
Учебно-методическое пособие по практической грамматике английского языка для самостоятельной работы студентов Москва 2010 (стр. 4 из 7)

Task 3.17. Make a list of collective Nouns, organize them into semantic classes and create a data base of examples.

The Irish the police

The British the clergy

… … … … … … … …

3.18. Read and translate into Russian, mark up the nouns in the generic meaning.

21. the +K(n) gener, common, sing, abstract, term Ex. The verb 22. the +K(n)sing, gener, common, abstract, animal species Ex. The cuckoo 23. the +K(n) gener, common, sing, abstract, type of technical device Ex. The computer

1. The verbals or non final forms are three in number: the infinitive, the gerund, the participle. 2. The following is the classification of the parts of speech in English: the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the numeral, the verb, the adverb etc. 3. (tale) «When I am going to rise in the morning and begin the day (says the sun) the lark flies up into the sky to meet me, and sings sweetly, and the cock crows loudly to tell everybody that I am coming». 4. The cow is a sacred animal in English. 5. The arrival of the cuckoo is taken as a sign of spring in England. 6. He likes to walk in the rain. 7. No man likes to be disturbed in the night. 8. The computer has come into common use nowadays. 9. They taught him to play the guitar and then the violin. 10. She has never been to the circus. 11. We don’t buy bread at the butcher’s, do we? 12. The rich don’t understand the poor. 13. To forecast weather they use the barometer. 14. Where do the French live?

3.19. Answer the questions in English and use nouns in the generic sense.

24. the +K(n) common, gener, singular, musical instrument Ex. Play the guitar 25. the +K(n)gener, common, sing, genre Ex. The detective story

1. - What birds can you name which live in the forest?

- Жаворонок (skylark), например.

- Нет, жаворонок не живет в лесу, он живет в поле.

2. - What types of postal and telegraph messages do you know?

- Письмо, телеграмма, открытка.

3. - Why don’t you want to take your little brother with you?

- Он не умеет вести себя на улице.

4. - What musical instrument does she play?

- Она играет на гитаре.

5. - Where does your grandmother live?

- Она живет в деревне (country).

6. - Do you know Conan Doyle?

- Да, он большой мастер детективного рассказа.

7. - What kind of city transport do you prefer?

- Троллейбус.

8. - What is on at the theatre today?

- Спектакль «Во власти (power) доллара».

3.20. Read the following sentences and mark the nouns used in the generic sense, representing plural objects.

1. It was believed that the October revolution put an end to the political power of the landlords and capitalists and made the workers and peasants real masters of the country. 2. During the war her father went to the front to fight the nazis. 3. The bagpipes is a musical instrument used by the Scots. 4. (Winter). The brooks and lakes were covered with ice, the trees stood bare, and a strong wind was blowing all the time.

3.21. Translate and fill in the gaps. Words for reference used in the generic meaning. Use:

роза, паровой двигатель, рог, человек, народ, общественное мнение, человечество

26. 0 +k (n) «man», «public opinion», «mankind»

Ex. Public opinion demands …

1. The … … is one of the few flowers that look better picked when growing.

2. The … … Resembles the human voice more than any other instrument.

3. … … is helpless in this situation.

4. … … is fighting for peace.

5. … … demands true information.


27. a\an + K(n) common, classif., countable, sing Ex. a mystery, an apple 28. 0 + K(n) common, classif., countable, plural Ex. Discovered stars

3.22. Render the following jokes in English. Mark up the cases of Classification.

1. Мне понятно, как люди открывают новые звезды. Но как они находят для них имена для меня загадка.

2. Почему ты печатаешь сам? Ведь у тебя была машинистка. – Да, но я на ней женился.

3. Врач пациенту: С вами никогда не случалось услышать голос, не зная, кто с вами говорит и откуда. Часто, доктор. – Да, сложный случай. И когда это с вами происходит? Когда я говорю по телефону.

4. В прошлый раз на охоте я застрелил зайца, лису и тетерева. – А я бы не смог. – Что – застрелить? – Нет, так врать.

5. Вы говорите, что у Вас улетел попугай? – Да, – А вы предлагали за птицу вознаграждение? – Да. – А попугай был говорящий? – Да, и мне бы не хотелось, чтобы его поймал несовершеннолетний.

3.23. Read the following story and interpret the grammatical meanings of the nouns in the italics and the objects they describe as указан, рядовой, новый, неуказан, уникален, известен, обобщен .

Mercury and the Woodman

A WOODMAN 1 was felling a tree 2 on the bank 3 of a river 4, when his axe, prancing off the trunk 5, flew out of his hands and fell into the water 6. As he stood by the water's edge lamenting his loss, Mercury appeared and asked him the reason 7 for his grief; and on learning what had happened, out of pity for his distress he dived into the river 8 and, bringing up a golden axe 9, asked him if that was the one he had lost. The Woodman replied that it was not, and Mercury then dived a second time, and, bringing up a silver axe 11, asked if that was his. No, that is not mine either, said the Woodman. Once more Mercury dived into the river, and brought up the missing axe 12. The Woodman was overjoyed at recovering his property, and thanked his benefactor warmly; and the latter 13 was so pleased with his honesty that he made him a present of the other two axes. When the Woodman 14 told the story to his companions, one of these was fi11ed with envy of his good fortune and determined to try his luck for himself. So he went and began to fell a tree 15 at the edge of the river 17, and presently contrived to let his axe drop into the water. Mercury appeared as before, and, on learning that his axe had fallen in, he dived and brought up a golden axe, as he had done on the previous occasion 18. Without waiting to be asked whether it was his or not the fellow cried, 'That's mine, that's mine, and stretched out his hand eagerly for the prize 19: but Mercury was so disgusted at his dishonesty that he not only declined to give him the golden axe 20, but also refused to recover for him the one 21 he had let fall into the stream. Honesty is the best policy.

3.24. Translate the following sentences, interpret naming reference to a class (отнесение к классу) as:

29. another +K(n) common, classif., singular Ex. Another bottle 30. other +K(n) common, classif., plural Ex. other bottles 31. A\some + K (n) proper classif., singular, Ex. A Mrs. Smith\ some Mrs Smith 32. any \a + K(n) common, classif., singular, countable Ex. novel by Dostoyevskey

1. любой (все равно какой),

2. некий (неизвестный),

3. другой

¾ (имеется ваза яблок). Дайте мне другое яблоко. Это мне не нравится.

¾ Передайте мне другую бутылку пива (из ящика). Я хочу светлого.

¾ Я буду читать любой роман Достоевского. Я не читал ничего.

¾ Я взяла из библиотеки какой - то роман Агаты Кристи.

¾ Ты купила те туфли? Нет, я купила другую пару.

¾ Вас спрашивает некий Симпсон.

¾ Мне подойдет любая морская рыба.

¾ Пускай дадут хоть какой-нибудь (любой) ответ на наш вопрос.

3.25. Write and say in English:

некий Браун, любой журнал по географии, другие люди, другой вопрос, любая задача, некоторая сложность, другое яблоко, некая Мэри, любые проблемы.


3.26. Read the following examples and mark grammatical meanings of the nouns in italics as Specified, Classified (Unspecified), Deobjectivised.

33. 0 + K (n) classified, count, sing, deobject. Ex. Opera, hospital, etc.

1. «Where is your son now?» - «He is at school (having his lessons)».

2. The tourist visited a school on the outskirts of London.

3. «Have you seen a group of tourists around here?» «They must be in the school now».

4. «What did they do with the thief?» «They sent him to prison».

5. I have never been to a prison (inside a prison).

6. There was a prison not far from the place where they lived and their father went to the prison to shave the prisoners.

7. Ann's grandfather lives on the outskirts and comes to town only on market-days.

8. After a long struggle the group came to a town.

9. The men were overjoyed to hear that they would spend a couple of days in the town.

10. It was a warm summer.

11. We shall stay with them till the summer.

12. How do you usually spend summer?

13. After a frosty night came a warm sunny day.

14. At night all the clubs are open in Soho.

15. In the night they will be on the train already.

16. He went to sea when he was 13.

17. It was not a summer sea today, although the breakers were high.

18. The sea was calm within the reef.

19. You have been to college and you are a decent boy, – said old Anthony.

20. The college was a stately five- storied building.

21. St. Martin’s is an old college.

22. Mr. Jones was suffering from an attack of malaria; he was in bed and unable to move.

23. I need a room with a bed.

24. (In a hotel) Change the beds quickly, please.

25. He ought to be hounded out of civilized society.

26. They decided to organize a cooperative society.

27. He preferred the society of his friends.

3.27. Express your reaction to the following situations in English. Write your sentences and check them up with the key.

1. - Why does she look so busy?

- Она теперь президент английского клуба.

2. - Where does her husband work now?

- Его недавно назначили директором школы.

3. - Do you remember Mr. L., Dad?

- Yes, what has become of him?

- Его назначили старшим преподавателем нашего отделения.

4. - When did you find out that you had lost your purse?

- Когда пришла домой.

5. - What did the man say?

- Он согласился выполнить обязанности секретаря.

6. - Is Mr. Rumford still first mate of the ship?

- Нет, его назначили капитаном в прошлом году.

7. - What does the girl do here?

- Она работает здесь переводчицей.

8. - What are the children doing in the yard?

- Они играют в мяч.

3.28. Put questions to the following sentences in English.

1. - I'm going to take part in the contest.

- Когда он состоится?

2. - His son did well at all his exams.

- Он учится в колледже? (go to college)

3. - Where are your friends?

- Вы потеряли их из виду? (lose sight of)

4. - The excursion was interesting.

- Все учителя приняли в ней участие? (take part)

5. - Mr. Brown has moved to London.

- Кто теперь ведет хозяйство у них в доме? (keep house)

6. - The place is beautiful.

- Оно находится к югу от деревни? (be south of)

3.29. Translate the following sentences into English.

¾ Такие вещи не говорят в приличном обществе.

¾ Есть ли у них в стране общество по защите животных?

¾ В меню рыба, индейка, курятина.

¾ Давай навестим Джека, он в больнице.

¾ Соупи сел в тюрьму, т.к. пришла зима и на улице стало холодно.

¾ Весной здесь тучи комаров.

¾ Весной 1937 года он был в Париже.

¾ Я видела этот фильм по телевизору.

¾ Магазинный вор (a shop lifter) не заметил телевизор над кассой.

¾ В честь прибытия гостей был дан торжественный обед.

¾ Обед накрыт на веранде.

¾ В конце августа родители и дети возвращаются в город.

¾ Город был украшен цветными огнями, елками с игрушками.

¾ Что такое «традиционный рождественский ужин»?

¾ Это был типичный рождественский ужин – жареная индейка, пудинг и т.д.

¾ Его избрали президентом этой компании.

¾ Она работала летом в качестве переводчика.

¾ Ты кладешь в чай лимон?

¾ Сколько стоит лимон? - 5 руб. – штука.

¾ Порежь в салат огурца.


3.30. Read the examples and find and mark up the cases of Aspectisation, Specification, Generalisation. Use the interpretation procedures : сорт, вид, тот самый, вообще.

34. A + A (adj) +K (n) uncountable aspectivised, descriptive, drinks\ fabrics\feelings\ foods Ex. A black tea

A1. What kind of wine does your father drink? – He drinks only dry wine.