
ы Вариабельность оценок урожайности подсолнечника в зависимости от размера делянок А. Б. Дьяков, Ю. Г. Бойко, В. В. Гронин (стр. 4 из 4)

The F1 hybrid seeds in the cross of a high oleic line LG26 with a high palmitic LG30 possessed dominant high content of oleic acid and intermediate content of both palmitic and palmitoleic acids. In the crosses of LG30 with five normal lines the differences in palmitic acid content between the parents and F1 showed on the partial dominance of normal palmitic acid content. One exception was full dominance for VIR721.

Determination of tocopherols in oils and oil content products with the method

of highly effective liquid chromatography

V. A. Kishenko, I. V. Levshuk, S. G. Efimenko.

UDC 547.915:634.0892.6:543.544

Fats, oils, fat-and-oil products are widely used in a human food. These are high energy products which have the big physiological value. They are used for preparation of culinary dishes, manufacturing of canned food, in the food-processing industry and is direct in food.

To factors which cause sphere of use of vegetable oils, quality of raw material and technology of their manufacture concern. Among parameters of quality of oil the important role is allocated to the maintenance of fat-soluble vitamins. Known chemical and physically-chemical methods of vitamins determination are based on their individual properties. Determination of vitaminous products by traditional methods is connected with greater difficulties, the analysis long in time and demands use of several individual techniques.

The highly effective liquid chromatography (HALC) last years has taken an appropriate place in analytical laboratories as a convenient method of the quantitative analysis. Use of this method for simultaneous qualitative and quantitative determination of fat-soluble vitamins at their joint presence enables to reduce labor input of the analysis in comparison with traditional chemical and physically-chemical methods.

The reaction of seeds of susceptible and high tolerant to Phomopsis sunflower lines

on fungus cultural filtrates influence

T. S. Antonova, N. M. Araslanova, T. A.Tchelustnicova.

UDC 633.854.78:632

Seeds of susceptible sunflower line VK 462 and high tolerant line VK 680 to Phomopsis (Diaporthe) helianthi Munt.-Cvetk., Michal., Petr. were soaked in cultural filtrates of 12 isolates on 24 hours. The energy of seeds germination of tolerant line was in 1.5-2.0 times higher than ones of susceptible line. The used isolates of pathogen were geographically distant, but filtrates all of them have shown a substantial differences between lines on 95 % level of significance. The possibility of express-method development for sunflower germplasm test for resistance is discussed.

Biological peculiarities of perspective strain-antagonist (РV-3 Penicillium verrucosum Dierckx

var. cyclopium Westling, Samson et al. and РF-1 Penicillium funiculosum Thom.) of a pathogen

caused Phomopsis

L.V. Maslienko, E. Yu. Shipievskaya, A. M. Asaturova.

UDC 632.938:615.779.9

With the purpose to develop microbiopreparations of a pathogen caused Phomopsis the physiological traits, cultivation conditions, optimal nutrient mediums and antibiotic activity at usual and deep cultivation of perspective strain-antagonist РV-3 Penicillium verrucosum Dierckx var. cyclopium Westling, Samson et al. and РF-1 Penicillium funiculosum Thom. were studied.

Development of the production technology elements of microbiopreparations in different preparatory

forms on the base of perspective strain-antagonists protecting from a pathogen caused Phomopsis

on sunflower

L.V. Maslienko, E.Yu. Shipievskaya, A. M. Asaturova.

UDC 633.854.78:632.937

The technological elements for production of different preparatory forms were developed with the purpose to create microbiopreparations of a pathogen caused Phomopsis on a sunflower on the base of the perspective strain-antagonists РV-3 Penicillium verrucosum Dierckx var. cyclopium Westling, Samson et al. and РF-1 Penicillium funiculosum Thom. The conditions of maximal biomass output in dependence on cultivation period, temperature and separate elements of carbonic and nitric nutrition at surface and deep cultivation of fungus-producers were determined. Besides it the storage stability of microbiopreparations of different preparatory forms depending on temperature, nutritious admixtures and stabilizers were determined.

Fungus of Rhizopus Ehrenb. on sunflower

S. G. Borodin, I. A. Kotliarova, J. M. Sosnina.

UDC 633.854.78:632.938

Belonging of Rhizopus pathogen species to generally accepted modern fungus classification of Rhizopus Ehrenb. genus is established. Morphological traits of these species are described. Information about this disease distribution and negative influence on seed quality is presented.

Optimization of soil treatments in agricultural crops cultivation

V. F. Baranov.

UDC 631.51

The article pays much attention to the necessity of differentiated approach to the choosing of soil treatment methods accounting definite soil climate conditions of various agrarian zones of Russian Federation in order to optimize supply of cultural crops with soil factors for high yield formation. The conclusion was done of the base of historical excursus and analysis of the present state of crop management in Russia in active introduction of foreign firms producing and supplying chemicals and machines for agricultural crops cultivation in our country.

Influence of cultivation technologies on yield of sunflower hybrid Triumph

E. N. Dukhnai, T.V. Fomenko.

UDC 633.854.78:631.5

The largest region of sunflower cultivation is the Northern Caucasus. Here about 40 % of this crop sowing areas is concentrated, and 50 % of total seeds yield this region supplies. Increase of productivity of sunflower seeds and improvement of their quality is the important problem of plant-growing. It was the reason to conduct researches on the leached chernozem of Western Ciscaucasus on educational farm "Kuban" in 2003-2005.

Harmfulness of the main seeds pests and its control

V. T. Piven, N. V. Ermakova.

UDC 633.854.78:632.9

The storage pest’s species were determined. It includes 42 beetle’s species from 15 families and six Lepidoptera species from three families. The harmfulness of the main widely spread species (Plodia interpunctella Hb., 0ryzaephilus surinamensis L, Tribolium confusum Duv.) on sunflower seeds were determined.

Treatment by insecticides of internal bags surface were used as the preventive measures of pest’s affection. In laboratory some preparations were studied: phosphorus-organic preparations basudin, aktellic; pyritroid insecticides decis, karate; neonicotinoids semaphore, konfidor, mospilan, tanrek, aktara, kruiser. The analysis of obtained results shoed this method to be affective to control main storage pest’s of seeds.

Development of the doctrine about the centers of origin of crops on example

of soybean Glycine max (L). Merrill

S. V. Zelentsov.

UDC 633.853.52:581.522.6

In article consecutive development of the doctrine about the centers of an origin of crops is tracked by the comparative analysis of circuits of an arrangement of the centers of speciation on N.I. Vavilov, P.M. Zhukovsky and J.R. Harlan. Modern representations about evolution of species of a genus Soja with a binding to the centers of an origin are in detail stated. On an example of soybean the polyploidy role in evolutionary process in the centers of origin is shown. The new concept of location of the secondary genetic centers is offered. The conclusion is made, that the active microcenter spontaneous polyploidy recombinogenesis of soybean in Western Ciscaucasia represents an example of new type of botanic-geographical center of formation of a genetic diversity of crops.

DNA genotyping on the SSR markers base – approbation and selection of optimal conditions

S. A. Ramasanova, S. Z. Guchetl, T.S. Antonova.

UDC 633.853.52:34.23.37

The technique of a soybean DNA extraction is optimized. Optimal conditions of DNA amplification and electrophoretic separation of PCR products for 10 microsatellite primers are selected. 31 allelic variant, suitable for DNA-genotyping of Glycine max (L.) Merr are revealed.

Dynamics of osmotic pressure of cellular juice in soybean plant tissues

G. M. Saenko, A. S. Luchinsky, S.V. Zelentsov.

UDC 633.853.52:582.683.2

There were studied 19 soybean samples of germplasm collection from various origins and degree of adaptation to high summer temperatures and deficiency of precipitation on a level of potential osmotic pressure of cellular juice in bottom internodes of plants. As a result of researches high-quality distinctions on this parameter in ontogenesis have been established. Four groups of varieties, distinguished by ontogenetic dynamics and level of osmotic pressure of cellular juice at late stages of development of plants are allocated.

Traits of soybean adaptability to unstable rain fall

A.V. Kochegura, M.V. Miroshnichenko.

UDC 633.853.52:631.5

The soybean cultivars differing in reaction on unstable rain fall were studied in comparative trials. Two cultivar groups relatively called as non-adaptive and adaptive were used as the objects for research. Morphological traits and biological qualities providing increased adaptability to water stress of soybean plants were revealed.

Classification of soybean varieties on precocity in Uzbekistan

D. E. Ermatova, A. Mamurov, M. V. Miroshnichenko.

UDC 633.853.52:631.521/523=590=82(575.1)

The detailed estimation of different maturity groups’ soybean varieties on time of formation and amount of branches, leaves and generative organs is lead. The analysis of the obtained data has shown that early maturing varieties of a soybean had the lowered reserve of beans setting because of smaller flowers amount on plants. In this connection it is drawn a conclusion on expediency of cultivation in Uzbekistan late-maturing varieties, both at spring, and at summer times of sowing. On the basis of the lead researches by authors the classification of soybean varieties on duration of the vegetative period is developed and offered.

Soybean productivity at foliar application of microfertilizers and growth stimulants

on leached chernozem

N. M. Tishkov, N. G. Mikhailyuchenko, A. A. Dryakhlov.

UDC 633.853.52:631.81+631.811

Micro- and complex mineral fertilizers, plant growth stimulants applying at the beginning of variety Delta flowering were studied. They positively influenced on grain yield, protein content, oil and protein yield and did not increase oil content in seeds. The usage of chelate mixtures Zn, Cu, Co, Mn with boric acid and MoO2(C5H7O2)2 as well as plant growth stimulants Emistim C and Silk have influenced maximally effectively on these components. Application of fertilizers and plant growth stimulants increases yield on 0.17-0.32 t/ha (7.6-14.3 %), protein content in seeds on 1.5-2.1 %, protein yield on 78-160 kg/ha (9.9-20.3 %), total yield of protein and oil on 100-204 kg/ha (8.3-16.8 %) and decreases oil content in seeds on 0.3-0.8 %.

Substantiation of soybean plants protection of acacia pichleworn and cotton noctuid

V. T. Piven, N. A. Bushneva.

UDC 633.853.52:632.9

The species set of soybean phytophags revealed on the territory of Krasnodar region is presented. The harmful species affected the generative plants parts are determined. Its harmfulness on different soybean cultivars is determined, plant protection measures including elements of agrothecnics, chemical and biological preparations are suggested. Chemical and biological preparations are the effective means for soybean plants protection.

Productivity of spring rapeseed on leached chernozem in conditions of unsteady

moistening in Krasnodar region

E. G. Ustarkhanova, V. M. Penchukov.

UDC 633.853.494:631.531.13(470.62)

The influence of planting dates, seeds planting rates as well as different dozes of mineral fertilizers on productivity of spring rapeseed variety Galant were studied at Armavirskaya experimental station in 2004-2006. It was determined that sowing after 20 March with seeds rate 2 million seeds/ha provides a maximal yield of seeds.

In trials with using of mineral fertilizers the maximal increase of seed yield was after applying of N60P60K60 under presowing soil treatment and N60 as foliar application in comparison with control; and the average extra yield for three years was 0.46 t/ha.

Dynamics of Alternaria brassicicola affection on mustard during vegetation in conditions

of Northern Precaucasus

V. T. Piven, O.V. Serdyuk.

UDC 633.853.483:632.9

The dynamics of A. brassicicola affection on mustard during vegetation in conditions of Northern Precaucasus is shown. It is revealed that the environment during vegetative period of plants and plant maturing phase are the main factors influencing on the dynamics of disease development and expansion. The best period for A. brassicicola inoculation is the phase of yellow-green pod coinciding with the mass spore flying.

The disease is developing intensively at hydrothermal coefficient > 0.8, air temperature 20-24 °С, and relative air humidity more than 60 %.

Creation of the initial material for coriander breeding by the method of chemical mutagenesii

V. A. Nemtse-Petrovsky.

UDC 635.751:581.154

The coriander breeding on the majority of economic traits is complicated according to its weak variability of morphophysiological traits. The method of chemical mutagenesis is more effective way of breeding improvement of a coriander. As a result of treatment by series of the mutagens in various concentrations the mutants differing with a complex of morphological traits and resistance to Ramularia coriandri Moesz et Smarods are created.

Perspectives of biodiesel production in Krasnodar region

V. M. Lucomets, S. L. Gorlov, K. M. Krivoshlykov.

UDC 662.6:633.853.494(470.62)

A review of oil crops production in South federal district including Krasnodar region with an estimation of potential market of oil crops seeds for biodiesel producers is presented. The calculation of economical efficiency of biodiesel production from purchased and own seeds in comparison with sale of received yields just as certified seeds is suggested.

Determination of optimal conditions of sunflower harvesting with a combiner with a transverse rotor

S. S. Makarov, V. D. Shaforostov, V. D. Sukhomlinov, V. L. Mikhailova.

UDC 633.854.78:631.171

The system of determination of optimal parameters for sunflower harvesting with a combiner with a transverse rotor is presented. It is based on two points: on a calculated model of forced oscillations of a sunflower transported with a transverse rotor and hit by its roll, and an analysis of a spectrum of own oscillations of mature sunflower. An estimation of influence of a roll shaft speed and its step size on intensiveness of sunflower forced oscillation during its interaction with a transverse rotor.

Advanced container technology of after harvesting castor treatment

V. D. Shaforostov, A. A. Tyurin.

UDC 633.853.55:631.3.35/36

The present technologies of after harvesting treatment of castor are analyzed. The developed energy safety container technology of after harvesting castor treatment is described.

The method allowing segregating mature and immature castor capsules as well as device for such segregation are presented.

The construction of advanced roll type shelling device is described. The dimensions of the main regulating parameters, influencing significantly on qualitative indexes of castor thrashing, are determined. The comparative results of tests with present and advanced container technologies are resulted.

Economical efficiency of advanced technology and technical devices for after

harvesting castor treatment

A. A. Tyurin.

UDC 631.361.4:633.853.55

A calculation of economical efficiency of the advanced technology and technical devices implementation for after harvesting castor seeds treatment on stationary complex is done. The results proved the capital investment efficiency into advanced technology.

Optimization of shelling device parameters for castor thrashing

A. A. Tyurin.

UDC 621.9.06:633.853.55:631.1

A plan of full factor experiment and treatment of its results are presented. The equation of response function of dependences of undermilling and traumatized castor seeds on thrashing roll frequency rotation, a gap between roll and concave, location angle of roll and concave is done on the base of obtained data.

The analysis of created models is done and optimal kinematics parameters of working parts of roll type shelling device at castor thrashing are determined.