
Где найти деньги на идею или проект? (стр. 29 из 36)

U.S. Patent & Trademark Office

U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20231

703/557-INFO (automated information line)


TTD: 703/305-7785

As expected, the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (PTO)

offers a plethora of resources to the inventing community.

In addition to its automated information phone lines, the

USPTO a number of good written resources (many of

which are also available on-line). Just a few of these

publications are:

An 11-page pamphlet, "Basic Facts About Patents"

is available free by calling or writing the PTO. In

addition to providing a broad overview of the process

of obtaining a United States patent, it includes a full

list of documents available from the PTO, as well

as a list of Patent & Trademark Depository


The more detailed booklet "General Information

about Patents" is available for $4.75 from the

Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing

Office, Washington D.C. 20402, or by calling


A list of qualified patent attorneys, "Patent

Attorneys and Agents Registered to Practice

Before the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office," is

available at many libraries or by writing or the

Superintendent of Documents (price is $50.00; see

above address).

Federal Trade Commission

6th & Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington DC 20580


TDD: 202/326-2502

The FTC publishes a useful brochure that can help

inventors protect themselves when working with invention

promotion firms. While many firms are legitimate, others

fraudulently take thousands of dollars from inventors and

offer nothing in return. This brochure helps inventors

identify the legitimate firms and offers advice to victims of

promotional schemes.

Office of Industrial Technologies Inventions & Innovations


Room 6B-052, EE-20

1000 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20585


The Inventions and Innovation Program provides funding

and commercialization training for the development of

energy-savings inventions. The program generates

credibility and pre-venture capital for independent and

small business inventors in need of assistance. Its web

site includes links to the Energy-Related Inventions

Program, the Innovative Concepts Program, and more.

Better Business Bureau

Call local directory assistance for number, or visit the

BBB's home pageto link to the home page of regional


Before working with an invention promotion firm, inventors

should check with both their local Better Business Bureau

and one located in the firm's state to find out if any

unresolved complaints about the firm exist. Other sources

for this type of information are the state Attorney General's

office and local consumer protection agency.

National Science Foundation

4201 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, VA 22230


The National Science Foundation is a governmental

agency responsible for promoting science and engineering

through various programs. Its web site offers a plethora of

information on grants and awards of interest to inventors,

as well as news on the latest breakthroughs in the field of

science and research.

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)


TDD: 202-205-7333

(For local offices, look under government listing

in phone book or call the toll-free number above)

The SBA helps entrepreneurs launch their own

businesses. With offices in each state, the SBA offers

special programs publications covering every aspect of

launching and running and small business. In addition,

one-on-one counseling is available through SCORE

(Service Corps of Retired Executives), a volunteer program

than matches small businesses with expert advice.

Other SBA offerings include the Small Business Innovation

Research (SBIR) Program, which links small businesses

with available federal and state R&D funds. Another

program, the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

Program, which funds projects conducted jointly by a

business and a non-profit research institution.

The SBA also administers the Small Business

Development Center (SBDC) Program. A cooperative effort

by the private sector, the academic community and

government, SBDC branch offices provide management

assistance to small business owners. Services include

assistance with financial, marketing, production,

organization, engineering and technical problems and

feasibility studies.

Other Sources

Different government organizations offer assistance to

inventors focusing a particular topic. For instance, the

U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institute of

Standards & Technology jointly sponsor the

Energy-Related Inventions Program, which helps inventors

develop innovations that may help conserve energy. In

addition to a free technical evaluation, the ERIP offers

market assessments, workshops and grant funding

support. For more information, write to the U.S.

Department of Energy, Office of Technical and Financial

Assistance, Forrestal Building, EE-50-, 1000

Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20585.

К началу


,Below is a list of reputable invention marketing companies that can potentially assist you with your invention.

· Anjar Co. - This company is looking strictly for toys and games to market.

· AZtech, Inc. - Specializing in the aging and assistive technology markets. They will charge a $175 evaluation fee and if they like your invention they will market it based solely upon a percentage.