
Методические указания и контрольные работы (стр. 9 из 13)

No successful investigation is available without participating a highly professional policeman who possesses such attributes of the policeman's profession as dedication, courage, intelligence, competency, self-command, specialized investigative aptitudes and professional instinct, i.e. some sleuthing powers. To ferret out of serious crimes and detect those who commit them а police officer should do his best in performing his job. He should be knowledgeable not only in theoretical fundamentals of law enforcement but he should also be skilled in such policeman's functions as marksmanship, driving a patrol car, communicating with the public. All that helps him in maintaining proper police-public relations and in his decision-making judgement.

Thus frustrating the efforts of professional criminals and quick and accurate solution of crime depends very much on proper special training, education and selection of police officers. It also depends on their skills in undercover work-laying an ambush and conducting surveillance, penetrating the underworld, work with the informants, their choosing, cultivating and usage. The informant is a person who gives the police officer confidential information about a crime as his civic responsibility and duty. A police officer operating in plain clothes often comes to know personally the offenders of the specific criminal specially their friends, their relatives and close associates, and becomes familiar with salient features of their modus operandi.

In case the investigating officer works at the crime scene he defines the crime quickly and examines the scene very carefully before he touches and disturbs anything. He takes active measures to detect the offender, that is to identify, locate and apprehend the suspect or criminal. He usually takes pictures of the scene and its objects and makes a plan on which he records the position of any trace. He collects and protects evidence, interviews witnesses and details a number of other factors, e.g. search of the premises and persons for discovery of stolen property and instruments of the crime. Then he examines all the evidence to establish evidence of guilt against a person responsible for a crime.

No doubt quick and accurate crime investigation and solution, catching, neutralizing and bringing the criminal to justice is essential. At the same time a very much more important and difficult thing is crime prevention. In order to function effectively in crime prevention the professional poliсеman estab­lishes contacts with the public and maintains positive attitudes about the citizens he serves. If understanding is lacking, then decision-making judgement and general performance of the policeman in the field will be less effective. The better he understands the people, the better he manages to perform his duty.

Some new words for the text:

reconstruct the happening ['ri:kqns'trAkt] мысленно воссоздать происшедшее
involve [in'vOlv] v - вовлекать, включать в себя
inquiry [in'kwaiqri] n - расследование, исследование
surround [sq'raund] v - окружать
commission [kq'miSqn] n - зд. совершение
successful [sqk'sesful] a - преуспевающий, успешный
available [q'veilqbl] a -доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении
participate [pa:'tisipeit] v - участвовать
attribute ['xtribju:t] n - свойство, характерный признак
dedication ["dedi'keiSqn] n - преданность, самоотверженность
courage ['kAriG] n - храбрость, смелость, отвага
competence ['kOmpitqns ] n-способность, умение, компетентность
knowledgeable ['nOliGqbl] a - хорошо осведомленный
fundamentals [fAndq'mentlz] n-основы
marksmanship ['ma:rksmqnSip] n - меткая стрельба
maintain [men'tein ] v - поддерживать, сохранять
usage ['ju:siG] n - употребление
civic ['sivik ] a - гражданский
premises ['premisiz] n - помещение, дом
take pictures of фотографировать
record [ri'kO:d] v - записывать, протоколировать
detail [ 'di:teil] v - входить в подробности
lack [lxk ] v - 1. испытывать недостаток, нуждаться, не иметь; 2. не хватать, недоставать.

Special Vocabulary for Oral Speech:

keystone ['ki:stoun] ключевой камень, основной принцип
function ['fANkSqn] функция, функционировать
do one's best делать все возможное
combine ['kOmbain] объединять, комбинировать
depend on (upon) [di'pend] зависеть oт
effort ['efqt] усилие, попытка
intelligence [in'teliGqns] ум, интеллект
decision-making judgement [di'siZqn] [GAGmqnt] умение правильно принять решение
possess [pq'zqs] обладать, владеть
aptitude ['xptitju:d] склонность, способность
sleuthing powers ['slu:TiN' pauqz] сыскные способности
manage ['mxniG] справляться, ухитряться
ferret out (of serious crimes) etc. ['ferit] выискивать, разведывать, собирать информацию (о серьезных преступлениях) и т.д.
frustrate (the efforts, plans, etc.) [frAs'treit] расстраивать, срывать (попытки, планы и т.д.)
operate in plain clothes [klouDz] работать в штатской одежде
lay an ambush ['lei qn' xmbuS] устраивать засаду
a plain-clothes man, a sleuth, a CID man [slu:T] сыщик
come to know узнать
specialty ['speSqlti] основное занятие, особенность, специальность
distinctive marks [dis'tiNktiv' ma:ks] приметы
relative (s) ['relqtiv] родственник (и)
close associate ['klous q'souSiit] близкий соучастник
become familiar [fq'miljq ] познакомиться
salient feature ['seiljqnt 'fi:tSq] характерная (выдающаяся) особенность
modus operandi ['moudqs' Opqrqndi] способ действия (лат.)
cultivate ['kAltiveit] воспитывать
informant [in'fO:mqnt] источник информации
confidential ["kOnfi'denSql] секретный
common sense ['kOmqn'sens] здравый смысл
define [di'fain] определять (квалифицировать)
touch [tAC] (при) кacaться
disturb [dis'tq:b] беспокоить, нарушать
take active measures ['meZq] принять действенные меры
catch [kxC] поймать
neutralize ['nju:trqlaiz] обезвредить
bring the criminal to justice привлечь преступника к уголовной ответственности
conduct search, discovery and seizure [dis'kAvqri] l'si:Zq] проводить обыск, обнаружение и изъятие
stolen property ['stoulqn] похищенное имущество
instrument of a crime ['instrumqnt ] орудие преступления
not infrequently [in'fri:kwqntli] нередко
overt ['ouvq:t ] гласный
undercover (covert) ['Andq"kAvq] ['kAvqt] негласный
penetrate ['penitreit] внедряться
surveillance [sq:'veilqns ] негласный надзор
underworld ['Andqwq:ld] преступный мир

Question to the text.

1. What is the keystone of the police and militia service?

2. What does crime detection mean for the police officer?

3. What are the aspects of a detective function?

4. Who is an informant?

5. What are the main principles of the under cover work?

6. What are the functions of the police officer at the crime scene?

7. What is essential for quick and accurate crime investigation?

Read and retell the text


As you know criminal investigation is the keystone of American police services, its law enforcement. But according to available estimates for some past period of time only one-third of police manpower resources dealt with crime and criminals, the other two-thirds of them - with non-law enforcement or so called "peace-keeping" activities. You did not read much about police peace­keeping activities as their everyday mundane duties or routine police work, did you?

The data collected show that the great majority of incidents the police handled arose when the police responded to citizen calls for service - a citizen telephoned the police and the dispatcher directed a radio-equipped patrol car to deal with the situation. The police officer became implicated in a wide range of human troubles many of which had little or nothing to do with criminal law enforcement. He transported people to the hospital, wrote reports of auto accidents, and arbitrated and mediated between disputants - neighbours, husbands and wives, landlords and tenants, and businessmen and customers. He took missing person reports, directed traffic, controlled crowds at fires, wrote dogbite reports, and identified abandoned autos. He removed safety hazards from the streets, quieted noisy, parties, radios and television, evicted a drunken person from a bar and occasionally scooped up a dead animal. Policemen also spent much of their time with "juvenile troubles". So in the line of his everyday duties a policeman directed, vaided; informed, pacified, warned, disciplined, etc. - in short, contributed to the maintenance of the peace and order.

The officers usually began their shift after roll call. Once the squad car manned by two officers was on the street patrolling the beat - cruising, looking for traffic violations, stolen cars or unsecured business - the officers took their instructions from a radio dispatcher from time to time. You see that the telephone and dispatch room became the centre of contemporary precincts.

Both the dispatchers in their radio calls and the police officers in their records preferred to give the tersest description of the incidents. They used such abbreviations as "B" and "E" (breaking or/and entering), "family trouble" or "domestic", "silent alarm", "somebody screaming", "a theft report", "a man down" (person lying in a public place, cause unknown), "outside ringer" (burglar-alarm ringing), "the boys" (trouble with juveniles) or "kids disturbing", P.I.(personal-injury automobile accident), DK (drunk), PD (property damage automobile accident), H-and-R (Hit-and-Run) and suchlike. We see they used some kind of police slang.

That is a very incomplete list of routine police work that the officer performed over the period covered.) Frankly speaking, policemen disdained this kind of work but they did it every day.

Some new words for the text:

available [q'veilqbl ] а -доступный, имеющийся в распоря­жении
estimate ['estimit ] n - оценка, смета
estimate ['estimeit ] v - оценивать
manpower ['mxn"pauq ] n - рабочая сила, личный состав, людские ресурсы
arise(arose, arisen) [q'raiz, q'rouz, q'rizn ] v - возникать
respond [ris'pOnd ] v - реагировать
call [kO:l ] n - вызов
equip [i'kwip ] v - оборудовать
implicate ['implikeit] v - вовлекать
range [reinG ] n - область, круг
have smth. to do with ... иметь что-либо общее с ...
mediate ['mi:dieit ] v - посредничать
missing person ['misiN] пропавший без вести
landlord ['lxnlO:d] n - владелец дома, хозяин гостиницы
tenant ['tenqnt] жилец, наниматель
customer ['kAstqmq] n - заказчик, покупатель, клиент
bite (bit, bitten) v - кусаться
scoop up [sku:p ] v - поднимать, убирать
animal ['xnimql] n - животное
in the line of duty в процессе выполнения служебных обязанностей
warn [wO:n ] v - предупреждать
aid [eid] v - помогать
man [mxn ] v - воен. укомплектовывать личным составом
violation ["vaiq'leifSqn] n - нарушение
steal (stole, stolen) [sti:l, stoul,'stoulqn] v - воровать, красть, зд. угонять
secure [sikjuq ] v - охранять
business ['biznis ] n - торговое предприятие, фирма
husband ['hAzbqnd] n - муж
wife [waif] n - жена
contemporary [kqn'tempqrqri] a - современный
prefer [pri'fq:] v - предпочитать
abbreviate [q'bri:vieit] v - сокращать
abbreviation [q"bri:vi'eiSqn] n - сокращение
terse [tq:s] v - сжатый, выразительный
break (broke, broken) n - зд. взламывать
domestic [dq'mestik] a - зд. бытовой
alarm [q'la:m] n - боевая тревога
silent alarm ['sailqnt ] защитное устройство; сигнал защитного устройства, используемый на предприятиях, сигнализация
scream [skri:m] v - пронзительно кричать, вопить
theft [Teft ] n - воровство, кража
lie (lay, lain) v - лежать
cause [kO:z ] n - причина
ring (rang, rung) v - звонить
burglar ['bq:glq] n - вор-взломщик
kid [kid] n - разг. ребенок, парнишка
disturb [dis'tq:b ] v - беспокоить, мешать
injury ['inGqri] n - вред, повреждение, рана, ушиб
damage ['dxmiG] n - вред, повреждение, ущерб
hit (hit, hit) v - ударять(ся)
hit-and-run преступление, в результате которого шофер, сбивший человека, скрылся, не оказав помощи
run (ran, run) v - бежать, бегать
run over переехать, задавить
incomplete ["inkqmpli:t] а - неполный, незаконченный
cover ['kAvq] v-охватывать
disdain [dis'dein ] v - презирать
occasionally [q'keiZnqli] время от времени, иногда
trouble ['trAbl] беспокойство, неприятности, горе, беда

Special Vocabulary for Oral Speech (Part II):