Не will give me this book if he has it.
Он даст мне эту книгу, если она у него есть.
I shall feel you're safer if I have you beside me. (V.)
Я буду чувствовать, что вы в большей безопасности, если вы будете возле меня.
If you ever need me, I shall be always around. (Flc.)
Если я тебе когда-нибудь понадоблюсь, я всегда буду здесь.
Тексты для обязательного чтения и перевода
Read and retell the text
Our militia was created by the working people to protect their rights. The officers of our militia have always displayed courage and heroism in the fight against enemies of our state during the Great Patriotic War as well as in the years of peaceful construction.
The main aim of militia has always been to maintain public order, to protect state and personal property and safeguard the rights of our citizens. Nowadays great attention in the work of militia is paid to prevention of crime, to its suppression. But if a crime has been committed, the militia officers are to solve the crime as quickly as possible. To fulfil these tasks the organs of internal affairs are composed of different departments.
The Criminal Detection Department is one of the most complicated militia services.'The main responsibility of the officer of the Criminal Detection Department is to detect the criminal, that is to locate and apprehend him. In many cases the detective must trace a fugitive who is hiding.
The officers of the Criminal Investigation Department collect facts to prove the guilt or innocence of the suspect. The final test of a criminal investigation is in presentation of evidence in court. Corpus delicti must be established, the defendant must be identified and associated with the crime scene. The investigator must also provide competent witnesses.
Economic Crimes Department fights against those who don't want to live an honest life The responsibility of the officers of this Department is to reveal the criminal activity of those who commit embezzlement and other economic crimes, bring them to justice.
The State Auto-Inspection is responsible for traffic regulation and, safety on the roads.
The Transport Militia maintains law and order on the railway, air lines and water ways of the country.
The Juvenile Inspection handles «difficult» juveniles and their careless parents. They also do much work to prevent juvenile delinquency.
The Correctional System is supposed to rehabilitate offenders through labour. This is the purpose of correctional establishments.
A new service for the fight against organized crime has been created in our militia. Organized crime operates on fear, bribery and force. Militia officers of organized crime department are devoting their efforts to collect sufficient evidence to bring gang leaders to justice.
Some new words to the text:
to create | [kri'eit] | – творить, создавать | |
to protect | [prOtekt] | – защищать, ограждать | |
to commit | [kO'mI:t] | – совершать | |
to commit a crime | – совершать преступление | ||
to detect | [di'tekt] | – разыскивать, обнаруживать | |
to locate | [lou'keit] | – определять местонахождение | |
to trace | [treis] | – следить, выслеживать | |
fugitive | ['fju:Gitiv] | – беглец | |
to hide | [haid] | – прятаться, скрываться | |
to prove | [pru:v] | – доказывать | |
guilt | [gilt] | – вина, виновность | |
innocence | ['inosns] | – невиновность | |
defendant | [difendqnt] | – ответчик, обвиняемый, подсудимый | |
to identify | [ai'dentifai] | – опознавать, устанавливать личность, идентифицировать | |
to associate | [q'souSieit] | – | |
to reveal | [ri'vi:l] | – 1)раскрывать, показывать; 2) признаваться, выдавать | |
embezzlement | [im'bezlmqnt] | – растрата, присвоение денежных средств | |
to bring smb. to justice – | привлечь кого-либо к суду | ||
to rehabilitate | ["ri:q’biliteit] | – исправлять, перевоспитывать | |
bribery | [brqibqri] | – взяточничество |
Questions to the text
1. What is our militia created for?
2. How did the militia work during the history of its existence?
3. What is the aim of militia's activity?
4. What departments is militia composed of?
5. What is the main responsibility of the Criminal Detection Department?
6. What are the duties of the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department?
missing person | ['misiN'pq:sn] | – пропавший без вести |
bank frauds | [bxnk frO:dz] | – банковские махинации |
embezzlement | [im'bezlmqnt] | – растрата, присвоение денежных средств |
moral offence | ['mOrql q'fens] | – моральные преступления |
forgery | ['fO:Gqri] | – подделка документов, фальшивка |
counterfeit | ['kquntqfait] | – поддельный, подложный, фальшивый |
records department | ['rekOd di'pa:tmqnt] | – регистрационный отдел, архив |
fingerprint | ['fingqprint] | – отпечаток пальца |
Read and retell the text
Crime prevention is one of the main present-day social problems throughout the world. Crime prevention is an effort to decrease and overcome crime. It is an attempt to eliminate the causes of crime, the common mission of law enforcement agencies and society to develop morally in the right direction not only law-abiding citizens but also suspects and criminals. The two very important aspects of the problem are — crime prevention by effective law enforcement and crime prevention as a moral problem.
The government of our country is paying great attention to the problem of crime prevention. The public and the organs standing on guard of law and order are using every opportunity to prevent crime and recidivism. The worker of the militia is not a scientist working in a quiet and isolated laboratory. His laboratory is a whole city with all of its people and all of their needs. That's why crime prevention problem is one of the main tasks of legal education. Future workers of the organs of the Interior are learning to use special means, methods and forms of crime prevention and crime solution. They are learning to obtain information for law enforcement agencies, to patrol streets, to examine a crime scene properly, to search for and collect evidence, to establish corpus delicti, to solve crimes quickly and accurately and to detect and apprehend a criminal, fear of immediate arrest, conviction and punishment being an efficient crime- prevention factor for potential criminals. But the central aspect of the solution of this problem is to be a moral approach requiring extra skills for militia officers. That's why our own future Sherlock Holmeses are dealing with human relations problems. They are learning to establish contacts with the public, they are supervising difficult teenagers and potential criminals, an intelligent, disciplined militia officer with high morality standard being in himself an effective crime prevention instrument.
Special crime prevention divisions of the Militia are functioning now in close cooperation with the Public in private residences, schools, transportation systems and commercial areas, the Public-Militia crime prevention centres being one of the forms of our crime prevention programme. Public order squads or «people's druzhinniks» are also taking part in this process now. They are patrolling streets at night combatting petty offences.
Prevention of juvenile delinquency is one of the important militia's and public's tasks too. The militia personnel of the inspection and commissions for the affairs of minors of executive committees of local Soviets are paying special attention to the juveniles of «problem» families rendering them the necessary assistance. They are to view their life and behavior using such means as persuasion, control, supervision, social and individual influence and law enforcement trying to turn them onto the right track.
Our corrective labour institutions are trying to reform the offenders and to return them to an honest life of labour.
Street crime prevention, traffic safety, combatting drug trafficking and organized crime are also the matters of militia's concern.
The militia and the public are combining their efforts in the struggle against alcoholism since the drunk driver is causing thousands of injuries and needless deaths.
The militia together with social organizations are constantly seeking the best forms and methods of crime prevention, explanation of the law to the citizens playing an important part.
The efforts to prevent crime were not unsuccessful in our society. However we are planning to do much more.
Questions to the text.
1. What is crime prevention?
2. What are the two aspects of the problem?
3. Is our government working much at this problem?
4. Are future workers of the Militia dealing with this problem?
5. How are they preparing to solve this problem?
6. What are they doing?
7. What are the main aspects of crime prevention work for militia and the public?
8. What problems are the public order squads dealing with?
throughout | [Tru:'aut] | через, по всему |
decrease | [di:'kri:s] | уменьшать |
overcome | ["ouvq'kAm] | преодолеть, победить |
cause n, v | [kO:z] | дело, причина, причинять |
law-abiding | ['lO:q'baidiN] | соблюдающий закон |
government | ['gAvqmqnt] | правительство |
law and order | правопорядок | |
opportunity | ["Opq'tju:niti] | возможность |
properly | ['prOpqli] | должным образом |
fear | [fiq] | страх |
conviction | [kqn'vikSqn] | осуждение, обвинение |
punishment | ['pAniSmqnt] | наказание |
approach | [q'prouC] | подход |
require | [ri'kwaiq] | требовать |
human relations | ['hju:mqn] | человеческие отношения |
close cooperation | ['klous kou"Opq'reiSqn ] | тесное взаимодействие |
Public-Militia crime prevention centres | ['sqntq] | пункты охраны общественного порядка |
public order squads | [skwOdz] | дружинники |
combat n, v | ['kOmbqt] | бороться |
petty | ['peti] | мелкий |
offence | [q'fens] | преступление, правонарушение |
offender | [q'fendq] | правонарушитель, преступник |
minor | ['maimq] | несовершеннолетний, подросток |
executive | [ig'zekjutiv] | исполнительный |
traffic | ['trxfik] | движение; торговля |
render | ['rendq] | оказывать |
behaviour | [bi'heivjq] | поведение |
persuasion | [pq'sweiZqn] | убеждение |
supervision | ["sju:pq'viZOn] | наблюдение, надзор |
influence | ['influqns] | влияние |
try | [trai] | пытаться |
turn | [tq:n] | направлять, повернуть |
matter | ['mxtq] | дело |
concern | [kqn'sq:n] | интерес |
drunk | [drANk] | пьяный |
injury | ['inGqri] | вред |
constantly | ['kOnstqntli] | постоянно |
seek | [sl:k] | искать |
explanation | ["eksplq'neiSn] | разъяснение, объяснение |
success | [sqk'ses] | успех |
use | [ju:z] | применять, использовать |
special means, methods and forms of crime solution | ['speSql] ['mi:nz]['meTqdz] [sq'lu:Sqn] | специальные средства, методы и формы предотвращения преступлений (paскрытия преступлений) - (crime solution) |
investigate, examine, search, observe, inspect, survey a crime scene | [sq:'vei] | осматривать место пришествия |
collect (lift) evidence | ['evidqns] | собирать (изымать) доказательства |
apprehend a criminal | ["xpri'hend] | задерживать преступника |
establish corpus delicti | ['kO:pqs dl:'liktai] | установить состав преступления |
juvenile, teenager | ['dZu:vinail] ['ti:neiGq] | подросток, несовершеннолетний |
deal with | ['di:l wiD] | обращаться, иметь дело с чем-либо, рассматривать вопрос |
establish contact | устанавливать контакт | |
solve a crime quickly and accurately | [sOlv] ['xkjuritli] | раскрывать преступление быстро и полно |
patrol streets | [pq'troul] | патрулировать улицы |
traffic law enforcement | [in'fO:smqnt] | дорожный надзор |
supervise | ['sju:pqvaiz] | осуществлять шефство, надзор, наблюдение |
traffic regulations rules | [,regju'leiSqnz] | правила уличного движения |
to obtain (get) information | получать сведения информацию |
Read and retell the text