
База знаний в области технологий и систем использования низкотемпературных и возобновляемых источников энергии (стр. 17 из 20)

DUAL-SOURCE HEAT PUMP. Two products are discussed in this section: Energy Technologies Inc.

"Environs" System. Geothermal Technologies, Inc. Hybrid System.

http://www.nahb.com/research/homebase/newslttr/DUALSOUR.html - size 5K - 11-Apr-97 - English

2. International Ground Source Heat Pump Association Homepage

Geothermal Heat Pumps are a technology that save energy, money, and repairs, while providing

superior air-conditioning & heating comfort. If you are...

http://www.igshpa.okstate.edu/ - size 2K - 31-Jan-97 - English

3. IEA Heat Pump Centre

Welcome to the IEA Heat Pump Centre, the International Energy Agengy's information centre for heat

pumping technologies, applications and markets. The HPC.

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/ - size 3K - 8-Apr-97 - English - size 3K - 1-Apr-97 - English

4. Florida Heat Pump - Welcome Page

Home Page for Florida Heat Pump

http://www.fhp-mfg.com/ - size 8K - 23-Apr-97 - English

5. Florida Heat Pump - HVAC NEWS DeMarco Article

Home Page. About FHP. Home Owner. Residential. Commercial. Geothermal. Water Heating. Case

Studies. Export. Who to Call. What's New. Site Map. Industry...

http://www.fhp-mfg.com/demarco/demarco.htm - size 18K - 18-Feb-97 - English

6. IEA Heat Pump Programme

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Annex 18: Working Fluid

properties. Introduction. Annex 18: A global quest... - size 5K - 25-Oct-96 - English

7. Annex 23: Heat Pump Systems for Single-Room Applications

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Heat Pump Systems for

Single-Room Applications. A Significant Market. While heat... - size 3K - 25-Oct-96 - English

8. Heat pump events

Home | Shop | News | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Agenda. IEA Heat Pump

Programme Events. CO. 2. Technologies in Heat Pumps and Air...

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hpcagnd.htm - size 24K - 14-Apr-97 - English

9. Heat Pump Dehumidification of Timber; Process Improvements

Heat Pump Dehumidification of Timber: Process Improvements. Word 6.0a Version. Paul Bannister

BSc(Hons) PhD. Bipan Bansal BE(Hons) PhD. Gerry Carrington...

http://pacwww.chch.cri.nz/ema/co_prof/paper96/133/pbbbcgzs.htm - size 24K - 23-Sep-96 - English


D.E.S.Щ XII Heat Pump So sleek, so quiet...so energy efficient! 12 S.E.E.R. in Summer (Seasonal Energy

Efficiency Rating) Superior Heating Performance in..

http://www.evcon.com/des_xii.html - size 4K - 21-May-97 - English



See Authorization information. NESC9521 HEAT_PUMP_MODEL,STEADY-STATE

PERFORMANCE OF AIR-TO-AIR HEAT PUMPS 911014. Program not yet available. 1. NAME OR...

http://www.nea.fr/abs/html/nesc9521.html - size 5K - 11-Apr-97 - English


The HEAT PUMP models of FUJICO operating in heating, cooling and dehumidifying mode have the

following advantages: Microcomputer control for perfect and...

http://athens.mbn.gr/fujico/heat-cool.html - size 3K - 20-Sep-96 - English

14. Super Heat Pump predicted diffusion

Heat Pump Market News. [Home ] | [Contents] | [News] Predicted diffusion of super heat pumps. Last

modified 27 April 1996. - size 643 bytes - 29-Apr-96 - English

15. South Carolina Electric Heat Pump Association

Our mission is to promote the sale of electric heat pump systems though a network of qualified member

contractors who provide quality design,

http://www.scheatpump.com/ - size 3K - 2-May-97 - English

16. Heat Pump Inquiry Service

Enquiry Service. [Home ] | [Contents ] | [Information Services] The IEA Heat Pump Centre (HPC) is the

heart of a global network of individuals who have an.

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hpcinqs.htm - size 2K - 6-Aug-96 - English

17. IEA Heat Pump Centre

Events ] The heating, ventilation and airconditioning (HVAC) industry must respond to a variety of

demands from equipment purchasers and from society at...

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/ws_e_in.htm - size 3K - 18-Dec-96 - English

18. CP&L Heat Pump Dealers

Dealer. Address. City/State. Zip. Phone. Aberdeen Electric Shop Inc. 114 Knight St. Aberdeen, NC.

28315. 910-944-1370. Scott's Mechanical Service Co. 9412.

http://www.cplc.com/2dealers.htm - size 20K - 30-Aug-96 - English

19. The Nordic heat pump competition

The Nordic heat pump competition. by Per Fahlйn, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute,

Sweden [Home ] | [Web site contents] |...

http://caddet-ee.org/publications/nw296-9.htm - size 9K - 3-Jul-96 - English

20. Heat Pump Program

Welcome to the IEA Heat Pump Program U.S. National Team Home Page! The IEA Heat Pump

Program (Link to the IEA Heat Pump Program Home Page) U.S....

http://www.ornl.gov/USIEA/heat_pump_program.htm - size 2K - 21-May-97 - English

21. Heat Pump

http://www.scana.com/sce&g/home/script2/efcons01.htm - size 222 bytes - 29-Oct-96

http://www.scana.com/sce&g/home/script2/ecoper01.htm - size 222 bytes - 23-Oct-96

22. S.C. Electric Heat Pump Assn. - Distributor Members

Request Info - Return to HomePage - Send us E-Mail. Membership Directory Distributor Members.

Baker Brothers. CC Dickson. Charter Distributors. Climatic...

http://www.scheatpump.com/distributor.html - size 1K - 4-Jan-97 - English

23. Heat Pump Newsletter 1-96 summary

Home | Shop | News | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| The topic for this issue: Systems

and applications. Heat pumps must never be... - size 4K - 23-Oct-96 - English

24. The heat pump network

Home | News | Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| The heat pump network. IEA

contacts for heat pumps. Heat pump Manufacturers Database.

http://heatpumpcentre.org/hpcntwk.htm - size 1K - 15-Apr-97 - English

25. IEA Heat Pump Programme

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| IEA Heat Pump Programme.

Introduction. Ongoing Annexes. List of Annexes. Proposed... - size 5K - 18-Dec-96 - English

26. Heat Pump Applications

Heat Pump Applications. [Home ] | [Contents] | [More about Heat Pumps] Buildings. Systems. Heat

Sources. Heat and Cold Distribution Systems. Industry....

http://deltapoint-nl.com/ieacentres/hpc/hpcapps.htm - size 21K - 24-Sep-95 - English

27. Heat Pump Performance Evalulation - for HVAC Contractors

Request Information - Our qualifications? - Back to Menu Page. Heat Pump Performance Evaluation.

for HVAC Contractors. An ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP is comprised..

http://www.herritage.com/hppe-con.html - size 3K - 23-Apr-97 - English

28. Florida Heat Pump - Company Information Page

Home Page. About FHP. Home Owner. Residential. Commercial. Geothermal. Water Heating. Case

Studies. Export. Who to Call. What's New. Site Map. Industry...

http://www.fhp-mfg.com/general/fhp/fhp.htm - size 8K - 6-Mar-97 - English

29. Ground Source Heat Pump


Property. Ground source (geothermal) heat pumps are the most efficient..

http://www.nyseg.com/newnyseg/214a.htm - size 4K - 21-May-97 - English

31. Center for Excellence in Absorption Technology/Heat Pump Theory

Theory of Heat Pump Operation. Introduction. Vapor Compression System. Single Effect Absorption

System. Double Effect Absorption System. Triple Effect...

http://rclsgi.eng.ohio-state.edu/~christ-r/ceat/theory/theory.html - size 13K - 25-Jun-96 - English


Suncutter™ Packaged Heat Pump Heating and Cooling . . .all in one package! 10 S.E.E.R. (Seasonal

Energy Efficiency Rating) 7.2 H.S.P.F. (Heating Season...

http://www.evcon.com/scutr10.html - size 4K - 21-May-97 - English