (to want) to become a teacher.

12. Our mother (to come) home very late.

13. His brother (to go) in for sports.

14. She (to like) reading very much.

15. They often (to take) a bus to get to the University.


Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму в Present Simple:

Ken Woodson ___________________ (not go) to work: he only ______________ (leave) his home town to go on holiday in the Caribbean. But Ken is a millionaire. He _____________ (write) books about money, and how to make a lot of it. His new book is called “Easy Money: How to make money without getting out of bed”. Ken _________ (live) in a large house near London. He ____________ (get up) at about eight o’clock in the morning, and ______________ (have breakfast) with his family. After breakfast, he ____________ (drive) his children to school, and _____________ (read) the newspaper in the garden until lunchtime. After lunch he _____________ (buy) and ____________ (sell) on the Internet. He ______________ (finish) work at four o’clock when his children come home. “I’ve got a simple system for making money,” Ken __________ (say). “It _______________ (not work) for everybody … but it ______________ (work) for me!”


Напишите вопросы о Кене:

1. (Where/ live)


2. (When/ get up)


3. (What/ do/ after breakfast)


4. (Where/ read the newspaper)


5. (Where/ go on holiday)


6. (What/ do after lunch)



Задайте правильно вопрос, используя вопросительное слово в скобках:

1. Irina feels tired. (Why?)

2. They want to buy some presents for their friends. (Where?)

3. Michel wants to catch the 6 o’clock train. ( Why?)

4. Julia prefers to have lunch in the canteen. (Why?)

5. Every evening Peter walks with his dog. (Where?)

6. As a rule I get up early every morning. (Why?)

7. Snow melts (таять) in spring. (Why?)

8. He studies English in London (Where?)

9. I hate loud and noisy music. (Why?)

10. Ann usually helps her little brother with mathematics. (How?)

11. The Browns always go to the seaside in summer. (Where?)

12. Jane plays the piano every evening. (When?)


Перед прочтением текста ответьте на вопрос: Who can you call a friend?






loyalty ['lɔɪəltɪ] верность I always value loyalty in people
playfellow ['pleɪˌfeləu] партнёр в развлечениях What’s the difference between a playfellow and a helpmate?
helpmate ['helpmeɪt] помощник
to stress [stres] подчеркивать She stressed the most important things
dear [dɪə] дорогой My parents are very dear to me
to make friends подружиться I hope they will make friends
hazel [heɪzəl] светло-карий My brother has got hazel eyes
sincere [sɪn'sɪə] искренний Are you a sincere person?
open-hearted [ˌəupən'hɑːtɪd] открытый You don’t often meet open-hearted people now
amusing [ə'mjuːzɪŋ] забавный, занимательный The cat is very amusing
to let down предавать He easily lets people down
to cool down остынуть, охладеть She needs some time to cool down
to keep away from держаться подальше You should keep away from her – she is really angry.
drawback ['drɔːbæk] недостаток The work has a lot of drawbacks
exception [ɪk'sepʃən] исключение What exceptions from this rule do you know?
to permit ['pɜːmɪt] разрешать Your mother will not permit to take the dog home
to interfere [ˌɪntə'fɪə] мешать, вмешиваться Don’t interfere with me!

My friend

To begin with, a man can have different friends. The English say that man’s best friend is his dog. Sometimes we say that books are our best friends. I think I am not a person who makes friends too quickly or too easily. I agree that the old friend is better than the two new ones. I am loyal to the friends I make and I expect the same loyalty in turn. I’d like to stress that a real friend is not only a playfellow or a helpmate. As the proverb puts it, a friend in need is a friend indeed. To my mind, a friend is a person dear to you, whom you trust and respect. I am lucky to have got such a friend as Helen. I made friends with her in the kindergarten and our friendship has been lasting since.
At first I would like to tell you a few words about Helen’s appearance. She is a very good-looking girl, with beautiful blond hair and bright wide-opened hazel eyes. You need just to have a look at her to understand that she is a kind, sincere and open-hearted girl. She is lively, amusing and always interesting. She is always the centre of attention, but she is well-balanced and doesn’t let it go to her head. If she promises something, she always keeps her word. I am sure she will never let me down.
We have many common interests. We both like reading books, going to the theatre, playing tennis. We both dream to become musicians. Moreover, our tastes do not differ, in fact, they are the same. Lena often helps me with my English as she did better than me at school.
Sometimes she is too quick to get angry and too slow to cool down. When she loses her temper, it is better to keep away from her. In fact, any person has certain drawbacks, and neither she nor I are the exceptions from this general rule. But we do our best not to permit them to interfere with our friendship which I hope will last forever.


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