
К. Г. Юнг Психология переноса (стр. 59 из 60)


xiv Liber Platonis quartorum ...[pp. 114-208] xv Mennens: Aureum vellus [pp. 267-470] xvi Bonus: Pretiosa margarita novella [pp. 589-794] xvii Tractatus Aristotelis alchymastae ad Alexandrum magnum, de lapide philosophico [pp.880-92]

THEATRUM CHEMICUM BRITANN1CUM. Containing. Severall Poeticall Pieces of Oar Famous English Philosophers, Who Have Written the Hermetique Mysteries in Their Owne Ancient Langua­ge. Collected with annotations by Elias Ashmole. London, 1652.

Содержание: i Norton: The Ordinall of Alchimy [pp. 1-106]


Abu'l Qasim See Holmyard.

Acta Joannis (Acts of John). See James.

Adumbratio Kabbalae Christianae. See Knorr von Rosenroth.

Aegidius de Vadis. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, vii.

Agrippa von Nettesheym, Heinrich (Henricus) Cornelius. De

incertitudine et vanitate omnium scientiarum et artium. The Hague,

1653. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great, Saint). Opera omnia. Ed.

Auguste and Emil Borgnet, Pari, 1890-99. 38 vols. ("Summa theolo-

gica", vols.31-35).



[Altus. ] Mutus liber, in quo tamen iota philosophia hermetica figuris hieroglyphicis depingitur. La Rochelle, 1677. See also (A) Bibliot-heca chemica curiosa, iii, the source of figs. 11-13

Ambrose, Saint. De Noe et area. See Migne, P.L., vol. 14, cols. 381-428.

Anastasius Sinaita. Anagogicae contemplationes in hexaemeron ad Theophilum. See Migne, P.O., vol. 89, cols. 851-1078. Andreae, Johann Valentin. See Rosencreutz.

Angelus Silesius (Johannes Scheffler). Der Cherubinischer Wan-dersmann. In: Samtlische poetische Werke. Edited by H.L.Held. Munich, 1924

Anthropophyteia. Jahrbucher fur dolklorische Erhebungen and Forsc-hungen. Edited by Thomas Achelis and others Leipzig, 1905-12. 9 vols.

Aristotle, pseud. See (A) Artis auriferae, ix, (A) Theatrum chemi­cum, xvii.

Artefius. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xii.

At wood, Mary Anne. A Suggestive Inquiry into the Hermetic Mys­tery. Belfast, 1920.

Augustine, Saint. Annotationes in Job. See Migne, P.L., vol. 34, cols. 825-86.

-----. The Confessions os Saint Augustine. Translated by Francis Joseph

Sheed. London, 1943.

-----. Epistula LV. See Migne, P.L., vol. 33, cols. 208-09.

"Aurora consurgens".

Part I. See Codices and MSS, iii.

Part II. See (A) Artis auriferae, iii.

See also Franz, Marie-Louise von.

Avalon, Arthur (pseud, of Sir John George Woodroffe) (ed. and trans.) The Serpent Power. Translated from the Sanskrit. 3rd revised edn., Madras and London, 1931. Р.п.(сокращенный): Артур Авалон. Змеиная сила. Киев, 1994.

Avicenna. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xiii; (A) Artis auriferae, xi.

Baruch, Apocalypse. Of See Charles.

Baunes, Charlotte Augusta. A Coptic Gnostic Treatise Contained in the Codex Brucianus. Cambridge 1933.

Benoity, Pierre. Atlantida. Translated by Mary C.Tongue and Mary Ross. [Original: L'Atlantide].

Bernard (of Clairvaux), Saint. Sermones in Cantica Canticorum. See Migne, P.L., vol. 785-1198. For translation, see: Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles. Translated by a Priest of Mount Melleray, Dublin, 1920, 2 vols.

Beroalde de Verville. See Colonna.

Berthelot, Marcellin. La Chimie аи тоуеп age. (Histoire des scien­ces.) Paris, 1893. 3 vols.



-----. Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs. Paris, 1887-88. 3 vols.

Bonus, Petrus. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, viii.

Bousset, Wilhelm. Hauptprobleme der Gnosis. (Forschungen zur

Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 10.) Gottin-

gen, 1907.

Brown, William. "The Revival og Emotional Memories and Its Thera­peutic Value", British Journal of Psychology (London), Medical

Section, I, (1920-21), 16-19. Cardan, Jerome (Hieronymus Cardanus). Somniorum synesiorum

omnis generis insomnia explicantes libri IV. Basel, 1585. Charles, Robert Henry (ed.). Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the

Old Testament in English. Oxford, 1913. 2 vols. ("Apocalypse of

Baruch", vol.11, pp.470-526). Christensen, Arthur. Les Types du premier homme et du premier rot

dans I'histoire legendaire des Iranies. (Archives d'etudes orientales,

XIV, parts 1-2). Stockholm, 1917; Leiden, 1934. Chwolsohn, Daniel Abramovich. Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus.

St. Petersburg, 1856. 2 vols. Codices and Manuscripts: i Florence. Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana. MS Ashburnham 1166.

"Miscellanea d'alchimia". 14th cent. ii Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. MS LAtin 919. "Grandes heures du due

de Berry". 1413 iii Zurich. Zentralbibliothek. Codex Rhenoviensis 172. 15 th cent. Item

1: "Aurora consurgens". (Note: Mutilated MS beginning at the fourth

parable). Colonna, Francesco. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili... Venice, 1499. For

French translation, see Beroalde de Verville; for English paraphrase,

see Fierz-David.

"Consilium coniugii." See (A) Ars chemica, iii. Dee, John. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xiv. Dorn, Gerhard. Theatrum chemicum, ii-v. Du Cage, Charles du Fresne, Sieur. Glossarium ad scriptores

mediae st infimae graecitatis. Lyons, 1688, 2 vols. "Exercitationes in Turbam", See (A) Artis auriferae, ii. Ferguson, John. Bibliotheca chemica. Glasgow, 1906. 2 vols. Fierz-David, Hans Eduard. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Che-

mie. Basel, 1945.

Fierz-David, Linda. See Colonna. Firmicus Maternus, Julius. Julii Firmici Materni Matheseos Libri

VIII. Ed. W.Kroll and F.Skutsch, Leipzig, 1897-1913. 2 vols.("Mat-

hesis V. praefatio", vol.11, pp. 1-66). Flatnel, Nicolas, See (A) Theatrum chemicum, vi. Franz, Marie-Louise von (ed.) Aurora Consurgens: A Document

Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Opposites in



Alchemy. Translated by R. F. C. Hull and A. S. B. Glover. New York

(Bollingen Series) and London, 1966. Frazer, Sir James George. Taboo and the Perils of the Soul (The

Golden Bough, 3 rd edn., vol. III). London, 1911. Freud, Sigmund. "Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria".

Translated by Alix and James Strachey. In: Standart edn., vol.7. 1953. -----. Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis. Translated by James

Strachey In: Standart edn., vols. 15,16. 1963. Р.п. Фрейд З. Введение

в психоанализ. М., Наука, 1989. -----. "Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood". Translated

by Alan Tyson. In: Standart edn., vol.11. 1958. -----. "Observations on Transference-Love". Translated by Joan Riviere.

In: Standart edn., vol.12. 1958. Р.п. в книге К.Г.Юнг, Э.Нойманн. Психоанализ и искусство, М.:

Рефл-бук, К.: Ваклер, 1996, с.250-298. -----. "Remembering, repeating, and Working-Through". Translated by

Joan Riviere. In: Standart edn., vol.12. 1958. Frobenius, Leo. Das Zeitalter des Sonnengottes. Btrlin, 1904. "Gloria mundi." See (A) Musaeum hermeticum, vi. Гете И.В. Западно-восточный диван. -В сб. И.В.Гете, Стихотворения.

М.: Худ.лит., 1979, с.267-282. Goodenough, Edwin. "The Crown of Victory in Judaism". Art Bulletin

(New York), XXVIII (1926), 135-59.

Gower, John. The Complete Works... Edited by G.C.MAcaulay. Ox­ford, 1899-1902. 4 vols (Confessio amantis), vols. II and III). Gregory the Great, Saint. Epistolae. See Migne, P.L., vol.77,

cols.441-1328. -----. Super Cantica Canticorum Expositio. See Migne, P.L., vol.79,

cols.471-548. Guterman, Norbert (trans.) Russian Fairy Tales. London and New

York, 1946 (Derived from the original collection of A.N.Afanasiev.) Haggard, Sir Henry Rider. Ayesha, or The Return of She. London,


-----. She. London, 1887.

Hammer Purgstall, Joseph. Memoire sur deux coffrets gnostiques

du moyn age. Paris, 1,835. ----. Mysterium Baphometis revelatum seu Fratres militiae Templi

(Fundgruben des Orients, VI). Vienna, 1818. Harding, M. Esther. Woman's Mysteries, Ancient and Modern. New

York, rev. edn., 1955.

Hastings, James (ed.). Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. Edin­burgh and New York, 1908-27. 13 vols. Hauck Albert (ed.). Realencyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie

und Kirche. Leipzig, 1896-1913. 24 vols. Hermes Trismegistus. "Tractatus aureus."



Hippolytus. Elenchos. (Hippolytus Werke. Edited by Paul Wendland Vol. III.) Leipzig, 1916.

Hogart, Arthur Maurice. Kings and Councillors. Cairo, 1936.

Hoghelande, Theobald de. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, i.

Holmyard, Eric John. "Abu'l Qasim Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-'Iraqi" Isis. (Bruges), VIII (!926), 403-26.

Hortulanus. (Joannes de Garlandia). "Commentarius in Tabulam Sma-ragdinam Hermetis Trismegisti." See (A) De alchemia, iii.

Howitt, Alfred William. The Native Tribes of South-East Australia. London and New York, 1904.

Irenaeus, Saint. Contra [or Adversus] haereses libri quinque. See Migne, P. G., vol. 7, cols. 433-1224. For translation, see John Keble (trans.). Five Books of S. Irenaeus ... against Heresies Oxford 1872.

Isidore of Seville, Saint. Liber etymologiarum. See Migne, P. L, vol 82, cols. 73-728.

Jacobi, Jolande. The Psychology of C. G. Jung. Translated by Ralph Manheim 6th edn., New Haven and London, 1962.

James, Montague Rhodes (ed. and trans.). The Apocryphal New Testament. Oxford, 1924.

James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. London and New York, 1922.

Р.п. Джемс, Вильям. Многообразие религиозного опыта. СПб.: Андре­ев и сыновья, 1993.

Jerome, Saint, Adversus Jovinianum. See Migne, P.L., vol.23, cols.211-338. For translation, see: Letters and Select Works. Trans­lated by W.H.Freemantle and others (Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers). New York, Oxford, and London, 1893.

John, Acts of. See James, Montague Rhodes.

John of the Cross, Saint. The Complete Works... Translated by E.Allison Peers. London, 1934-35. ("The Dark Night of the Soul", vol.1, pp.335-486).

Jung, Carl Custav. Aion. (Coll. Works, 9,ii), 1959, 2 nd. edn., 1969.

P.n.: Aion. Исследование пихологии самости. М.: Рефл-бук, К.: Вак-лер, 1997.

-----. "Psychology and Religion". In: Collected Works, Vol. 11.

Р.п.: Психология и религия. В кн.: К. Г. Юнг. Архетип и символ. М., Ренессанс, 1991, с.с. 129-202.

-----. "Analytical Psychology and Education", In Coll. Works, 9, i.

-----. "Brother Klaus", In Coll. Works, 11.

-----. "Concerting the Archetypes, with Special Reference to the Anima

Concept", In Coll. Works, 8.

-----. "Concerning Mandala Symbolism", In Coll. Works, 9, i.



----. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Recorded and edited by Aniela

Jaffe. Translated by Richard and Clara Winston. New York and London, 1963. (Edns. separately paginated).

Р.п. КТ.Юнг, Воспоминания, сновидения, размышления. Пер.с нем. И.Булкиной. К., AirLand, 1994.

-----. Mysterium Coniunctionis. (Coll. Works, 14). 1963.

-----. "On Psychic Energy". In Coll. Works, 8.

----. "On the Psychology of the Unconscious". In Coll. Works, 7.

-----. "Paracelsus as a Spiritual Phenomenon". In Coll. Works, 13.

Р.п. Парацельс как духовное явление. В кн.: К.Г.Юнг. Дух Меркурий. М., Канон, 1996. с.с.71-163.

-----. Psychological Types. (Coll. Works,6).

Р.п. КГ.Юнг.Психологические типы.СПб., Ювента, м., Прогресс-Универс, 1995.

-----. Psychology and Alchemy. (Coll. Works, 12) 1953, 2nd.edn., 1968.

Р.п. К.Г.Юнг. Психология и алхимия. М.: Рефл-бук, К.: Ваклер, 1997. -----. "The Relations between the Ego and the Uncoscious." In: Collected

Works, Vol. 7. Р.п.: Отношение между Я и бессознательным. В кн.: К. Г. Юнг.

Психология бессознательного. М., Канон, 1994, с.с. 175-315.

-----. "The Spirit Mercurius." In: Collected Works, Vol. 13.

Р.п.: Дух Меркурий. В кн.: К. Г. Юнг. Дух Меркурий. М., Канон,

1996, с.с. 7-70.

-----. A Study in the Process oi Individuation. In Coll. Works, 9, i.

----- .Symbols of Transformation. (Coll. Works. 5) 1956, 2nd. edn.


-----. Synchronisity: An Acausal Connected Principle. In Coll. Works, 8.

Р.п. К.Г.Юнг. Синхронистичность: акаузальный объединяющий

принцип. М.: Рефл-бук, К.: Ваклер, 1997.

-----. The Theory of Psychoanalysis". In Coll. Works, 4.

-----. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. (Coll. Works, 7), 1953.

-----. "The Visions Zosimos." In: Collected Works, Vol. 13.

Kalid (Khalid ibn Jazid ibn Muawiyah). "Liber trium verborum." See

(A) Artis auriferae, viii.

-----. "Liber secretorum alchemiae". See (A) Artis auriferae, vii.

Kekule von Stradovitz, Friedrich August. Lehrbuch der organis-

chen Chemie. Continued with the co-operstion of Richard Anschutz

and G.Schultz. Erlangen and Stuttgart, 1861-87, 4 vols. Kerenyi, Karoly [or C.}. Die griechisch-orientaltische Romanliteratur

in religionsgeschichtlicher Beleuchtung. Tubingen, 1927. Khunrath, Heinrich Conrad. Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae

solius verae, Christiano-kabalisticum, divino-magicum ... Tertriu-

num, Catholicon. Hanau, 1609. -----. Von hylealischen, das ist, pri-materialischen catholischen, osder

algemeinem naturlichen Chaos. Magdeburg, 1597.



Kircher, Athanasius. Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae Hanau,

1604. Klinz, Albert Quaestiones selectae ad sacras nuptias Graecorum

religionis et poeseos pertinentes, Halle, 1933. Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian. Kabbala denudata seu Doctrina

Hebraeorum. Sulzbach, 1677-84. 2 vols. (The "Adumbratio kabbalae

christianae" is an Appendix to vol.11). Koch, Josef (ed.). "Cusanus-Texte", Sitzungsberichte der Heidelber-

ger Arademie der Wissenschaften. PhilosophischOhistorische Klas-

se, 1936/7, Abh.2. Kohut, Alexander. "Die talmudisch-midraschesche Adamssage in ihrer

Ruckbeziehund aud die persische Yima- und Meshiasage", Zeitschrift

der Deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft (Leipzig),

XXV(1871), 59-94 Kranefeldt, W.M. "Komlex und Mythos" In: C.G.Jund and others,

Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart. 4th edn., Zurich, 1950. (Orig.,

1931). Kronlein. J.H. "Amalrich von Bena und David von Dinant", Theologis-

che Studien und Kritiken (Hamburg), XXIX (1847), 271ff. Kunike, Hugo (ed.) Marchen von Sibirien. (Die Marchen der Welt-

literatur.) Jena, 1923.

Lambspringk. See (A) Musaeum hermeticum, iii. Lavaud, M.B. Vie profonde de Nicolas de Flue. Friboutd, 1942. Layard, John. 'The Incest Taboo and the Virgin Archetype", Eranos-

Jahrbuch 1944 (Zurich), XII (1945), 253ff.

-----. Stone Men of Malekula: Vao. London, 1942.

Leisegang, Hans. Der heilige Geist. Leipzig, 1919. Vol.1 (no more published). Levy-Bruhl, Lucien. How Natives Think. Translated by Lilian A.Clare

(from Les Fonctions mentales dans les societes inferieures). Lon­don, 1926. См.: Леви Брюль. Сверхестественное в первобытном мышлении. М.,